How much degeneracy plagues your setting, Veeky Forums?
My player's just re-rolled his second character and it's a female horsefolk brawler that just drop kicks everything with her thunder thighs. I'm fucking here for it but at the same time it made me realize just how much fur faggotry exists in my setting now just from my leniency towards player's creativity.
>not encouraging the players to stop by upping the fetish ante enough to make them uncomfortable >not simply embracing the magical realm you created
Nicholas Walker
My god what an idea. Nothing will strengthen our friendship like forced beastiality.
Jackson Cox
>a female horsefolk brawler that just drop kicks everything with her thunder thighs. I've seen porn of this. It's pretty good. Guy draws super hot kobolds too.
Ryder Harris
Landon Lee
name please
Jayden Morales
have the horsefolk break her leg
Leo Baker
There's always the option of dropping them in the ass-end of Skyrim, or whatever your setting's equivalent happens to be.
Aaron Lopez
oh jiji or something
Robert James
>My wizard gets belt of masculinity/femininity'd >Well I guess he'd actually not change that much and it's a classic item >plus as a lady if you're in blue starry robes people are less likely to jump to the dark magic assumptions, so he'd roll with it >DM has me doing wis saves daily to avoid getting more girly he's permissive of a lot and it's infrequent, but I've been around enough to know that I'm being realmed
Xavier Foster
>Horsefolk breaks an ankle. >DC 80 heal check to repair. >Two months with zero weight on the leg, four more in a cast, four months physical therapy. >Magic healing wold just fuse the bones together, crippling the character for life. >Still want to play a Horsefolk character?
David Wood
>big, male dragon tries to crush someone with its dick >they slice it up in retaliation, rolls a 20
Jose Turner
Little to where one inept mage is well known for his bedroom exploits involving kobolds, nixies, harpies, a dragon, and a catfolk he drove to suicide, but nothing about the fact he was a single sword strike away from killing one of the deadliest mages in his country and changing the course of history.
Brayden Davis
I give her a Ring of Regeneration Problem solved
>it made me realize just how much fur faggotry exists in my setting now just from my leniency towards player's creativity. Its probably because either you're a closet furfag, or your players have been subtle enough to hide it up until now, as they've finally felt comfortable enough to embrace openly due to how accommodating you've been.
In other words, you only have yourself to blame right now
William Robinson
>Elves are cats >Dwarves are dogs >Halflings are rabbits >Gnomes are foxes >Orcs are wolves >Goblins are rats >Tieflings are goats due to the baphomet association
It'd be hella degenerate if it weren't for the fact that the DM runs it like it was high fantasy Redwall, unless his fetishes include fairy tale trickster gods, descriptions of delicious food, long treks to distant lands, and the occasional colony drop.
Mason Gonzalez
>descriptions of delicious food
your dm loves redwall huh
Carter Wood
When I was a kid cause I never got to finish the secret of nimh and only saw a couple of episodes of red wall I thought the two were related in the story.
I would also really like to try out that idea.
Leo Ortiz
Even if it backfired, the result would still be quite amusing
Jason Torres
Both of my settings are honestly very prudish when it comes to degeneracy. My fae don't even have reproductive organs; kids just kind of happen when a man and woman fall in love. I think the only race in that setting that actually has sex is Gryphons, because they're a holdover from the world that came before it. Most of the other races are pseudo elementals.
That may change if I ever flesh out the races in the far east, but I'm having trouble coming up with new ideas for them.
Kayden Myers
Reproduction without sex Now THAT is disgusting
Angel Campbell
Probably not the one you're looking for, but William Mai, you can find his stuff at deviant art, has a character called Lysandra that is a fighter horsefolk. She also has a dick
Thomas Perry
I used to fight it a lot. Now i embrace my degeneracy, because it is fun, also all the nasty shit is in online RP games, so I get my edge off there and session with my friends in real life are all nice an clean
Things I find in my games mainly consists of:
>Humanoid aliens with breasts, even if they don't have mouths and compatible, yet exotic genitalia in sci-fi games >Furies, scallies, slimies in some classic fantasy games >Agony (video game) level demons in notDoom notGeneration Kill game >Monstergirls >BDSM ShadowRun >Pixies (players) getting gored by clockwork machines that trying to conquer forest.
I am quite degenerate.
Isaac Wright
It can't be "degenerate" if it was always normal. Granted, it's probably still very tame, but the point is it's not considered too weird to shack up with an alraune.
Nicholas Fisher
>I play a furry setting with furry players >whoa wait I suddenly realized this is degenerate You are a clever man OP, I can tell. And my answer is "none", because we can keep our dicks in our pants.
