I have an idea for a setting where absolutely every inhabited city has a curse on it...

I have an idea for a setting where absolutely every inhabited city has a curse on it. If you want then lets come up with different cities with different curses on them. I'll start:

The City of Howling Winds

The city is full of howling winds that flay away at the soul. Men who dwell too long within the city walls turn to comatose zombies and their souls become vicious freeroaming ghosts that rip and tear away at people. Inhabitants survive by engaging in constant song and music that drives away the wind and the ghosts.

>Peak physical performance

>Literally just a slut

They don't belong in the same category.

City of Tormenting Voice

When you're in the city, everyone can hear everyone else's thoughts, unless you are in physical pain, so everyone who lives in the city will literally harm themselves to keep the voices out, or keep themselves in pain, like wearing barbed wire under a corset.

City of the Labrynth
For some reason, every door in this city leads to another random door in the city, with no discernable pattern

Except yes they do though.

To be attractive as a man, you need to be in peak physical performance.

To be attractive as a woman, you need to have a not-busted face, big titties, and not be fat.

Deal with it, nerd.

City of Delinquency
Only the purest of heart may enter this city unaffected. Everyone else is immediately transformed into their childlike state, or the race's equivalent, keeping all your memories and knowledge. Your gear, however, is not sized with you.

People get around this by having houses with only one front entrance, followed by a boobytrapped hallway leading into a larger living area.

It is considered extremely impolite to not announce yourself when entering a home, and downright stupid to try and enter the hallway/house proper without doing so.

City of Holy Fire

This city is incredibly pious, to the point that any text that enters the city is destroyed and replaced with holy scriptures. Anybody who commits even the smallest sin immediately combusts, leaving a scorchmark in the shape of a holy symbol where they were.

t. Virgin

Someone post that webcomic of a city cursed by a lust demon to have a number over the head of each inhabitant, displaying the number of times they've masturbated. Then the demon queen is freed from her imprisonment and has a 15 digit number over her head

City of the Goblet
Fairly normal city, except everyone only drinks a special wine found only in this town. When partaken of, the nightmares start. The wine seems to keep them away. No one leaves the town in fear of never finding this wine again and having to endure the nightmares forever

>Women are shit
I should've known

City of the Messiah
Everyone in the city has a number on their head. When asked about it, they tell about how their good deeds are recorded on their forehead, magically, and your misdeeds take away from your number. Everyone in town has a positive number on their head

The City of Ink
Inside the city lurks a mysterious force known only as "The Ink," a seemingly sentient black liquid that will pour and seep out of every surface come nightfall and swallow up anyone it can, it is deathly afraid of fire however and so almost every inhabitant of the city carries a candle at all times to ward it off.

City of Fading
A violent and seedy city. Those who enter start to lose their senses slowly over time. The only way to restore your senses is to kill another living being. The bigger/more sentient the creature, the more your senses are restored.

A good way to think of a curse is to think of the vaults in fallout, and their experiments. Apply the thought process to create a vault experiment to a magical curse

City of Character
Everyone in the city is 1-Dimensional, expressing only 1 emotion/mood at all times. Those who enter have their most prominent trait accentuated

City of Animals

While within the city walls, people look like animals, and animals look like people. People can understand and speak to animals, but can't understand or speak to people.

Basically, you see yourself fine, but see everyone else as animals, and if you try to talk to them, you only get barks and meows in response.

Talking to people, who are animals, you either get generic responses or petulant cries for food and attention.

City of Hypocrates
Normal city during the day, but everyone works without end. At night, a mysterious stranger in a Plague Doctor outfit enters a person's house and curses them with an incurable, but not transferrable, disease. Usually fatal. The person is determined by "how hard" they work, which isn't very solidly measured. You just have to hope you worked hard enough to survive the night. No one quite knows who the Plague Doctor is, but its not worth it to stop wirking to find out

You're right, but what makes Chad a Chad is that he burns through Stacy's like the Virgin goes through hand lotion and tissues, meanwhile, the Stacey's continue to flock to him regardless.

Cities of Heaven and Hell
A series of 7 cities, each split in 2. One half of each city is dwelled by people who represent 1 of the 7 deadly sins, and the other half represents 1 of the 7 Heavenly Virtues

City of Utterance
Everyone has their "Utterance", a word or phrase, written on their palm that, when spoken to them, kills them. The utterance relates to their greatest fear. The ones who values their life wear gloves and gauntlets

City of the Beast
Every citizen has a human soul and an animal soul, represented by their teeth. Citizens have the teeth of the animal they represent, appropriately sized to a human jaw. They also possess based instincts of the animal. Sharks are intrigued by the smell of blood, squirrels hang out in trees, dogs are loyal and playful

City of Wholesomeness

Everyone must act as a happy family unit and be polite and courteous.

