If you're looking for a "canonical" monster, the Servitors of Azathoth are thematically associated with music. They might appear in response to a specific tune, to carry the musician off to the Court at the center of the universe. Talented musicians are always in demand to keep the Demon Sultan from waking up.
Camden Hill
Justin Moore
I'm working on a late submission for the Shotgun Scenario contest, just for fun. It's about a leftover Karotechia wizard stealing a mummy from the American Museum of Natural History in New York
I call it "Because the beauty of the White Ape Woman must not perish from the earth" and it's going to be 1488 words long.
Charles Sanchez
I've always been interested in something set during the Colonial periods, in colonial places. Maybe India or Nepal. It would have to be handled delicately these days, but there's still potential.
Liam Price
sounds like a plan user, any ideas on what mythos being you would use for it?
Julian Moore
Tyler Stewart
Did anybody watch Channel Zero and if so, did you get any inspiration from it?
Austin Foster
I'm inclined towards the more mystic stuff Lovecraft did, so I might just do some sort of cult with weird magic. Maybe nightgaunts or some other summonable creature. Ghouls are a possibility because I really like them and I feel like they don't come up enough, but they're also hard to push as an antagonist for an entire investigation I feel. I've actually been wanting to avoid Mythos gods/creatures with too much mythology all together and try to come up with something new to avoid players bringing their prior knowledge to the table. Maybe not even a cult, but an artifact or place with malign influence. A recovered relic or recently rediscovered lost city/temple that has been effecting those who see it/are around it.
James Rogers
Why was I under the impression that the Mi-Go, The Elder Things and The Great Race of Yith were the same thing?
Also favourite creatures and why?
If someone could be a dear autist tell me which books/stories feature which creatures listed.
Austin Clark
If you're going to have it set in India use Thuggees
Cameron Cooper
>If someone could be a dear autist not after this. do your own research, faggot.
Jayden Powell
To be fair you would have to be pretty autistic to actually go through with my request and index all of those creatures and cite their source material.
Charles Turner
That's the very opposite of being fair. That's being a cunt. Please don't be a cunt to other people.
Michael Diaz
protomatter constructs. T-1000 and a shoggoth have a baby who grows up to be a MIB
Aiden Kelly
Yeah, apriori mythos knowledge gets to be a pain. I like to avoid "proper" mythos names for as much as I can, that usually makes a difference. Like the serpent god Yig might have worshippers who refer to them by some sorta Voodun name. In your case, I believe there's a Hindu or pre-Hindu snake god, I know there's stuff like the Lamia/Lahmia too, and the Greeks, Romans, Saxons, Gauls, and Celts all had some sort of snake worship which could've survived the ages and thence be taken to India. And you can always double-bluff them, so the snake worshippers are actually a cult of, say, Shub-Niggurath. Again, I like to keep most mythos names out if I can. I've got a preference for either Ancient World traditions being perverted to the Dark God's splendor, or always have been that way and we just well hidden (because the stars were never right) or the advance of man bringing them closer to things they ought not touch, so I try to play up the mystery and lend some real-world touches to the paranormal, supernatural, and alien.
Kevin Wright
This is why your loved ones think you're a disappointment and everyone around you would be secretly, guiltily relieved if you just did the right thing and killed yourself. How fucking hard is it to ask people on Veeky Forums, of all places, to compile shit in which they're already heavily invested? This is the fucking niche thread of a goddamn niche board. Seriously, just a, "hey fuckers, anyone know of, or want to create, a compilation of mythos monsters that includes what stories and maybe geographic locations they're on" would probably have worked. But nah, you can't even manage to stutter-type that. Fuck. Do the planet a favour and go plant some trees or something. Give back the oxygen you're wasting.
Unrelated, would anyone have any favourite or just generally good suggestions for an environmental extremist villain? Preferably modern day, but any help would be appreciated.
Julian Hughes
so while helping characters with their character sheets the topic of spending level came up I know I had seen and even discussed in a previous /ysg/ about gripes/alternatives to spending level. Now I'm looking for it in archive and finding out that some people actually like it wtf
Josiah Young
I'm new, so I don't know if this is the place to mention it, but the CoC Trove has one missing file. The 1920s Investigators' Companion Volume 1 (5th Edition) was pulled on copyright grounds. I downloaded everything else and the rest of the files were fine. Just a heads up for the person running the file collection!
