What should a Warlock with Father Christmas as a patron be like?
What should a Warlock with Father Christmas as a patron be like?
Regretful 11 months out of the year
Celestial Pact Warlock, mechanically.
Heal people, give to the needy, perform miracles, and punch heretics right in their faces.
kidnap evil aligned children to sell as slaves to coal mines.
This is considered a good act.
Under a vow of near-total celibacy...
You motherfucker, I was about to write that. Good job
Ho ho ho no presents to you, take bomb instead
Like a Jolly batman
to the good, you give healing and gifts freely, spreading joy and hope to their lives
but to the villainous, you know that they've been naughty and you see when their awake
>No one has mentioned Krampus yet.
By D&D standards, Santa is literally a high level Psionic Cleric Thrallherd with domain over all elves, (As in all elves and 'elf-like' fey feel an uncontrollable compulsion to serve him) and is literally a living seal against Krampus- a deposed demon lords of the Abyss, who due to celestial fuckup during the Dawn War or whatever was given the job of punishing sinners as a part of a proto-experiment to see if Demons could actually do things within their limited structural behaviors pre-Asmodeus.
Suffice to say, that plan failed, but Krampus Upheld his end of the bargain so the pact stayed in effect, and on Winter Solstice (You'll have to dig around for old pagan holidays that are justified in your D&D setting due to humans crossing over from earth, namely the fact that there's shitloads of stuff on this in Dragon, Dungeon, and Polyhedron magazines and most-likely 2e) Krampus came out and did his thing- progressively getting stronger and stronger each year he hauled people off to his layer in petitioner form, trapped in his equivalent of soul-gems, which are snow globes host to minature demiplanes of the broken households he's unleashed his verdict on.
So anyhow, somewhere else, a follower of (Cuthbert, Lathander etc...) Was going around doing his thing being a charitable and saintly, then he meets Krampus on the job one fateful night and some poor kids get's screwed over by his abusive household and dragged to the Abyss and Despite Santa's efforts the dude can't go divine on the Demon's ass because of the Pact- so next year, Santa beats the fuck out of Krampus at his own Holiday game by doing what krampus does but better, and also going on an epic-quest which involved every single fucking D&D elf ever, magical artefacts, and Chronomancy and also Fey- then he seals this dude in his body entering a spiritual fight, wins and ascends and becomes a Quasi-deity Outsider thing and the day is saved, you get Christmas.
Oh, and the kid is saved- becomes 'head elf' or something akin to 'gets adopted' or the Parents turn a new leaf. Getting Santa's coal is likly- something that applies a minor hex or curse that is intended to act as a life lesson or something- It's hard for me to work an idea around it, but Santa is pretty OP because he has the backing of Fey- Elves, a deity's passive influence over it's knowledge of an Earth holiday, access to Chronomancy and Extraplanar shit and some powers found only on Demons-
To note, Krampus isn't gone, but is in effect, Dormant until the world reaches a level of fucked not seen since pre-pact primeval, when everyone was a sociopath narcissistic asshole and consequences wasn't a thing, and Zarus was still out in the open ruining high fantasy with his uneeded HFY-wank.
The Warlock made a pact with Krampus or Santa- doesn't matter which- but to note, he pays respect to a number of winter-deities and powers that be that all use the same date of their celebrations- he's something of a patron to seasonal cultural phenomenon, but also to at least padding out lessons learned and culture and history preserved to each.
Depending on how they've progressed, they could end up Fey, Elves, or some Mischevious gremlin-fucker that is a humanized variant of nasty Fey/Krampuses minons when the dude was still active.
Also, Krampus and Eltab totally were bros.
Omnipotent. Omniscient. Sovereign. Immutable.
Who even counts as a heretic when Father Christmas' own theological weight is uh, let's say, contested?
Who would contest the theological weight of an entity that can consume a world's worth of milk and cookies in one infinitesimal moment of time.
>People who attempt to steal Christmas
>People who shit on charity
>People who are insurable shitheads all year round
>People who shit on hand-made craftsmanship and actual self-effort and improvement done out of the good in someone's heart
>People who don't co-operate on tasks in the community in regards to winter survival
>People who steal on Christmas
>People who are selfish on Christmas
So basically, a troublemaker who fucking hates Nobles, Royalty, unethical consumption, but still respects tradition and hard life's lessons whilst still trying to make room for exceptions done at the behedst of goodwill towards others?
Kind of a an SJW- but as the term Social Justice Warrior intends, rather than what we know it as.
Oh, and people that shit on faith just to ruin fantasy and innocence because they're bitter.
So A warlock who is Ned Flanders?
>Saint Nick
>anything but a mage with time stop
I really like Chaotic Good characters that are as much of a Hassan for the LG Paladin as the rogue
I think Santa's weight is the last thing one would contest
Like so.
The Grinch. Scrooge. Timmy in 4th Street (he knows what he did)
>you can literally make someone's metaphorical "heart" - their capacity for empathy, wonder, and all those other good vibes - grow three sizes
>this can only fail if the target is Pure Evil
Those who are on the naughty list, obviously. Also, the inspection of St Nicholas's scull showed that he had his nose broken several times - perhaps he loved a good fight.
>No rudolph
Rudolph was literally made up by a department store
Hes got 8 druid pals that can fly
If this is 5e, I actually have a Holiday pack of Archetypes that includes a Christmas Patron Warlock
they get a pseudo-time-stop at 14th level
Correction, I was made IN a department store.
Post it you bastard
>Krampus is Santa's cast-out evil
So when do they re-fuse to fight the Androids?