What's the backstory of the new NPC Drow barmaid at the inn?
What's the backstory of the new NPC Drow barmaid at the inn?
she's actually a boy just kidding she's a trap
>Giving fuck about NPCs
>Giving fuck about their backstories
>Giving fuck about insignificant room dressing that players will forget even exists within next 30 seconds
She's actually a spy/honeypot for Drow enclave. She uses a magic necklace of alter self to disguise her true nature.
>being this bad at role-playing games
She's there to subtly spy on the adventurers. If she manages to find a party going to travel to the Underdark, she's to pull a classic "a-barwench-and-an-adventurer" gambit to stop or stall them.
>Being this bad at GMing
Unless she plays any sort of role in the story, it's meaningless. And if she plays one, then it's tailored for the story. It's that fucking simple
Are you saying that NPCs involved in the story should spontaneously take story-affecting action without any backstory justification whatsoever?
Also, are you saying your PCs NEVER take interest in the backstory of an NPC?
I mean, I literally cannot imagine what your games are like:
>"When you do that, the innkeeper attacks you."
>"It doesn't matter, he's an NPC and his motivations and backstory are unimportant. Deal with it."
Got sick of Feminazi Norh Korea. Moved away. Got a job working in this shit hole. That was ten yeas ago. One day she hopes to save up enough for a house of her own.
This, but she didn't realize that gender roles in the surface world are reversed.
She doesn't want to be caught in a lie as the locals will likely assume she's a spy from the Underdark and strap her in irons for the rest of her days, so she continues the facade.
She honestly just wants a quiet life.
Left the Underdark because she just never had the stomach for her role in society there. Came to the surface and found a job here, it keeps her fed and a place to sleep. One day she hopes to open an establishment of her own, maybe even go so far as to set up a way for others to escape from Loth's clutches.
You need to decide three things IMO:
1) Benign or malicious?
2) The cover story.
3) The actual story.
No-one is going to buy that a Drow just came up from the Underdark to work in a pub. Even if that's true.
>was involved in an attack on the overworld to take some slaves
>attack failed
>doesn't want to return empty-handed
>needs human money to survive so gets the job in the inn
>insists she's only there for however long it takes her to save up some money to hire a group of mercenaries to take some captives down to the Underdark
She is actually eagerly waiting for her dear betrothed, Erik Hardrada, to return from his quest so they can say their vows and runaway. Bless her heart
Where's Erik, though?
wew man who would suspect a fucking drow
Changeling sent to assassinate the party Ranger, a known elfaboo.
She wanted human cock
Mother was a slut that didn't knew who her father was and decided to sell her daughter as a slave to the inn's owner for a few coins.
Did you miss the part where I said she's using an alter self spell to disguise herself as not a drow?
Also, what's the fucking point of using drow if they aren't conniving and evil?
Dreaming of returning to his beautiful Louka (the bride-to-be) , but something has him occupied in a different town
Kidnapped as a baby by a group of adventurers, one of which was a drow cleric raised by a human church after also being kidnapped in a similar situation. The cleric adopted the baby and is very disappointed that she didn't end up becoming an adventurer to continue the tradition.
Adventurer(old guy behind the bar) brought her back from a trip from the Underdark, adopted her, then settled down and opened an inn. She's still hanging around to help her dad until she decides she what she wants to do when she grows up.
Same as all my NPCs: parents were stung to death by bees.
Some other adventurers had been on a putative raid against the Drow via an underdark entrance a couple dozen leagues distant. The outpost they were raiding was a military forward base that was used as a jumping off point for slave taking raids by the drow against the human nation on the surface, and supposed to be only occupied by combatants. However, the Crown Princess was visiting on an inspection tour, and had brought the court hostages along.
She was the youngest of hostages, just a toddler, really, and the only one to survive when the Crown Princess used blood magic to try and summon a demon to cover her escape.
The adventurers left her with the Paladin's sister, who's sister in law operates the tavern. This was 15 years ago, and she doesn't have any real memory of the underdark, but she is the missing heir to the second largest hold in that particular kingdom.
