>temper tantrums
Is he the patron primarch of Veeky Forums and our ilk? I genuinely relate to Perturabo more than any other fictional character besides Stannis.
>temper tantrums
Is he the patron primarch of Veeky Forums and our ilk? I genuinely relate to Perturabo more than any other fictional character besides Stannis.
Close, I'm thinking more Lorgar.
I love both of their legions though so either way I'm happy
Pretty much. Even the 40k hobby itself is Perturabo-tier as fuck.
I bet he would love to spend his time panting and converting minis.
Perturabo's a great primarch. Horus is also up there, but I'll have to agree with about Lorgar.
Then smashing Fulgrim's face into them, right?
I can see that but for me Lorgar is kind of a giant asshole. Perturabo is kind of one but not just to be one.
I wish that the Guy Haley novel about him was a bit better. Really interesting idea that focuses on a Xenos race we never really see but the delivery was a bit off for my taste
Yeah I find him pretty relatable too. He literally shows how much of a master he is at a wargame simulator of an attack on the Imperial Palace in Fulgrim. You don't need a clearer parallel than that, do you?
>"but here aspieturbo attack this meatgrinder whilst other legions get the glory lmao"
Pretty silly when you consider the Salamanders had the exact same shit job but never complained about it once.
The Salamanders, Iron Warriors and Death Guard make up the trifecta of "attrition" legions whose job was basically to go to hell holes and throw legions of men into the grinder. Yet only one of them took issue with it. Hmmm
No one brings the bantz like the Iron Warriors and I'm a Vlka Fenrykafag
Because no one liked Perturabo or his legion and they were the ones in the mud and blood.
Need I remind you of the paintings some faggot did of an IW victory but made it look like the IF did everything? He burned the paintings.
this one?
Why the fuck do people think Stannis is an autist? Just because he was anal-retentive in one scene? Come on guys, raise your autism standards.
No. They were paintings in-universe.
Autism is a buzzword now.
>based on the television show
Come on. Stannis is on the spectrum.
Think of it this way: Dorn is who we say we are, Perturabo is who we actually are
I know I'm Perturabo. I have accepted it and relished in it.
Same. Iron within, Iron without.
It hurts though, I must admit.
>Because no one liked Perturabo or his legion
Correct, because they were cantankerous fags and went out of their way to be unlikable. Reap what you sow, etc. The point is Perty hardly had a strong cassus beli against the Emperor.
And on a certain level even he probably knew that. I don't think Pert would have joined Horus' side had he not backed himself into a corner with Olympia.
>they were cantankerous fags and went out of their way to be unlikable
>insert obvious Veeky Forums comparison here
Perturabo never had much of an issue against the Emperor, actually. Part of the reason he joined Horus was because all the men he had a connection with had joined Horus and Pert saw this as a chance to maybe start that Democracy he always loved. However, once Horus got him to swear that oath of service, he put Pert to work doing the exact same thing he'd always done. It's a mixture of him being autistic and blinded by honor and duty.
aren't you mistaking salamanders with imperial fists?
What? No, Veeky Forums has (unfortenetly) not been autustic for a kong while
Which version of Peturabo are you talking about? The Graham McNeil one or the John French one?
I relate to Magnus the most, I'm just honest with myself about it really.
Saw this on /v/ a while ago, seems highly inaccurate for the majority
Parturabo and the IW actually play tabletop wargames. It's in "Angel Exterminatus".
Dorn was also running simulations for the siege, but all simulations didn’t take into account how much of a shit show the traitor legions had become. Even Perturabo went and did his own thing.
Aren’t they basically the same? Resentful and insecure manchilds, unwilling to communicate their grievances to others under the narcissistic belief that they should know better, despite rejecting or taking insult at every attempt of friendship or fellowship from others.
Sanguinius had anger issues, but like a healthy individual he knew how to channel productively.
I think the real problem was that the IW were the only legion that didn't got glory for it.
Nobody recognized their feats.
It's that one dude. In universe that one.
>Another retarded 'muh primarch' thread
His joining the traitors was the logical one by his own admission. He didn't even consider himself a traitor.
No, not even fucking close.
t. Dorne
you got a problem with that?
You're right, Curze's sadism was only a tiny facet of the massive trainwreck that was his personality.
Christ can you imagine Iron Warriors Veeky Forums?
>brother, why can my troops not be female?
>let us have a "that battle brother" thread brothers
Rumour has it, a particularly mad Warpsmith has created some sort of chaotic concoction known only as "skub" that, when used in maintaining vehicles and weapons, reportedly makes them function as if they just rolled out of a manufactorum.
Don't listen to this rabid dog, brothers. He's full of nurgle rot and skub is miserably terrible.
Don't forget self-loathing.
Perturabo is a Nurgle's daemon though
>I'm Perturabo
>Says the user guy who posts in an underground image board full of other "Anons"
You are Alpharius and you know it.
Why did they never think to take the nails out of angron's brain?
Big E literally tries, but says "nah, fuck it. It works better when he chimps out"
I'm not a scheming person at all. I can't even manipulate myself to be a better man.
why are so many of the problems in the imperium the result of big e saying "fuck it, it's fine"?
>Dark Angel is who i say i am
>Alpha Legion is who i really am
That's not what happened. Big E couldn't take the nails out without killing him
Perturabo Praising Thread? Perturabo Praising Thread.
>Masochistic Personality Disorder
>Not Dorn
So you're a Loyalist Traitor who claims to be a Traitorous Loyalist
Salamanders did relief efforts.
IW just got shipped to a new mud hole.
They were basically superhuman guard.
Will he ever make a return?
No, gotta sell marines with separate specialized kits.
Khan is mentally healthy. He has reasonable decision making skills.
>I have a certain beef with the Emperor about his decision with humanity
>I'll just not bring it up outside of my own legion and stay out of his way
>A war is raging, and I'm not sure which side to choose
>I will go to the smartest person I know and then make a decision based on my morals and what I have learned
Also he has friends, actual ones, with his sons and cool old lady Ilya.
Yeah if khan has any flaws is that he really hates desk work.
Khan is based as fuck
Never seen this pic, looks god. Who is the artist?
by horus this is fantastic
The only source I can find is that its the artwork for a book titles "Jaghatai Khan: Warhawk of Chogoris" set to release in July 2018, no artist credited for the image though.
I wonder if they have space Men of War because Perturabo would be #1
No, he's Undivided