Which traitor legion posses the greatest threat to the imperium?
I have a feeling alpha legion takes the spot.
Which traitor legion posses the greatest threat to the imperium?
Alpha Legion is too splintered and separated. They work against each other as much as they work together. The greatest threats would be either Iron Warriors or Word Bearers, since they're still largely connected Legions with auxiliaries and logistics. They can actually wage war instead of raid and slaughter.
>alpha legion
nuGW /out/
30k? Sons of Horus.
40k? Eh, who knows.
>Dark Angel amongst the traitors
How will Lionfags ever recover
It's either got to be Iron Warriors or Word Bearers, maybe TSons if they can drag enough dustbins together, they're the ones who aren't completely batshit insane or trying kill their own men. I'd give it to the Word Bearers due to the fact that they are capable of twisting the indoctrination and blind faith the empire have drilled into their citizenry.
Personally I'd say Iron Warriors, They are more organised than most traitor legions. They are also the most dickish of all the legions, which when your rivals are the Emporor's Children and The Word Bearers, among others makes them too strong IMO.
Dark Angels
Black Legion by far, followed by the Iron Warriors.
Alpha Legion is a irrelevant legion.
Black Legion, of course. The only Legion that has its target o be destruction of Imperium, and is working towards that goal under a singular vision and united effort for ten thousand years
I'd go like this
Black Legion, because, well, Abaddon, who unites other Legions, and because he's Abaddon. Also, largest Legion
Word Bearers because there's also a lot of them, and, like Black Legion, they are mind-bend on plunging the Imperium into hell more than anything. Infighting between Dark Apostles and the two fucks at the top get in the way tho.
Third, Iron Warriors, since they are said to be quite numerable as well, and because they work as an organized military force with proper logistics and all.
The others, while still dangerous as fuck, are to splintered, concentrated on other matters, hands-on-heads crazy, or don't really care about the Imperium.
Definitely Iron Warriors. Their geneseed has the most successful survivor rate, making them the most numerous legion. They take care of their equipment better than most loyalists, and are focused on strong siege warfare. Since they are the most numerous CSM, they have the most success against the Imperium but also we see a lot of loses as well. People see a lot of the loses of the IW and assume they always lose, never taking into account that they have just as, if not more, victories against the Imperium since they are literally attacking them at all sides of the galaxy.
IW are not the most numerous Legion. Black Legion is.
The Black Legion are the most numerous and they certainly the most successful.
The Iron Warriors should be behind the Death Guard and Word Bearers in numbers.
The legion that ripped the galaxy in half.
>iron warriors
>a threat
The Black Legion but only because they are the most numeros
And most favored, organised, and better armed.
thousand sons today. the legion has recovered 100% and unified. TS attacked, decimated space wolfes homeworld and a botched plan betting roboute guilliman making a shortcut to terra so magnus can attack terra is evidence thousand sons is the powerful traitor legion right now
This thread made me realise that the chaos legions suck. If we consider that the galaxy was ripped a new asshole that allows them to manoeuvre much easier that's leaving the Eye then why have they got nothing to show for it?
It's been 100 since Cadia fell that's half the length of the Grest Crusade. If Magnus got the band back together, Mort got off his ass and Abaddon leads the largest marines force in the warp then thy the fuck haven't they barely done anything with it?
Times is different in the warp/eye of terror
By their point of view it may as well have passed only a few days
A lot of warbands broke off from the 13th Black Crusade to seek their own plunder and glory. Also some started infighting. This allowed the Imperium to regroup in the Cadian Gate and form a blockage in which the Imperium is throwing nearly everything they got. But no worries, that's all part of Abaddon's Crimson Path plan. The grindingfest is feeding the growth of the Great Rift/Eye.
And, you piece of illiterate shit, why didn't read the CSM codex and read what the CSM were doing after the Great Rift was formed? They are having the time of their lives reaving and looting wherever they wish and even carving up the pieces of the galaxy to be their own kingdoms and empires.
No, they aren't as numerous or as powerful as the Black Legion.
The Black Legion is pitting itself against the whole might of the Imperium in the most defended system in the Imperium next to Sol. The TS united lost at Fenris.
real big boys comin thru GTFO the way u chaoslets
Malal bless malice
>It's been 100 since Cadia fell that's half the length of the Grest Crusade. I
Was the Great Crusade really only 200 years long? If so that really does make the chaos legions look bad.
Not really since they are not a unified force.
1. Black Legion
They are the guys behind the Black Crusades, each leaves sectors in ruin and trillions dead, they sole mission is the destruction of the Imperium.
2. Word Bearers
By virtue of being a still functioning Legion and having an extensive cult system. They are also the second largest religion in the galaxy and as they say, no army is big enough to conquer a galaxy but faith can overrun the cosmos.
3. Alpha Legion
The Night of Thousand Rebellions is nothing to sneer at. They are good at their job. Their only weakness is that they are too fractured and can't hold a dominion.
