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>Jumpchain IRC Chat
>How to Jumpchain
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>Google Drive
>Jumpchain IRC Chat
>How to Jumpchain
>Last Thread
Huh, just downloaded the drive again and when it was done zipping it said we had 1300 files on it exactly.
Ok back onto a topic of love and professionalism, what jumps have good options for alchemy/drug making? so far I have
Full Metal Alchemist
Atelier Rorona
Alchemy is a profession in World of Warcraft
Bravely Default
Battle Through the Heavens
Tales of Demons and Gods
Elder Scrolls
Any more you guys would like to toss in? Im doing a new chain based on Alchemy
So seeing as there is obvious corruption in the JumpChain Drive, who believes that we need to delete the current drive link and create a new one with someone else at the helm?
I vote Valeria.
Don't be an idiot.
Mana Khemia Alchemists of Al-Revis.
Why do you make the /jc/ thread when you hate /jc/ so much? Seriously? You spend all day shitposting and trying to kill us but here you posted a thread in three seconds just so you can sneak a snipe into the subject line, and you do it all the time. The fuck do you want?
Remember, we need to reach post 2000 on January 1st.
Better than that Cracker.
She’s Galactus’s daughter.
Imagine Father’s Day.
But aren't there jumps in there with anti-corruption perks? How do you corrupt the uncorruptible?
We dont
Tales of Demons and Gods has some Alchemy in it, don't think it is a big focus however.
Etrain Odyssey has an Alchemist class.
SBURB has something about alchemy, but I don't know much about SBURB itself.
Ar Tonelico has some alchemy called Grathmelding.
I made a thing. I hope everyone enjoys it.
We don't. Fuck you, you've already burnt this bridge.
Okay Jumpers, what was the first major fight you lost? That time you got completely curb stomped. That one fight that made you realize that there are limits to your power and that you needed to use proper strategy.
Mate, come on. Live and let die.
Ignore him, it's the shitposter. He lives to post low-effort bait.
Force perk with a specialty in using it to enhance our piloting abilities?
So. X-Wing jump. A couple of quibbles.
Roll for species bugs me. Essentially it's a 50cp tax on choosing an origin.
Related to this: Neither "free choice" option in starting location, nor "pay to choose."
Not until this shithead's moderator rights to the Drive are removed.
I mean, yeah. But clearly she was designed as "Galactus... but a cute girl".
More to the point, imagine your wedding. Where are you going to find a church big enough that he can walk her down the aisle?
Now we have some rando bitching nonstop in the irc screeching about muh favortism. Wonderful.
>HWK-290 Light Freighter
This is a two seat ship with no weapons, why does it cost 1000?
Going to be honest it needs more work and seems kinda half assed. I would put in more love to it and actually do more than the bare essentials.
Trying to put it in the drive and not the uploads folder didnt win you any points eithier
Try again later when you have more text, description, quality and actually want to follow the rules
What's your name?
You'll never know
>baby crying
Oh, sugar. It'll be alright. Did the mean anons say something to upset you?
Everything will be fine. Just go to sleep. Sleep little one.
Haven't read it yet but I'm very optimistic about this jump.
I've always liked rollin for species. Puts me out of my comfort zone.
Define more quality.
Probably OAA being a little shit.
Just ban him.
>acting like he has power.
Pic related.
>roll for species
God, why?
>roll for time period
Ugghh. Same question here. And there's not even an option to choose here (or with the location, but whatever on that).
No age roll, which with the location is the only thing I'd even WANT rolled.
>no free perk for Indepent
Also, I ASSUME the Indepent option is supposed to be Drop-In?
There's a real lack of discounts in general here.
>Free Marksman
>Free Melee
>Free Demolitions
>Free Trader
>Free Con Man/Programmer
>Free Doctor
>Free Engineer
>Free Detective
Are you supposed to be able to choose these anywhere?
And why the hell are light freighters and shuttles this expensive?
Given his recent behaviour about 20-30 threads ago, it's not outside the realm of possibility sadly.
>Signals Equipment
You shouldn't be charging CP for things that would come standard on most ships.
Guess getting BTFO by Valeria killed his brain cells.
