Why hasn't your party hired any camp followers, Veeky Forums?
>can do all kinds of busywork
>cook, clean, care for beasts of burden
>can carry messages
>can even be cannon fodder if necessary
Why hasn't your party hired any camp followers, Veeky Forums?
>can do all kinds of busywork
>cook, clean, care for beasts of burden
>can carry messages
>can even be cannon fodder if necessary
What kind of hero needs to hire them? Can't you just effortlessly bring together a throng of followers with your sheer inspiring presence?
Then again, you're the kind of person who'd suggest using civilians as cannon fodder, so no wonder they require some extra incentive to stick around.
Last time we went down this road we ended up setting up a permeant base in a derelict for somewhere to house all the followers and keep all the loot. Skip forwards a year and the keep is renovated into something habitable.
Skip forwards 10 years and merchants are coming to us rather than us having to go to them.
15 years and we've claimed the surrounding land and are parcelling it off, to mostly relatives of the followers, in exchange for a small percentage of the produce to keep the Fort running.
20 years and we are in all but legally recognized as a very small micro-nation.
30 years and it's been 10 years since all the ruins and caves in the locality have been explored and looted to exhaustion. The party haven't dungeon crawled since due to the time consumed by running the estate. Or at least overseeing the running of the estate in between discouraging bandits and barbarians.
The party became equal part sheriffs, soldiers and lords.
Then we had to assassinate the king and plunge the rest of the nation into a civil war because we fucked up the diplomacy and he wanted his land back and wouldn't reach a compromise.
Spent the next 25 years gradually expanding the realm whilst taking permanent debuffs from getting too old for this shit.
Good times.
I want to lick her pussy
Fug, that sounds like fun.
>Can't you just effortlessly bring together a throng of followers with your sheer inspiring presence?
What kind of follower can eat inspiring presence?
We don't have camp followers. We have the crew of our pirate ship. Aaaand the various serfs and tradesmen on the island we kinda conquered. So it's less 'camp followers' and more 'citizens and employees.'.
In my current group we have hirelings in the Might & Magic sense, in that they provide small specialized and non-essential services in exchange for a part of the material gains. Unlike in M&M games though, we have to protect ours from harm. It's not really worth it so far, but it's a fun experiment.
That's a drawing, retard.
What kind would need to? You don't have grateful people bringing food to your camp just upon hearing that the great heroes are nearby? Are your spellcasters so weak that they can't feed a throng with a minor effort of will? None who follow our glorious quest shall ever go hungry.
It was. It really was.
The campaign concluded with them dying as old, old men much loved by their citizenry. Whole world was going to shit for reason mostly other than the party but they had the last little island of civilization.
We intended to do a sequel campaign as functionaries/soldiers/administrators of the nation that would arise from that renovated fortress and illegally annexed land.
Sadly real life things happened and things never came together.
Hi r*ddit
>Mentally healthy people don't browse Veeky Forums
>Veeky Forums
Oh come on now
No, you!
I'm not sure they browse reddit either.
Because we've got golems and Unseen Servants to do that instead.
>that picture
>this thread
They can also diligently receive my cum neatly into their slightly hesitant but ultimately excited and willing bodies. This is where you want this to go, right?
>find the sauce
>its faux-pedophilia "im not actually interested in little girls!!!11!1!1 3d is gross"
Right, why didn't expect this to be degenerate bullshit again?
Why ya gotta be like that, user.
>hiring a person to carry your stuff
>leads to an entire fucking kingdom and the adventurers too busy to even adventure anymore till they have to assassinate a king
I come here for escalating posts like these
>Why hasn't your party hired any camp followers
You don't hire them, you rent them.
My party doesn't consist of pimps and madams after all.
Animating the skeletons of everything we kill is easier and cheaper in the long run and when the necromerchant character is all about long-term planning and economic dominance, and has the highest INT WIS and CHA in the party, you just kinda have to trust him to be discreet about it
I'm now really wanting to make my next character a pimp.
