What's your tabletop standard for casual games? Most of my dudes are basecoated the main color of my chapter, with a good few of them having defining details painted on. I hit a slump months ago which is why they're painted like this. Hoping to maybe play a few small casual games in the future.
Aaron Garcia
First for 7th ed is best It will not be the first post
Bentley Clark
First for the First Legion
Nolan Barnes
>whats your tabletop standard for casual games? fully painted and based.
Gavin Hughes
I've primed all my stuff. Squads tend to have one or 2 models in each with a few painted.
I do have a decently painted Death Guard force, enough to make a full list which is fully painted. Locals were shocked at this, 'wow he has a fully painted army!'.
Its cool to see that.
Bentley Powell
My stuff is always 100% painted.
As long as you're making progress I don't mind what state your models are in. (although all primed black is worse than unpainted...)
Hunter King
Dark traitors pdf when?
Michael Brooks
The standard I hold others to is the three colors rule but I personally dont want to field a model that isnt fully done up with detail work also
Sebastian Scott
FW sent me the wrong sided claw with my wrecking ball Carnifex wheeeee
How’s this for a basic Kabal list? Dunno how to fill that last 95 points
Luis Mitchell
Should I model my Fire Warrior Sha'ui with a pistol or finger-poiting?
Also is there any brief summary of T'au drones usability? I don't know if I should assemble Guardian Drone or just another Shield Drone
Asher Perez
thats not duncan thats sargon
count dankula was p gud
Owen Garcia
probably in the next week or two, chill
Eli Evans
Honestly I'm not sure I get the whole "Unforgiven" angst and secrecy thing. Why is it such a big deal to the Dark Angels that some assholes came from their legion ten thousand damn years ago? Do they even have a Bjorn-style dread who remembers those times? Any living link at all?
Isaac Morgan
>pistol or finger poiting? finger pistol'ing >brief summary of T'au drones usability? gun drones shoot, markerlight drones help you get markerlights, and shielddrones allow you to pass 1 wound off, however, you can also pass that off to your gun or ML drones, they just lack the invuln, making them slightly less durable if you want either shield or guardian, i believe they have the same point cost and stats/abilities, but guardian gives your guys a invuln iirc. my words probably not the best here tho, since i play mostly without drones.
Kevin Watson
Gun drones: makes a nearby infantry or battlesuit immune to one weapon shot, be it a bolter or lascannon or massive nuke, also has 4 carbine shots
Shield drones: same thing but has a 5+ FNP so it might survive taking the shot, no guns tho
guardian drone: has a 5++, gives breachers 5++ aswell, doesnt affect anyone else but still intercepts shots
honestly breacher teams went from being solid in 7th to shit in 8th, so guardian drones are not really a priority to build
Henry Martin
The "fallen" are loyalist dark angels. They are being hunted down and exterminated for having those memories you speak of. The dark angels legion is still fully intact and their hypnoprogramming and layered secrets keep a protective outer shell of supposedly loyal marines while the inner circle go about their treasonous work.
Jeremiah Young
Fully painted, regardless of quality
Base optional. I personally hate it when bases don't match the table.
Cameron Ramirez
Just make an asymettrifex
Joseph Smith
Are the Grey Knights good in 8th? Haven't played for a while because I got tired of having to take Dreadknights to be viable.
James Thomas
I'm tempted to give him a wrecking ball on one side and Scytals on the other, yeah.
When you've decided that citadel paints are way too fucking expensive, what are some good alternative brands?
Caleb Wood
David Powell
Nolan Rivera
Army Painter, P3, Valejo
Ian Myers
Valejo, Army Painter, P3.
Nathan Morris
I've never been a huge fan of P3. What am I missing here?
Ryder Miller
Originally (and in some contemporary lore) the legions joined Horus or remained loyal in their entirety. Except for the Dark Angels hence dirty secret. That's all rather gotten muddied up now with the Istvaan III massacre and the scouring.
So instead the other legions as far as we know dealt with their rebel problems whereas for the DA their traitorous brethren are still around and just keep popping up because rather than being scoured like the other legions the DA were robbed of the ability to redeem their chapter when the Dark gods threw the fallen into the warp. There's also the problem that the DA just hold themselves up to a higher standard than every one else. Of course there were rebel Space wolves they're basically just animals, obviously Ultramarines fell their high ideals make them easy prey for corruption etc etc but a full third of our own? Unacceptable!
Josiah Roberts
Ey, chart-user still here. Got a new 1v1 calculator chart going, give me something to pit against each other.
Solitaire beats an Eversor by the way.
Logan Morris
Dreadknight is viable, meanwhile GK are one of the weakest army AND they are nerfing smite on top of that. Truly the monkey paw, I feel sorry for you.