Hunter Rogers
>Ring of Regeneration.
Hope you had those bones set before she put that ring on user....
Jonathan Nguyen
>so I get my edge off there Did you just call your dick "Edge"? Jeez man, just name it after your father like the rest of us.
Adam Cook
Some of them don't even really reproduce. The lizard people at the edge of the world just pop out of sand dunes. It makes them exceptionally rare outside of their home region.
Kayden Jenkins
>implying archaeans and bacteria, the oldest forms of life, are disgusting >implying multicellularity isn't an aberration >implying sexual reproduction isn't the deviancy
Jaxson Rivera
I've detailed that orc sexual dimorphism is linked to their gods just so I can have sexy green amazon woman and brutish kill everything orcs at the same time.
Noah Cook
The wis save per day thing seems kinda bullshit since I'm pretty sure that's not a part of the item at all normally.
Jeremiah Robinson
There's no reason why extreme sexual dimorphism should have to be linked to anything "supernatural." Just look at spiders (I know, arachnid cannibalism is usually exaggerated, but the female is often many times larger than the male) or anglerfish for absurd examples you don't want to get anywhere near to, but which illustrates a point.
Alexander Sullivan
I mean we're playing in Exalted so there's a decent amount of it going around.
One of the players impregnated a dangerous snake fair folk because his character specifically has a thing for dangerous and attractive women.
We've never gone crazy with descriptions of how attractive anyone is and we've never been explicit in describing sex scenes though.
Justin Mitchell
That was only part of the reason. I also wanted my half-orc players to have some more options than "rape-baby".
Bentley Perry
I recall a screencap of someone getting drunk and doing this
Daniel Gomez
This one?
Hudson Sanders
>female horsefolk brawler that just drop kicks everything with her thunder thighs See, I don't know which makes me sadder: that people are instantly calling this "furfaggotry" and dismissing it as "degeneracy" just because it's a beastfolk, or the fact that if it were ANY other race it'd just be passed off as a quirky character gimmick.
It honestly just makes me think of old cartoons (like Hanna-Barbera or Tex Avery) where sometimes they'd have a gag involving squashing a character with a literal hippo or elephant. It's just a joke. Not everything has to be seen as sexual.
James Anderson
>>Magic healing wold just fuse the bones together, crippling the character for life. You'd have to be the biggest asshole to actually have magic healing work like that.... Since this is Veeky Forums you were likely being sincere.
Justin Cruz
Dead serious, my players said they wanted a "low fantasy high difficulty" game. I told them upfront how shit was going to work and they agreed. Magical healing is a thing but unless it's a life or death situation you better have someone with medicine look you over before being healed or else your paying a surgeon to operate and remove that arrow head from your gut before it goes septic.
Julian Howard
There's an effectively all-female race of dryads that live in the forest and find outsiders fascinating. There's a race of semi-aquatic people who are almost always ottermode and have no body hair, but the females still have big tits. There's a race that ages in reverse. There's a race that essentially turns into lamias at a certain age. One of the nations has institutionalized slavery. There are kaiju-sized humanoid giants. There are Veeky Forums tribal greenskins.
That's the weirdest of it, really, and even those things aren't done for fetish purposes. So I guess very little degeneracy.
Oliver Davis
It's female. The chance of it being magical realm is exponentially increased, and combining that with beastfolk the probability approaches 1.
That's without even touching the specific description of "thunder thighs."
Charles James
I feel as torn between wanting more and knowing that I shouldn't as that DM.
Christian Adams
Horses are known for kicking. One of the most popular and well-known kicking-focused fighters is Chun Li who's already known for having fuck-huge thighs. I think this is just an example of reinforcing existing things; plus, if the system gives horse-people bonus kick damage, that reinforces my point further.
I just think there are other feasible explanations besides "dude's beating his meat to it" and better responses than "let's revile him immediately and preemptively."
Cooper Evans
I want to try DnD but don’t have any friends that want to play it. Where can I start?
Isaac Morales
Honestly, if you played it like Redwall, you could do some cool stuff with anthro characters, so long as you make it perfectly clear this isn't furry fetish shit.
Anthro rabbit monk that bounds and ricochets off walls, shields, and enemy's faces...
A patient, ancient, turtle cleric.
A badger fighter who, despite being the second shortest party member, is a tiny ball of rage and pointy bits...
A stern cleidsdale Knight clad in black armor who uses his massive size to intimidate opponents, ending fights before they begin.
A bat rogue who uses his flight to get to angles nobody else can for prime thievery.