Hearty chuckle
>Using your camp followers as cannon fodder
>Not keeping them back and using your ranks in the Trainer skill to make them into Sword Sisters
I bet that nobody except you or I figured out what this is from.
M&B2 never
Fuck you I love that game.
Running a cavalry brigade of 60 Swadian knights and 30 sword sisters is the best
What in Ragnar’s name did you just fucking say about me, you little Swadian? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Sargoth Axe Throwing Academy. I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Swadian land and I have over 300 confirmed rapes. I am trained in pillaging and I am the top axe thrower in the king’s shieldwall. You are nothing to me but just another peasant. I will murder you with savagery the likes of which has never been seen before on Calradia, mark my fucking runes. You think you can get away with saying shit like that to me over the internet? Think again, Swadian. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of Huscarls across Calradia and your fiefs are being scouted right now so you’d better prepare for the storm, peasant. The storm that wipes out your pathetic little thing your call your kingdom. You’re fucking dead, horse-user. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over 700 hundred ways and that’s just with my beard. Not only am I extensively trained in facial combat, but I have access to the entire Nord armory and I will use it to it’s full extent to wipe your miserable arse off of Calradia, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you. Maybe you would have held your fucking tongue, but you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot! I will shit throwing weapons all over you and you will drown in them. You are fucking dead, kiddo. I will drink from your skull!
No one cares, René.
This is your camp healer for the adventure
you forgot nubile
She's going to get pregnant in a few days
No, but I'm willing to play along.
>>find the sauce
Is it Rustle?
>This is your camp healer for the adventure
Someone's getting purged for the crime of not being human.
Pretty sure the lands we're in call for the death of non-humans by fire... or it might be lynching. I'm not wholly certain and I'm not invested enough to call up the DM.
Wasn't getting rid of /wst/ and quests supposed to get rid of threads like these?
says so right in the picture.
yeah, it's Rustle. The intense grain on the cupboards wasn't clue enough?
What's this gotta do with quests?
>If it's not a general, it's a quest thread!
What's wrong with intense grain in wood?
getting rid of /qst/ and Quests (which by the way are the same thing) was supposed to get rid of exactly that, not of the shitposting in general
My fighter has five slaves to do menial labour for him. Cleaning his clothes and armour, cooking, setting up camp for him, helping him bathe, carrying him on a palanquin when he goes into town. The sometimes help the rest of the party if they have time and feel like it, he doesn't tell them to actively help the party but he doesn't forbid it.
Recently my character has begun tossing around the idea of getting a bunch of trained hirelings with our party's combined money and forming a full on mercenary band. So far two party members have shown interest and we have enough saved up funds to hire and equip like 120 guys for several months.
>What's wrong with intense grain in wood?
Not a thing.
>My fighter has five slaves to do menial labour for him
Why not just have one squire?
Having slaves is truly the best thing ever
Because he's rich and he likes to show off. Also it gets work done faster when you have more people.
>You gather firewood and make a fire
>You set up my tent
>You take off my armour
>You unbridle my horse
>You bully the druid
/wst/ was not the same thing as /qst/ user. Your new is showing.
Yes, but the guy who made them ban /wst/ was a complete spastic so it's really no surprise that his plan didn't work.
*Notices bulge*
OwO whats this?
But why
The real question here is what's the source on that, but I think I know that butt and feet.
Female in a group of male adventurers...
There's nothing better than a pussy after crushing some skulls.
Rustle, aka Mieow.
What, I thought it was asakuraf.
The community building rules seen in Pathfinder's Kingmaker AP and later in their Campaigns book can be a useful guide to such things. Buildings become wagons or additional ships (or a "hidden" coastal base for pirates) and the camp becomes a nomadic city. Or you can use those rules straight if the campaign is not intended to go too far afield.
Welcome aboard, thanks for taking the healing pressure off my Paladin. Hope you too serve the cause of Righteous Justice.
