I was looking through the army books of 8th edition and it seems like a lot of the new big models were dual kits. DE Hydra/Kharybdiss, DE Bloodwrack shrine and cauldron of blood; TK Sepulchral Stalkers/Necropolis Knights; HE Flamspyre Phoenix/Frostheart Phoenix and so on and so forth....
What do you think, anons, would have been the big 8th edition model for the dwarfs, the wood elves or bretonnia, if they'd have updated their range?
Alexander Peterson
>Implying Wood Elves didn't get updates >Implying Dwarfs didn't get updates
Brets would have gotten a giant dildo to shove up their asses.
Noah Howard
Brets would have gotten Questing beasts, like in that one concept art of them
Easton Anderson
>tfw bringing 4 doom divers to a casual game of 6e
Gavin Campbell
Valten for Total Warhammer when?
Charles Bailey
>playing 4k pts casual games
Blake Diaz
Wood Elves got updated Wild Riders/Sisters of the Thorn. The Dwarfs got Gyrocopter/Bomber dual-kits and Ironbreaker/Irondrake dual-kits.
Brody Price
Glory be to Hashut!
Christopher Hernandez
One thing that would have been nice to see for Dwarves would be a Rune Golem - They get mentioned briefly as forgotten tech in Lure of The Liche Lord
David Howard
And Longbeards/Hammerers.
Alexander Jones
Airships were mentioned in Gotrek and Felix. A more "grounded" dirigible/gondola balloon instead of these weird "aether-gas" airships that GW makes would have been an interesting start.
Mining vessels of course. It would have been also amusing if Barak-Varr could have made landbound versions of their Ironclads but alas. It probably would encroach on Marienburg having dem Landships.
Personally though, I am saddened that there will not be a modern version of the Birdmen of Catrazza, and I imagine I need to kitbash them with DE Repeater Crossbows, Empire Militia, and a lot of plasticard.
Alexander Sanchez
That Warpstone article about Chaos Dwarves in the last thread made me wonder: what do Dark Elves eat? Do they undertake any trade with other factions, like the Chaos Dwarves do with Orcs and Hobgoblins and Ogres?
Angel Carter
>virgin of light >stood up to the dude who had the power of four chaos gods on his side and stalemated him and would've lived had the skaven not been trickysneaky >chadchosen >could barely even make it through kislev with aforementioned full power of the chaos gods on his side, could defeat a mortal man just barely, got bitchstomped by grimgor, so scared of karl that he didn't even face him, fucked off into the mountains amid the echoing of angry chaos god mockery >the largest invasion of chaos ever is wiped out and ended more quickly than any other in history
Chad Priest vs. Virgin Neverchodesen.
Bentley Watson
Brayden Reed
>would've lived had the skaven not been trickysneaky
You mean Esmer and Boris Todbringer.
Cameron Harris
>now castated virgin Neverchosenvs. Chad Waaaghboss
At least do it right.
Josiah Morales
Is there any place online where I could download all the artwork that used to be hosted for Warhammer - Age of Reckoning? Or just general cool looking Warhammer Fantasy artwork. Either's fine.
Jack Mitchell
Dark Elves have plantation farms worked by slaves, and they also do ranching, fishing, and eat slaves.
Michael Morgan
The Tzarina's Kossars to the Everchosen!
O Never-Chosen, ruinous daemon and damned daemon's kith and kin, scribe to Tzeentch himself. What kind of champion are thou, that canst not slay a snotling with your naked arse? Nurgle shits, and your army eats. Thou shalt not, thou son of a whore, make subjects of Kislev's sons; we have no fear of your horde, by land and by sea we will battle with thee, fuck thy mother.
Thou Norscan scullion, Kurgan wheelwright, brewer of Bretonnia, goat-fucker of the Eastern Steppe, swineherd of man-beasts, pig of the North, Strigany thief, catamite of Slaanesh, hangman of Sylvania, and fool of all the Old World and New, an idiot before Dazh, grandson of the Ruinous Powers, and the crick in our dick. Goblin's snout, mare's arse, slaughterhouse cur, mutated brow, screw thine own mother!
