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anyone know good mapmanking programs?
Pencil and paper
Nothing else
>old witches best
>sexy witches worst
shows that tits suck up all your power
how do I make a standard waifu (girly, moderately submissive and friendly) less attractive for the general audience without making her completely unpickable?
My cyoa has multiple locations which get detailed descriptions. Part of the description has two (usually male and female) people living there, to give the players a feeling of who can expect to meet in the location. So far I used all the kinds of alternative archetypes like "aggressively dominant" or "inseparable twins", but it would be weird to not have a "normal girl": in the lineup. The problem is that if do add such person to the cyoa, her location will probably overshadow the others in popularity, even if I say there's no guarantee she'll want to suck the player's dick for no reason.
Making her a sjw is not an option. Considered making her fat, but it's really hard to find good art between "hourglass tittymonster" and "morbidly obese cow". If say she already has a boyfriend or is lesbian, the autistic screeching will be unbearble.
Please make waifus real /cyoag/
I'm dying and I don't want to die alone
Most Wanted CYOA:
>Unethical Experiments: Medical Science
>Small Arms (Combat)
>Explosives (Combat)
>Durability (Combat)
>Acrobatics (Combat)
>Public Speaking (Social)
>Bluffing (Social)
>Seduction (Social)
>Medicine (Support)
>Languages (Support)
>Evasion (Combat)
>Charm (Social)
>Intimidation (Social)
>Diplomacy (Social)
>Science (Support)
>Anthropology (Support)
>Strategy (Tactical)
>Leadership (Social)
>Empathy (Social)
>Well Prepared
>Budget Cuts
>Advanced Ship
>Fully Manned
Personal Equipment:
>Archimedies' Mirror
>Venture AP35
>Reichardt 6
>Medical Kit
>Survival Gear
>Guide Book
>Ocular Implant
>Audial Implant
>Vocal Modifier
Crew Equipment:
>Spare Parts
Ship Extras:
>Ship AI
>Jump Drive
>Lawless Space (Alliance)
>Engineer: Mary Palmer
>Bodyguard: Leah Easton
>Doctor: Kazuo Yano
>Pilot: Gabriela Ibarra
>Survivalist: Johanna Hunter
>Sniper: Ed Butler
>Seargent: Joseph Spencer
>Heavy Weapons: Hank Alexander
>Melee: Hawk
This build is set to get the maximum use out of my Psychic potential, lots of Social Talents and a large Crew as the combination of them seems very effective.
/cyoag/ is just thinly-veiled communist propaganda
Does it really matter though? Glorious tits themselves can BE the power. Glorious tits have toppled empires.
I'm putting the companion section before your build section and you can't stop me!
her personality maybe, or play up the shy/submissive part, or maybe a disability or some kind (incredibly sickly-low consitution/wheelchair/bad eyesight/whatever)
I fluff the Unethical Experiments: Medical Science Talent as a breakthrough/rediscovery in the Psychic arts through my Anthropology and Science Talents, using human sacrifices to heal any ailment. I only sacrificed the scum of society prior to my arrest, witch is how I became Notorious. Still quite evil but I'm not indiscriminate about what I do, I have standards etc.
I plan to partially negate my Notorious and Celebrity Drawbacks by spending long periods of time in space, and when stopping for supplies capture a couple of scum for my research to satisfy my Compulsion Drawback, or backups to heal the Crew as needed.
Only a few Cybernetics, and none that alter my body significantly or my mind at all. Purity of the flesh seems like it could be important when it comes to gaining Psychic power, and I wouldn't want to unduly limit myself if that is the case.
I chose the Explorer Ship, Crew Equipment: Supplies and Hydroponics to maximize the time able to be spent without resupplying, and tried to shore up its Poor Weapons Stat with the Fighter option.
When it comes to the enemy faction that I chose I decided to go with the 'good guy' Alliance, since if I'm captured they seem like the least likely to do horrible things to me. Since I have no active Pursuer and am outside of their jurisdiction I can just focus on avoiding them. Another point is that a lot of my crew were arrested for military crimes, which don't seem to fit as well if I had chosen an evil enemy faction.
