>30k TACTICA & TIPS What to include in a HH list, how to format it, what makes each legion special (crunch), tactics, Tutorials for Heresy-era minis and more pastebin.com/Tm2P4QLp
Looking for advice on how to run a Warp Cult + Daemon allies list. I've got enough chaos cultists to run four 30-man Levy squads (2 w/ rifles, 2 w/ CCWs/Pistols), so that'll be the bulk of my army. I'd like to use some of the new House Goliath models from Necromunda as my Force Commander, Levy Custodians, and Grenadiers. I've ordered a pair of the FW rogue psykers to use as, well, rogue psykers. To get the daemon allies I'll need to run Tainted Flesh, which I would have done anyway, but I'm not sure about the second Provenance. Also, what is a good way to build Grenadier squads for a list like this? Massed Augmented Weapons?
Also also, aside from the 3 russ tanks I plan to take, what is a good way to fill out the rest of the army? What sort of allied daemon list should I take?
I'm aiming for a 2000-2500pt army.
tl;dr: need advice for Warp Cult list
Gavin Walker
Ian Jenkins
Are all those eyes of Horus shopped in, or does he really have 5 of them?
Josiah Jenkins
No, those are there in the original art as well.
Logan Jenkins
Only things shopped on OP pic are hats and beards.
I render my future in this game unto the people who wanted Mountain Dew to take on hitlers name.
Ryder Ross
Proof that the yiff-boat can clean up decently. Unfortunately, there is nothing that it could fit as for proxy purposes in 30k
Andrew Carter
I look forward to seeing your Praetor McRiteofwarface conversion.
Bentley Young
Well, it's canon now.
The Heresy was all according to plan.
Joshua Watson
Does it means that Curze did nothing wrong?
Austin Garcia
Evan Smith
Okay, not in all its details.
Austin Thompson
why is he so perfect~
Alexander Clark
At the end he said he was lying.
Adam Allen
Storm Eagle?
I would have used the frost cannon front of the boat to mount the TL MM on there.
Angel Diaz
Okay I'm glad you said that because I went back and see what you mean. His voice speeds up and quiets down when he says that - I totally did not catch it. I still have trouble making out the exact words.
Leo Thompson
>My Father Christmas can beat your Father Christmas sub-edition
Levi Butler
Kevin Bell
Because I, BPD guy, who it should be noted is NOT one of you lowly anonymousses content to squander their life without fame on a swiss fish-trawling board am a massive faggot.
Josiah Walker
It works perfectly fine as a Caestus Assault Ram with a weapon switch.
Adrian Sullivan
Nicely done.
Jaxson Morgan
Too small to be a StermEggle, unfortunately, though it does have points to mount weapons on the front (the one pictured has two a TL MM).
You could kitbash two of 'em into a Caestus, but unless you're getting them at a discount it'll cost more than the Caestus itself
Justin Ross
I'd have no problem if someone wanted to use it for proxying a Caestus, but I also have known a number of autists in the community that would throw a fit for reasons like "It's not big enough!" or "It doesn't have two ramps!"
Hell, if someone wanted to use it as a drop pod with 3 doors instead of full 360 deployment, I'd roll with that too
James Nelson
He really can't.
Henry Robinson
Hunter Long
>tfw custodes player Wanna bet?
Wyatt Long
>Too small to be a StermEggle
Is there any comparison shots. I have seen any, just comparisons to the Stormraven (and comparisons of the raven to the eagle). It doesn't look that much off, especially with Stormragen wings.
>it does have points to mount weapons on the front
Just slapping melta muzzles on the sides of the front ramp looks cheap.
Ian Gonzalez
Cheese captains aren't space dads you nerd.
Gabriel Butler
He's talking about Emps, you dingus.
Aaron Adams
That's no way to talk about your space grandfather christmas.
Gavin Nelson
>No stats
Just like the corpse you worship. I do wonder what they are going to give the original space dad. Probably primarch stats+1 with tons of psychic buffs?
Post Molech Horus will probably be better at melee than Emps, but less psychics.
Aaron Cox
Dominic Flores
Where is this artwork from user?
Jace Hill
He should play similar to Magnus
Camden Wood
>horus can't beat down E
Alexander Perez
He should know every spell and maybe some spell that lets him remove a model but he loses d3 or d6 wounds.