Nurture has won over nature, however, so she wouldn't last a day back home unless it was as a puppet for an ambitious and skillful male (who would need such a puppet due to his gender).
First good post.
Same as always, the only real use drow have, fetish-bait.
>Unless she plays any sort of role in the story, it's meaningless. And if she plays one, then it's tailored for the story. It's that fucking simple
Guest-star syndrome is shit. The addle-brained crap you propose is no different than watching some drama series and noting the sudden addition of a well known actor showing up in an episode. Instantly you know they have a large role to play in the plot, otherwise they wouldn't be there, usually as a villain, no suspense, is no surprise, nothing of interest, just their sudden and predicable betrayal of the cast.
Escaped from certain death due to spider politics, but lacks any real skills applicable to the surface economy, so she's stuck doing this.
She's one of the many Drow civilians who fled to the surface when the Dwarves broke the stalemate and broke the Drow empire. They're relatively common now in the plains around the Rift Valley, our Warrior would probably try to chat her up. The dude has a soft spot for dispossessed civilians.
Y'know how after the war in Vietnam a bunch of GIs returned with Vietnamese wives?
It's exactly like that. She has a dwarven husband and they are both exiled to the surface.
The proprietor of the tavern used to be a treasure hunter in his youth and raided the Underdark equivalent of the game world. After a particularly long raid he came back to the surface with a baby in his arms.
The proprietor of the tavern is also a Drow, fed up with the bullshit of typical Drow life, he decided "fuck that" and escaped the the surface with his kid in tow, both as spite toward her mother because she's a bitch Drow priestess and because he didn't want his kid to end up being just another bitch Drow priestess.
The proprietor of the tavern is a wizard of some repute, piss him off and the tavern gets a new serving wench. The brainwashed Drow barmaid is what happened to the last asshole that decided to have sticky fingers.
The proprietor of the tavern is a dwarf with a side-business in humanoid trafficking who recently bought himself a Drow. However this is a ruse as those who know the Drow, also know that they often plant agents on the surface for recon and intelligence gathering for surface raids. The Dwarf is too arrogant to consider the convenience at which he acquired his new pet and there's going to be a Drow warparty soon enough to make him understand his error.
>exposition is the only thing that matters
She's not the barmaid, she owns the inn and isn't satisfied by the work her staff does. She's an NPC, but specifically she was a PC in a previous campaign making a cameo appearance.
Don't fight her, she's a 16th level Rogue and can kick your low-level party's ass.
Being jaded sucks, doesn't it?
Most realistic one yet.
There's a well known cavern passage to the Underdark nearby, controlled and tolled by a Dwarf trade militia the cavern is a boon to the commerce of the towns around it. So much so that the local nobility and governance has a heavy presence in the area as the passage is subject to the comings and goings of both adventurer and far-flung trader alike, despite occasional threat of raids, which are put up with due to the rarity and quality of the goods to be had. The Drow girl is one of many individuals who supplant their usual income by being Underdark guides.
>Watching who done it crime drama
>Some well known actor shows up
>Instantly know their character is guilty party otherwise why hire them?
Terrible, take a lap.
Welched on a contract. Think about doing it yourself, friend, then take a look in her eyes. See that vacant, yet fearful expression? The one where she can't fully remember whether she's cleaned this table once, or a thousand times, but she just can't stop herself from cleaning it again?
As if she can't remember anything from before five minutes ago?
Yeah, not looking like a good prospect there.
Still....It's not her past that's the real issue, friend. It's her future.
Have a seat. I've got ink, pen, and all the time in the world for the two of us to haggle until we're both satisfied. Now, you don't have to buy her. You could leave right now...... but something about that look you're giving me says it's a seller's market.
I'll give you two biscuits and a bottle of wine for her.
Her son wants the new Ser Alerak book, featuring Beh'ri Jonsaan, the Pale Sage. She figured barmaidery would be an easy way to make some money.
Two biscuits and some wine? This is a living soul we're talking about here, friend. Not some half-forgotten shade or hollow shell. A mind full of learning, yet free of the keynote memories which might build a personality.... or a will stronger than a child's.