The Crew was selected for people who were not completely evil psychopaths (the test for witch is if they are more evil than my character) or incompetent in some glaring fashion. After that I valued loyalty, cooperation and obedience, or at least some kind of value system that can be used to bring them together under my Leadership.
>tfw you're trying to post a fat cyoa and your internet decides to shit itself
what if they're real but someone found them before we did
I wouldn't trust a fucking skeleton to give me a tattoo
have you considered maybe making the other options better? If you think (generic waifu #311230) is going to be the most popular choice in your cyoa, your other options probably just suck.
b-but who was it?
>Hero's Duster.
Rose. I just want a friend.
We may never know. They got their waifus, they have no reason to interact with us now.
>Dragon Cross
>Fraud (Pitch Man, Fool Me Once & Expert Seduction)
>Public Enemy, Compulsion, Notorious
Expert Talents(3)
>Charm, Bluffing, Strategy
Advanced Talents(8)
>Diplomacy, Chameleon, Disguise, Hacking, Science, Small Unit Tactics, Escape, Piloting
Basic Talents(9)
>Small Arms, Evasion, Acrobatics, Flight, Biomechanics, Mechanics, Leadership, Explosives, Driving
>Psychic, Augmented, Experienced, Storied Past
>Reichardt 6, Polaris, Guide Book
>Ocular Implant, Dermal Transplant, Neural Enhancer, Cardiac Regulator, Respiratory Bypass, Refined Digestion, Audial Implant, Vocal Modifier, Cosmetics
Crew Equipment
>Combat Stims, Fake ID, Wardrobe
>Explorer with Cloak, EMP Shielding & Sensors
>Melanie Krauss & Amy Robbins
>Amelia Young (Engineer)
>Leah Easton (Muscle)
>Hector Park (Muscle)
>Luisa Ossani (Hacker/Drone Support)
>Sila Demir (Infiltrator)
>Sarah Jolly (Combat Medic)
>Erlea Barrios (Support Face)
Unrepentent conman, thief, mercenary, shadowrunner, etc. I'm the party mastermind, face, pre-run hacker and pilot. Picked these mostly cause those are the rolls I like most, but also cause I trust no one else to do them but me(Piloting especially). Ideally, I want to be let in through the front doors, led to the prize by the owner themselves, have them hand me everything I want on a silver platter all the while thinking to themselves what a sucker I am. This means I'm all about knowing as much as possible about the job as well as the world I live in(that's where being a hacker and having the guide come in) and having as many options/plans/back-up plans/contingencies available to me as possible(all that ware, the bombs and the stims that I can make more of). If I'm doing it right, my ship should never see combat that isn't on my terms and a foregone conclusion.
For my companions, seeing as I'm not the gun-fu type, I picked loyal muscles that'll do what I tell them, when I tell them. It'll be a point of pride to make sure they stay relatively bored on the job and Erlea can hopefully help ease Leah softly into her inevitable breakdown as well as reign in Amelia and her ego. And when she's not being team mom, she'll be where I'm not, making sure the plan goes off smoothly. Luisa is our on-the-job hacker and drone specialist and Sila gets into the places whose doors I can't have others gladly open for me. Sarah is my back-up muscle and is useful when shit hits the fan.
I'm honestly hoping to have an interesting relationship with my pursuers or at least with Melanie. I'm thinking she'll almost always be caught up in the middle of any one of my schemes or other I've got going, even when she manages to capture me(Especially when she captures me, with it all being according to keikaku, or a bluff). I'll even leave her nicely wrapped consolation prizes in my wake or in her way(infamous, monstrous and unrepentant fugitives and criminals mostly) or manipulate her into solving some pretty fucked up situations. It'll be pretty funny to have her superiors calling to congratulate her about yet another heroic deed/capture only to remind her again that she's there to capture me and my crew, not save/fix the universe.
>Quick Witted
Where is this? Otherwise solid build.
give me that cross
It was from a build of an earlier version of the CYOA I accidentally copy/pasted.