Angel Morales
Yes, because his soul erasure surely is something to use on the reg.
Leo Foster
>every ability mentioned must have a rule on the tabletop How about no?
Nicholas Jones
Ignoring combat & psychic stats, I wonder what rules Emps might get to help his army to represent that, as the dude that dragged Terra out of the grip of all those warlords and factions, he's probably a half decent tactician in his own right. "Sire of the Imperium", perhaps.
Cooper Nelson
That's why he loses d6 wounds when he does it.
Luke Sanchez
Where do the FW HH books go now?
Austin Lee
Sire of the Imperium – All loyalists in the same army get to use his Ld and get ATSKNF, Adamantium Will and Stubborn; LoS and Heroic Intervention on him auto-succeed, everybody within 12" becomes Fearless
Matchless Martial Mind– Gets all warlord traits from the BRB.
Unfathomable Experience – Every loyalist unit within 12" gets Interceptor and you can adjust every reserve roll (both enemy and allied ones) by +/-1.
Isaac Jackson
Behind the shed.
Ian Phillips
Wanting to get into HH, I read up on the fluff of the legions and the setting. And three legions in particular have struck my fancy:
>Emperor's Children >Imperial Fists >Thousand Sons
Alternatively, I thought about building a Calibanite Fallen Angels army but as far as I know, the DAngels haven't received to much attention from FW as of yet.
Anyway, I'm planning on getting myself the Legiones Astartes Task Force box set from FW with my christmas money, but since it's quite a hefty price for a studentfag like me, I must reach a decision before I do so.
Help me decide, brehs!
Camden Kelly
TS are amazingly good and have some exceedingly powerful rules. Additionally, your army is nearly as versatile as Alpha Legion and outside of the obvious psychic fuckery your opponent can never now what exactly to expect. They also get a shitload of special units and the hands-down best primarch. Imperial Fists are, alongside the Ultramarines, the standby and the gold standard in a way. They can do everything sorta well and are good generalists that can handle most situations and are mostly comfortable with any job. Plus, they get some very shiny gear and excellent characters. Their special units are pretty bad though. Emperor's Children are for leaving at home and admiring in the display case. Their special units are all drop-dead gorgeous and their color scheme makes everything they bring a joy to see, but their rules are shit across the board.
Luke Carter
Fists and Thousand Sons are both very strong. TSons are often accused of being broken, especially if you spam Sekhmet Terminators. Really, they just have no outright bad options. You can build most anything and have an alright army, but building for power makes them really, really nasty. Imperial Fists are a damn solid army. They have a strong balance of shooting bonuses (+1 BS when using bolters, does not affect vehicles) and challenges (something like rerolling to hit in challenges). They have some great units and do terminators really well. Sigismund, their named character, is rape on a stick. He is in the top three, non-primarch challenge monsters. In fact, he is the benchmark by which other challenge-based characters are measured.
I don't know too much about Emperor's Children. From what little I do know, they either do really well or really poorly, depending on how good of a player you are. Their special rules are nice since they help with reserves, but they have little staying power in assault. However, if you play them right, they don't need staying power in assault, as you have a pretty good chance of winning outright if you get the charge. If you don't get the charge, you dun fucked up.
Yeah, Dark Angels ain't got shit at the moment. Their unique Rites of War are nice, but their legion rules are possibly the worst of the lot.
Parker Collins
So, does anyone have a link to the guy who drew these? I want to pay him money to draw shit for me.
Cooper Morris
So why don't the Iron Warriors have any honor?
Easton Mitchell
to futher clarify just how good thousand sons are. they even have good rotorcannons.
Nathan Butler
If they had honour they'd be yellow, duh.
Nathan Long
Why do you want to have shit drawn for you? Aren't space marines good enough?
James Smith
If you don't want badass art drawn of your Space Marine characters and heroes you made for your army, then I pity you.
Jacob Perry
I'm the guy who posted them last thread, but I'm at work right now, so I don't have the link on hand. I can post it once I'm back. That said, it's a japanese dude, so there might be a bit of a language barrier.
William Watson
After years of reading untranslated Manga, I have enough of a grip on Japanese to make myself understood.
Cameron Bell
That's good to know, I'll post it once I'm home, then.