Try again, friend. This time, start with actual coinage. We've got time, and she's got tables to clean before the cycle begins again.
Yeah, 'cause "Underdark spy" and "slave" are real original or better.
It's very good wine.
..... let me see the bottle, friend......
..... heh. Good year. very good year.
Very well; sign here, and the deal's as good as done. (~99% of the smaller-fonted text disappears, showing simple, legible terms, in the language of your choice.)
>which might build a personality.... or a will stronger than a child's.
And this is exactly why she's worth no more than jerky. Shes just as likely to help my enemies by sheer mistake as to assist the in few paltry tasks she is now capable of thanks to you. You have made an animated broom that I also have to feed, clean, and worry about protecting.
Nah, but "womyn who appears to be in a subordinate position but is actually A QUEEN" is fucking garbo.
Adventurers go into Undermountain, don't they?
She's a fucking bar matron, not bloody empress. The only weird thing of her helping is being in a fucking actual maid outfit which, since it isn't in text, i'm assuming isn't what she actually looks like.
There's a difference between former pc and a mary sue, come on now.
How about a former pc that actually got kicked out of the previous group and only owns the inn because it gives her revenue, and she's desperately looking to go back to her old glory days? Even if the party doesn't want her along.
Then she starts showing up in their adventures, tailing them and going in for the kill at the last second, taking all the credit and the loot. Pretty soon the party would probably start eyeing her as the brand new antagonist.
Checked and top notch ideas user
Artist name?
I ask the inkeeper, and unless he advices against doing so I'll then ask her.
She's a total slut and knew barmaidens get all that good adventurer dick
Kicked out of Spidertown for apologizing to a man.
Unironically and for non-faggot reasons these.
I'd like to have a story with her back, I have to admit.
>She honestly just wants a quiet life.
She can't have that unless she has bombs.
The fact that this is a real thing in Forgotten Realms takes away any validity of the setting
It's called murder-hoboing user, and it's all that's available to us when the party just wants to drink and roll dice
She got lost, due to her absolutely dreadful sense of direction.
What else did you expect from the most retarded of races?
She was raised by the old svirfneblin who owns the place. The man had no kids of his own but always felt an urge to give a few a nice upbringing in a less hostile environment than the Underdark and when he came across an abandoned drow baby in his earlier years he thought it was time to settle down.
While most know her work as the barmaid she also does a lot of supply runs to the closest Underdark entrance where she negotiates in the markets of her father's last home for all kinds of ingredients for food and drink that just can not be found on the surface.
Additionally she has an adopted duergar brother who spends his time brewing-up new drinks for the inn.
The inn, called Hope's Holdout, is a popular destination due to the novelty of its edibles as well as being the friendliest establishment near the local Underdark.
I love the absolute comfiness of it all...
Faggots are delusional, the posts. Piss off with your gay trap shit.
The Inn is located in the Underdark near one of the major trade routes where all kinds of underground creatures pass by.
The owner of the inn is a female duerger. The barmaid is just a drow commoner who figures life might suck less in a place without all the Lolth-Priestesses around, at the same time indoctrinated enough to believe the surface is a bigger shithole even the Underdark.
There I took your snowflake-y premise and made it more mundane.
I think it would be neat to use it to showcase that Drow really are alien little bastards that might do weird shit to try and blend in with the surface for whatever goal they have in mind.
You had to go and make it about wanting to fuck them.
The bartender turns in his seat, his weathered and whiskered face scanning the crowd as he tries to figure out who just asked him a question. This old halfling seems to have gotten lost in conversation with the dwarf woman beside him, and forgotten that he still had patrons to tend to.
"Wassat, kiddo? Oh, her? Adventurers orphan kids in the Underdark all the time. You hack through a band of Duergar slavers, and next thing you know, one of their cages has a toddler in it and you can't imagine leaving the little whelp in that hole in the ground. Some cleric opened up an orphanage some years before Hulda and I settled down here. We were younger then, and a lot less ugly, to boot! Anyway, all those little tykes grow up eventually. Some leave, some stay. One of the little dark gnomes said he was going to become a famous inventor, and went off into the wide world a few years back. Always liked that one. Real clever, that Charles..."
