For those unfamiliar, it was a 3.5 variant where you got features from two different classes (like Fighter/Sorcerer or Wizard/Cleric), with any redundant features not stacking (no double spell slots, no doubling Extra Attack).
Has anyone put together comprehensive rules. Any combinations which are totally busted? It seems that this would work fairly smoothly in 5e, where in previous editions it just felt like total overkill.
Owen Richardson
>Players what are some fun combos or classes you've played. I'v played Barbarian, Clerics, Druids, Sorcerer and Warlock. The only one I didn't have fun with was the Sorcerer, I just hate the class. Druid was fun mechanically but I don't like the flavor desu
Caleb Wilson
Players level twice as fast and start at level 1 in two classes, but can never have more than one level in one class than another class.
Dominic Martinez
Unneccessary. It's hard enough to challenge players in 5e as it is.
Jayden Lee
What did you hate specifically about sorcerer?
Aaron Rivera
Grease Wizard: Wizard of Grease. Cast Grease on everything, from the lowliest Kobold to the mighty Tarrasque. Cast Dragon's Breath on your familiar so anything that slipped in your grease has disadvantage on the saving throw. Keep Earthbind prepared just so you can bring down the flying creatures that have the bold faced audacity to not slip on your grease.
Austin Edwards
Druid, Monk and Wizard were the most fun I've ever had. Land Druid and Wizard were fun just fot being the spellcasty dude who might not have exactly what we need, but give me 8 hours and I will. Long Death Monk was fun because against a few/solo targets I was a stun/flurry machine and against groups I got to AoE fear to more or less demolish their ability to fight.
Warlock was the least fun, but that might have just been a combination of being a Kobold and the game going bad.
Playing a Ranger soon and I'm looking forward to it. Probably going Gloom Stalker or Horizon Walker.
Chase Campbell
Grease doesn't give disadvantage on saving throws.
Alexander Ross
Choice paralysis: too many spells but too few spells known. I couldn't get happy with what I chose.
It was also my first character, and 5e was fairly new. Literally only viable subclass was Draconic (I tried Wild Mage but DM frequently forgot about surges and I had shit AC, so I changed my subclass)
Carter Butler
Oh thats an idea. I just assumed both level ups would happen at the same time. Staggering it could be good.
Yeah, this is a good point. The reason I'm considering Gestalt is that things get repetitive, especially if you aren't a caster. I was just assuming 'scale up encounters', but encounters tend to already drag because of high hp.
Bentley Evans
Hey /5eg/ what are some great multiclass combinations? I read somewhere that palilock (paladin/warlock) is a good combo.
Isaac Bell
>Grease now affects even creatures that are immune to either effect >You can upcast grease, affecting a wider area
It's fine if you just go 1/1 -> 2/2 -> 3/3 as well, though.
Jaxson Howard
>Players what are some fun combos or classes you've played. I always have fun playing rogues. From the lawful to the chaotic, the good to the evil. Even though they are not usually the best and can often take a back seat to other classes, I just enjoy being the rueful skill monkey.
Lately I have been really itching to play a wizard. It has started to become a need, it looks like so much fun.
Nicholas Sanders
Here's a list of gishes, Shadow Monk/Rogue is a pretty good ninja.
David Martin
Depends what you're going for. Here's my shitlist of shit that shouldn't be allowed:
>Taking cleric dips that give you immediate access to shields+armour for people like wizards and sorcerers >UA multiclassing, especially revised ranger. >Dip into hexblade. Just don't. It's no coincidence that everybody suddenly got the idea to dip into hexblade 'for flavour purposes' at the same time. >Sorlocks, especially coffeelocks.
That's all I can think of right now. Go nuts. The broadest suggestion I can give you is that rogue can multiclass into any class that has extra attack with no problems, up to the level the other class gets extra attack.
Nathan Flores
Barbarian/Rogue for a featless game or if you don't want to take -5/+10 feats
Isaiah Bell
But 'Prone' condition does.
Jose Thomas
In a featless game barbarogue is OP because it's balanced with feated martials.
