Veeky Forums - /twgg/ TowerGirls CYOA General

Currently working on a variety of projects

Gambler's Gambit Edition

Discussion of the Towergirls CYOA, RPG, Setting, or Video Games welcome here!

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Quests: (Gats) (Eversor)

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Previous Thread

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What would you get your Princess for their birthday and if you don't get her a birthday gift it the couch for her

Meant to say its the couch for you*

wh-which princess? my favourite? i have many favourites.

A new set of juggling balls infused with dark magic and ancient runes.

All of them, at once and you have one day or its the couch for you. And if you don't remember which one its the barn for you

HOW far are are we from completing the companions page? Its dragging like fuck.

I just realized the Grand Fortuna pic has 2 typos. Both in the King's section, it says Fortunate instead of Fortuna and hesitant should be changed to hesitance.

I still have 3 more companions to complete. Ive been training for work in a different state for a bit, i havent been able to draw much but im working on it, i have my cintiq with me for this next week.

awshit dog, yeeeeah! What do you think you'll look to work on?

remember these gals?

check it out

Vary nice

What a flashback. Good times.

You kids reckon we'll be doing armies again for 5.5 as before?
Have we talked about ideas?

Moved it over to a style similar to Gats' new charts, eh? I like it.

dont think so, the armies were switched up to be another sidequest since they dont have purely armies from gen5

Man, that Annabelle. Shame about the having to devour love thing.

shame, but also a good thing, I feel armies was a nice detour from princess waify collecting.

How's dem Knights coming friendos?

>splitting off tall into the (not-so-)trap
Major bummer.

I always thought the first one was cute as fuck, Im glad he revisited. Maybe if we're lucky he'll do trolls for the other sins.

I am the Paintanon, I speak for the trees.

This tree wants to know if you have any critique for her card

>Greed and Gluttony
What would they even be? I assume Gluttony would just be fat, but Greed?

>but Greed?
I ain't sayin she a gold-digga, but she don't ride with no broke nigga

Not sure about the wildfire idea. I understand where you're coming from, but it feels a little strange. Also, the destroy power is a bit too specific. Not sure how many wildfires I'll be running into.

>Not sure how many wildfires I'll be running into
depends on the ecology of your kingdom.
Lot of pine forests? Any give place will have a fire interval between 7-15 years. Grasslands? 3-5 years, with sometimes 2 years in tallgrass places. Florida? 3 year fire return interval. Hardwood forests? 20-30 years. Deserts? 50 years. Plus, fire management and prescribed fire can be very good for maintaining health of a ranch/rangeland

It greatly depends on the kingdoms you've already added to your own.

Just how many times can a person use Symbiotes merge ability?

So if I'm lucky I'll be able to use it every other year?

Well, it also says you can create fires, but I see what you're getting at.

I'll try something more useful for overall.

How's this?
>This thorny crown of charred mesquite smells faintly of smoke. Wearing it gives you dominion and control over plants and plant creatures
Or do you have something else in mind?

A little generic, but sounds good to me.

As many times as you like, you just can't use it on a fusion

What are the names of the princesses below Paint Princess and Steppe Princess on the Paintgirls chart? I can't read the text.

Bayou and Blemmyes

posting favorite fat lizard

Final stretch.
I'm actually kinda surprised I got this far.

Interesting.. hmmm!
Thanks user, may have just livened up some of my build
oshit, soon!

Makes me think, how many fusions can be done before its a utter mess.

I probably wouldn't juggle anymore than 3, i mean you can't fusion a fusion anyways.

>Madman is actually gonna finish an entire unique Gen using assets cannibalized from other sheets and some other materials (in the case of the locations) using only Paint and Photoshop
You are what they call a wizard.
Boar when?

Boar? Sure, when I take art lessons

From the Last Thread, about which Gen 1 princesses you want to see in a Battle Mode and/or a Wedding Dress. Wedding Dress: Knight, Succubus, and Mimic. Battle Mode: Human, Goblin, Knight, Ghost, Succubus, and Skeleton.

I wanna see Knight in a wedding dress, and Insect in both

Can someone post that battle dragon?

Also mimic has a wedding outfit.

Uh... Goblin and ghost already have battle modes, and isn't vanilla knight already battle mode?

Half of those princesses already have an alt in that area, but for the ones that don't, i vote Skeleton.

I'm strangely curious what Succubus' outfit is.

Still wanna see Golem in a wedding dress
That's just for your average everyday battles, this would be for advanced battles

>Advanced battles
Great, now I wanna see her pilot a mech.
Thanks for raising my hopes to unattainable levels.
Though, Ever DID make Ant a Senati hero, there's hope

>Knight princess says she be back, she's getting her special armor
>Comes out in a suit of T-51
>Still using the same sword, now tiny in comparison to her

Knight Princess piloting Escaflowne when?

