Which coin would you hodl for 10+ years?


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>hodling crypto for 5+ years

REQ easy

LTC, incoming shitstorm

None, I don't actually believe in this shit.

none of these will exist in 10 years. There will be some quantum bitcoin 7.0 supercomputer cryto be then.

Why does Buffet want to gas all the day traders so badly?

How is day trading different from gambling?

singularitynet.io coin

if you see anything that involves ai + blockchain you buy it INSTANTLY. ai will use blockchain to vastly change our society in 15-20years

quick rundown? ai is the next big thing, but why and how blockchain!


The crypto bubble will have burst by then.

Chuck E Cheese tokens


*teleports 10 years into the future*

You get off the transport ship, and you hear over the intercom

>Welcome to Spaceport 3, in orbit around: Mars. This orbital platform was made possible by the Cardano Foundation.

You're thirsty, and walk over to a nearby vending machine

>Ice Cold ZEN. Please insert ADA

The only answer is dogecoin.


In general that is absolutely insane advivce (has he really said that) considering the chances of an individual stocks. Absolutely nuts, negative expectation, nearly 99% chance your money go to zero.

Buffet also advices to buy dow or sp500, which makes more sense at least. I would not trust a single word good yald warren says anyhow...

There have been maubbe 100m portfolios holding stocks 'forever', and the amont who got buffet rich is under 50 with that strategy.

And btw. buffet sells and buys every week himself

i giggled

back in his day you could just pick 50 good companies and roll with them for decades while adding a handful every few years because things were looking up for the American economy, sort of like how things have been for crypto recently

I'll be out of this game by then. Unironically though, I will always have some doge.

Every trade I do is to accrue more BTC
will always be the currency that supports this whole crypto game

What fucking market shuts down for 10+ years and doesn't implode?

Fucking retard.

He's not actually telling you to hodl for ten years, read between the lines

It's just the simple sentiment of buy something that you actually fuckin believe in

Hodling doesn't matter, it makes more sense to join a P&D group. discord.gg/3BAnZy

That's what i'm doing with GNT

FUN will probably be around and doing well in 10 years.

Yes that is maybe true. Definitely not for today

We've been pretty fucking slow advancing tech lately

Does markets shutting down for ten years happen often?

unironically, bitcoin.

I can't hold a coin for a week. You expect me to hold for 5 years? Fuck off nigger

IOTA. Quantum proof and will grow as the internet of things grows. IOT projected to be 16 trillion by 2025.


I remember reading plebbit back in 2013 and a guy asked should he hold (he was going to jail for a few years). Wonder how he made out.

The token for a successful exchange site. You know this whole thing is only gonna get bigger, so you better support the means to invest. I'd go with kucoin, since normies are gonna get a boner for the dividends and being given bits of every coin on a daily basis. Who the hell has time to research every crypto coin that is coming out. Wouldn't you rather just get a bit of everything and have your portfolio expand along with the growing market?

Kucoin all the way


What shitty advice

Weak little hands.

Man, that would be an awesome thing to come back to. Hope he didn't lose his public/private keys.

It will be used to pay for nigger slaves when slavery comes back to the US, after the race war, a new civil war and a new division of the country.


how do we stop boomers?

Ethereum, NEO, maybe a small amount in BTC.

Big platforms.