I considered it, but one of the things that drew me to the X-Wing novels in the first place was there not being much in the way of Jedi vs Sith in there. It wasn't the high ideals, it was the (relatively) common man. If enough people want it I'll add something in, I'd need a bit to think on what kind of pricing it would need.
That's a fair point. I was basing it off of the Star Trek jump in that respect, give people the option to go exotic WITHOUT payment kind of thing.
Size mostly. Freighters aren't really meant to be combat craft, and I was trying to reflect that status.
I'm willing to drop it, please just leave the guy alone and let him have his quite frankly legitimate complaint, and we all let it go.
I'm sure he had problems long before that little fracas, user. That was just when things came spilling out. Like cooked spaghetti from a burst paper bag. Forgive me my wierd metaphor.
>Are you supposed to be able to choose these anywhere?
Ah, those are free to perks... Nevermind that then.
Still, especially the lack of discounts on perks makes it seem pretty bare.
>May become a companion, if it survives the jump.
That shouldn't be required if we paid CP for them, especially in the case of droids.
Really the basic complaints about choice. More options that you couldnt just learn from training really hard. The ability to immerse yourself more in the world than merely getting a military education that could be achieved all in one purchase in other jumps etc
Discounts, more choice for the start, the ability to do something new those would all be appreciated rather than just going through stormtrooper training manual and picking
I should have been more specific with that. Less "radio", more "turn this into an electronic warfare or spy ship". I'll work on it, maybe remove one or the other for redundancy. Thank you for pointing that out.
Becomes just equipment otherwise. Won't develop a personality or become your friend, is just kinda there.
>one purchase in other jumps
Interjump balance.
Eh. It's alright.
Perks being mostly skills feels odd but I don't think there's an innate problem with that.
Starship parts section I feel could have been the big draw from for jump but it's really just small purchases so it feels pretty anemic. Even something like chassis and shape and layout and- well, you get the idea- could have spiced it up a little. Plus, there only being two Experimentals makes them getting their own note feel really weird.
Would you consider the option to Import a pre-existing companion as one of the generic OCs you put in there?
Honestly the main complaint I'd have with this is that there's no... spice? Pizzazz? It's kinda boring, even if it hits all the points a jump should hit on the technical level, is what I'm saying.
Independent is Free, while the other Backgrounds cost 100 CP. Not giving them a freebie too makes sense pointwise, even if I disagree with making backgrounds cost CP just for giving you a history.
>not cooked spaghetti from overfilled pockets
Come now
>I'm sure he had problems long before that little fracas
Looking at the quality of his jumps beforehand, that wouldn't surprise me.
>Becomes just equipment otherwise. Won't develop a personality or become your friend, is just kinda there.
They shouldn't just lose the ability to develop a personality just because they respawned, that makes no sense.
>That's a fair point.
It might be a personal thing, but I prefer to have things about Jumper be within my control outright - It's my Jumper, after all (as in, payment only for species that actually have an advantage - If it's functionally a funny looking human, there shouldn't really be a cost to it. If it's better, then it should be priced accordingly.)
Things about when and where one shows up in setting should be roll or pay to change, but interesting starting points can make for nifty stories.
>putting spaghetti in pockets
Come now user, we aren't savages. Nice little brown paper bags are just the thing for cooked spaghetti.
Also you don't want to know the crap I keep in my pockets, and that's before you factor in the years worth of lint.
What were his most recent jumps? I honestly can't recall.
>That's a fair point. I was basing it off of the Star Trek jump in that respect, give people the option to go exotic WITHOUT payment kind of thing.
Please don't. Hell, even the Star Trek TNG got updated to just allow people to choose a species for free.
>Size mostly. Freighters aren't really meant to be combat craft, and I was trying to reflect that status.
So... You're saying you're making people pay extra to be worse at what they're doing?
Interjump balance is all fine and dandy until you look at a similar jump in the same universe like Clone Wars which does what I just said (arguably if you want to slap the expanded universe name on it the power level should be even higher)
Different focuses.
>Freighters aren't really meant to be combat craft
Which is why they need to come heavily modded for combat from the start, especially when we're paying this much CP for them.
Think Millennium Falcon rather than YT-1300.