Space Marine Knight Princess when

I see you too are a man of culture

It's been a while since I last posted an update. I wanted to provide something a little more than updates to the item art, and I finally managed to put together enough changes to warrant a posting. For the Princess chart, all item art has been finished, and a few Princesses had the wording of their Bonuses altered to be more immediately useful to the player:

>Reworded Mercy Bonus: Allergy, Caretaker, Extreme, Fuku, and Skateboard Princess
>Reworded Fight Bonus: Fuku Princess

I plan on getting some header art for this chart, but everything else is effectively complete.

In addition, the Companion chart is now also finally complete.

>Added Boon: Nightmare Beasts; Drama, Flex, and Nice Courtiers
>Added Likes/Dislike: Nightmare Beasts
>Added Kingdom Modifiers: Jokester Courtier
>Added Flavor Text: Drama and Jokester Courtiers

Normally a Companion has unique art for each of its stats, but for the sake of sanity, I'm going to call it good where it is.

And lastly, a link to a gallery containing the sprites and original charts:

Wow how did i miss this when it was being made?

Ooh, new chart to comb over, neat!
"Agressively Passive" might be the best negitive I've ever seen, 9/10
Nice stats, but those eyes seem a tad too small. 6/10
Weak name, but seeing the next princess, I understand it.
Also fucking adorable 10/10
Again, great stats, but damn if those eyes arn't too small again.
Seriously, this is the third out of 5 that just has their eyes too small.
Otherwise, decent princess, 5/10
Ok, I know i was just complaining about small eyes but these ones work really well.
Also, just a fun princess 9/10
She may only have one eye
But it's actually properly sized.
10/10 alsomost purely for that, but also she gets points for being just a damn fine princess.
(Also, wrong lust symbol)
Ok, i think those previous 3 just had their eyes in the uncanny vally, because these super small eyes once again look great.
But, though she ain't garbage, you wouldn't be berated for mistaking some of her stats for it.
Shouldn't have given her a nose, just looks off.
otherwise, fairly average, 5/10
Just cute. Not sure I like "Always Wet" though, kinda clashes a bit with the whole "Chill skater" Vibe if she's constantly horny.
So if I get her, I get garbage for free? Sweet!
Bratty best girl no one can say otherwise 10/10
No - about her draining your wallet? Lost opportunity, I'mma have to take a point off for that.
Mettaton is best boy no one can say otherwise 10/10
I love red, but this is honestly not too good of a card.
Art's real good, though, 7/10
Uh... Shit, I don;t know who this is.
I feel like there's jokes I'm not getting.
Oh well, she's still hug-gable, 6/10

(God I hate the wourd limit)
Giant Fuzzy Pillow that didn't deserve what happened to him/10
(That's a 10)
I feel like she should have been a trap, honestly, for theme and all that.
8/10 anyways, though
Cute art, but eh stats, 6/10
Wait, why is crybaby a trap, but souless isn't...
Anyways, Cute goat to bully, and can I get that cute Chibi of the the god of ultra death behind him, that is just amazing looking.

Ovberall, A fine selection of princesses, even if some are lacking.

And now, the companions!
I like Doggo, but his card ain't anything special, 6/10
Am i the only one who think's his art is just... Off?
Lik, it just looks off compared to everything else for some reason.
Anyways, it's a cute and fluffy dog, 8/10
Best Bros forevever, 10/10 each, bro.
...So, 20/10
She's always creeped me out, honestly.
Still, I give points where their due, 7/10
They're cute dogs, do you expect anything below an 8/10? That means this is a 16/10
Just a fun guy to have around, even if he does try and kill me every now and then, 9/10
I hate Tsundere, I genuinely do.
but damn, if "-Explosive" ain;t amazing.
3/10, +2 points just for that.
3 for the price of one? Hell yea, espially when it's 2 10/10s and an 8/10. 28/10
Barkeeps are always cool guys, always listening to your problems.
I love gerold, and though the card is decent, it doesn't do him justice, so i have to only give it a 9/10
I've always liked this guy, but only liked. 7/10.
Uh... he's nice.
...I have nothing else to say, sorry, 6/10.
>Not showing their married axes
Shame, and though their dogs, they are not cute, 4/10
The Puns alone make this a 10/10

Princess Discussion of the Day #109
Candy Princess

Yes its not candy princess and I dont like it much either but its the best I could get quickly.

Candy Princess takes on several candy traits. Sweet + Energy and in the newest version, very sour as well. Used to just crash very hard after all the sugar rush wore off but now the trap has a bit of a sour attitude.

New version is also less trappy. Before looked almost like a girl but now with the huge eyebrows and details looks more manly.

