Post maps
Map Thread
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>Who designed this, an alien?
This reference gets me every time.
I feel like an idiot.
When looking at the thumbnail I though it looked like an awesome map.
not too fond of the part in upper right corner, I think the whole thing would be a lot better without it
That's hilarious. And replies in this thread are hilarious even more.
Spoiler: it is map of Europe, rotated 90 deg.
With some changes. The Bosporus strait has been mashed together and Spain has been smashed into France.
Also I’m surprised there isn’t any remarks about Greece or the Carpathians.
Reference to what?
and with the yet unnamed factions
The hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy.
Just mash them all together
>That's hilarious
Not really. Many of the complaints are entirely valid given the changes that have been made to Europe.
I've had the feeling for years now that whoever made it had the idea that they would prove why know-it-alls in these threads were wrong, but it backfired completely.
It was just a quick joke reply to some user who had posted the map in multiple consequent worldbuilding threads, and had to be posted before the thread died. Insomnia and alcohol may have been involved. Clearly, if I'd known someone would think it was ever worth reposting, a map with accurate landshapes would've been used, the jokes would've been better thought out, and there'd be less empty space. Take the Elf comment, which should've in retrospect been an arrow pointing West (North) with "to the Elven Havens where magical trinkets are constructed", which would've left room for another Norse quip about mountains full of dorfs or trolls or something. The inland sea comment is nowhere near a clever reference and the hackneyed boot joke barely works with this orientation.
You sicken me
the map of the two more interesting continents in the setting though usually just called Tir Isgarr, incomplete list of countries on it though
i hope mine doesn't suck
Don't worry, it does.
Good old Slarty Bartfast of course.
this is disgusting. I love it
>4e Forgotten Realms
I have such a hard on for impact craters on fantasy maps, I don't know why.
starting with this one
Here's a ringworld. The arrows/continuation points are a little messed up at the moment but the intent is pretty legible.
This is for the game I'm currently running
How about a planescape of a... different variety?
What did you use? Just photoshop?
but that's actually a pretty aight map
No is shit. None would use that.
Read the comments in white
True, to be honest. Better than most unironic maps.
i just edit high res images of colonial reference maps and remove the names
take this picture of south east borneo if you file off the names its a fantasy world
Imagine a scenario where all these things are suddenly put together on the same planet. Rather than care about how they react to one another, I’m far more interested in how they collectively react to the MASSIVE climatological changes that will happen to ocean currents, et. al. as a result of the shift, leading to their mass starvation and wars over the remaining (and constantly shifting until the climate settles down) arable land.
Zero of the complaints are about the changes, idiot.
Horse Vagina, Seven Vagina, and Benis Vagina. And as I just remembered you can only upload a single image at once with a fucking MINUTE cooldown, take the link to the page to see them.
Superhurricanes EVERYWHERE.
A massive sea on only one side is going to imbalance the structure, particularly with it missing mass (the holes) on the other side. And, uh, how is atmosphere retained with said holes?
And? Are you actually retarded or just illiterate?
Is this the western hemisphere after rising temperatures? Peninsular Alaska, isthmus Mexico, grassy Canada, the American southeast and the majority of South America eaten by the sea.
Just zoomed in closer and noticed "Palatia", confirmed.
Topographically this isn't necessary. Video game maps are inherently toroidal, you could just do a big rectangle and it won't be too much of a problem.
Anyone got any suggestions for software? I mean, I could just draw it by hand and then trace it with the pen tool in photoshop, but all the little fiddly coastline bits are gonna drive me insane.
I'm working in one right now
Somebody trained an AI to draw realistic maps from simple MSPaint sketches. Pic related.
I would link but I keep getting "this looks like spam" messages, so I'll just say it's on that one site we make fun of, with the white robot logo, on the machine learning board.
I found it but I don't see a way to use it. It's really neat though.
>Superhurricanes EVERYWHERE.
I'm no weather wizard, please elaborate.
looks like world of warcraft
I believe the weather wizard user was referring to the fact that doesn't have large landmasses running north-south, so your typical east-west winds don't have anything to slow them down, which would result in a very energetic equatorial belt of atmosphere.
oh shit you got it through the spam filter, nice.
I couldn't find a rewrite that didn't get me flagged, including the one you just did right there.
>I found it but I don't see a way to use it. It's really neat though.
"Don't see a way to use it" as in you would love to use it but can't see how to technically make the software work, or
"Don't see a way to use it" as in you don't see a way this would benefit your map making?
Personally, I have a bunch of islands I need to make for my game and if I can find a way to make the software work, I'm definitely trying this out first.
>"Don't see a way to use it" as in you would love to use it but can't see how to technically make the software work, or
that one.
I've contacted the author, asked if he takes requests. If so, I'll see if I can get a few specific features implemented, particularly: Rivers, higher detail/zoom level.
>I've contacted the author, asked if he takes requests. If so, I'll see if I can get a few specific features implemented, particularly: Rivers, higher detail/zoom level.
Don't nobody fucking tell him, but if he says no, I'm planning on waving some $Doler$ under his nose. I want this thing.
It actually gets more painful the longer you look at it.
hi contrarian-hipster-kun, are you sure you didn't mean "it actually gets more painful the more people like it"?
>that one.
>I've contacted the author, asked if he takes requests.
Oh, right, and one of the requests is obviously "provide the software in a usable form," because right now it's just "if you train this neural network on this data set after doing this kind of changes to the core programming, you get my result" which. uh.
Can we PLEASE stop posting the same maps in every other thread? I open it and I already know exactly what I'm gonna see, Incarnate and a bunch of exactly the same maps that I'm already sick of. Do the people who do it have literal autism?
i don't know man, i just opened it and the first thing i saw was "kingdom of the shadow elves" so im gonna judge it as sucking without looking at anything else
Yeah it needs some work
What's contrarian about pointing out the low quality of a map made of blocks randomly stuck together?
No, it legitimately looks awful
>"I'm gonna be unnecessarily anal about tax policies and all that, but so negligent of geography that my setting looks like Tetris"
I made this map once
That's my name, what's situated there?
crazy fractious faeire courts
>Many of the complaints are entirely valid given the changes that have been made to Europe
>Zero of the complaints are about the changes, idiot.
Not even that guy, but he's right, you are an idiot. You clearly said there were complaints involved the changes, but there are no complaints about the changes.
Lay it on me, Veeky Forums. How retarded is my volcanic, equatorial monster island? How can I improve in future map-making?
>Not even that guy, but he's right, you are an idiot. You clearly said there were complaints involved the changes, but there are no complaints about the changes.
Valid BECAUSE OF THE CHANGES even if they aren't ABOUT the changes.
Jesus Christ how can a board for games that require so much reading have so many illiterate users?
>hurr durr I'm still wrong and I still can't see why
Classic pleb.