A spider assassin who brews her own poisons.
An Opossum druid who revels in decay as a part of nature
A half-mad rat alchemist who brews acids, mutagens, and deadly explosives
A Monkey ranger who fires from the treetops with either their hands or their feet
A Bro-tier Bear gladiator who specializes in fighting with claws or Caestus (Spiky punch gauntlets)
Swashbuckling pomeranian bard/fencer who conflates every tale of derring do and has an ego that is only surpassed by his fluffyness.
Connor Roberts
What would pic related do?
Carson Perry
This sounds more like Armello than Redwall.
Ryan Harris
>I just think there are other feasible explanations besides "dude's beating his meat to it" You're wrong. >and better responses than "let's revile him immediately and preemptively." I don't think there's been a lot of that.
Gavin Wright
One of our players accidentally fucked a sheep then became best friends with a camel called Petunia. No really.
Gavin Lewis
average ranger gameplay honestly
Carson Morgan
The DM/GM has the right to modify, add to and ignore everything in the rules. You can't call it bullshit just because it's not like that normally.
Parker Richardson
>one of our players >accidentally fucked a sheep >players >accidentally >fucked a sheep user I have so many questions before we even start on the camel.
Jayden Stewart
Fuck yeah, I'd be down for a Redwall campaign! Man, those books were my shit back in the day, I'd love to play a brawler hare palling around with a paladin badger. Jesus fuck, I think I might run one of these sometime!
Landon Davis
That depends on how deep into the lower levels of society my players feel like digging. There are whore houses that cater to the most grotesque of desires, up to and including any combination of necrophilia, rape and bestiality, but that's gonna take money up front a couple of hard-ass streetwise checks to uncover, one to make an inside connection & one to actually get them to show you the way in. I have no intention of ever bringing this up as the DM, but if one of my players ever decides they want a glimpse of the absolute lowest mortalkind can sink to, and to witness the true hellishness of the desperate & the depraved, I am perfectly capable of narrating a night nobody will want to remember, in a one on one, private session - no need to subject the other players to this shit.
Hunter Stewart
I call bullshit on the "accidentally" part.
Ryder Foster
Nah, pretty sure I'm right and you're just a reactionary faggot that loves to meme at people.
Hudson Gomez
So by "degeneracy" do you mean general facilitation of ones own magical realm or just the furry stuff?
In my case the players do not really get into anything too unusual.
Care to tell us more about your setting OP? I am genuinely curious.
Jack Long
>You're wrong.
You act as if you know this to be true, but knowledge is a justified true belief. I don't think you can justify your belief here, I think you're guessing, and I don't think you've even established it to be true.
Jordan Martinez
No really. It was the worst series of "I roll to seduce" ever seen. Honestly it's even on 1d4chan.
Robert Rogers
>Mostly furry setting with humans and some aliens. >All species aside from humans are known for virulent xenophobia. What can I say, I like crushing the dreams of other furries but human on anthro forbidden love is my favorite
Brody Reyes
Okay fair enough. I just personally am not a fan of effects like that where you force mental alterations onto a player's character. That's moreso just because I personally find mental alteration stuff really perturbing.
Tyler Rivera
I want nothing more than to be crushed by a big, male dragon's dick
Angel Morgan
The guy, character in question I wouldn't say was exceptionally masculine to begin with so even if it ends in never remembering being a dude it won't affect the personality much. Adds a sense of urgency to a cursed item I would otherwise probably not bother trying to remove, I guess.
Oliver White
Bad rolls that is all
Xavier Flores
Shared trauma can bring people together.
Cameron Powell
>7 images I expected a thread full of pictures of sexy kobolds
Asher Cox
Oh ok.
Brandon Carter
Evan Powell
>play a Curse of Strahd game >Bobo the Kobold on a quest to find his true love, stumbled upon Stahd land
>play homebrew game >Puk the Hobgoblin, elegant bard that flirts and teases with male party members
Honestly, the amount of fucking furries is surprising. Maybe it's DnD? I just never realized so many furries existed.
Zachary Wood
That sounds awesome.
Nolan Price
>One of the players impregnated a dangerous snake fair folk because his character specifically has a thing for dangerous and attractive women. That's not degenerate. That is the duty of all brave and successful men.
Easton Morales
Mouseworld, user.
I want in.
Nathaniel Wright
There's a Redwall game in development, if you guys want to take a look.
>I roll to seduce the queen! >rolls a 1 >"You accidentally wander into a field and fuck a sheep!"
You sound like a great DM.