So the Kossars declare, you lowlife. You won't even be herding pigs for Kislev. Now we'll conclude, for we don't know the date and don't own a calendar; Mannslieb's in the sky, the year with the Tzarina, the day's the same over here as it is over there; for this kiss our arse!
Angel Harris
Since technically they're Elves, it wouldn't technically be cannibalism if they ate humans come to think of it.
"Khainedamnit, I knew ordering Tilean was a bad idea. I found a Skaven had already eaten him halfway." (Fantasy #pizzarat)
Benjamin Moore
Owen Rogers
Well since the druchii are hedonists, it wouldn't surprise me if they would eat asur after torturing them, believing pain makes the flesh taste better.
Jason Bell
That's all bullshit. Archaon steamrolled Valten and Huss. Then he got sucker punched by Grom who would have lost in a straight face against Archaon considering that Grom was too much of a weakling to defeat Crom who was a guy that Archaon defeated under 1 minute.
Oliver Foster
Orc names all sound the same they meld together.
Liam Gutierrez
Given that Naggaroth is the NotNorthAmerica of the Old World, I'm imagining the Dark Elves in a sadistic parody of Murika, so hedonism is definitely right. Restaurants with chariot drive-thrus and all.
"Hi, I'll have a Marienburger and a side of Fried Bretonnian."
I don't think there was ever a WHFB version of the Battle Burger meme. This needs to be fixed.
Connor Cruz
Druchii civilization is clustered almost exclusively around the Hudson Bay.
They're Canadians. That's the joke.
Christian Russell
Sorry to ask this but are there any WFRP books about Tomb KANGZ or lizardmen? I'm going to buy Warhammer 2 soon and these are the races I'm most excited about.
>I know the Tomb Kings aren't out yet but I'm still excited
Brandon Thomas
No canonical ones, since FFG bought and killed the system before they could come out.
There may be fan ones. There's definitely a fan system or two for making liches.
Connor Evans
Grimgor's army was defeated by Crom's, not Grimgor by Crom.
Brody Davis
m-muh nuhammer
Isaac Edwards
Christian Torres
I hate how GW had a fetish for themed lists with mandatory special characters in the mid noughties. The Pestilens list has that cool Cauldron of a Thousand Poxes you will never take because you can only have one lord in 2000 points.
Tyler Ward
I wonder, if given the chance to redesign WHFB (or at least if Pete Haines was into it the same way he was into 40k) whether it would be possible to make customizable armies with 40k-like Doctrines? So for example, if you could have "doctrine points" to use for representing an Empire army from a given province, versus representing Skaven of a unique clan, etc.
There were a lot of cool themed options that sadly did need special characters; Pirates of the Vampire Coast was something I wish was available for "regular" Vampire Count armies for one.
Logan Morgan
Wyatt Anderson
I'm assuming they mean this one.
Samuel Hernandez
Also flying galleons
Cameron Mitchell
I'm still looking over this old Chaos Dwarf fluff, it's rather interesting. Khorne and Hashut are outright enemies, where most people seem to assume Hashut is an aspect of Khorne these days. And actually having rules for Tainted dwarves, which also helps explain where races like Beastmen get their weapons...
Christian Ross
I wish this fucker made it in TWW
Ian Thompson
Necrarch in general, breh. And no, the brotherhood does absolutely not count. Glad Strigoi eventually made it in, though.
Ethan Phillips
The Warpstone stuff isn't actually canon, it's just well thought-out fan material. I don't think the khorne-hashut opposition was ever mentioned in any official stuff. And the Tainted Dwarfs are just a nice excuse to have old-school chaos dwarfs.
There's a part in The Gathering Storm from WFRP 3e (spoilers) where a clan of hillbilly farmers have a 'Craster's Keep'-style relationship with some beastmen, offering up supplies, captives and (it's implied) children to the beastmen in exchange for their safety. That always made sense to me. A kind of Innsmouth-like relationship between the beastmen and the poor yokels living in the deep woods.