Leo Moore
Tallyman vs cryptek
Luke Flores
Someone wants to have a chat with you. Pic related.
Jack Sanchez
At this point it's not even the secret traitors, it's all the outright treasonous shit they've done to keep covering it up.
Justin Gutierrez
So how many casualties do you think they take to get these augments on these fellows?
Caleb Thomas
Patriarch vs Lord of Contagion with Plaguereaper
James Sullivan
None. Ogryns are stupidly loyal. It would probably go kinda like this: >"Hey Bork, Emperor wants you to have these claws." >"K Boss" >"Now go kill these guys over there, Emperor wants it" >"Alright boss"
Hudson Taylor
Fires of Cyraxus when?
Ryan Brown
Benjamin Cooper
like being the last people to see a Black Templar strike cruiser and being busy some times? Treason I say!
Dylan Flores
>When you've decided that citadel paints are way too fucking expensive Not there yet.
Elijah Kelly
Competitive GK units: GMDK GM Librarian with stormshield and warding stave Draigo Strike squads Purgation squads
Terrible GK units: Everything else
Its a shame the buffed fire raptor cant be GK but oh well
Thomas Turner
As for last few points you may want to give some of your scourges darklances or splinter cannons depending on what you want to do.My only concern for your list is that your anti-tank is too focused in one location meaning it can be taken out easily. You may also want to take another squad of kabalites to allow you to make a patrol detachment.Given the fact you have a squad of 9 suggests you don't have the models.unless you want him in the raider. Given the list you will be starved for command points.
Cooper Walker
I envy you
Aaron Morgan
Writing homebrews in the first place
Oliver Allen
Oddly specific, but sure. Both of them are relatively tanky and deal fuck all damage. Tallyman takes 4 turns to kill the cryptek, cryptek takes 4.65. Tallyman wins!
Levi Mitchell
The alternative is putting up with GWs incompetence, so no thanks. If you have something more specific and constructive to say I'll gladly listen.
Brandon Brown
Really? Source?
Gabriel Allen
Coal black is fantastic highlight color for black. P3 also is very opaque so if you need strong coverage it's good for that. Their medium mixing is bit terrible so paints do go bad pretty easily.
Leo Howard
X released in February is a meme. Ignore it.
Alexander Butler
>tfw you cut the hand from the arm just right, so you can reuse both parts
Mason Garcia
Did you account for the cryptek healing a wound each turn?
Christian Miller
You could just not play the game
Owen Miller
Robert Murphy
I’m using the 9 because I want the archon in the raider. I was told in the last thread that any anti tank beyond a blaster venom and a ravager is WAAC, and that splinter cannons on scourges just aren’t worth what you get out of it
Austin Carter
It's called a file and greenstuff.
Isaac Allen
Maybe Asterion Moloc vs some of the other Chapter Masters? I'm curious how he stacks up against them in 8th edition.
Also, would you mind sharing your calculator?
Logan Gutierrez
Secret Santa here when?
Dylan Morgan
Reminder that you might as well not play if they're not going to try.
Nathan Phillips
Do you really want that? Do you really want someone from Veeky Forums to have your home address?
Evan Jenkins
What are some big guys to convert into a warboss that aren't the ironjawz guy? Looking for about as big as a meganob, ideally slightly bigger. No 3rd party incase I want to go to a gw store.
Justin Anderson
Being able to change the rules yourself is the best part of tabletop games. Besides I want to be able to play, my army's rules just suck so hard they are literally unplayable outside of one unfun broken build that I refuse to play because playing it is terrible for everyone involved.
Isaiah Turner
>my army just suck so hard >outside of one unfun broken build Tau commander spam?
Blake Rivera
to be fair, if the inquisition found out that even a few of their fold turned to heresy like that, they could, and would, purge them all.
Jaxson Morales
>Being able to change the rules yourself is the best part of tabletop games kys cheater.
Charles Wood
What are effective loadouts for noise marines?
The 5 man w/ sonic and blastmaster is the obvious answer.
Is a chainsword/power weapon loadout good?
The ones I have conidered are: >4 sonic, 1 blastmaster >5 sonic (suicide squad) >5 bolter (suicide squad) >4 chainsword, 1 power weapon (melee/suicide squad) >8 sonic, 2 blastmasters
Trying to make a NM heavy (6 units) army, and am considering what all to do.
I have 3 squads of 4 sonic, 1 blastmaster already
Kayden Walker
Looking for Daemon Prince inspiration, preferably kitbashed from GW stuff not just 3rd party models
Colton Cook
Why is the FW towed artillery so shit ?
Justin White
Ignore this guy he knows nothing. You can take a wound of any hit from any drone (All the damage too, so they will steal lascannon d6 damage hits on your broadsides).
You don't get a save but shield drones have a fnp.