Any deviation results in the ground opening up and city swallowing you.

City of Pizza

At the center of the city there is a statue of a man wearing armor, he just got out of his horse and is holding a box that looks like it's made out of paper, but water does not seem to affect it in any way, he holds it as if offering it to whoever looks at him from the front.
The box can be opened and inside there will always be a round bread, cut in eight slices, covered in many different delicious food items. The bread will always have the igredients that look the most delicious to whoever opened it.
If the box is closed, another complete round bread will appear inside.

The catch, once you eat from this bread you will not be able to eat anything else as food from any other source will become deadly toxic to you.
After a few months the bread will start to lose it's flavor and will start to change into the most repugnant flavors to whoever opens the box.
In order to be able to eat from the box and not die the people of the city must bring in new people and force them to open the box in order to get good flavors which will in time start to fade into horrible ones and new people will need to be cursed as well.

The City of Doors.

You can not enter a door unless invited and once inside you can't leave if your the only person. The city has become a single mega structure so there is no part of it that isn't a room to be potentially trapped in.

>To be attractive as a man, you need to be
competent, successful, and slightly monstrous.

City of the Musical Stool

Looks like a pretty normal metropolis, but there's a force field that teleports any chairs or other means of sitting the hell down to the other side of the planet, and outright killing anyone who tries to leave by traditional methods. The only way to leave the city is to sit in the Bye Bye Stool, which spawns randomly every hour or so somewhere in the city. If a singular person (no lap rides or doubling up) sits in the Stool, they are transported somewhere magical and may never return to the city. The Bye Bye Stool's usually in a different spot each time, and has been known to spawn in places beyond human reach.
The chair emits a gentle medley of instruments when approached, so playing any form of music while in the city is punishable to the fullest extent of the law so as to keep everyone's chances even.
Nobody who knows how comfortable the Bye Bye Stool is has ever returned to tell everyone else trapped in town, but odds are that it's either impossibly comfy or downright painful to put your ass on.

City of Raining Chairs

On exactly the other side of the planet a chair, saddle, or any other means of sitting the hell down falls from the sky every so often, and nobody knows why. Over the years people have integrated the chairs into their lives, up to making their roofs and sundries out of 'em.

Shouldn't the cursed cities have some kind of allure to them? A curse desguised as a blessing or a curse that invites people that are trying to subvert it and take advantage of the curse to go into the cities.
If it is just a curse with no advantages people will just avoid the city all together.

She’s not a Stacy, she’s an “other girl”

That's the thing. ALL the cities are cursed.

The motive for going in could have any number of plot hooks and for whatever poor unfortunet soul is already a denizen of these cursed places, well the city might not always have been cursed.

an interesting twist on SPC 458.

>City of Verse

The curse within this city is a voice within one's head that attempts to cajole them into revealing their deepest secrets. All who hear the voice immediately recognize it as their own.

Those who give in to the voice (for the first time, this takes a week at most, and only for those of very strong will) begin to write obsessively about one of their secrets. In most cases, people will opt towards more innocuous secrets such as "I hate music", but even after that they will continue to hear the voice, which encourages them to keep going until they have no secrets to keep from others.

After the completion of a work, the voice encourages the writer to read out their writing to a sufficiently large group, the prerequisite size varying based off of the significance of the secret. After this, they gain the voice's silence, until next they awaken from slumber.

Those who stay for a particularly long time will certainly reveal darker secrets such as "I killed a cousin of mine". However, those who stay in the city for long enough to confess every single secret of theirs are regarded very highly by the city's populace, being seen as something like saints.

How about a hangnail or ingrown nail? Or just some superficial scratches, would those count? I ask because there is no way that place stays heavily populated, unless they're a bunch of Melniboneans.

Well actually for my setting I was going to use the traditional Israelite snowglobe cosmology but whatever you can use this idea for your own settings.

The idea of the setting is sort of like that the whole setting is cursed by the God of the setting, called the Author, except that it has Khabbalistic ideas sort of.

Long ago The Author wrote The Book and seeking to make The Book real he fell into The Book and became trapped inside of The Book. Now The Author seeks to find his way outside of The Book and in doing so drag the The Book into a higher state of existence. But being trapped inside The Book was planned all along. In order to accomplish this uplifting of The Book he needed to go through a sort of withdrawing of power to allow for free will and such.

It is said in some Jewish stuff that in the afterlife all people do not have limbs that can feed themselves. For good people it is a paradise because they feed one another and for bad people it is a hell because they do not.

So the process of repair isn't just a gathering of material wealth and banishing curses and disease. Rather it is a long process of social change to cultivate virtue. You can also add the Chabad view that everyone reincarnates until they have a good enough incarnation.