Dowries are okay but could be a little better. The taffy is a tastier version of slime's stretching powers but otherwise identical. The bubblegum giving flight is kind of nice, bubbles could be useful in some situations, but there are a couple other powers that give pure flight which is better in almost all circumstances.

The lust bonus, box of chocolate, used to give just a super charge of energy from the sugar rush. Now its a Box of Choco-Dicks, which gives an additional supply. Wonder how many ways there are to get choco-dicks now.

Trap so automatically not my favorite. Anyone who likes traps want to weigh in on either the old or new version?

I like that there have been more responses lately. Since these are the fan gens we actually worked on together people should have more to say

(Part 2, because fuck the character limit)
Always like the designs, but honestly, I can only give a 4/10 to the mouse and a 6/10 to the Demon thing
So they get a 10/10 overall.
It's a strong dog.
Flex offs are a must
DO I want to know what hedgehog Dilemma is?
Either way, Shyrin's still a 10/10, I love her.
I have nothing to say about her, 5/10
Blookie is always a 10/10 in my book
I forgot his name, who is he?
Those bags under the eyes make the character, 9/10

Overall, I feel the companions are much stronger then the actual princesses this time.


Bard was the best girl all along...

Most underrated girl?

I like this version, I mean the only thong that don't weigh so well is the lack of being a bit sexier, I think stripy stockings wpuld have been his winning feature.

you realize that isn;t candy princess in an way, shape or form, and phi was just too lazy to find some of the actual art made of him, right?

No i mean the current itteration, i read the picture note friendo, dont worry.

So how does GM Princess' "Rule Lawyering for Dummies" Dowry work? Do you get a permanent boost to your cart, or is it just for that sheet?

I'm gonna throw this out there, but being a dude, what would have really gotten me better is if we swapped nipple licking, which ya know, no boobs so eh... ,and sweet talk which is awful with rimming.

Nigga that aint just extra gay, its nasty.

Not when they're made of sweet ass candy its not.
I'm not rimming zombie princess, calm down.

For the sake of abusing the Time Turner, would you say Homonculus is tech-based princess?

I'd say so, but I'm certainly no authority on the manner.


DP1 is the best fat dragon, though.

i'll take that.
I mean otherwise, who CAN count as tech-based princess?

Golem? Mouse?


Personally, Grand Dragon Empress is my fat dragon of choice.

Any art of candy actually exist for him to use?

Questions. Would you consider it cheating to use mimic princesses wonder chest dowry as a means to get 4 princesses without having to give up any of their dowrys?

No, that's pretty much how it works.
I'd consider sticking princesses in the chest to be cheating though, even if there are ways to make princesses technically count as your property. Sticking princesses inside a flesh-eating mimic is liable to result in you having several princesses less (but on the plus side, Mimic Princess is very thicc now, so maybe that was your intention all along?).

Not at all!

By my reckoning I place technology princess at as
>Gnome 2

And debatably Book Princess.
It makes me giggle imagining their different attempts of a Time machine

I probably should have specified that I was only putting the dowry's in and that mimic is the 4th princess. Plus the other princesses are

1.Dragon princess with the draconic ruby.
2.Amazon princess with the ivory sweat.
3.Orc princess with primordial dust.

>Tfw pistolero time machine is all mad maxy, running on black powder and guzzline with western evangelists also blessing it with holy buckshot.


>Tfw no lollipop high heels

Hey is station bro still around? I have a few questions

No idea if Brave is still around, but if you wanna contact him,

Gluttony would probably be the most lustful out of all of them, since gluttony is considered indulging in too much if anything; which includes food but also basically anything else.

Gonna try to post completed Companion sprites more frequently while I hash out the rest of the text for all the cards and procrastinate on item art.

Knight Princess v4 chart is coming out today, right?

Should be, but it's kinda late.


Will hats be taking a break from charts for the holidays? Or will we have a chart today, next week, etc.?

I took my holiday already, so unless my arm breaks (knock on wood), charts should be coming out on the regular.

Speaking of, what would you guys consider the most 'christmassy' of princesses? Angel's my current pick, but maybe there's something closer I haven't considered.


Ninja with a bucket of KFC

The most Christmas ones in order of gen appearance to me are.

gen 1. Ghost Princess (Ghost of Christmas past, present, future.
Gen 1.5- Candy Princess
Gen 2-Angel Princess
Gen 2.5- Cloud Princess (generally cloudy when it snows)
Gen 3- Yeti Princess
Gen 3.5- Jotun Princess (Frost Giants)
Gen 4- Selkie Princess (comes from the frozen north, best I got for this gen)
Gen 4.5- Nun Princess (Santa is based on Saint Nicholas, a stretch but the best I got.)
Gen 5- Glass Princess (Glass tree ornaments, once again not much to go on this gen.)