What are some cool monsters that do more than just directly attack HP.
Interesting Monsters
how the fuck do you kill it? throw it off a cliff or something?
Silvered weapons.
Did you really have to post this thread again? And since you did, why didn't you use a different pic? The Mage Eater isn't really a new concept nor interesting.
I legitimately don't know what you're talking about. This thing is news to me, I apologize if this thread isn't different.
Corrosive materials like acids, explosives or heat like throw it in a volcanoe, or try and crush it like the giant bug looking thing it is.
Hit it hard with your fists
after level 6 monks can't damage the mage eater with their unarmed strikes
even if that's not true immunity to damage from magic weapons is dumb and you should feel dumb
That's not interesting though. It's just a big "fuck you" to casters/anyone with magical gear.
"For the purpose of" means that the attacks are non-magical themselves, but count as magical for overcoming resistances.
Also, any power can be turned off.
so please give me a better monster
Basically any jojo’s villain.
Well, most of them anyways.
Kaorti are pretty rad. They're mutated explorers who went to the Far Realm, were immediately corrupted, and then returned to the prime in order to convert it back to the Far Realm.
They live inside sealed off suits since our world is poison to them while exuding resin from their palms that they coat over everything and begin to form cyst colonies. Then they mutate the local wildlife and turn captured humanoids into more of themselves.
>resistance to any damage that would get through its immunity
>at will antimagic field
>completely invalidates multiple classes' main abilties
>fly speed with hover and a ranged attack
>CR 8
We get it, you're butthurt about caster supremacy, but literally the only way this could have been more bullshit of a fight is if it had at will dimension door, too.
This is why I don't ever use homebrew stats, I just take the idea and replace all the stats with my own.
Even as a mage i’d just nuke it with stone rain.
Well, in 3.X
Have a bandit that steals a player’s dice by pointing at them. Watch the table flip.
Hail of Stone*
What do you mean? Like a bandit in game points to the character, and the DM steals their IRL dice?
Doesn't that require a ranged attack roll, and therefore is useless due to Reflective Carapace?
I’m pretty sure it’s area effect.
But it has spell resistance.
I guess my only option would be to use minor creation and flood it with megapede poison or alchemical fire.
They're probably going by the old 3.5 spell immunity loophole where conjuration spells could create matter that ignores spell resistance since it's technically non-magical matter.
A few guys with bows would take it down pretty easily.
>Monster that attaches to one's back and can only be removed if someone else sees your back
>When moved the monster is ripped off leaving a fatal wound that leads to death
>An aura that rapidly ages those within depending on their body temperature
>A fungus that causes the infected to wither away, the fungus spreads quicker depending on how much higher the caster is to the infected
>An acidic gelatinous cube that grows over time, chases a target relentlessly, and can resist any and all physical attacks
>A spell that can remove a person's memory and power (separately) into disks leaving the host comatose
>These disks can be replaced into other hosts
Get the elemental Adept feat for memes, and kill him with area effect spells of the chosen type. Fireball isn't a bad choice. Stay far enough away he can't counterspell, and have a crossbow or something ready if he puts up an antimagic field. His big fat ass literally can't catch you moving 20 feet a turn.
It's is also blind beyond 60ft, you could take it down pretty hilariously easy with an open field and a bunch of arrows.
I feel bad for the DM who uses this and uses XP for progression, literally a slow floating balloon of level up points.
>reach 10ft
>ranged attack
Anyways, the Damage Immunities/Resistances section is way more stupid than any of its offensive abilities.
It's a magic-eating creature. Cool. Spells bounce off of it. Sure. It has anti-magic powers. Alright, that makes some sense.
Why is it resistant to a fucking hammer or a sword? It's a big bug, it's not made of solid iron or ectoplasm or some shit.
Why is it specifically immune to physical damage from a magical weapon? So I hit it with a flaming sword, the sword bounces off, but it takes full damage from the fire??? That's literally the opposite of what should happen.
Doesn't eat written text and erase the contents from planar memory, 0/10
The names i use are references for me, not, generally, what i use in game. Keeps my folder better organized, with .mm, .png, and the artwork.
Here's one my DM put our party through tonight, he wanted a Modron doomsday weapon, head only and incomplete.
Magnus rushes in
I have a few MtG D&D crossovers if anyone is interested in them
Here's one
Fuck why aren't they posting
I'd love to fight Phyrexians, on the tabletop or in vg. Dragon Age & the blight/darkspawn had promise in a bland, stripped down sense... and then the games completely ignore the actual contagion of the blights and just let your characters hack, slash, bite & blood-drink through the hordes. I've never seen a game with a good approach to diseases or pathogens.
>DM uses Mage Eaters to show the party how magic isn't the best answer for everything.
>Party ends up nuking it with magic anyways and getting a massive boost to HP because of it.
>Also, any power can be turned off.
Where are you getting this information? I have never seen anything in any of the 5e rulebooks that suggests this is true.
So, basically foulspawn, but with a suit?
No. It requires a saving throw. Granted, this creature would have advantage on the save, and resiatance to the d s mage it would take, but it would be guaranteed to take at least some damage.
Also, don't forget it only has 75 hit points. This thing would get absolutely bodied by paladin's divine smite, as it's a class feature, not a spell.
This is bad monster design one oh one. For the same reasons you don't make monsters immune to "mundane."
>turns you into a venus flytrap that can play music CDs?
>a cat that blows up things that it touches