Chase Jenkins
>X Swashbuckler/3-5 Battle Master >Action Surge >Duelist Fighting Style >Riposte >Trip Attack >Menacing Attack/Precise Attack >Extra Attack (If you take 5 levels) >Sentinel High chances of x2 Sneak Attacks every round.
Also, you feel like Errol Flynn which is fun.
Kayden Hall
You're against taking cleric dips, but fighter dips for the same purpose are ok? Is it because the cleric keeps their spell slots progressing?
Chase Myers
Aww now I want to reroll my rogue
Kevin Gomez
Sneak attack only happens once a turn.
Leo Allen
Carter Diaz
That and fighter dips don't give you heavy armor proficiency if you take them after 1st level, but some cleric dips do if you take the right domain.
In general, though, two levels of fighter add a nice helping of cheese to almost anything.
Jackson Perez
Fighter dips for the same purpose are bad, but not quite as bad. Both can give you 21 AC but fighter doesn't continue your spellcasting progression.
Personally I would houserule that you only get one 'level' of armouring at each multiclassed level - light armour+shields->medium armour->heavy armour. Players only really have properly defined characters at level 3 / start at level 3 anyway so taking three levels to reach heavy armour is fine.
Adrian Bailey
>High chances of x2 Sneak Attacks every round.
Jack Barnes
see: >every round Round =! Turn
Christopher Martin
Not that heavy armour really matters. It's +1 AC over medium armour and demands stats more than medium armour does and has no no-stealth-disadvantage variant.
Ethan Bell
So an Open Hand Monk and a Swashbuckler will likely be our only frontliners. Is this going to be a problem?
Dominic Lee
>But 'Prone' condition does. Dude, my point is go read the fucking prone condition.
Joseph Rodriguez
Huh, you're right. I'm not the guy who posted the 'Grease Wizard' idea, but I was pretty sure that Prone at least throws in disadvantage to Dex saves.
Blake Morales
>Two d8 classes I'm sure you'll be fine. Rogues and Monks can be decent dodge tanks by the time they get more levels. And to be honest, party composition doesn't really matter all that much after 3, and before 20 in 5th edition.
Henry Mitchell
I updated this picture a little, after thinking some people might be comfortable with just taking 2 levels into Fighter for their Gish needs. Also, I added some spells.
Bentley Allen
Why are you still posting this crap?
Sebastian Myers
Because they asked user. Why are you being so accusatory?
Jackson Collins
Sorry but Rogue/Fighter isn't great. It's pretty subpar, especially when you go melee and pick bad Maneuvers.
Jack Walker
I threw this together a while ago, I've only tested them with a few character builds and never ran it. Its not really "true gestalt" but if you are looking to run a game with such a rule set here you go.
Cooper Fisher
>Eldritch Knight >Disintegrate
What the fuck
Owen Davis
If you could have total control over 6e, what would you do?
I would merge 5e and 4e, while placing a greater emphasis on theater of the mind combat.
>Levels 1-30, with new tiers of play/character options every 10 levels (first tier is grounded fantasy, second tier approaches high fantasy, and third tier gets cosmic). > bounded accuracy within tiers: A level 1 fighter is just as likely to hit a level 10 threat as a level 10 fighter, but both fighters will experience significant accuracy issues on a level 11 threat (which is in the second tier of play). >less focus on grounded martials. Let them do super fantasy shit appropriate for the tier they are in. >short rest rebalanced to the same length of time as a ritual spell: 10 minutes. Generally the party is assumed to be able to take a short rest after every encounter unless the DM explicitly rushes them. >less focus on auto attacking/cantripping: cantrips and auto attacks should be rare compared to generous ability use. >skill challenges brought back and integrated with the combat system (as in some form of skill check based damage).
You first moron.
Brayden Jackson
Both of them are kiting classes, not frontlining classes. However, a monk can hold out while dodging.
In the first place, you don't need a frontline. In fact, a front line usually just makes it harder to kite. In an environment where you can't kite, ranged combatants aren't really any weaker than melee combatants so it doesn't matter anyway and your problem isn't that you have no front line but rather that everyone is a vulnerable class.