David Lewis
think the X files did something like this dude is stopping logging in a haunted forest well, glow in the dark mites, still, lovecraft that shit up
Liam Adams
An awesome second season which managed to top Season 1 - also, it screams architectural horror and the King in Yellow.
Sebastian Perry
I think the druidy shub-niggurath nonsense in Tatters of the King was rather nice. Good old backwater cultists and their power struggles.
Gavin Flores
Thanks! I vaguely recall that episode. Pretty sweet ideas, but I found the execution sloppy. Thanks as well, I'll check that out, as somehow I've never done that.
Brandon Mitchell
Well shit user, I didn't know I was going to end up tickling your sphincter quite this badly. My apologise.
I don't suppose you would be interestes in creating a compilation of mythos monsters, including what stories and maybe geographic locations they're on? Or maybe just know of a list that's already like that B-baka a-user s-sempai u-ugu ?
Unrelated but did anyone else fuck anons loved one last night?
Tyler Brown
>Mi-go: The Whisperer in Darkness >Elder Things: At the Mountains of Madness >Yithians: The Shadow out of Time
Evan Gomez
If you type out all the creatures on there, I'll do my best to tell you which creature comes from where.
Nolan Roberts
There are these buildings in regions that practiced Zoroastrianism called something like Towers of the Dead, basically big open air grave sites. Wrap that up with a sect that worships Ghouls and you're all set.
Xavier Smith
Thanks user. Any idea why I might have gotten them confused? I swear that in the Mountains of Madness they were refereed to as both the Elder Things and the Mi-go. Probably just poor memory on my part.
I'll take you up on this offer user.
Outer Gods >Hypnos >Shub-Niggurath >Nodens >Nyarlathotep (Pronounced Nyar - Lat - Ho - Tep, right?) >Azathoth >Yog-Sothoth >Ubbo-Sathla >Abhoth
Great Old Ones >Chaugnar Faugh >Hastur >Tsathoggua >Dagon >Bokrug >Cthugha >Ghatanothoa >Cthulhu >Shudde M'ell >Zhar >Rhan-Tegoth >Ithaqua >Atlach-Nacha >Y'Golonac >Yig
Greater Independent Races >Chthonian >Moon-Beast >Dhole >Colour Out Of Space >Hound of Tindalos >Flying Polyp >Gnoph-Keh >Great Race of Yith
I recognise a few of them but so far I've only Read the Kind in Yellow and the first Lovecradt Omnibus (AtMoM, Charles Dexter Ward, Witch House, Statement of Randolph Carter and the Dream Quest Books).
Bonus cool point if you can provide a base description.
Asher Perry
>Any idea why I might have gotten them confused? Well, Elder Things and Mi-go have relatively similar descriptions(and by that I mean weird looking shit with wings). Yithians and Elder Things also lived near one another, and I want to say even some Yithians lived in Antarctica, but it's been a bit since I read A Shadow Out of Time. If you read all three stories one right after another it'd wouldn't be the weirdest thing in the world to confuse them when recalling later. And I'll work on that list when my put my kid down for bed. My knowledge of non-Lovecraft creatures isn't that great though.
Asher Anderson
>And I'll work on that list when my put my kid down for bed
No worries user I know how that can be, take your time.
Honestly I was just kind of expecting someone to copy those names into google and just copy/pasting from a wikipedia page. Either way thanks for the time and effort.
Samuel White
Conversely, the Fairfield Project wiki & Lovecraft wiki probably has a description and source material for all of these.
Connor Ross
So I just watched this series and it was hilarious! No wonder all my friends want to play Call of Cthulhu, this looks like such a fun world! Lol, tentacles and yuri aliens!
Adrian Bailey
Get go and stay go.
Lucas Lopez
The Mi-Go are mentioned in relation with the Elder Things, as other creatures that are alluded to in vague myths and legends, alongside the Cthulhu Spawn.
Also, Lovecraft's commonplace book has tons of potential plot hooks/ideas.
What? I'm super excited to play the game now. Going to see about playing Cthugha, she was totes adorbz :3
Benjamin Nguyen
>play the game NANI?!