Liam Murphy
You do realise how big of a dork you sound like when you say that right?
Adam Kelly
Think of where we are. Think really hard.
Jacob Stewart
I guess it comes down to the personal preferences of the player then, in terms of tactics and overall strategic approach.
My personal preferences have always been CQC and assault. Rushing the enemy with mechanized infantry, "tank desant"/assault gun infantry support tactics and deepstriking termies, supported by librarians, rather than static gunlines. Also, I thought about going psycher heavy with a DA list (terror tactics), a few months before the demise of 7th Ed (didn't come to fruition though, because I had to take a hiatus from 40k for a year).
The problem I'm facing right now is that I get the impression that all three armies would more or less, depending on the legion in question, fullfill my playstyle and personal tastes in somewhat equal measure.
Instinctively I'm drawn to the EC aesthetics and fluff-wise but on the other hand I like the idea of doing a Black Templar's inspired IF army with Swagismund at the helm. And a second later I have to think of Ahriman (my favourite character of them all) and the fuckery one could unleash with mindbullet spam.
Holy shit, guys. This is a hell of a difficult decision. Did you have similar problems with deciding which army/legion you wanted to play or did you know it right from the start? If the former, how did you eventually reach a decision? Did you go for the best fluff, the best crunch or the best looking aesthetics?
Austin Gomez
>one dork accusing another dork of being a dork while a whole bunch of dorks watch
Landon Barnes
>Imperial Fists >do I want to paint yellow? >No. Thousand Sons it is!
Aiden Wilson
Dorks =/= Geeks =/= Nerds.
Xavier Adams
But what about a colour scheme such as pic related?
Benjamin Ross
That's an iron warrior.
Aaron Scott
You misunderstand. I have nothing against cool art of your army. What you said about shit puzzles me. It is really not that hard to draw, so why would you have someone else do it for you?
Landon Hall
If it's any help, Ahriman is more of a heavy-duty buffer in 30k. Mindbullets are more Magnus' game.
Henry Bailey
> Did you have similar problems with deciding which army/legion you wanted to play or did you know it right from the start? Sometimes it feels like half of these threads boil down to "help me pick a legion." A good number of people, myself included, have trouble deciding. Should I do Night Lords or White Scars? Actually, the Thousand Sons of Horus are cool, as are the Iron Fists, as are the Imperial Hands. But what I really like are the Word Eaters, almost as much as I love the World Bears. Fuck, how could I forget about Solar Auxilia? I think they can Ally well with Mechanicum, which is a whole other set of options. Maybe I should just run Blackshields? Shattered Legions? How about some Warp Cult action to throw some interesting stuff into the mix: beastmen with lasguns allied with tzeentch daemon! Or use the list it run pseudo-Sisters of Battle? Or full on Sisters of Silence! Hell, why not do Custodes as well and then play full Talons of the Emperor!
It ain't easy, especially when this game is a big enough investment that you more or less get locked in when you finally do decide.
Ooo, Salamanders are friendly and have a lot of ally options, so maybe I should do them as my core force and just build a few (dozen) small allied detachments. . . .
Henry Cruz
Leave it, user, that joke has passed on. It is now in a better place.
Nolan Collins
Yeah, I'm fairly sure I said 'Imperial Fists', not 'wannabes that won't commit'.
Christian Phillips
You think some random guy has that level of art skill? Why are the drawfag threads always so full then? Good artists are treasures, and for us plebs, all we can do is hope they answer our call.
Hunter Bell
Whatever happened to KA, Alacran, RGbro and all the rest? Did they die along with 30k?
Mason Barnes
Are you doing a bit or do you genuinly not get that?
Justin Flores
Saw RGBro recently, the rest are missing, presumed lost.
Liam Bell
Fine with me, as that makes the choise a binary one. Fuck that, mang. I ain't paintin' muh muhreens in some ugly yellow.
Thanks for the help guys. You gave me some food for thought. Greatly appreciated.
Ian Lee
But the Iron Creed!
>From Honor, Iron.
Justin Myers
Does anyone have good advice for painting like that?
Henry Perez
>getting asspained enough to make this distinction
Blake Ortiz
>Namefags Who gives a fuck
Colton Campbell
This. It's more of a spectrum. Like autism. Or gender.