Even if you did have a 'front line', very few of them actually have abilities that stop enemies just saying 'no, fuck you, I'm ignoring you', walking past and slaying the party wizard who's all alone at the back.
Jason Foster
I honestly don't get the Barbarouge hype. Seems pretty pointless in general.
Colton Barnes
How much shit would I get if I brought a character to my local Adventurer's League that was based on Alex Jones?
Joseph Torres
I don't know, increased odds of multiple Sneak Attacks, knocking people prone, Extra Attack to make sure you get the Sneak Attack, +3 to AC if you pick up Defense and a Shield. Seems pretty solid to me.
Ranged Rogue is still safer of course, but these guys get two Sneak Attacks.
Lucas Collins
No less pointless than rogue or barbarian is.
Flavourwise, fills both the 'strength rogue thug' type and 'dexterity barbarian' type.
Elijah Lopez
slow the fuck down. Prone has always given disadvantage on dex saves. did it change recently?
Chase Reed
>+3 to AC if you pick up Defense
You only get one fighting style. All that and you're still worse off than a straight Fighter or Rogue.
Grayson Taylor
I checked in 5etools references and it says it doesn't. I'll check the book now.
John Wright
Nope, not in the book as well. I guess it kinda makes sense. You have a harder time actively dodging stuff, but you're also harder to hit with a lot of stuff, especially from afar.
Liam Butler
interesting. I think i might do a few things differently. So far, the only 'redundancies' I want to limit are:
use highest hp pick 2 save proficiencies from either class Only one set of spell slots (prepare spells/spells known for both as appropriate). Extra Attack doesn't stack Use the best ASI progression.
No Mystics
Luis Ortiz
Yeah I only put a nights worth of thought into it honestly so some things might be overkill or just what I thought at the time.
>pick 2 save proficiencies from either class I'd recommend them picking as a set from either class because it preserves the Con/Dex/Wis for one and Str/Int/Cha for the other standard. But I guess gestalt isn't exactly meant to be balanced so its probably fine.
Liam White
Can I put a glyph of warding on my spellbook?
Kevin Reed
If you're above someone and you use Lightning Lure, does it pull them upwards?
Carter Williams
No, once you move that spell book 10ft the glyph disappears.
Bentley Lee
Yes you can. Now go do it and come back crying when it doesn't work because you can't read.
Connor Ward
I'd say it would, but Lightning Lure only pulls 5 feet, so they'll immediately fall with no damage.
Cameron Wilson
Wait, shit, it pulls 10 feet, so they're take 1d6 damage from falling, and maybe be knocked prone.
Lincoln Flores
Oh good catch, I mean to say that generally with Action Surge. I'll have to fix that...
>If you or your DM does not know this Action Surge can be used to make it so you can cast Hold Person/Hold Monster, Action Surge, and Lightning Bolt/Disintegrate them making it so they fail their dexterity save automatically.
Adam Diaz
So lets say that I'm putting together a MULTIVERSAL CONTEST OF CHAMPIONS for my high-level PCs. And I want another bunch of NPC parties from different campaign settings to serve as rival adventuring parties. They won't necessarily be fighting them, though - the Contest is more completing specific challenges like, I dunno, getting an upskirt photo of the Lady of Pain or something.
So I need some help putting together what could sort of be considered "iconic" adventuring parties for each campaign setting.
Here's my thoughts so far. Could also use some suggestions:
>Greyhawk I'm actually thinking just dwarf fighter, elf wizard, halfling rogue, and human cleric.
>Forgotten Realms Need a bunch of special snowflakes, almost certainly including a drow cleric of Eilistraee.
>Dragonlance Knight of Solamnia, Wizard of the Red Robes, Kender thief, and...I dunno.
>Dark Sun There'll definitely be a Thri-keen, anyway. No idea what else. Never played it.
>Birthright, Mystara No idea...never played these settings.
>Nentir Vale Fuckin' dragonborn.
>Planescape Aasimar assassin, Tiefling paladin, no idea what else.