Luis Brooks
Yeah, I want to play Call of Cthulhu now! Going to look at the books later. Which one has Cthugha in it? She was really cute and I want to play her.
Nicholas Flores
Oh, you want Pathfinder then. Check out the Pathfinder general and they'll hook you up.
Ayden Foster
Is it better to come up with a character first and hope it fits the campaign, or is it better to wait until you hear the what kind of campaign the keeper wants to run and then make a character?
Charles Cook
I'd think it fit better to make a character first, as often people are being put into situations no human is actually prepared for and if you're worried about being useless or something, well, a good keeper can make sure every type of character gets some use. I run a Delta Green game and one of my players plays as a doddering anthropology professor. He's the expert on weird shit and often provides a useful distraction if the Marine and FBI agent need to do covert operator shit.
Blake Cruz
>a good keeper can make sure every type of character gets some use
True, but don't count on having a good keeper. It's easy to get stuck with someone running a module where whoever you brought is completely useless. And from the perspective of the setting, Delta Green is at least going to be smart enough to pick people somewhat appropriate for the task at hand. They have that luxury, now that they've merged with MAJESTIC and acquired its resources.
Parker Ramirez
Best place to find players?
Christopher Thompson
I like to wait until I know what kind of game I'm getting into. It makes it easier to make a character who will both be useful and fit the game. Plus I tend to have an easier time coming up with interesting character concepts when I have some limitations based on the setting or time period than I do when I have nothing to go on besides "It's a CoC game, do whatever"
Zachary Gray
If you can't talk your friends into trying it this is a niche enough game that you can get randoms from Veeky Forums gamefinder threads, reddit, or the DG mailing list and have a pretty good chance of finding people who are reliable and not total shit.
Jaxson Ross
>lesser utilized settings and time periods. I wish the Cthulhu Dark Ages book got a little more love. A time period where Christianity is more prevalent in daily life than ever, most of the western world is literally built on the ruins of a fallen civilization, and everything from the ocean to the woods outside of your village could be filled with god knows what kind of horrible creatures seems like a perfect setting for cosmic horror but I hardly ever see anyone talk about that book.
Lincoln Brown
Depends on what game you want to run
Tyler Diaz
Does anyone happen to have age of cthulhu the lost expedition ?
Gavin Price
don't give a shit what some faggy sjws think. write what you want
Alexander Green
google nigga
Jaxson Parker
Any of these is fine, but think about what special stuff setting your game in India or Nepal during the Colonial era can offer you. If you could take the story and basically transplant it to another region with the most minimal changes possible, then you know you did something wrong.
Thing is, unless your intellectual age is like 10, you should be rolling your eyes 180 degrees when you encounter a bland and stereotypical portrayal of an "exotic" place. There's no problem at all in having it set in the colonial period; there isn't even a problem in having player character be something other than Charles Marlow types. But there's no justifying taking a place like India or Nepal and settling on UNGA BUNGA WEIRD EVIL NATIVE MEN WITH WEIRD STUFF in a horror game.
A very important component of cosmic horror is how supposed mastery of the physical world and extensive "objective" knowledge turns out to be nothing but illusion and ignorance. Trying to pull that off in a setting in which said mastery and knowledge were at their baby phase and superstition dominated one's outlook towards existence is nonsensical for the most part. It cannot resonate with players living in 2017 unless you're a genius and you manage use the conditions of those ages as a metaphor for our present-day ignorance. You could nevertheless pull off some great weird horror, with hints of cosmic if you want.
Hudson Adams
Also find and read "Stealing Cthulhu". Tried uploading it but it doesn't want me to for some reason.
Jordan Ortiz
try Return of Kangz
Samuel Powell
I sense a definite flaw in the credibility of your impression. There is a definite lack of relatability in that weeb charade, especially from a true weeb's viewpoint. Your use of language, choices of expression and syntax do not equate with any known human subculture sect in the current enviroment. As such, I deduce you to be a hostile alien lifeform to this thread, acting with sinister and certifiably deleterious motives to the well-being and future of the posters present.
As such, I bid all posters to enact the rite of banishment immediately, before weaker minds are led to terrible mistakes.