Age of the Last Sigmar

>Guys, we need to sell moar stuff, my kids need to be fed!
>Alright, we'll introduce new shit into our setting then. Those idiotic nerds eat up any of our slobber anyway.
>B-But there's a lot of cool stuff in our setting already that those fat neckbeards are attached to! How do we create room for our new and better(tm) heroes and stories?
>No problem, we'll just take a piss on the old guard to destroy its myth, that will surely help us create a new myth and boost sales!
These brainlets will never learn, Veeky Forums. After Age of Sigmar and The Last Jedi (and, arguably, Marvel Comics), who's next in trying to pull off this stupidity?
Place your brand mismanagement bets here.

>inb4 AoS is actually good and not an abomination of a wargame


So you are saying is, they take a piss on old idiots to attract new idiots?

Did you get banned from /tv/ for not bane posting?

They'll dry established brands until it becomes so worthless that nobody is willing to pay for it.
That's how they operate

Careful. Any criticism of MtG is /pol. The game is literally perfect and everything is fine, dissent is Nazism.

Worst thing is that is actually works.

AoS sells better than Warhammer Fantasy. The sales aren’t nothting to jerk off to if you are GW shareholder, but they are good enough to keep the line alive.

It sells because it's easier to purchase and more stuff to purchase.

Fantasy was a self fulfilling prophecy. It sold like shit because they made buying for it shit.

>Worst thing is that is actually works
Yup. Just enough for these parasitic middle management types to go to their trust fund bosses and say 'look what I did, give me a raise' and get one. Then when the product quality continues to tank they'll organize political infighting in their own dwindling fanbase.

How the FUCK do these companies never think to put a nerd in charge of the nerd stuff?

Because nerds are stupid enough to buy them. Never go full retard