Matthew Watson
>basecoat body black >basecoat pauldrons and helmet yellow >fiddle with the details >done It's not rocket science, user.
Cooper Johnson
Nah, they still alive.
Carson James
This is why I'm happy I play AL because my dad is your dad.
Seriously, though, I'm glad I don't base all of my self worth on an autist doomed to eventually disappoint me or get into yet another dick waving contest.
Charles Nelson
I mean in a digital paint software, like Krita, GIMP or Photoshop.
Julian Brown
> Hol Beloth watched the lander take off from the pad, its belly laden with the wounded and dead. The ruined city around him seemed to watch his every move, broken glass windows staring down at the remainder of his company.
>It had been a hard campaign, though killing mortals was always easy. While arriving with formidable Legion strength, Hol Beloth's forces had been gradually worn down through bloody attrition, slogging through knee-deep corpses of abhuman ferals. How the Imperium employed these disgusting things was beyond him.
>"Captain, we are almost ready to leave." The Sergeant was scanning the ruins, bolter clutched tightly in fists. "It's too quiet."
>"We will be extracted soon," Hol Beloth said, turning to the Sergeant. "Have faith."
>The Sergeant nodded, walking back to his men. Twenty of them, and Chaplain Zaqar, stood position near the landing pad, holding the northern flank.
>Hol Beloth looked to the grey skies, face contracting into a frown. He hated this place.
>"Captain!" His vox exploded in a fury of noise; the snapfire of archaic weaponry, and the roar of battle tanks. "We are under-"
>The abhumans swarmed out of the buildings, a carpet of seething, dirty flesh. Most had no guns, armed with only their teeth and claws. There were dozens of them, and dozens of their larger brethren - brutes of hulking muscle and clubs that could no doubt crush even an Astartes's power armor. Two battle tanks brought up the rear, engines belching smoke.
>"Word Bearers!" Hol Beloth roared, sprinting towards his squad, "Firing positions! Now!"
>Chaplain Zaqar activated his crozius, raising the iconic badge of office to the sky. "Let none of these mutants past or answer to the Gods."
>"Zaqar," Hol Beloth voxed as he crossed the battlefield, "You must get off this world. You must get the message to the primarch!"
>"They will try and stop me; they will fail."
Isaiah Allen
Can someone drop a PDF for the rules? The mega is being a cunt at the moment and I can't download shit.
Brandon Butler
Close ups of those word bearers please. Cool report.
Evan Rogers
the only thing Curze did right was die.
Austin Fisher
>The battle tank fired, concussive waves of force flattening the savage creatures beside it. The explosive penetrated deep into the "Mithridates", igniting its promethium fuel and burning the crew alive. The Predator slewed to a halt, its brothers already leaving it behind. Flak missiles pounded into the Mhara Gal, turning both of its arms to slag.
>"Meet them head on!" Hol Beloth ordered, as sniper fire filled the air. Two Word Bearers were blown off their feet, helmets pierced. Eye-achingly bright beams of lascannon fire arced overhead, demolishing the top floor of the nearby scaffolding. Hol Beloth saw two missile teams disappear into the wreckage, as good as dead. He laughed. This would be an easy parting battle, something he could-
>What he saw next made his blood run cold, though he could never feel fear. The abhuman brutes crashed through the bottom floor of the nearest tower, as tall as Dreadnoughts. Pale, abused flesh stretched over writing muscles, tattered wings rippling with the wind.
>The Kharybidis came down on wings of fire, slamming into the ground before the abhumans. Missile launchers fired into the crowds, even as the brutes began to heave and claw at the transport to get at the men inside. All fronts were being assaulted. The levies swarmed on the northern flank. The Mhara Gal charged, weapons useless, into the eastern flank's incoming hordes. They began to hack and claw at him, biting, unable to penetrate his warped armor. The explosion collapsed the nearby buildings and rocked the Predators on their wheels, forcing the nearest men to their knees. The Kharybidis was a burning wreck, abhuman brutes swarming over it. He could see their leader even now - a decrepit, bestial wreck of a creature. Worse though, he could see one of the abhuman beasts, corpses nailed to its back. One of them was a deep crimson, a copy of the Book of Lorgar swinging from his belt by a bronze chain.