>The City Without Faces
Simply put, those within the city cannot be distinguished. They appear in a somewhat generic and androgynous human form, save for the lack of any and all facial features. The usual functions a face provides are still preformed, but the front of the head is smooth and featureless. The curse is lifted upon exiting the city.

This has led the city to become, bluntly, a madhouse. It is hard to form bonds or face consequences when everyone is the same, after all. There are those who don grotesque masks to draw attention to themselves, but they're generally seen as nuisances.

A city where you can vote your approval on anything or anyone and it shows up as a counter.

This is from an rpg I once played.

A town that cannot be found by normal means. The only people that can find it are those whom everyone has forgotten about. Once you enter the town you become unnoticeable to anyone outside the town. People inside the town are unremarkable, anti-social, and oblivious (these traits aid to their current condition). To become "real" again you need to make yourself "worth notice" by the people inside the town because if these "nobodies" don't care about you why would anyone else.

>be robot/golem/clockwork automaton disguised as person
>walk around with constant 0 due to barbiedoll anatomy

Is that how they'd figure out you're not human?

Other girl is hot

City of the timeless archives
Any recorded media, be it, graffiti, scrawlings, books, contracts, whatever, are promptly confiscated by the city archives.
The archives are manned by a necromancer and his army of minions. Don't return records beyond their due date or you join the army.
Don't misplace media in the archives or you join them.
Oh and have fun figuring out the date in a city where the passage of time is not uniform and where all the goddamn calendars are archived too.

>Literally just a slut

Thats the dumb reductionist way of looking at it but yes, being a slut is the primary requirement for women to be socially and sexually succesful

Literally the same concept under different name

City of Ceremony

People in this city quickly become addicted to needless pomp and procedure. Everything is ruled by a web of complex social interaction rituals and elaborate etiquette. The city's calendar is dominated by endless interlocking and/or competing holidays and each day more are added.

I am slightly monstrous!
It's a bright day the one you start by realising you're already 1/3 there.

>driving away the winds
>not instrumentalising it for industrial purposes

The City of Shared Bodies

All who live in this city seem to have their bodies connected through some strange spiritual mechanism.

Each day all inhabitants wake up in the body of a random person. They do not concern themselves with vanity in the usual maner, as luck dictates if you are beautiful for a day. They adapt and do the job of the body they wake up in. You could also wake up in the next body to die, or the next to be born.

Well observed.
SCP are a very good source for cool concepts and putting them on a medieval setting can be interesting.I just added a bad side to it, since SCP-458 is way too SAFE.

All women are sluts.
Stacy is just prettier.

Not really, you just need to look buff and (at least pretend) to have a big dick.
You'll never have a STABLE relationship but those doesn't matter.

>Literally the same concept under different name
Except the virgin vs chad meme is deconstructive, agitating not to mention funny, while the other girl one is self congratulatory.

Says a lot about the sexes

How the fuck dodo you "pretend" to have a big dick? I have one but it's only useful once I'm in the bed with her ie almost never

We're all having fun with the curses, some of them are actually pretty fucking neat actually, but why does every city have a curse?
I can't be the only one who's curious about that.
I can turn on my suspension of disbelief as to why even live in one of these but for fucks sake at least give me a reason mate, i have aspergers, this is killing me.

Talk big

See Basically God's a dick.

But Stacy vs Becky is self-congratulatory too. "Look how terrible women are, isn't it great that men like us are so much more VIRTUOUS and EMOTIONALLY DEEP?"

>literally just a slut
>for dressing like one
the chad and stacy stereotypes identify sexual success and overall attractiveness as being the key determinants of a person's success. So is she a whore?

Only to men worth being a whore for.

Man are either chads or bitter failed chads.
Women are either the other girl or bitter failed other girls.
We like to pretend that we don't care about it by making fun of the chads and other girls, pretending that we are better then them, and then there's the castrated idiots that think that they are better than the opposite sex, when both work in different ways.

>Says a lot about the sexes
Incels are more prone to making MSPaint comics in order to complain about their present situation than they are to improving their lives?

Man, the fuck is society doing.
I'm a bitter failed wily that is thinking of speccing into greeds piggly. Chad doesn't even come into it, just which kind of cartoon villainy I get to do.

Please, expand on that

The virgin vs chad one is makes out the character you are supposed to relate to (the virgin) as the loser while making chad both absolutely surreal (flailing arms wildly, shitting standing up etc.). It contains both a hint of bitterness from the virgin, a part of male dominance from both the creator, chads and people with the ability to distance themselves to a microsoft paint comic, humor and lastly an actual perspective on the idea of chadness, being both a nietzschean idea of the superman, Chad is not a chad for doing what is chadish but chadishness is derived from his dominance.