>Spelljammer No idea.
Adam Ramirez
I'mn new to GMing and hosted my last session yesterday, what kinds of questions should I ask my group if I want to improve my GMing. I'm also going to be asking what they specifically liked about it so I can tailor the tone of the sessions to them.
Wyatt Perez
I've long been of the opinion that 4e's combat system of giving martial classes access to at-will powers is the best thing about it and I've always been a proponent of the idea of a maneuver list about as comprehensive as the list of all the spells in 5e, and giving every martial class their own lists of maneuvers the way casters get class specific spells. This lets classes like the Battlemaster become like the Wizard, as they could learn any maneuver, And adds to the class identity as well as the sub-identities of each class through the customization of every player's list of maneuvers. Also gives martials things to do every turn aside from "hit it with my sword"
Also bring back Warlord.
Christian Ward
I like it.
Michael Ross
>Bring back Warlord
You mean, like Banneret? Or like Battlemaster with Commanding Strike?
Logan Rodriguez
kinda answered your own question. There are always things you can improve on regardless of what your table notices. Encounters, NPCs, Descriptions, Puzzles, World building - the list goes on and on.
Every table is different so try to gauge what your players are responding to and what they seem disinterested in. My brother and his friends really only care about combat and loot, so I keep the story simple and throw in some extra encounters. My wife and our friends like puzzles, mystery, and character interaction so I make sure to give plenty of context for every encounter, because they have no interest in random battles.
Most important of all is just practice. The more you DM the more you'll learn and improve. You can get advice all day but putting into practice is a different story.
Andrew Cruz
>I want to replicate warlord, an entire 4e class with diverse and unique options. >uhh, lol, just use a subpar maneuver 4 times per short rest lol
Brandon Sullivan
So, since the last time I played, Orcpub died. Is there anything similar that didn't shoot itself in the foot?
Julian Bell
This question was asked earlier in another thread.
How does your character/s react to a marriage proposal?
Luis Parker
I routinely make monster stat blocks and items which i send to my DM, for him to use as he sees fit. Occasionally i get a specific request, but otherwise i just kinda go with whatever i think up. I do a lot of random card grabs from gatherer and mock up monsters from the art. As a DM, do you enjoy when your players contribute to the game in meta ways, or would you rather have the game entirely in your hands, with the players only being the participants?
Hudson Reed
One of my players regularly draws battle maps and sends them to me, which is extremely useful
Leo Brooks
If my players were ever anything more than ungrateful lazy sods who want me to act as a referee saying yes to ever power fantasy they have, I would absolutely encourage them to contribute as you do.
Justin Rodriguez
Not well, considering his wife died about a year and a half ago and he still is obsessed with her.
Wyatt Price
The battle master is too obsessed with killin' them there Demons to acknowledge
The thief thinks this is some kind of sting operation
The war mage stares blankly, thinking it's a joke
Alexander Brown
nice, thanks.
Carter Myers
If a battle master uses Commander's Strike on your character can you refuse it?
Party fighter says rules don't explicitly let you refuse, DM agrees.
Oliver Ramirez
>"That creature can immediately use its reaction to make one weapon attack, adding the superiority die to the attack's damage roll."
It can. Doesn't have to, but it can.
Jonathan Long
>That creature can immediately use its reaction >CAN The definition of can is to be able to. They don't have to.
Asher Harris
My Hexblade would probably stutter and blush and then try to reject the proposal as politely as possible because he's too young and hasn't seen enough of the world for that kind of thing yet, and then ask if it's some kind of prank
Thomas Perez
Alright boys, I want to do a thing. Anyone who's ever accidentally stumbled into /x/ knows a thing or two about Skinwalkers/Fleshgaits/Goatman shenanigans, but I want to put it to good use in a little horror session for my players, specifically the Goat's ability to blend in. How would you guys recommend going about this? Are there any monsters that pretty much do the same thing already?
Julian Foster
bad dm. Of course you can refuse. Beyond the basic grammar of the sentence (can=/=must), it's just bad policy to force a player to do something they don't want to do.
