Posting something fresh.
Let's see whatcha got, teeg
Posting something fresh.
Let's see whatcha got, teeg
Other urls found in this thread:
>PCs trip to the market square.jpg
lol, oh man, what happened?
I'm not /k/, but I expect that the backblast/exhaust from those rockets is hot enough that the launcher should only be mounted on a military grade vehicle. That, on the other hand, appears to be a pickup truck.
Worth the journey
Dumping some un-namned shit, because I am a retard who is drawing a blank for funny or witty names
You know there's a limit to how many images can be posted in a thread, and you're using it up with this shit, right?
kek, what a dumbass
Couldn't think of anything either, eh?
At first I was
But then I was like
I'm not that guy and I also couldn't think of anything. They're pretty much generic fantasy pictures. What do you pick on from them?
Even when you've got a funny picture, that's not really enough to make a good filename post. Ideally, the name and the picture should work together to create something funny, but most of the time it's just a funny picture and a filename that describes that picture.
This is pretty much the best I can do, and it's not even that funny, it's mostly just a funny picture.
The only name they need is "Image limit -1" because that's all they're good for.
Oh please tell me the sauce for that
Apologies for the shitty filename.
>*gun purring*
Baahubali 2: The Conclusion.
I googled "bollywood action movie siege", because it couldn't have been more Bollywood unless the men had been dancing as they attacked.
Not going to lie, every picture I can see for this film makes it look like the worst film I'm definitely going to see this year.
The cow ship was actually supposed to be some kind of mechanical rowing device powered by bovines. I think.
Every Bollywood film looks like hot trash, that's why they're so good.
Now that you say that I can actually see it. Three pivot points each with two cows harnessed to them, and each rotating a pair of paddlewheels.
Quite possible. I guess most of those drawings have some sort of logic behind them, but they look funny if you don't know that reasoning.
Right, maybe I should keep them for a character image thread
Whatever nigger
I don't get this one, am I retarded?
Book of Grudges.
A pickup truck is not rated to handle missle backblast.
if you cant think of a name then chances are it wouldn't be funny in the first place, and none of these are.
reminds me of
it was a /tv/ meme for a while. Gimli and Legolas suggest stupid ways to destroy the ring and Aragorn autistically blurts out how he thinks the ring should be a different item. I wish I'd saved the other ones.
Damn I miss that series.
Ahhhh, Dorfs and their grudges.
I approve.
Got a laugh out of me.
>anti-colonialism author suggesting marx didn't understand the racial ties of capitalism
>author conveniently forgets that when given sufficient incentive, any racial group will perform up to murder, enslavement, etc upon their own group
Finally a proper gun for Biggie.
What the fuck is this from?
>mfw I'd unironically own all of those
Better yet
>Catch Off-guard
a bit advanced, but you'll get it
>tfw your gf is basically the second
>tfw your gf hates roleplaying
>tfw that one time you got your gf to try a game, she was better at it than you
One day I'll get her hooked. One day.....
fucking peasants
When did waifu start extending to real people?
Alternatively: Date Night in Menzoberranzan.
also a bit advanced