4. Iron Warriors
The 500 Worlds of Medrengrad. They are empire builders and can actually win against the Guard in an attrition war.
5. Death Guard
The plagues really. The fucking plagues.
6. World Eaters
They are busy killing themselves mostly, but once they are ordered by Angron to go to a rampage across the Imperium, a dozen of sectors will fall.
7. Thousand Sons
Their goals are high but unfortunately they are like supervillains, their plans will fall.
8. Emperor's Children
To self-indulgent, but do have cult like the House glaw and that makes up for something.
9. Night Lords
Renegade Marines, their goal is not to destroy the Imperium, they just want to plunder.
Great Crusade indeed was only 200 years. Horus Heresy, which left half the galaxy burning, was 7 years long.
Status quo aside, GW again cannot into numbers.
Before the whole primaris thing, there ware around one thousand loyal chapters, with around 1000 warriors each. Which gives around one million loyalist astartes.
Now, low estimates give:
Black Legion: 300 thousand
Word Bearers: 100 thousand
Iron Warriors: 100 thousand
Angron led 50 thousand Berzerkers during his Dominion of Fire, there ware probably more, but let's stay here. Let's count other Legions at 50 thousand as well, which is low as fuck.
That gives us around 800 thousand of heretic astertes among the Traitor Legions only. Not counting all the renegade chapters, warbands, and not counting Huron's forces, which are said to be second only to Black Legion.
Those are extremely low estimates, but they already make the galaxy stalemate look like bullshit. GW cannot into basic math. Again.
I like this one.
You should also add the cultists/cannon fodder, but also the infighting and xenos forces.
I'm only counting Space Marines on both sides.
Black Legion: 500 thousand
Death Guard: 400 thousand
Word Bearers: 250 thousand
Iron Warriors: 100 thousand
Night Lords: 30 thousand
World Eaters: 30 thousand
Emperor's Children: 30 thousand
Thousand Sons: 5 thousand
Alpha Legion: ???
Renegades: 250 thousand
Because almost as soon as Cadia fell, the 13th Black Crusade basically fell apart as they all went off to do their own thing. Then Guilliman rolled in with a new legion on a crusade of his own.
Where did you get those from? I heard that Black Legion are around 400 thousand and Word Bearers and Iron Warriors ware a little above 100 thousand. Also, I would expect the Emperor's Children to be more numerable, considering how they suffered almost no losses during the Seige of Terra and how they almost won the Slave Wars.
Then GW sucks in numbers...or warp powers are the biggest con of the 42th Millenium.
Abby tore them a new one.
Kharn set them on fire.
>Abby tore them a new one.
They gotta have a lot now
What the fuck are those numbers ? Is this some new stuff from the latest Codex ? I can't imagine any Legion being above 300k Marines in early M42.
Na he's just making shit up.
Beg your pardon but didn't alpha legion destroy multiple space marine chapters by corrupting their geneseed and stuff?
Feels like they can cause som real shit for the imperium.
>9. Night Lords
Renegade Marines, their goal is not to destroy the Imperium, they just want to plunder.
Recommend that you read the night lords omnibus, it will give you a insight in their cause.
>Recommend that you read the night lords omnibus, it will give you a insight in their cause.
I read their novels. They hate the Imperium but have no hope of destroying it so all they do is raid and pillage out of spite and a need to survive.
Black Legion are the most numerous.
The second is actually the Death Guard.
Word Bears are only a tenth the size of the Black Legion.
That's Cypher of the Ultramarines. He was part of the xenos-heretek cabal that took control of the Imperium after the fall of Cadia.
It should be noted that a large portion of the Black Legion are actually Alpha Legion.
The Dark Angels
>Luther is free
Joking or not, these three may be right.
You are the newfag.
canonically it's literally the black legion which is 10x larger than the 2nd largest force, the word bearers
>Barely any mention of the Death Guard, despite being in the ascendant, with a unified force in the highest numbers, and an actual Primarch
>Usual Alpha Legion and Iron Warrior meme shit all over the thread
All Chaos Marine factions that are still mostly or near-completely united. As long as they are splintered and not led by someone who can whip them into uniting for much longer than one day, then everyone has problems.
You know what happened when Angron unified most of the World Eaters Warbands into a Legion-sized force?
I've seen it posted a few times that the Black Legion is the most numerous warband but are they really? They've taken in so many other traitor astartes that their geneseed is probably so far removed from the original black legion that they don't even exist anymore except in name. The Black Legion is as much a "legion" as the Red Corsairs at this point.
According to the Death Guard codex the Death Guard have a huge number as well, since they rarely actually die when "killed" in battle. And they have a lot of apothecaries still, and are willing to bring in other legions' geneseed. Every time loyalists are beaten by Death Guard, the Death Guard get that many progenoid glands.