Alexander Hall
He would've been a better LL than Helman "Literally Who" Ghorst. Hell they could've gone with Dieter Helsnicht. Or Konrad.
Noah Wilson
How good are Fanatics in 6e? Trying to figure out the best way to run O&G.
Charles Gonzalez
Hey I like Ghorst! His design is pretty cool, and I love how Manny surrounds himself with human lieutenants.
Joshua Ward
Tis the season, /whfg/. Whats everyone hoping for? Family getting you somthing? Significant other suprising you? Maybe a little gift for yourself.
For myself, the wife just gave me an early gift of a new set of vallejo paints, and has hinted there might be something to use it on in the mail. Last I mentioned a mini I wanted, it was the FW verminlord. I got a buddy of mine, who showed interest, a box of orcs. Lastly, I found a hell of a deal on a dark elf on a dragon for a friend who also showed interest after tww. I'm useing this xmas to forcibly bring my inner circle into my hobby.
Jackson Martinez
Canadians are pretty much americans anyways.
Zachary Sullivan
If they were Canadians, they'd be polite.
Josiah Hall
>Extensive LGBT rights >Gender restrictions lifted in the military >Powerful yet small navy. >Woman can wear what they want Yep their Druchii.
Noah Watson
I couldn't think of anything I wanted, for the third christmas in a row. Kinda sucks on the day, but I guess it's my own fault.
Colton Gomez
Not Fantasy, but a buddy of mine gave me the Dark Heresy 2nd Ed. printed out with each chapter as a separate book but properly bound and with custom covers as a (not so) secret santa gift.
I was pretty pumped about that as I've misplaced my copy of the book itself, and when all the chapters are split up like that, there'll be less book hogging when we play.
Dominic Morris
Going by this picture, Bretonnia could have gotten questing beasts, flying galleons, mini dragons and huge siege wagons. Hoping total war comes through and makes this a reality
Samuel Jenkins
Previously Bretonnian nobles had guns but they removed them. They tend to be super big horsefuckers now.
Blake Fisher
The upgrade they already got was good enough for me. Questing Knights and Knight Errants FTW
Christopher Lopez
>dogs aren't off-limits
Andrew Gutierrez
>Bretonnia using guns
Michael Taylor
I think it'd be fun to include in Bretonnian Khornate cults - they're rare because usually Brets have strong ideas of chivalry with their martial shit, but they're all the more dangerous because when they do exist, that means they're willing to break every rule.
Of course Slaanesh and Tzeentch would be the most common Chaos cults in Bretonnia - Slaanesh among the nobles due to their hedonistic arrogance, and Tzeentch among the peasants whenever they desire change.
Ryan Russell
Originally, they were. Even cannons on ships.
Isaac Brown
I want to make a dark elf army but I dont like how the GW dark shards and dreadspears look.
If I get the gamezone alternatives will they look super out of place next to the GW witch elves and stuff?
Adam Sanchez
Got Battle for Skull Pass from family. So many goblins to paint.
Dominic Rogers
>OG Total Warhammer >Easy Dwarf campaign because I suck at this game >Spec most armies for greenskins >Roll and own a huge chunk of the Southeast >Build economy, get a shitload of non-aggro and trade agreements >"Can you feel it, from the North? Chaos stirs" >Shit, better hurry up >7 mostly full armies and 15000 income >Feels good >Finally roll the last of the greenskin tribes in the badlands. >"Archaeon the Everchosen is coming to wreck your shit! Prepare your butts!" >Shit, better move north to help my friends >No, wait, there's a couple beastmen and asshole norsca armies in the south >Fine, kill them then head north, already have two up in the mountains >Two chaos hordes make a beeline for us instead of literally anyone else. >Two armies I thought were spec'd okay for chaos, longbeards w/ GW, lots of AP missile, couple cannon, got fucking rolled in one turn by 2 cheating-ass doomstacks with loads of chosen using lightning strike and not taking any fucking attrition
What the fuck? I'm thinking of restarting and building straight to armor piercing infantry, but it's locked behind so many buildings.