The me/other girl one demonises the other girl, while making the "me" character out as better and misunderstood. It lacks self reflection and depth.

My original post was meant to poke fun at the fact that men are ruled by the idea of dominance and integrity. The virgin and all who relate to him both with and without the ability to distance themselves from him are being dominated by Chad. How ever in dealing with this we both make Chad out to be stupid, hoping to justify to ourselves that we could actually dominate him either economically or intellectually. How ever deep down we know that dominance is what it is and most of us are rather low on the ladder.

This all the while the female variant is unable to down play the authour or the intended audiences own percieved value. Women are more often prone to over value themselves and are biologically inclined to be sought after even if they are avarage, and the avarage woman therefore over values herself. This is not only a learned behaviour but an evolutionary one and I thought it was fun to see it manifested in these little drawings.

English is not my first language, please no crucifixtion.

man I just can't empathize with this shit.

I've always been apart from those dominance games, and was spared the majority of any kind of bullying or really anything by virtue of being a violent asshole.

What I tried to convey in is the idea that most Beckys are not "bitter" Staceys, they can be jelous, but that is because they really do feel that they deserve the attention. Women are hypergamous by nature and must overvalue themselves in order to get the best mate. Because of this women naturally overvalue themselves.
A 5/10 girl can get a 7/10 guy without contributing much while a 7/10 guy must have good job or some other resources in order to even get a 6/10 girl. My main point is that this is not concious desicion and as such subconciously manifested in the comics.

I was bullied in highschool but learned to dominate my surroundings in university and the workplace once I moved town. I've had much more luck with women and with respect and even admiration from coworkers since I stopped stooping to and respecting others.

see, I've always been an asshole, and it's gotten me through life swimmingly.

I have literally never had 'Okay, I'm leaving, you do the rest of this. Okay byeeeee" backfire on me.

>Paladin order is really obsessed with being pure
>Candidates are recruited young and kept in permanent chastity except when bathing

>I've had much more luck with women and with respect and even admiration from coworkers since I stopped respecting others.


>people taking the "Virgin vs. Chad" meme seriously
Virgin is supposed to be relatable, as in, the Virgin traits listed are usually inherent for almost any normal human being.
Chad traits, however, are composed of the traits that are the complete opposite of the Virgin's ones, taken to the absurd.

The Virgin vs. Chad meme pokes fun at the whole idea of people comparison based on obvious traits, because Virgin demonstrates traits that are inherent to almost everyone, while Chad demonstrates traits that are inherent to literally no one.

The Virgin vs. Chad meme (at least, the original) basically compares an ordinary human being with some sort of boogeyman taken ad absurdum.
Giving it any more meaning than that is just distorting the meme for your own personal agenda.
Like the people in this thread do, really.

Now stop trying to inject meaning into memes, where there should be none.
Longcat is inherently long and doesn't carry any meaning besides the self-reflection of its own long-ness.
Virgin is inherently relatable, and the Chad is inherently the absurd existence that is antonymous to the Virgin's one. Nothing more.


I mean being a Stacy takes a lot of time, money, and effort as well. There's a shit ton of beauty work with cosmetics and rigorous hygiene to maintain, and it DOES take a decent amount of excercise to maintain a good-looking body.

The emoji movie

More like men are willing to admit their situation is fucked while women say “not I actually want this”

Please learn the meaning of the word “both”

I'm not sure a girl made this.

>anguished screaming intensifies

Well it was a tumblr original and a parody so probably

>Now stop trying to inject meaning into memes, where there should be none.
What are you talking about, Jack? Memes are the DNA of the soul. Memes are meaning made manifest.

Now, back on topic.
The Four Leafs City that carries the curse known as The Railing.
People inside the city will never be able to discuss any subject for long, having the discussion shift into pointless subjects, experiencing huge amounts of rage and frustration while at the same time feeling compeled to always respond and never leave the discussion behind, trying to win the discussion, no matter how pointless.
They will forget to eat, forget their personal hygiene and may even die pursuing these pointless discussions without ever coming back to their actual goals or leaving the city.

Only through an external force can the people cursed by The Railing be freed, some people make a living out of invading the city and forcibly removing the insane people from the city, all the while wearing ear protections and keeping complete silence, since listening to the discussion or speaking to the cused will make one cursed too.

No. Statistics show that 5/10 women are rated as less than average and 8/10 men are rated as less than average. Biologically women look better than men in general. This is probably because one man can impregnate many women but the reverse isn't true.

That makes no sense

post some mako lewds

There’s been a few studies. The score skew for female attractiveness is a standard bell curve, the one for men is heavily weighted in the 5/10 and below