Colton Hernandez
It's because a full third of the Legion went traitor
Juan Cox
Actually alot of legions had many traitors, same with the heretics themselves who had alot of loyalists.
As Cypher put it, the issue was that we didnt own up to it like all the other legions. We hid it away, to the point that this lie has consumed us as much as it has.
Andrew Anderson
>ignore this guy he knows nothing. okay.jpg you're probably right tho
Jayden Anderson
Thousand Son, outside of Magnus lists they're terrible. What I posted in the first place was some extra spells for Thousand Sons.
Obviously I'd only do it if my opponent agreed to it silly.
Bentley Hernandez
How much anti tank is enough for a dark eldar list at 1000 points?
Ryder Robinson
This is the only hesitations I have to picking up DA. I like their origin lore, the descent of angels book was one of my favorites.
But the lion is such a tool when it comes to his own sons. You can't find a more perfect storm to have renegades sprout up than to do what he did
Austin Peterson
Jace Walker
/Wip/ thread
Use a PO box if youre worried
Carter Jones
so due partly to a boredom of playing them currently and the proposed changes to smite utterly butchering them, I'm going to be dropping my Sons for the foreseeable future. However, I still want to have a fun third army, so I want to pick up Genestealer cults next.
Anyone got a fun, fluffy list for them that features lots of purestrains? I want to take a look at future purchases to start playing them.
Matthew Campbell
Every unit should be able to solo kill a transport tank in one turn.
Samuel Adams
>caring about lore. If you like the models/rules just buy the thing and stop being a faggot
Brayden White
In the case of Fiery Form, the intangibility aspect could be represented like in the Weaver of Fates power (1+ to inv. saves, 5++ inv. save if the target doesn't have one). Of course, that would require for the WC to Ben increased.
but dark angels and salamanders have some of the most interesting lore.
Loyalist marines are inherently boring as shit. chaos too for different reasons. DA at least are different enough to stand apart from most loyalist shit. You're confusing the memes with canon.
John Miller
Have 2 big squads, 1 with Primus, one with Patriarch. Summon them on separate turns so you can make use of the stratagem twice to make things reliable.
Consider what your opponent has, if you fear overwatch give your patriarch mass hypnosis, if you just wanna crump things, give him might from beyond.
Rest is up to you really.
Connor Adams
It's too late for me, i am dead
Benjamin Myers
Most of that is true. Indeed the main reason I recommended the weapons is your 95 points left over. You could spend it on more kabalites without a boat a poor idea admittedly more bodies? But sadly if you're not willing to take WAAC options such as dark lances. The ability to put out more shots even if they will die near instantly isn't a bad option. If you have some "court of the archon" models they may be worth putting in an extra venom as lhamaeans are dirt cheap now along with the rest of the court. Other than that you will have to find somebody better to get this list the way you want it to be.
Carter Ross
The Lion has alot of good traits, his main issue is truely relating to other people. You must remember that all the primarchs have flaws. Girlyman might be the current posterboy, but he has his flaws and closet of skeletons so to speak.
Parker Brown
I did originally only have 45 with an Iconward, but one of the company commanders will be my warlord for either grand-strategist or old grudges
>12d6 mortars and 20d6 lascannons all rerolling failed wounds against a target of your choosing turn 1
Ryder Kelly
That's what it originally was, but someone pointed out that there might be too much invuln save stacking. And alternative would be to hit modifiers but that would be way too powerful.
Perhaps your suggestion but with a no higher than 3++ clause would be fine.
Carson Brooks
My dislike for him started with how he handled zahariel, and then it was cemented with what happened to nemiel..
Henry Young
>Yet another victim of the lore. The poor bastard.
Thomas Lee
Enough to kill 2-3 tanks on average one turn of shooting.
Armor is always the biggest bitch. Take something reliable for them.
Adrian Butler
it's almost like you didn't read my post or something
I feel like they're trying to legitimise Luthor's rebellion. before it was all >Hey best buddy, you're my best buddy and this is the thing that's most important to me. Could you look after it so I know every thing is comfy while I go off and do some dangerous shit Now it's >Hi dude I never really related to, go over there and look after your home that I've destroyed while I go and have awesome adventures without you because you're lame
Blake Peterson
Cunt out of 10 Not a real GSC list, just a tyranid WAAC spam list with guard
Jordan Sanders
user from the last thread here no, you misunderstood me, user.
I said that that was what -I- ran.
I don't think that pure drukhari CAN go really WAAC-ey right now, but I also run hellions and reavers in my 1000 point list.
pic is from a GSC 2000 point game I had a few months ago
Colton Fisher
>Not a real GSC list, just a tyranid WAAC spam list with guard
1: its a real GSC list you are just a pussy bitch 2: its intended for tournaments anyway