Brody Stewart
to ogre user posting ironblaster from last thread.
Hey user I'm not sure if you can say it's finished yet, the horns gotta get painted afterall!
often it's the little details that really make things look good, the rhinox looks really nice though for certain, just need to get that mounting area up to scratch and then he's sweet.
>to nurgle chariot user post closerup pics my lad
Jaxson Ortiz
Does anyone have that O&G poison attack based list that won a tournament?
Kayden Taylor
Best to do when it comes to chaos is just let them come to you at a walled settlement. Load your walls with meat shields and use towers to direct fire on cannons or other target units. Gate fights are normally odd since you can stop whatever with like one or two units while the enemy just derps out (calv and monster units), less they have a siege equipment for that. Don't risk it if they cause attrition to your settlements in one turn or something like that, Sally forth to the enemy in that case.
If you dislike that idea, get another army stack and head out towards them. When you are fighting, make a nice wall of whatever that can last long or preserve your good units with meatshield units. When most of the enemies are fighting and not too many calv around, just order your troops to flank the enemy and use those thunderers or whatever range unit to blow them back to the warp while whatever free melee you have is out to get the cannons, or use your own, experiment with that. With your difficulty being easy, you should win those kind of engagements pretty easily.
If you lose an army, just make a new and improved one with the type of revenue you're making, shouldn't take too long if I remmember my dwarf campaign. Sometimes losing an army is not truly that bad other than unit experience, so long as you've killed as much chaos or whatever army to make up for it.
Andrew Turner
Completely missing the point.
Grimgor spent a whole battle trying to kill Crom to no avail. Archaon disarmed Crom and had him under his mercy in a minute. Grimgor a shit.
Nolan Williams
Quality OP image user.
Jaxson Walker
Thanks for the advice. It's frustrating, feels like my longbeards w/ great weapons aren't doing what they should on the front. Ironbreakers are still out of reach for me. Even if I had ironbreakers, an unreasonably large chunk of the chaos roster is armor piercing out the ass. That, calv, and monster units, which they have enough of to be a problem, are the dwarf's worst nightmare. The thing that's annoying me the most is that growth takes forever unless you want to have corruption or rebellion all over the place, and as such locks me out of recruiting the elite units I need until really late.
If I can get to it, I'm thinking using longbeards as my main line, hammerers to their anvil, slayers for monsters, a couple brimstone gyros and cannons, and some thunderers. That sound appropriate?
Blake Butler
Grimgors boot crushed Archaon in a moment.
Carter Ross
I'd say what you should do first is take a look at some chaos army in your game, or one that seems the most troubling, and experiment with it in custom battles. From there, you can make that custom army into whatever you have access to unit wise, and go with that. Try different flavours of tactics and see what works best for you. When you think you found something that works best for you, put that into the campaign.
also, double hand units should not be in the front line, since they lack most defensive capabilities unlike shield units or spear/halberds. You can either keep them as reserve, reinforcers, or flankers. Difference in reserve or reinforcers is that reinforcers will buy your frontline more time while you get flankers to cut the enemy down, reserves is when you want to save the best for the last for tired and beaten down enemies, practically mop up crews. check the stats for units on their melee attack and melee defense, especially special attributes like charge defense or frenzy.
As for your idea roster, it sounds decent enough, I modded it a bit though, but here. Have about 6 longbeard shields, 2 slayers, two hammers, 4 thunderers, two gyrobombers of your liking (I'd go for anti-infantry for chaos) and a skyhammer, and two organs. Try that with whatever enemy army and play it out a few times, or if you think you have something better, by all means test it out.
Elijah Roberts
Yeah, and Grimgor had Archaon under his mercy in a minute. Different fighting styles, different tactics, different blokes, make different results.