>"Blasphemy!", Hol Beloth roared, "Kill it!"
Carson Perry
>running flamer Preds The absolute madman! How did they perform?
Angel Morales
Okay, just hear me out for a bit. The idea would be to run an army representing a pre-Imperial human culture, one that didn't just maintain a high tech level but actually progressed a bit. Sort of like Survivors of the Dark Age from the Imperialis Militia list, but actually being able to take some options.
In short, it would be a counts-as Tau army: Tempestus Scions = Fire Warriors Primaris Repulsor = Devilfish Land Speeder = Piranha Land Speeder Vengeance = Hammerhead/Sky Ray Primaris Inceptors = Battlesuits Kastelan Robots = Broadside
All would be heavily converted to remove Imperial iconography and make the weaponry fit what they represent.
The larger battlesuits don't really have an equivalent, so they wouldn't be used. Also not sure what would make a good Kroot.
Wyatt Ramirez
Should I do it lads? Is it good value? I'm the guy who wanted to start Sons of Horus last thread and this would be my first HH army.
Also, what is the HH scene like here in NZ?
Asher Baker
Get the models you want from ebay. They'll be probably be cheaper. Resellers on ebay sell 10-man mk3 and mk4 marine squads (the ones from those boxes) for about 25-30USD (35-45 NZD).
Jason Lewis
I would greatly appreciate some advice in this.
Jose Ramirez
Cheers for the info, I guess you would recommend avoiding the MK3/4 official GW boxes then? What armour marks would fit a sons of horus army? Would it be okay to mix and match MK3/4s within a squad?
Lincoln Torres
GW vastly overcharges for the 10-man squads when sold individually. Actually, they over-charge for all the stuff found in the Calth and Prospero boxes. People buy up those boxes, split them into individual squads, and still make money selling them very cheaply. Yes, stay away from the official GW boxes. Also avoid sellers who don't have pictures of the sprues that they took. Generic pics from the GW website, and any seller from China, should be instantly suspect, but then that's what feedback is for.
Mixing armour marks is techinically okay, but it depends on which legion you run. Any legion, especially if you're playing late-war, probably ended up mixing/matching armour pieces just to keep going. Legions like the Ultramarines, Imperial Fists, and Emperor's Children would be sticklers from keeping armour marks pure, and possibly even keeping squads matching. But it really isn't a big deal. When it comes down to it, every legion used every mark of armour to one degree or another. Still, some legions seem to favor, or are at least largely identified with, certain marks: mkII: Dark Angels, Death Guard mkIII: Imperial Fists, Death Guard (again), Iron Warriors mkIV: Emperor's Children, Sons of Horus, Blood Angels mkV: World Eaters, Night Lords mkVI: Raven Guard mkVII: loyalist marines post-Terra; avoid using if you wish to prevent fanboy psychotic breakdowns
Again, all legions did use all marks. Mostly, marks identify the era/resources of the force. mkII and III are early Crusade, mkIV was mid-late Crusade / outbreak of Heresy, mkV and VI were stop-gap "holy shit, we need armour ASAP" designs during the Heresy, mkVII and technically VIII were very, VERY late Heresy (some would argue they may as well be post-Heresy).
If you're going Sons of Horus, you're golden. They got all the nicest toys, and were one of the less-regimented Legions. They were practical, and tended to use the best they had available. mkVI would look great in their colours
William Nelson
Hmm, ran out of space.
Yeah, the Sons of Horus weren't all that concerned with uniformity. Trophies, kill-marks, salvaged pieces, etc are all fine. The Emperor's Children are the assholes who were sticklers for aesthetic (apparently they disliked mkIII armour since it looked bulky, and also because it slowed them down, in comparison).
Hell, just look at the Reaver squads. They're one of the SoH signature units, and they seem to use a mix of marks. I see mkII or III shoulder pads, mkIV legs, and either mkIII or mkIV chest pieces.
Just have fun with it.
Make what you wanna play with.
Brody Campbell
Thanks for all the info man, it's a big help. Looking forward to getting stuck into HH.
Jacob Rogers
Another question if I may. When did the Luna Wolves rename themselves as the Sons of Horus? Was it before or after turning traitor? I say this because I do want to paint them as Sons of Horus but still want to have the option of playing against Xenos as a Crusade Era force.