>Healing pressure
I wonder, what would that be?
because my group has that ONE guy, and after (a number that is greater than one) followers were sent off to be eaten by the dragon as a distraction, none of the local camp followers are willing to be hired by us.
those whores may be hungry for money, but even they have limits to just how hungry they are
Probably trying to balance healing with tanking/damage.
>(a number that is greater than one)
I've always wanted to do this. Just ruin a party of thirstlords with the most autistic Crusader Paladin I can muster, and watch them gradually start to take things seriously
>those whores may be hungry for money, but even they have limits to just how hungry they are
Then how about... dragon whores?
>Do I smite now, or keep the spell slot to heal my party later?
>Guys, I have only so much lay on hands, let's try not to dive to hard into this ok?
Yes, honestly more of a support/tank hybrid
Because you don't "hire" camp followers. They're called "camp followers" because they follow the camp.
Tell them to buckle up then, user. This autistic train is going to Valorville, and we're making no stops until we get there.
Sounds like you got a party worth keeping.
Oi, we need ta get this lass some pants.
Cant go out in the cold without pants.
wishing to ruin other's fun is kind of a That Guy action user, Be aware you might get thrown out.
and you'd deserve it
My players refuse to deal with any kind of logistics issues and by that I mean if I even bring up "did you even mark off a fucking ration today" or "are you keeping track of your lamp oil" they either A) lie to my face or B) just shut down and the game grinds to a halt
Sucks but I deal with the assholes I got. Removes any guilt about putting a spiked pit trap in front of the dungeon entrance though.
>Not knowing the reason she isn't wearing pants
Because we accumulate them free of charge over time.
There's pads for that.
She was to cheap to buy a spell pouch?
Some people don't want to look or read about your fetish on a blue board anons. This shows a complete lack of concern about other peoples feelings. Next time you write a post please try considering other peoples feelings instead of just your own user.
Wanting to lick a pussy is far too normal sexual behavior to be called a fetish, really. This is very important information that I've just posted, clearly.
Your feefees have been considered and subsequently forgotten
Not him, but that artist is awful man, he only draws the same fucking body over and over with the same lazy shading and the same elf-eared K-On babyface. He's not even particularly good at that one thing. The definition of overrated. Pleb. Like those feet, the fuck is that meant to look like? Why are her elbows level with her nipples? Because it's shiiit!
Why do you call "feelings" "feefees?"
Our party leader is a bard who's about seventy. He had three servants for most of the campaign, when we saved up enough to get a stagecoach it was him and the three servants who rode in it, the rest of us had to walk. They cooked for him, cleaned him, and in the end, took the fall for us. Last time we saw them, two were dead, one was on fire in a fireplace, another triggered a poison trap in the same room, and the third stayed behind to take the fall while the rest of us escaped through a secret exit, as this was the bedroom of a nobleman who's party we were attending, and they were going to blame it on my character otherwise (a 7 foot orc pirate who had been thrown out of the party for his lack of dance skills earlier that night).
So yeah, they're great, he's currently planning to get more.
I think those are supposed to be footwear of some sort, not her actual feet
Thank you for your answer user, that's just what I was wondering about.
user are you ok? Do you have autism?
This. You'd think these fags would get better taste in fetish art.
You mean that one was about people living their magical realm fantasies through self-inserting into lesbian waifus while the other... Oh wait!
Fetish art is always shit.
I mean, who would be sexually attracted by a drawing?
He's right though, its bland, low tier art with nothing unique about the style. Even if I looked at all of his art I doubt I would be able to identify a random drawing in the future as his.
>mentally healthy
Come on now
>I mean, who would be sexually attracted by a drawing?
user, porn has existed since...forever. At least dating back to ancient Egypt.
I think you may have autism
First order of business: buy that woman a proper travelling dress. Seriously, is she trying to get her legs cut to shit by the underbrush?
Do you need to sit down? Should i get a doctor?
That's not what I said
Everything is autism now?
>he can tell good shit from bad shit apart
>what an autist
You realize that all the drawings you've posted do in fact look off, and don't stand up to closer inspection over the primitive 'muh dick' that drives you fags
Refute him properly, user.