Also the customization section really shouldn't be there except for special upgrades, the ships should come with the appropriate components for combat.
He's a lawyer. Statistically he has to have done at least one thing wrong.
What is the focus then and if it is piloting an X-wing why not divide origins into fighter ace, squad leader, etc
Ah. I saw Star Wars aliens as not better, merely different. That inhuman bias thing really happens a lot in Star Wars, so while a bog standard human may be weaker and slower than any individual nonhuman, there'd be a few people who'd join out of a racial thing.
Not quite, though I can see how if would come across that way. A freighter is a freighter. It's a space 18-wheeler, not a Trans-Am. It's meant for hauling large amounts of materiel. But because they're larger, they can also support carrying larger weapons like Han had the Falcon do.
>trying to plot out two setting-connected jumps into an arc
>okay so I have to develop Jumper in a way that gets him booted groundside
>what if he thinks [INSERT THINGS HERE]
>that lines up pretty well to an established character
>realize said character would be in the first jump in said setting, and twenty-something
>setting up a love triangle with the other potential romantic interest I'd planned would be a dick move so of course I'll do it to Jumper
>seventy years of absence makes the heart grow yandere
this gon be gud
He posts on QQ
That’s wrong
Clarification on the Ugly - Do you spend the points you actually spent, or the points it would be worth before discounts? If the former, there's not much of a benefit for Pirates to choose the Ugly.
Points worth before discount. I'll add a note.
Anonymous posts on tumblr, SB, QQ, reddit, discord, IRC and even post-it notes.
>even post-it notes.
Say it ain't so.
Type-Moon!Jumper: Less a fight and more Ado Edem showed up on the battle field. I saw him charging up Slash Emperor so I booked it the hell out of there.
DoP&G!Jumper: I keep saying this, But Amatsu-Mikaboshi absolutely wrecked me, and only failed to (permanently) kill me because of benefactor fiat and a spell I’d spent 10,000 years gathering energy for.
Post-it notes?! That cad's gone too far this time!
Wait why didn't you just nudge him into that universe Hera and her god buddies made, and then shut the door behind him? Did you run after him and pick a fight? Were the Olympians all dead for some reason before that universe was finished?
>YT-1930 Light Freighter (1200, Discount Rebel)
>-Transport on a budget, the YT-2000 was
So, are we getting the YT-1930, or the YT-2000 with that purchase?
YT-1930. Initially I had been planning on a 2000, must have missed that while writing everything.
Why is a boxer so stupidly powerful
Oh, he did end up getting nudged into Hera’s universe, it’s just that as a Hell-Lord myself, he targeted me a while before that was manageable.
Because you’re a masochist?
Drop In Perks:
“Have You No Respect For The Dead?” (100 CP)- It seems that people are a lot more willing to give you the benefit of the doubt when it comes to your antics. You can do things like mess around with priceless artifacts, and so long as you don’t rough them up too badly the most someone will do is shake their head.
“I Lie to Everybody! What Makes You So Special?” (100 CP)- They say that the truth can set you free. But to be honest, lying is usually more your style. You’re much better at telling lies and deceiving people, and can even pull the wool over the eyes of people who know you well. Their familiarity with you just makes them more gullible.
Another Useless Trinket (200 CP)- History is all fine and good, but most are after fame and fortune. You’re unusually good at finding the second one, and with how rich you’ll quickly become the second one probably won’t be far behind. Whatever adventures you go on will always turn up a profit for you; the more dangerous, the more treasure or money you’ll make.
“It’s Not Worth Your Life!” “Yes, it is!” (200 CP)- Some might call you a coward, but what you really have is a well honed sense of self-preservation- as well as a sense for when those rare times when gambling your life for profit- or whatever reasons you might have- is actually not a bad idea. You can also usually tell how far you can and should push yourself before checking out- because sometimes it doesn’t matter how much gold you’re leaving behind when your life is at stake.
Does taking I Wanna Be The Strongest Hero always shift the tone of the setting to shonen if you don't spend the extra 300cp? Like for example if I go to Generic Creepypasta would I have to have the 800cp variation in order to fight eldritch abominations in a horror setting instead of Shonen-style "monsters"?
