Bu the will of the Dark Gods we shall make a warband worthy of daemonhood!
>Legion Warband or Renegade Chapter? (d10)
Bu the will of the Dark Gods we shall make a warband worthy of daemonhood!
>Legion Warband or Renegade Chapter? (d10)
Rolled 8 (1d10)
Alright let's do this, fagets.
Legion Warband (a warband of one of the nine original Chaos Space Marine Legions)
Good start
>Original Traitor Legion (Legion Warbands and Descendants only) (d100)
Rolled 1 (1d100)
Speaking of which, are you just gonna go with the first correct roll every time? I would like to suggest that should several roll for the same thing and one number is rolled twice, then that number is taken instead of the first. Think that might work? Just to mix things up a little bit and encourage more people to roll, add another layer of chance.
I guess we can try that, we can attempt to do it on the next roll
Black Legion
>Devotion to the Ruinous Powers (d10)
Rolled 2 (1d10)
Assuming anyone but me rolls, I assume.
Let's hold on for a few minutes, if no one else is rolling then we can just use your result
Sure, works for me.
Also, liking what we have so far. OG Black Legion warband, doesn't trust Chaos (assuming no double rolls to the contrary), which makes sense to me given that they saw the fall of Horus despite the promises of the Chaos Gods.
Ok let's continue
Loathed. Many of, if not all, the marines in the warband refuse to see Chaos as an ally and shun those who submit themselves to it, realizing the dangers of Chaos' ever-shifting nature
>What form do the Chapters' beliefs take? (d100)
Rolled 31 (1d100)
Oh shit, this is it, the most important roll, isn't it? Gonna have to re-read some fluff on the Sons of Horus, the Black Legion, and its warbands.
you want to go with this one, or wait?
I'm fine with waiting, and it's really up to you since there are so few to please. Also, regarding the "pick the number rolled twice if so occurs" rule, think we might expand that to two numbers that fall within the same category? Say that a category falls within 1-10, then a 1 roll and a 5 rolls trumps, say, a 15 roll, since you get two for the same category? Otherwise it won't work for d100 rolls.
Rolled 57 (1d100)
Rolls for the Roll God! Dice to the Dice Throne!
Alright, I gotta visit Santa Claus for awhile, but I'll be back if you don't give up on this thread, OP. Liming what we have so far, especially if you end up going with since we get a traditionalist Chaos-hating Black Legion warband, which makes me imagine that they still follow Horus somehow, but also think the Ruinous Powers let him down when it truly mattered and thus aren't worth following or trusting, and logically that Abaddon isn't a worthy successor, since they'd have followed him in Chaos Worship then. But, at the same time, they surely hate what the Imperium has become, while also thinking the Emperor betrayed Horus. So, sort of a remarkably mellow and unaligned Black Legion warband that practices the old Luna Legion ways, striving to prove their superiority as conquerors, but not in the name of anyone but their Warmaster Horus.
maybe they alpha legioned all along?
Rolled 73 (1d100)
Rollin for the Dark Gods.
This is for
>and logically that Abaddon isn't a worthy successor, since they'd have followed him in Chaos Worship then
Or, that Abaddon is worthy, but that he's failed to learn his lesson from the Chaos Gods' treachery against Horus.
Possible, but it sort of defeats the purpose, since it would mean that all behavioral traits we assign them are just a cover, making it all rather meaningless.
Did you abandon thread, OP? I don't blame you, not a buttload of interest today it seems.
We need a new Warmaster. This one's dead.
>Suffer Not the Weak - Those who lack strength deserve no mercy, even fellow marines. Survival of the fittest.
Seems like fitting the most with Now,
1d10 for Warband Demeanour.
Gonna wait for OP a bit longer, I think. I mean, maybe he's just constipated and returns to find his thread hijacked. That'd suck. Maybe you could do another of these army creation threads tomorrow or so? I might pop in for that too, I quite enjoy these.
Rolled 2 (1d10)
>Scorched Earth. The battle-brothers of the Warband commonly destroy anything they do not need so the enemy cannot use it. Even valuable things, such as captured fortresses and ships, are considered expendable if the foe can use it to their advantage.
Hmm. With our resentful attitude to Chaos and our 'Survival of the Fittest' beliefs this fits an austre and disdainful tone of your warband. We don't care about posessions, so we destroy what we don't need.
Now, time to determine our legendary character.
1d100 to see who he was.