Previous Thread: My campaign is going great, anons. How are yours? What's the premise?
Connor Gray
Can a Pact of the Blade or Chain Warlock cast a spell he knows as a ritual? Or is that strictly for pact of the tome locks?
Michael Gomez
if you have "ritual casting" you can cast rituals, if you don't you can't Warlock doesn't have Ritual Casting Tome gives Ritual Casting
Aaron Kelly
When I was a player, we were in an awful campaign with a horrible DM (which is why we left). She put in a ridiculous Mary Sue who randomly was apparently my ex-lover who was obsessed with my character.
Despite being a barmaid who had been a drug mule (while my character was an emotionally abusive, manipulative criminal), when she got lost in the Underdark, she somehow became higher level than the party.
Eventually my character got forced into proposing to her for various reasons, and when it got to the wedding, he made a glib speech about how she had him to thank for everything good in her life and how she would still be in the gutter if it weren't for him (which was all entirely accurate, even if he was a dick about it).
She stormed out of the wedding and the DM got pissed off at me because my character didn't love this perfect Mary Sue who adored him.
We all dropped out of the campaign the next week and I'm DM now.
Colton Edwards
What the actual fuck?
Logan Hall
Wait, I've read this story before, but it was way different back then.
Christian Kelly
I've told the story at various points, but there's always more detail to it depending on what I'm writing it for. This was barely a fraction of it so I don't normally include it, but it was a question about marriage, so I thought I'd bring that bit up.
The name's Baron, Oil Baron
Dylan Carter
>tfw sequel to the Heroes of the Spiderwoods never ever
James Walker
Dragon Sorc w/ Empowered and Twinned Metamagic or Evocation Wizard for a blaster?
Brody Campbell
Sorlock for blaster otherwise don't touch sorc with a 100ft pole
Easton Myers
No multiclass
Tyler Young
New player here. Am I being stupid/boring by avoiding using the lvl 1 paladin spells in favor of using divine smite? The only combat one that seems worth it is Divine Favor, which just feels like smite over time.
Anthony Richardson
How are you supposed to pick spells for a Divine Soul Sorcerer? I was struggling with whittling down the Sorcerer list. Are there any must-haves?
Adrian Roberts
I'm looking for inspiration for a warlock archetype where the character sold his soul to an otherworldly being for musical skill, like Robert Johnson. So far the obvious is an expanded spell list with bard skills, but I'm kind of looking for cool class features that express the idea that you're not just a bard, there's a price to pay in the end.
Nolan Ortiz
At what age do dragons start laying eggs, specifically the black ones?
Dylan Green
Something like that is best accomplished by 4e like character endgame options.
In 5e, I would make it so your warlock pact turns you more and more like your patron or goal with each level.
So for a musical pact, the warlock could turn more song like as he levels, losing his mortality and humanity.
Chase Wright
Is there anything stopping me as a sorcerer from converting all my spell slots into sorcery points and taking a 5th level slot at level 3?
Anthony Sullivan
That kind of reminds me of the sort of pact a genie would make. But I guess that's not a bad thing, after all there aren't many limits to Warlock patrons.
Jayden Murphy
It depends on your party. If they're balanced, you'll have some to spare, Or if you fight undead. Currently I'm a paladin in a party with 2 rogues and 2 evocation wizards. All spell slots I have I waste healing those idiots.
Jonathan Smith
Yeah: the fact that you can have at most 3 sorcery points at a time at that level. It would cost 7.
Nolan Torres
Spitballing an idea for its name, let's call it the Rock n Roll patron. Something like Soul Music - the song keeps you alive but you die young.
1st: proficiency in 1 musical instrument of your choice if not already. Can use it as a magical focus. Proficient in Performance. 1st: Showstopper: You gain the Thaumaturgy cantrip. As an action with Thaumaturgy and your instrument, force beings of your choice that can hear you to make a wis saving throw, or be stunned and incapacitated for 1 round. Can't do so again until a short/long rest.
