Human genocide when Edition
Discuss the lore of the Warcraft franchise and its application in and around traditional games.
>Document compendium Official (ex-canon) DnD 3.x variants and a fan made DnD 5e version!
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Human genocide when Edition
Discuss the lore of the Warcraft franchise and its application in and around traditional games.
>Document compendium Official (ex-canon) DnD 3.x variants and a fan made DnD 5e version!
>Previous thread
You know how someone posts "Zul'jin did nothing wrong" every thread? Let's not do that.
Let's talk about the Drakkari. Just WHAT was wrong with them? How do you ever get the idea that EATING your Loa is at all, ever, a good idea of any kind? What did they expect?
Yeah, no, this one is doomed to be a shitshow. Let's just post boobs.
They thought "Holy fucking shit we're about to be genocided by the Lich King and also he's figuring out how to make Troll zombies" so they tried to stop that.
Desperate times, mon'
How can a man do so little wrong?
>looks at the time
It is!
The irony is, they might not have reached that point if it wasn't for your gullible ass carving a path through Drak'tharon Keep and handing Drakuru a cartload of primo mojo.
The immediate short-term rush of power you get from consuming the Loa doesn't make up for the immense long-term consequences as a result. The Drakkari didn't know this or didn't care; they needed power *now* to stop the Scourge kicking down their doors.
It's a known fact that the Drakkari are among the most savage trolls in the world, even by troll standards, hence why they were exiled to Northrend. It shouldn't be so surprising that they'd go so far as to kill and consume their loa if it meant they could stop the Scourge. The Zandalari representative in the area said it himself:
>Pay close attention, . You're witnessing the death of a troll empire firsthand.
Lord Garithos for HotS when?
This. The PCs are the ones who set up Zul'Drak to be scourged
Nah, dude, Zul'Drak was getting fucked even without the traitor Drakuru helping out. Clearing out Drak'tharon Keep only accelerated matters.
Holy shit I never knew how badly I wanted this.
4 factions when edition*
>It's a known fact that the Drakkari are among the most savage trolls in the world, even by troll standards, hence why they were exiled to Northrend.
Which makes it weird that they were portrayed very much the opposite way other than the Loa-Eating. They acted as great allies to the local Wolvar tribe, and in the noncanon RPG let a lot of escapees from the Scourge hide out in Drak'Tharon.
Player characters are the only things more gullible than the Scarlet Crusade.
It was a good idea
The final boss of an upcoming Zandalari dung does just that
True, but at least the defenders in Drak'tharon were holding, if barely. If it hadn't been breached, the Argent Crusade might have eventually been able to take some of the pressure off them.
Plus, you make up for it by stomping a mudhole in Drakuru at the top of his necropolis, before Arthas arrives, kills him and taunts you again.
I'm more curious why Sylvanas never considered bringing him back, as a jester or something
I can't imagine the belves would be particularly happy about that.
>human warlock
>thalassian pauldrons
Game mechanics aside (since her missions would have been severely gimped if she didn't have any true Scourge units available), Sylvanas didn't actually have access to any necromancy until the writers pulled the val'kyr out of nowhere.
Likely never. He has the critical flaw of not having a single identifiable piece of kit, since he's just a bog standard paladin hero, a la Uther or early Arthas, but on a horse.
Even Zul'jin has a class identity as an upgraded troll Berserker/trapper, Garithos is just 'Paladin but angery'
She had necromancers, most were coaxed or forced away from the scourge. Gotta repaid them skelebodies somehow. Plus many forsaken were skilled mages
Right. Sylvanas is still a banshee. She can't actually raise the Forsaken under her own power. That's why she steals the val'kyr after Arthas's death.
no you
She now does. Nothing stops her from bringing him back
Better question still, why didn't Arthas attempt to bring him back as a Death Knight?
That's Jandice Barov, a Scourge-aligned necromancer from Scholomance.
He's not even a paladin, he's a warrior. None of his abilities are light-related.
Because it had been over five years, and also he got eaten by ghouls.
Actually you're wrong, he's not a Paladin. His class is Dark Knight, and it's unique to him alone.
Yet we brought back fucking Danath Trollbane in Legion somehow?
What? Danath never died.
Obviously you know who I mean, don't be anal
I never touched Legion, so uh...
Oh, what? That's retarded. Is EVERYTHING in that storyline a shitshow?
Not genocide, but humans need a battle to shown that their crappy Third War Imperial Plate wearing footmen are obsolete and they should let them go and replace them with infantrymen already. Maybe when they try a Siege of Orgrimmar II: Electric Boogaloo have the goblins set up machine gun emplacements to mow them down by the thousands in a not!Verdun to demonstrate how retarded it is to still be using their tier 0 equipment as well as signify the Horde mean business. With the orcs being split in two by WoD and depleted in Legion, they really need technology and tactics to offset their now in the red population.
Swords > guns
Which is why the footmen discarded their swords and shields for pikes while still wearing Imperial Plate.
The male version of that song just doesn't sound as good, and I've only ever managed to create an out-of-synch but close enough duet.
Sorry that you don't get it user, but swords will always be cooler than shitty guns. That's just the way of it.
>this thread
>He's not even a paladin, he's a warrior. None of his abilities are light-related
Doesn't he have a paladin kit?
Or am I thinking of the bandit heroic characters that he shares a model with?
Very uncool.
No really, as of BfA, Footmen are no longer using the sword and shield getup: it's shown in the cinematic and splash screen. They're pikemen now.
Except when used by dwarves. Dwarf riflemen are best archetype.