Kayden Walker
intellect devourers
Angel Young
I always assume "ally" implies willing, otherwise you it's extremely vague and some spells become wonky. Plus, the specific wording of can makes it optional.
Liam Long
I love free time in town filler. Give them a duration and ask them what they want to get into, then go from there.
Brody Jones
Orcpub is no longer allowed to officially host non-SRD content, but you can add the content back in manually using their system for adding homebrew stuff. Here is a compilation of, I believe, all of the missing stuff in the form of .orcbrew files which can be imported into Orcpub2.
Jeremiah Barnes
My pally is already married.
Bentley Lewis
You are a Saint.
William Ramirez
Cleric from pre-time skip half of campaign was married, current bard is his daughter.
Luis Barnes
So as a DM I don't have one PC character, I have like 20 in a backlog waiting for that special day they get their time in the sun so have a few...
>Female Half-Elf Rogue/Warlock Surprised, and if she reciprocates those feelings she would say yes. They probably would have been at least dating before this happens though (She would say no otherwise), so the guy/girl knows that they are about to get into a strange relationship with both her and a devil that WILL torment both of them forever/until its dead, but if they can push past that and like her for the person she is and has similar desires they should be happy.
>Male Tiefling Wizard He's married already to a female Dwarven Smith and they have a little girl who's 10. So he would be flattered, but would quickly turn them down as he loves his family.
>Male Half-Elf Bard/Fighter Does he love them back? If so YES, so fast. If not, he will do everything in his power to get that person married ASAP. He will not stop until he finds a person who is suitable for someone like that. Love is something he cares about greatly and he knows it takes work so it would not be so easy.
>Warforged Pugilist (Brawley person) Would be confused at the concept as this was not something it was programmed to do nor was it taught of. If they got super close it would hide under the bed or box itself in tight space by a wall until they stop doing the weird thing.
>Male Aarakocra Monk He would race her, fight her, compete againt her, and if he actually finds her attractive let her win every single one. He would be flustered and struggle to get the words out, but he would eventually pull it off. If he was asked by this person he loves, he would probably shout yes, as his body would start to send off little cinders, then they fly up like 200 feet in the air enjoy each other's company for a while.
>Agender Samsaran Wizard They have been married before so they would say yes, as long the person is okay with marrying an asexual.
Jack Howard
>ToA ends in an unwinnable boss battle
Why did Wizards think this would be okay?
Jaxon Turner
Thanks for the spoiler fagot
Dominic Ramirez
>play Tomb of Annihilation >get annihilated wooow who could have seen that coming
Robert Cooper
>Planescape Throw in a Genasi Sorcerer and a Bariaur Bard for good measure.
Nathaniel Gomez
Totally going to play a ten years old half tiefling half dwarf chick next. You can't tell me what to do dad.
John Price
>use module >have unsatisfying campaign.
Wow, who could have seen this coming?
Jace Scott
You're welcome.
Brody Wilson
I mean I would totally play her, she's got a good teacher.
Leo Brooks
Would you allow a player to play as two characters? Would you impose some kind of limitation on them to compensate?
Henry Robinson
It depends on the campaign. A combat oriented dungeon crawl, especially one with a small player group, can accomodate or even be made stronger with some players using 2 characters, but for an RP heavy game, it becomes a distraction for the rest of the game.
Levi Moore
why would you want to? I feel like there has to be some horrible "forcing the paladin to fall by using commander's strike to make him kill an innocent creature" plot behind this.
Juan Gonzalez
Typically you wouldn't, but sometimes you want your reaction for other purposes and the fighter may not realize that. My table is fairly loose with tactical discussion mid-combat, but some like it to be fairly limited, and in such a case, you may be needing to counterspell, low on health and need to shield or absorb elements, or even use sentinel to stop enemies from moving out of range. The rogue may be more worried about incoming damage than optimizing his own, while a protection fighting style player may be hoping to keep his concentrating wizard just a little safer.
Jose Murphy
Does magic ammunition stack with Elemental Weapon?