The old halfling seems to drift off in thought, absentmindedly gazing off past you. The elderly dwarf next to him shakes her head, then elbows him and points off at the girl.
"Pardon, Hulda? Oh, right. That one's Cassy, she's been working here for a few years now. Says she wants to go off and become a mage's apprentice, but always changes her mind right before leaving." A spark of inspiration flashes in the old man's eye, and he leans toward you conspiratorially. "Say, you lot look like the adventurin' types. I hate seeing the kidpining for a better life while she frets about highwaymen that haven't been seen in these parts in years. If you escort her to Blackwall and get a note of acceptance from Magister Tolven, I'll give you a map to a treasure I never did track down - you turn around one day and realize you've gotten too old to dig through some old ruins, and have to settle down. I know elves age like lumps of granite, but I can't stand to watch anyone wasting their youth wiping tables, 'specially with a good head like Cassy's."
>I had to make it about wanting to fuck them
>not the 3 or 4 trapfags
Yeah you need to go kill yourself together with them.
Well... most of them didn't return WITH them...
Oh man... I don't want to go down to Spidertown.
Its even worse than Skeletontown.
Tell that to the skeletons.
In my campaign setting:
She's the daughter of a mid-level noblewoman from ebonspire, when it came out she was a reformist, she was banished from her home and is now scraping by as a barmaid in dragonsrock.
Much as she doesn't want to say it out loud but she really hopes some day a guy who pervs on her will be a cute drow guy she can elope with.
This is a good post.
>when the Dwarves broke the stalemate and broke the Drow empire.
Cripes, sounds like the dwarves baked up a humble pie for every drow and crammed it down their throats.
>"Being an underdark guide is fairly easy: if they ask you about something in the underdark, just tell them 'it will kill you horribly, stay the fuck away'"
I'll buy her. And I'll take that useless tmp smg off your hands as bonus for the one of a kind deal of thirty gold! - Dammit!
That sounds hilarious
fucked it.
Why doesn't she just walk around to the other side of the table if she wants to scrub there? Her method seems messy and inefficient.
Because she already made the mistake once and doesn't want to stand up and let everyone see her nipples through her now soaked top.
Her expression is one contemplating "how the fuck do I get out of here without embarrassing myself?"
Hmm yes, possibly. Pardon me whilst I excuse myself to go stroke my erect member.
Good enough to be worth the read, unlike most of the shitpost on the thread.
Actual good quality poast with decent writing in it. Lads I need a moment.
That doesn't sound right, but I don't watch enough shitty tv to dispute that.
>if they ask you about something in the underdark, just tell them 'it will kill you horribly, stay the fuck away'"
"Unless its a flumph, theyre just happy to be there."
She’s an orphan but not from the underdark but from a colony of surface Drow worshipping Eilistraee. The colony was wiped out by a group of adventurers, that were tricked by agents of Lolth. She was the only survivor, taken in by the Adventurers whom after dealin with the agent, retired. They pooled their resources together and bought a tavern.
Most the original party is long dead, being mostly humans. The last surviving member is an elderly Dwarf woman who had no kids her own, adopted the Drow child. When she dies, the Drow barmaid will inherit the tavern.
She speaks Dwarven as a primary tounge, can curse, spit, and drink like a Dwarf. She’s a hard worker and while she puts up with the occasional handsy customer, she’s really skilled in a bar fight should they try press their luck with anything other than slap on the butt, pinching of the butt, or occasional ear rub.
Another motherfucking acquisition by Jonathan fucking Morningmist.
>You will never have a vampire THIS lucky and CHAD AF
Afraid to read further in the thread because I know there won't be a better reply than this.
>TFW no High fantasy Maid Cafe Harem
Elf slave wat do :^^^^))))
The feeling of comfy generic fantasy coming off this post is sublime.
The tavern owner used to be a bandit, and after a hilarious mishap where he ended up in a jail with a drow, they broke out, had stupid adventures and eventually settled down to gain money by selling overpriced beer.
Hi r*ddit transplant
I honestly can't imagine being this sad and pathetic of a person.