I sorta dislike how the points system works here. Because all levels are one point but later levels are significantly better than early ones, you really want to maximize the amount of higher levels you get, and dabbling in low levels is kinda worthless.
It's not the worst thing in the world and having level dependent costs would probably make balancing between schools far more difficult but it's still a bit annoying.
Also demon summoning feels really weak.
Public Speaking
Smaller Arms
Advanced Ship
>Personal Equipment
TCS A-08
Medical Kit
Guide Book
Audial Implant + Vocal Modifier
>Crew Equipment
Security Gear
>Ship Extras
Ship A.I.
Jump Drive
Frank Kirkland
Colton Crisp
Javier Zamora
Ed Butler
Joseph Spencer
Alan Haggerty
Kazuo Yano
James Hood
I don't know what's the problem the Alliance has with me. So I like them young so what? It's not like they didn't enjoy it. And they really shouldn't have dishonorablly discharged me;I had to cheer myself with some their children. Fun times that was. Heh, Frank had a hell of a time torturing me but I had the last laugh blowing him up. Maybe I shouldn't have said that I'm going to check up on his twin boys but the look on his face was worth it.
Hard to write a backstory or a pedo without sounding too creepy.
>Hard to write a backstory or a pedo without sounding too creepy
The character I made is a literal cannibal, and he would be creeped out by the character you made.
>no choices
>random capitalisation
>boring setting
>waifu pandering in the first image
Good post
I was going to post the rest, but the second page is too big
I give you a gold medal for effort.
Dimensional Traveller v2.1. Fixes include:
Clarification on Beginner, Inaccurate, and Slow Moving drawbacks. Hunted and The Order mention it taking time before they pin down your location.
Some small additions to the lore at the end.
A few better images for some of the powers.
Fixes of various typos and clunky grammar.
I've been thinking about adding a few more powers and tweaking the way drawbacks work too.
Drawbacks would have a minor form, granting a few points and a major form, were you can get quite a lot of points but land yourself in far more trouble.
Extra powers are currently:
Dimensional Powers:
Scent : tell when extra-dimensional beings passed and where they've been before in regards to dimensions
Subtle : travel vortex is invisible, it'll look like you stepped out of thin air.
Hold Open : Your means of travel stays open for an hour, or becomes a few hundred metres larger.
Needs one more to round it out.
Time flow gets split off into its own space/time themed branch. Replaced with either:
Disintegrate : Matter destroying beam
Starburst : a really big laser
The space/time branch looks like:
Distort Space : an area gets 20 times larger/smaller.
Message : 1 minute to send 10 spoken words to anyone you know in the multiverse.
Blink : teleport 500m in half a second, non line of sight.
Time Flow : accelerate yourself 20x.
Eldritch Powers:
Freeze Soul : prevent a soul passing on for a day, or stun and disorient living beings if you use it on them.
Animate Corpse : raise a zombie. The corpse must be fresh. There is no limit to number you can have.
Bind Echo : Bind a controllable ghost. Good for spying and haunting.
Recall Soul : Pull a soul from the afterlife and interrogate it. With some combination of powers it might be possible to use this to resurrect the dead.
Lunchbox : it always has a decent if unimaginitive snack inside.
Tent : HP wizard's mansion-tent
Gauntlet : glove thing from Stargate the Goa'uld use.
One more to make up the numbers.
Any thoughts?
>Bottle Stash
>Other than that,
It just stops there?
I'm honestly not sure if Beginner is very useful. It takes over 37 years to break even, and if you're dimension hopping, can't you seek out other paths to power anyway?
>no ADVENTURE core
>while wearing your cunning and athleticism is increased 2x
>interesting profitable adventures seem to happen to you while you wear
>end of adventure brings you right back to where you were when you started time wise you still keep all you got (including injuries)
>real photos
it's shit
We need more Kung Fu cyoas
Wuxia is crimally under used setting in west and I'm super sad about it.
About 40% done with a shitpost for you guys. I leave my precious beautiful computer alone for vacation soon so I'm trying to actually finish it in a reasonable amount of time.