You're also forgetting the fact that Archaon fled to the mountains not from Grimgor and the greenskins but from Karl Franz, who Archaon was too scared of to even confront.
Wyatt Gomez
If we go by Nuhammer lore, Grimgor actually fought Archaon in a straight up duel and had him in the ropes for most of that fight, even destroying his sorcery eye with a headbut. Archaon had to let him get possessed by his daemon sword in order to beat Grimgor
Tyler Rodriguez
Hey, thanks for the advice, user! I really appreciate it.
By double hand units, I assume you mean everything from slayers and hammerers to GW warriors and longbeards. Is that correct? Slayers lack armor (or any semblance of order in their rank&file), and I know enough to not put them on the front. Longbeards and warriors with GW lack the shielded trait, so I wouldn't use them against elves or similarly a missile-heavy army. Are the great weapon longbeards and warriors really that bad for front-line, though?
Levi Collins
Lure of the Liche Lord
John Anderson
Brets had the best Navy in the Old World.
Daniel Cruz
I've never seen a source on that, and I'm even willing to believe it might be larger than the Empire's and able to match it in size if not quality.
There is vague mention of cannons in Barony of the Damned, so you can argue that Man o' War fluff still applies - which I will uphold since I can't see how the Bretonnians could make an ass-backward medieval navy at all able to hold up against everything else they can face that has either cannons or magic.
Angel Edwards
Drachenfels (complete with a combined skeleton, daemon, orc, & beastmen army) in TWW:2 when?
Oliver Murphy
That's complete BS, Bretonnia didn't even have regular gunpowder artillery. Empire had massive gun galleys.
The only OW state that could probably compete with the empire naval-wise was probably Estalia, as the early modern Spain equivalent (plus they have a lot of colonies overseas)
Dark Eldar probably have the strongest navy though, followed by High Elves
Joseph Price
No problem dwarf, I use to be a pure newb in the game, now I'm dealing with a legendary campaign with the empire and steadily going through with constant varg bull and undead nonsense, (Bretons can also suck my imperial dick for swooping in and taking helmgart after douchbag beastmen) albeit I haven't got chaos knocking on my door yet, so we'll see how that goes.
Double hands, yes, great az or hammers. Slayers should be flanks, reinforcers for monsters, or stronger versions of flagellants if needed. As for the front line double hands, would you want to be in the front line with no shield but a great az, dealing with elves who can shoot you while running away, or a horde of trolls coming right at you?
Jaxson Collins
I run mixed units of Dwarfs vs Chaos in Total War. I try to stack a few Cannon, a good mix of GW Quarrelers and Thunderers, a pair of Organ Guns and Grudge Throwers, and at least 1 unit of Gyros. Chaos is pretty weak against ranged, especially if you can get your gyro or a unit of miners/rangers onto any Hellcannon/Casters they might have. I focus my OGs on armored cavalry like the Chosen Knights, while firing GTs and Cannon into rank and file marauders. The Thunderers also will focus on armored troops while GW Quarrelers will assist vs. the regulars. I'll often use cannon and quarrelers against their leaders until they get close enough, and then double team them with my lord and strongest thane. I've beaten the game on hard with Dwarfs several times, and generally have little problem with them. They're definitely the hardest opponent for Dwarfs, but not really that impressive.
Matthew Davis
Look up Man O War you complete faggot.
Angel Wright
All fair points. Thank you.
Thanks! I'll keep that in mind. I've heard that organ guns aren't great. What is good about them?
Jacob Morris
OGs will tear up small units. They hit harder than Thunderers and with a group of GW LBs or Hammerers screening them, they can quickly tie up and tear down a small unit of elite Chaos cavalry. They're pretty good against weak cav too, but vs. O&Gs and Vamp worgs, I prefer to just use GW Quarellers, since they can decimate a charge and then (if the cowards haven't fled) dominate them in CC. OGs grab hate because they're not as versatile as many other options. I specifically build a couple as Chaos starts coming around to throw in my Anvil unit that I expect will take the brunt of the charging Chaos forces while my 2md (and sometimes 3rd) armies will have more mobile units.
