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"Send dudes pls" Your Dudes Thread
I was the OP of the Conservators threads.
I call them my dudes but they're not really mine, a ton of people pitched in to develop them.
Poor as shit marines, humble and friendly with a somewhat concerning predilection to scavenge and loot supplies wherever they can find them.
Let's hear about them
Oh shit, I remember these guys! Some cool stuff. Anything new been developed lately?
Basically, a rush job of a chapter put together quickly that got horribly decimated right at the start, spent forever slowly rebuilding and eventually cobbled together a decent force.
Poor as hell, outdated equipment, little capabilities beyond basic marine dudes, but they do have a knack for making friends and enough psykers to make the Thousand Sons feel slightly concerned.
Also really heartwarming and friendly guys who consider themselves no different normal humans, just with an important job to do, and when not on deployment go home to quaint medieval villages and hang out like normal folks.
No new stuff, just happy to have had fun with them.
Other notable features include their love of swords. Everyone has swords, they're just really nice steel swords. May or may not be being blessed by an altar of Titanian basalt the Grey Knights gave them one time.
Also their chapter master is a crippled invalid who was horribly injured. Very wise and a great leader, mostly just hangs around the castle giving orders. Sometimes takes the field in a centurion armor suit that's halfway to being a dreadnought.
This is my custom chapter. It currently has no name, since I discovered someone was using the original one.
They are an iron hand successor chapter, with a Freeblade joining them. No lore on the Freeblade yet, either.
The transfers are a mix of GW space marines, FW Iron Hands, and custom made smiley faces.
How is quartering supposed to work?
Keep the faceplate a solid color and split the helm.