Is it possible to eat a ork in 40k?
Considering that they're basically just fungus, how would they taste? Would it be considered heretical?
40k Orks
fungus often consists of readily bioavailable protein, and proteins functioning like animal muscle are very probably structured like it too. i think it extremely likely that orks are edible.
kroot ate them in 4th ed. They absorbed their DNA and got muscles too
Its probably possible, but they would be incredibly tough, perhaps like giant squid or rhino, so you'd be working for it.
If my option is that or my seven hundredth serving of corpse starch though I'd give it a go.
Gretchin are probably easier to eat, and squigs easier than them
Asking the important questions.
Snotling stew.
Tough as fuck, taste kinda bland, hard to digest but fundamentally edible is how I imagine it. They're half way between a camel, a mushroom and a cactus, so they're all around bad eating but better than starving.
>they're basically just fungus
This meme needs to die; just because they have fungal dna on top of algal and animal it doesn't mean they are JUST fungus.
>Is it possible to eat a ork in 40k?
Does it matter if it should be possible or not?
I always imagined them as poisonous fungus. Edible fungus people are probably nicer if they exist.
I'm imagining a mix of blue cheese and mushrooms. Might be delicious actually.
Dark Idea. Since the Orks Reproduce by spores and are a kind of fungus. What would happen if Ork spores started infecting people like Corticeps?
Isn't The background of Kroot that they ate something hyperintelligent enough that they got uplifted as a species?
>is it possible?
where is that picture of girlyman and gf with one on their plate?
>how does it taste
Prob like common fungi, spores give it the mushroom flavoring
>is it heretical
Did you kill it in the name of the god emperor first?
eh, probably
i looked into this myself and all i found was some fantasy lore that claimed the orks tasted like teriyaki chicken. different universe, but the lore on orks is similar enough in this area that there is an argument to be made that the biggest threat to the galaxy tastes like sundays dinner.
to purists, sure. to a radical inquisition team on the edge of starvation? its acceptable.
The real question is whether the human digestive system is powerful enough to kill ork spores, or would eating them mean that a couple of months later a mob of angry fresh grown boyz come out of the latrine and start stabbing everyone anus first.
Yup, some of the EC in the new Fabius Bile book were looking forward to the taste of Ork flesh again.
Wouldn't eating an ork cause a bunch of grots to later form inside you and start preparing your guts to accommodate the orks that will follow?
their background is that they *might* have eaten *something* intelligent which made them also intelligent. Hyper-intelligence isn't needed.
IN FACT there are theories that they've actually eaten crashlanded Orks for uplifting.
You don't want greenskin fauna inside your body, user. Those motherfuckers fight Tyranids on a microscopic level.
If there's no degradation in the assimilation process, won't that lead to a Kroot intellect singularity as they eat various intelligent species?
Fire kills them
sooo....? Just add hot sauce?
Sauce is not fire
>Fire kills them
Right, but op asked about eating orks, not eating sterile ash. If op had asked about eating sterile ash, you would have a point.
Not the other guy, but do you think it might pass through the entirety of the digestive tract before the spores would form into the actual fungusn
>Not the other guy, but do you think it might pass through the entirety of the digestive tract before the spores would form into the actual fungusn
Space Marines eat brains to gain memories.
Do you really think that it's too far-fetched for ork spores to lodge in someone's intestine?
Orks are mushrooms and all mushrooms are edible.
If you're asking if Orks are part of the subset of mushrooms which are edible more than once, I'm not sure.
Depending on how selective the Shapers are yes.
Kroot DNA ingestion isn't literally picked, but Shapers are trained to find traits they will know will be adapted by Kroot biology.
Hence why they avoid having Kroot just eat big things to get big, because you get Krootox that way.
I'd imagine it taste like eating Lichen straight off a tree. So not very tasting.
>he doesn't use promethium as flavouring
Yes. not raw tho.
Best thing to do is boil the meat and make stew, or char it on live flame to kill the spores.
I don't think it would taste great tho
Sure, but why? Grox meat is infinitely tastier and healther, and you can actually ranch them - they're even just about as dangerous, so its not like hunting Ork is somehow more rewarding.
The only real time I can see Ork being eaten is if you're constantly besieged by Orks, or are prisoners on an Ork ship who escaped. Its a desperation food that would not be tasty or easy to prepare.
I guess? There must be some piece of lore around with Imperial Guards running out of rations and trying to cook an ork or something along that line.
Anyway, orks don't have hyper dangerous toxins, poisonous flesh or other natural defenses like those (unlike tyranids), so I don't really see why they wouldn't be edible. Only problem I can see is their flesh is probably too tough to be eaten comfortably, and I don't think it has a good flavor.
>Would it be considered heretical?
Maybe? Orks are xenos, so there must be some Inquisition law laying around in some dusty tome saying that eating xenos' flesh is akin to fraternizing with them an so it's forbidden. The holy laws of the Imperium tend to be so wacky or directly stupid here and there that by the time you contemplate eating an ork you must have also discarded any worry about it being kosher or not.
Well here's the thing, because orks only spore when they die, I'd think the spores aren't in fact air born, but are instead liquid spores in the blood, activated by oxidation.
So so long as the ork slab is well cooked, it should be good eating.
I would think Ork spores unless cooked to the point of cell death could lodge themselves into someone's esophagus and start growing from there, I would think eating ork would be the absolute last option of survival in terms of sustenance, eating dirt would probably have a lower risk of death.
You get were-orks. These people share a degree of orkish bloodlust and tendency to butcher language, but unlike proper orks they only manifest it at football games.
Apply flamer until cooked thoroughly.
From how the orks and their smell are described in the fluff, a dog turd sounds more palatable.
I guess that for humans they would be toxic, or even worse contaminate them with ork spores.
SM could probably eat them rhough, I remember reading a novel where an Iron Warrior eats an ork's pilot brain to learn about their plans and how to fly one of their junk flying machines.
We all know what you mean, so just come out and say it: you get Brits.
Orks aren't fungus they have a symbiotic fungus that lives in/on them that helps in their reproductive cycles, cellular repair, etc. Orcs have blood etc. so are animals.
>SM could probably eat them rhough, I remember reading a novel where an Iron Warrior eats an ork's pilot brain to learn about their plans and how to fly one of their junk flying machines.
>SM eats ork brain
>spores try to colonize him but are held at bay by healing factor
>they instead infest his extra organs
>he starts turning green
>healing factor is increased tenfold
>starts getting bigger every time he wins a battle
>instead of getting bigger armor he just starts hammering bits of other armor onto his suit
>chapter serfs magically appear to serve him even if he's alone behind enemy lines for decades
>bolter seemingly never runs out of ammo because "I'z sure I loaded dis fing afore I dropped."
>eventually destroys a chaos titan, grows to godlike proportions
>Emperor instantly dies on the throne, astronomican beacons shoot out of every orifice of the orkmarine
>Emperor is reborn as half-human half-space-marine half-ork
>new legions of space marine ork humanz magically spring up on whatever planet he's on
>declares a great WAAAAAAAGH! to purify the galaxy of lesser species
>actually wins
deepest lore
Does eating a mushroom cause you to explode from mushrooms growing inside you?