Jonathan Adams
So what- You've got Chun-li as a bartender but is also a lizard Chun-Li Aka Some Kemono Scalie Chun-li's true Npehilliem chink form?
Shit that's hot.
Joseph Hernandez
That's fucking amazing
Ayden Nelson
>One of our players accidentally fucked a sheep
Jack White
>the occasional colony drop Oh?
Nathan Morris
I play 5e 2\3 of group is fur I am the one that is not play mostly human or if I get the itch I play a non human I stick with the races that are in the book one fur player plays beast races and humanoid half and half they stick with races in the book as well the other one wants to play races not in the book wants to use this homebrew site and their races constantly we tell them no they bitch and whine DM caves we have a party of a human paladin a Tengu alchamist and some red panda monk that character constantly dotes the word "fluffy" on it every 5 seconds
Colton Miller
>made me realize just how much fur faggotry exists Go on...
Daniel Morris
In the days of yore before"Furry" was a part of our groups lexicon we had an early 3.5 pirate themed game where one PC was a Lizardman Swashbuckler and the other a Tiger Shifter Rogue despite being the only thing of his kind he had ever seen. The Rogue turned out to be from a far away land of Shifters on a set of tropical islands where the animals of the Zodiac were the ruling class and he was a minor noble lost at sea as a child
Looking back we stumbled into furfaggotry before we even had a name for it all on pure accident
Easton Gray
According to the hints the DM gave, several thousand years ago there was a floating island called Laputa that the cat-elves had allegedly crashed into the dog-dwarves' capitol in order to bring about a sudden end to a rather bloody war. So far, we've found very few surviving written records on what had actually transpired, and the few hints we got involved the architecture in the dwarven capitol being a lot stranger and more brutalist the deeper you went. It also happened to coincide with the appearance of rabbits in the world, which is another plot thread entirely for the rabbit fighter who is supposedly a reincarnation of a legendary hero from that time.
Joseph Sullivan
That's a lot of dildos.
Nathan Sanchez
>How much degeneracy plagues Veeky Forums? Too much
Robert Price
I'm basically fucking a friend's wife because she's playing a gay male wizard whose in love with my lawful evil knight. In game, my character's letting him get close because he hopes that the wizard's love for him will keep him from saying "no" when the party's employer topples the guild controlling our city and returns it to complete serfdom to the king.
The DM insists that we actually act out anything, so we've kissed deeply at the table a few times.
Kevin Kelly
A barbarian chick at our table raped the DM's fat dragon blacksmith after forcing him to eat excessively and then broke his arm when he resisted. The DM hasnt been online since.
I saw the thread, jeremy. You dont have to feel bad about it, you just have to eat a marbled steak.
Nathaniel Robinson
>Nothing will strengthen our friendship like forced beastiality. Kinda depends who does the forcing.
Joshua Hughes
Wait is the DM the girl's husband?
Ryan Barnes
And does he wear a Superman costume and hide in the closet while he makes you do this?
Jackson Murphy
D&D has had furry playable races since Basic was a thing. We used to have Lupins (dog-people), Rakshasa (cat-people), Aranea (spider-people), Shazaks (lizard-people), Cayma (caiman people, and a lot like modern kobolds), Gurrash (gator-people) and Phanatons (Raccoon-Monkey people with flying squirrel wings).
Heck, check out the beastfolk article on 1d4chan sometime. They almost outnumber elves.
Isaiah Green
I like you.
Justin Thompson
I’d honestly tell the DM that I’m not comfortable with this and would very much prefer that this item never even existed in this game world. If he refused I’d leave. Like other user, mind altering stuff disturbs me. If you ask me everyone gets to have a thing or two that they can just have not be in the game. Certainly the case in any of my games.
Jordan Ross
>unironically playing with a furfag >not immediately booting the player and cutting all content the moment they made the obvious furry fetish character Literally asking for whatever obnoxious future faggotry happens
Nathan Garcia
> All according to Keikaku
Brandon Miller
I really, really want to run a game of Ironclaw using the Armello setting. I've got the basic skeleton of the campaign all mapped out in my head, and I think the whole 'there can only be one King' aspect of the endgame has great potential purely because I want to see if they'll descend into backstabbing power plays or band together and create a new system of rule that includes all of them. I know that it'll never get off the ground though because of the 'lol furfag' factor that about half my available group is afflicted with.
And on the topic of the thread, the settings I create and put the players into almost completely gloss over sexual goings on as a whole because I don't think anyone at the table would be comfortable dealing with that kind of stuff. The scribblings on /trash/ I partially base on them though are the exact opposite.