The Youth 3t 2w 2mp 3a
Qi Siphon
Tiger Claw
Sublime Force
Poisoned Weapon
Provincial Estate
>minion points
Childhood friend
Scheming Regent
Bloodthirsty Ronin
meddling Monk
what is it about wuxia that is so good?
Wuxia is overrated lol
>Drawbacks would have a minor form, granting a few points and a major form, were you can get quite a lot of points but land yourself in far more trouble.
That i like i mean i don't want to get pursued by murderhobo the third to get my last point or something
>Scent : tell when extra-dimensional beings passed and where they've been before in regards to dimensions
Isn't that kinda what detect is for?
>Subtle : travel vortex is invisible, it'll look like you stepped out of thin air.
That is actually really really good and would probably prevent many many headaches in the future
>Hold Open : Your means of travel stays open for an hour, or becomes a few hundred metres larger
I mean if you wanted to bring an army or do some interdimensional moving it would be useful kinda niche but i thought that you could just keep a portal open by simply leaving the device on
>Disintegrate or Starburst
Starbust is way better just for the sake of a display of pure raw power
>Space/time branch
Would you not have to move some things from Dimensional powers there? Mainly teleport and probably the room related skills but that is probably more dimensional fuckery than anything
>Distort Space : an area gets 20 times larger/smaller.
Pretty straightfoward i have nothing to say
>Message : 1 minute to send 10 spoken words to anyone you know in the multiverse.
Feels like it belongs on dimensional powers
>Blink : teleport 500m in half a second, non line of sight
Weaker version of teleport but without having to use your dimensional travel medium alright i guess but there is a lot of overlap in the space branch
Time Flow : accelerate yourself 20x.
I don't understand why you accelerate 20x but you can't accelerate less or why there is not a ''Decelerate things up to X'' thing
>Eldritch powers
Isn't that whole tree a bit more meta-magic related? They look like they belong in arcane instead
Take your time. We can wait. Delay it until after your vacation, if necessary.
>Lunchbox : it always has a decent if unimaginitive snack inside
It would be alright but sustenance and the food printer are a thing
>Tent : HP wizard's mansion-tent
Redundant because of the room dimensional power
>Gauntlet : glove thing from Stargate the Goa'uld use.
Dunno what that is
I think that is all what i had to say
Can someone please post the World of Gods CYOA
Meh, it's pretty low effort and the subject matter isn't going to stay relevant for long so I want to get it out. I was inspired by Battle Sluts CYOA and wanted to make something with an alternate animated first page.
Do people really get tattoos of their own name?
It's better. But domestic and food printer is still too pricy. Good work though.
>Maybe I shouldn't have said that I'm going to check up on his twin boys
Fire + Blood.
Why would anyone pick a location other than lawless or independent space? The other options are either suicide or a high chance of being captured again.
is their going to be more girls or is this just it
So, Spikes damages you every time you hit someone?
The challenge of it.
>Explosive thunder sword
Pic related
thats it dude
You can choose Innocence Perk + Alliance Space + Innocent Companions and try to clear your names.
Intelligence, Maintenance, Eternal
The Watch
>is their going to be more girls or is this just it
I do have no current plans on adding more girls to it. I might add more in the future, I don't know. Might get really angry from watching the new star wars movie and after a while I would probably be really sad and if I get sad I would be in the mood for writing more sad girls.
>Version 1.3
Here's 1.5
Is Rosanon here? I have a question about their Time-Stop Chill Zone CYOA.
If it's the one you asked in /cyoar/, someone gave you an answer already.
The furry and bestiality porn thread.
why not just make her kind of bland?
What? Are you talking about the /trash/ /cyoag/ or something else?
>the /trash/ /cyoag/
It's "CYOA Refuge", not "CYOA General". Ergo, /cyoar/.
So, does anyone have any non-lewd daughteru CYOAs?
your option
Your power (changing requirements to Your item movie requirement) getting bruce almighty god powers
Your house
grabbing the maxed out falkreath homestead i had.
how to meta
Well the big difference here is that I give exactly one microshit about what autistic babs lurking here think of my design decisions when they're acting like that.
Hello, user.
You had a question?
Does the hut move if you move?