Jordan Stewart
Justin Roberts
No, bitches, Grimgor sucker punched Archaon after he just finished a grueling fight with Valten and Huss.
Then the injured Archaon retreated from the battle as his army was routed. It had nothing to do with Franz.
> Different fighting styles, different tactics, different blokes, make different results.
That's the lamest excuse and more lamer than your obvious lies. Crom fights in the same manner as Archaon, sword and shield.
Wrong. INCARNATE OF BEASTS Grimgor stalemated Archaon for a while with the fight going back and forth. After Grimgor broke Eye of Shreein, Archaon got pissed and drew upon the power of the daemon inside the Slayer of King to overpower and slay Grimgor.
Dylan Fisher
How come I often see competitive lists with a few mounted lords/heroes and no units to stick them into? Isn't that like begging to get sniped by archers and artillery?
Benjamin White
Warhammer fantasy general my man; not age of smegma power fantasies general,
Besides Archaon shouldn’t you be in bed so you can destroy the world tomorrow like a good little slave to darknessTM?
Xavier Flores
Look at the post I am responding to, dumbass.
Matthew Carter
teegee i just bought the kharadron overlords battleforce box earlier tonight, set it down under my tree and went off to do my thing, now i come back to it looking to get started and my doggo is sleeping on the box what do?
Isaac Richardson
Does anyone know where to get those old empire building terrain pieces on the cheap (and as close to AUS as possible)? If not then what's the closest?
John Watson
They're nearly impossible to find now.
Warlord Games and lost of other companies make 28mm Early Modern/Medieval terrain though.
Anthony Taylor
I'd also presume that there are loads of Slaaneshi chivalric cults amongst the bretonnian nobility.
Adrian Martinez
I'd heard that cannons are a better value most of the time, capable of similar kinds of destruction. How do the OGs and Cannons compare? Why would I want to take an OG over a cannon?
Noah Parker
Let the good doggo sleep, so sayeth the user
Nathaniel Cox
>old empire building terrain pieces on the cheap? Pretty much impossible to find these days and usualy go for 3-4 times of their retail price. >If not then what's the closest? 4Grounds Mordanburg, aka Mordheim by another name, scenery.
Oliver Harris
Oh and Ziterdes foam buildings. With a decent paintjob they look pretty good. Not sure if you can get those in Australia though. Probably cheaper than the 4Grounds stuff. But you obviously can't put your models inside those building unlike the 4Grounds stuff.
There are other options like resin buildings but they tend to be more expensive than the mdf stuff, so if cheap is a major consideration I'd recommend downloading the old 'how to make scenery' books by GW cause they cover building those kind of things yourself on a budget exhaustively.
link in pastebin, specifically davegraffam paper terrain captures whfantasy towns/cities pretty damn well. pic related is some stuff I've made.
Jacob Roberts
crazy good but also crazy dangerous once you set them free
Xavier Peterson
You must suck at this game because dwarfs literally cannot lose against chaos unless you really have shit-tier units. I stopped Archaon's Invasion at the Gates of Ostermark with just one army because the AI is garbage and they kept laying siege to Bechafen and get regularly shitstomped by reinforcements
Angel Evans
From what I understand, and I'm not an expert at all, it was sort of a work around, like international waters. Chivalry says "do this and that for the land you serve" or some shit, so they see the word land, and the rules don't apply. Kind of like how they would never hire mercenaries, only "foreigners to shepherd the live stock". Brets seem to be ok in finding work arounds.
Oliver Sanders
Bad writing, that's all
Blake Miller
Total War player here. Looking to get into tabletop version of the game - any tips for starting a greenskins army? I like playing a load of fast cavalry archers kiting the enemy whilst a death-blob of orcs and spiders whacks the enemy in the face. Does this work on a tabletop too? What units/models work best for this? I really like the look of the big spider model.