See I don't think you get the message.
Friendly reminder to sage and report off topic threads.
Drak'Theron gave me a nightmare the first time I leveled through it
It's not a swords or guns debate, it's a "footmen are wearing gear that was sub-par for a level 60 character, never mind a level 100 character for the sake of tradition" debate. Their armor might as well be tissue paper against the exotic new materials introduced several expansions down the line.
>Tauren just swinging a tree trunk
Can't forget the classics.
pike n shot homeboy, just like Warhammer and 16th-18th century warfare
>It's not a swords or guns debate
But you said they should use guns.
We brought back Thoras Trollbane, who was probably well-preserved since his traitor of a son at least had the decency to have him entombed in the family mausoleum.
I just used an image of another type of soldier in Warcraft to compare them to.
(But guns do have the benefit of rapid fire, being able to target flying units, and if you're going to give footmen pikes cut out the middleman and give them rifles with bayonets like in the Warcraft movie. No reason to keep riflemen and footmen separate if both can be given common equipment.)
I like how when Gruul and Khadgar teamed up on Deathwing Khadgar beat him with a simple "Unbolt/unhinge/unscrew/untie" spell mostly used for parlor tricks and undressing.
Why are the Tauren participating in this conflict, anyway? One would think they'd have a more Khadgarian view on thinks and see the Battle for Azeroth as the waste of time and resources it is versus saving Azeroth from exploding.
Despite all that, guns are not cool. Which is why they won't use them.
A blood debt is a blood debt.
The best magic isn't the most powerful, merely the most intelligently applied.
DESU, neither are footmen.
Eh, Warcraft still uses (Enchanted) Black Powder, rapid fire BP weapons are unreliable as hell, there are relatively few enemies in WoW that actually do rapid fire and even then usually only as abilities and not all THAT fast. And it seems like bows hold enchantments that bring them on par with guns much better.
But you can't put a bayonet on a bow. That would be stupid.
Good lord, did we really play video games like this? Those polygons. And Diablo out of nowhere.
I remember this guy... Garibos or Gillathos or something. I don't know human names all sound alike to me.
>Also it was the biggest schadenfreude blue balls when slaanesh didn't raise his arse as an undead and he didn't break free and become undead leader of the scarlet crusade after Balnazaar was ousted
That's Sargeras. A bit from that video from WC2 was actually also used in some early pre-releases of the first Diablo. Of course, the Big D ended up looking dfiferently and they made it so that he no longer needed an entry video for when you popped up in his lair. They ended up not implementing the time limit and a massive quest chain related to it.
It's just a generic demon in the tomb of Sargeras.
Sargy was still pretty dead.
And what of the Orcs they owe that debt to? They just got their asses indirectly handed to them when they split and two and one half was slaughtered to practically the last by the other, further devastating both. How much investment do they have towards being used for whatever zany scheme the Zandalari/Forsaken/Nightborne have cooked up immediately afterwards when they were given at most a couple years to rebuilt after all that constant high-intensity warfare. The last thing they need is another war, and Saurfang would be the first to see that. Defending Lordaeron is one thing, but setting fire to the Nelves' capital when Green Jesus told you not to do that is another matter entirely. Was that even their decision, or was it something one of the above three dared them to do to prove their dedication to the "Horde"?
Generic demon or not, this is what the pre-release Diablo looked like.
Well the Dwarves killed a lot of them to dredge their land for Titan relics, so that happened.
Well Billy worked really hard on that model. They told him they'd hang it on the company refrigerator and everything.
Well we don't know the specifics of what led to Teldrassil going up in flames, or who knows what about it. If It is a false flag attack by a third party, and Baine and Saurfang know that, then they would fight against the Alliance in Lordaeron because to do otherwise would weaken the Horde.
>Zandalari fury warrior
>Kul Tiran human arms warrior.
I NEED it.
I just hope we get an Aztec themed DK set for troll DKs.
>being used for whatever zany scheme the Zandalari/Forsaken/Nightborne have cooked up
It's going to be interesting to see how the Horde plays out between these major powers all existing together in what was originally meant to be a pact for survival. The potential for conflicts of interest is huge.
No it isn't. It's practically zero. Remember who's writing this shit
You assume Zandalari DKs are a given. It's lore-viable, but it certainly doesn't mean they'll do it.
Allied races won't have access to hero classes. Though you should be able to make use of the Zandalari plate sets for transmog use.
It ain't about Zandalari DKs, just base trolls.
There are no more class sets.
So the Zandalari raid will drop Zandalari gear but not specifically flavored for any class.
Fucking lazy cunts.
There are no more tier sets. We'll have to see about classes.
Though it still sucks.
Why are void elves so gross?
Post TBC Lore abominations.
Because they're a combination of the Horde's worst aspects: Blood Elves and Forsaken. The elfiness of the former and the hot topic edginess of the latter.
And in the Alliance because ???
Void energy does something fucky to the Sunwell, so the void elves aren't allowed in Quel'thalas. Besides that, Alleria is still a staunch Alliance loyalist.
Exiled because they're dangerous. Alleria recruits them and they follow her back into the Alliance.
I meant from a development standpoint, hoss. They're edgy evil in bright lights.
Because the Horde got the new Night Elves, and having three elf subfactions on one team would be too much.
It'd be fucking hilarious though.
Give the Alliance the new Night Elves then, they're less evil.
Night elves don't like 'em though
Night Elves don't like anybody.
Because they are the only way anyone on the Alliance side will be able to play High Elves. This solution, as you know, is less than optimal.