Can you guys do me a favor for the purposes of testing a system? Draw me a demon sigil. The only rules are that it must be within the boundaries of this circle and you should try to make the lines and shapes distinct and not blurry.
Demon Sigils
I'm not letting you test out your soul-sealing system on me.
I mean as long as its not a plan to bind me as I do not agree to any terms set forth in here and am only participating as an intellectual excercise.
Pretty please~
It was only a matter of time
Despite your memeing, I can actually use most of these.
Thank you for the actual effort.
ok I laughed
Yeah I don't know what you expected.
I can tell you it will produce a demon, but probably not a very good one.
try this
These certainly spike certain criteria
got me
made another
Is this a fucking autocad of a sword?
Both of these are scripts I use in my games. The first says Demon Summoning. This one is syllabic and reads demon sumoning
I came to this thread in order to find this.
>when the summoner laughs at your penis and orders you to find a better equipped demon for their evil orgy
There's a twitter bot for this.
Now make one that says "this sigil summons demons". "This sigil will summon one demon," etc..
Here's Your (You)
we found the pewdiepie fan
Beautiful. Stealing these.
...Really? It's not even by best work for this kind of writing
I should be in bed, but give me one more thing to write and I'll do it
I need to get to bed, but I'll probably be back in the morning.
Very nice dude.
Is their a term for this kind of design?
(saved as I'm probably going to end up using it as a symbol for a character or organization in the future)
fukkin saved
i figured something less geometric but still with a hard bordered shape would be useful
I just realized there are enough spaces in the round wall to fit "you don't even need the other boards anymore"
"Use this to summon demon".
Ok I went to knowyourmeme but still don't understand.
How does this suggest loss ?
1. You are very new.
I went there already.
'A new trend arose on /v/, which involved taking the Loss strip and representing it in different ways. Usually, these would attempt to be minimalistic, portraying the characters as lines, dots, or even just having four empty panels. Similar to how anything with green and purple can be recognized as Daily Dose, any similar-looking four pane comic can be recognized as Loss, and thus it became a way to determine if one has been on /v/ for too long.'
Ok, that doesn't explain the thing.
And actually I've been around for more than 12 years. Albeit not full time.
omfg ok I get it, it's just one line for each character.
That's it ?
It's not that funny.
> not /x/
Got fanci
The "funny" part is people hiding it in plain sight or otherwise shoving it in.
Memes aren't funny in general though, and this one is no different.
Yeah I guess it's really not. It makes me laugh but it's not really funny nor is it really even a joke. I guess you just have to /get/ it.
Even fancier, it inspired me. Also oops, I pluralized demon in both of them, my bad. ANd in this one I think I misspelled summon. Actually, I know I did, I think it spells sunnom or sunnon instead. freaking curileques. But I did just do a straight up SUMMON one
I'm gonna troll the fuck out of my group by making them go on a dangerous quest to find a translator for these sigils, then they're all gonna read stupid shit like "use this to summon demon" and do exactly that.
>I pluralized demon in both of them, my bad
Even better, since only I will know that one of them actually contains a typo.
Now do one that reads "Free WiFi and cookies"
>contains a typo
(Or a syntax error but whatever). Or maybe the Demon is bigger and badder since he's capitalized, and they need to roll high enough on the translation check to catch the capital D.
>not /d/
There's probably more, the more jagged looking one has a bunch of exception runes that I keep on forgetting, like cr, ce and si (which I think I should use for the S sound in use), dr, ly, gr, gl, tr, dw, stuff like that. Consenant-Consenant sounds.
Alas, no capitalization in these.
The problem is that I actually didn't make these up and it's possible that your players could dig up the sources or even seen them before.
Ah shit, fucked this one too, I think I'm getting tired, this one says fre. You see that Phi (Φ) in the top left next to the lightning bolt? Put another circle in it so it's also bisected and it will say free
Carry on, my wayward son!
I'm 100% sure that won't be the case.
This is a rectum.
Dats pretty neat
shoot straight,
conserve ammo,
never cut a deal with a dragon.
La Abominacion Desoladora
Good for you, I feel like IDK, I should also make some sort of prayer runes to go around the sides?
So, wait, what are these from and how do you translate them?
wow, noone puts a swastika into it
color me surprised
You user, are you a Black Sorcerer ?
I kinda want to tell you but my players are on Veeky Forums and I don't wanna tip them off as I am using them in a game.
I can give you the key for this one though?
Hmmm, maybe?
Veeky Forums creeps /d/ out
Make sense now?
You just know that aliens / archeologists are going to find this shit everywhere and attribute it to some cult.
I've even found it on dumpsters / walls / bathrooms before.
The problem is it doesn't work more than three times
Unless you allow oustsiders to develop mods.
I wonder what the OP is doing with these sigils?
>Memes aren't funny in general though, and this one is no different.
They're like any form of referential humor - when used in a clever and/or novel way, they often are quite funny. When used in an unimaginative or repetitive way that crutches too hard on the reference, they are obnoxious.
You see it all the time on here with the unending iterations of /bait, frogposter, etc. Some of them are witty and very amusing, despite riffing on overused memes. Others are just terrible.
>I'm gonna troll the fuck out of my group by making them go on a dangerous quest to find a translator for these sigils, then they're all gonna read stupid shit like "use this to summon demon" and do exactly that.
OK, yes, do that... but also make the translations terrible and obtuse, like the english you'd find in a mandarin-english translation book in a discount bin in a corner store in a crap neighborhood in hong kong.
Like, "Drawtrip make demon grow in a hand" or something like that. If necessary, explain it as the translator being extremely literal.
I'm building a system for the analysis of sigils and the creation of demons. Basically, draw a sigil and use the system to generate a demon based on that sigil. I'm collecting user drawn sigils to get an idea of what criteria I need the system to be looking for. I built it originally using criteria from "Real" sigils but there's a pretty big difference between those and what people draw.
what the fuck does pewdiepie have to do with loss?
It's pretty much that.
I could also have the translator spice things up a bit, like in usual cheesy fantasy prophesies or rituals, and make it obvious he's making shit up, so if they ask he reveals it's just these really stupidly mundane instructions.
This is by far the shittiest attempt at dissing that comic I have ever seen.
Why is loss.jpg a /v/ meme?
Because Ctrl-Alt-Del is a "Gamer" comic known for its self insert character who does retarded and hurtful things yet everyone loves him, and for its ungodly amount of text. The comic in question was such a screeching 180 degree turn from the established tone of that series that it became infamous almost instantly. Hell, Yahtzee from Zero Punctuation did a whole video on it.