>SBurb Alchemy
Punchcard alchemy is just combining two objects with one as the primary and the other as the secondary. Not really drugs, necessarily, though you could make drugs. Like combining pizza and cocaine to make cocaine in pizza form.
>wall of text
“See Those Sacred Stones? They’ll Never Cross Those!” (400 CP)- Your enemies are… surprisingly trusting of you for some reason. Don’t get me wrong; all things considered they’ll still be trying to kill you, and obvious deceptions on your part are likely to result in you getting a few new holes in you. But a lot of the time they’ll take what you say at face value, even if it’s about something you rightly shouldn’t know, such as the behavior patterns of pygmy mummies.
“Bloody Good Show, Chaps!” (400 CP)- When you’re in a bind, people have an alarming habit of showing up out of the blue to pull your ass out of the fire (and to spank it if it’s burning). They might be strangers or your loyal companions, but either way it’s nice to have people looking out for you. Even if they are Americans.
“Soon After, Mummies Were Found In Peru.” (600 CP)- The world, on its surface, appears to be normal- but underneath the layers of normalcy the strange and supernatural can be found. Armies of immortal warriors, mummies, sorceresses, yetis… for someone like you, it might seem hard to avoid the supernatural. Unless, you don’t want to, for some reason? You have some sort of strange quality that ensures supernatural happenings, well, happen around you. In this world, that will probably involve a few mummy resurrections, but elsewhere- even in worlds that seemingly lack these mystical things- you will be able to find traces of the weird and arcane, for both good and ill. You can toggle this quality off, if you wish.
>I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 punches once, but I fear the man who has practiced one punch 10,000 times.
This, the difference between a boxer with oxygen and a boxer without oxygen is like the difference between a shounen protagonist with fighting spirit and a shounen protagonist without fighting spirit
Comedy Relief (600 CP)- Almost as if the world itself wants to see you pull through- not that it won’t laugh at what it does to you- you seem to be able to shrug off a great deal of harm, so long as it isn’t immediately fatal. Instead of being seriously hurt, you’ll go through some comedic sequence and come out the other end with minor bumps and scrapes. A spear through your ribs is still going to kill you, even if it takes a few agonizing minutes for you to bleed out, but getting lit on fire or plummeting out of the sky in an airship won’t, even if you should probably have bit it. You’ll have to dance around, say a funny line or two, maybe scream a bit- but you’ll still be alive.
>cocaine in pizza form
Sounds worse than pineapple desu
There's a lot you've been missing. Maybe you should give the jump to somebody with better eyes.
That's nothing. In the future, all of those will be merged into 4Questionablrcord Spaceddit Relay Notes.
I’m sure Omnipotence City has something suitable. I mean, that one kaiju god Thor was aquatinted has would have to be accommodated.
I'm really not a fan of how you've handled species.
The point being that it's a pizza, of whatever kind the one you originally used was, that you can eat to get the effects of cocaine. You could do it with any kind of drug or alchemical concoction, or any kind of foodstuff. Like a package of mini donuts and a health potion to get a package of health donuts.
Is anyone ever going to make a new Blame jump, a non shitpost one I mean?
>a non-shitpost one
Hah. Good joke.
No. Stop asking for one.
It's true. I heard it from my cousin who says her roommates niece's boyfriend's friend's mother's former classmate said something about it on Facebook.
I see I'll have to fast talk Thrawn into going with me, and podding him.
"Join me and together we shall examine the art of an infinite multiverse!"
Ya know that one video/gif from some anime where the girl is yelling at the guy for being a chuuni lil shit? Someone should make a jc shitposting version of that.
Yeah. I've read the books over and over, and I still forget that most of their major conflicts last less than a year. The Clone Wars only lasted three, and the YV clusterfuck a merry little four.
Have fun with that.
You forgot to mention bathroom walls and bus stop shelters.
We have a jump about a bunch of people with psychic powers passing themselves off as gods but i can't remember what the name was. Does anyone know?
Lord of Light. Pretty good book, too.
Lord of Light
That's it thank you user.
Lord of Light? I mean part of that is really a semantics debate about if they should count as gods or not.
I have done a lot of things wrong in my life.