6: Bleeding Ears: You always do the maximum damage possible with Thunder damage.
10: Rock n Roll Lifestyle: Immune to poisoned condition and poison damage. Can still get intoxicated but still aware. Melee attacks do extra thunder damage equal to your warlock level.
14: Best Performance Ever: Pour out your heart and soul. Spend 2 actions on the following: 2. wis check with disadvantage to be incapacitated, stunned and immobilized. 2. deal 14d10 thunder damage to those effected. After this, lose all hitpoints and make death saving throws with disadvantage.
Alexander Bell
I could use a general DMing/RP tip, folks.
Lately I find I can't make it more than half an hour to an hour before my throat starts tightening up and my voice becomes hoarse and strained, and I can barely croak out my descriptions. I'm not sure if it's a physical thing from not talking much at my job, or I'm psyching myself out with anxiety/nerves. It doesn't seem to be helped much by water/tea/other beverages.
What can I do to help my voice stay clearer for longer?
Nicholas Gray
Aw damn, didn't catch that, thanks. And yet coffeelocks are still allowed to exist
Luke Allen
Honestly, just go with Warlock. All they do is blast things.
Mason Bailey
>6 and 14 >Deal 140 Thunder damage to everything around you
Grayson Brooks
tried getting a drink every now and then? also talk to the voices in your head every now and then, we're feeling lonely
Connor Young
I suppose the actual working coffeelock would have to be 7 Sorc/13 Warlock for it to work properly
Brayden Gonzalez
Deep breaths, especially taking one before actually speaking, you could be running out of breath. Be sparing with your speech if possible to get some small rests in between. Tea's always good and it doesn't hurt to have a cup if you enjoy tea, it regardless if you believe it works or not. Can't hurt to keep trying.
What works for me personally is giving off a hard throat clenched wheeze to prep my voice but that's just me and it's probably not the best idea to do at a table
Ryan Nguyen
Right, that's another thing. Not only am I one of the more consistent damage dealers, the magical weapon I have also wants to use my bonus action, so I'm even less inclined. It's sort of neat, pretty sure my DM homebrewed it just for me.
Living Wood Mace A wooden club with sharp, spiky branches at the business end. If it connects, I can use my bonus action to cause the branches to grab my target and I roll to grapple them. On exceptional strikes, the wood actually begins to grow INTO my target. Which leads into my next question. How do I best take advantage of being able to grapple as a paladin? Bout the only thing I can think of is trying to get a blacksmith to attach a blade to a shield.
Zachary Foster
"Working" Coffeelock depends on what you want it to do. Given that the minimum required is 2 Sorc/3 Tomelock, you have a lot of leeway. You could add Paladin for smiting, for example.
Jose Cooper
yeah I was getting on that part of creating higher level slots, since 2 Sorc/3 Tomelock will get you level 1 slots and that's about it then again infinite level 1 slots probably has it's uses
Thomas Ward
After the 3 warlock levels you stop taking warlock and take more sorcerer or whatever levels.
Sebastian Carter
Are living things considered objects in 5e?
Wyatt Walker
Who here has run a hexcrawl?
Is your encounter table 2d6 or 1d12? Did you use a secondary table for activity or personality? What is the ratio of tracks to creatures?
Zachary Watson
Who the fuck in their right mind would ever think that that's what the rules mean when they clearly have differentiation between living and non-living?
Luke Torres
Nolan Jenkins
Is it ever stated that living things are not objects?
Evan Carter
only the female ones
Matthew Perez
Always keep water (yes water, carbonated drinks of any kind will only make you burp.) nearby so you can keep your throat wet and yourself hydrated. Run through part of the session by yourself before the PCs do it, this is just for you to be prepared or at least feel prepared. Take deep breaths before you speak, not just one but several. It will calm you down. Just remember that as long as you aren't being annoying with the actual story, most people will be understanding of you being nervous. There's not much else to it bud. Good luck, and have fun!
Jonathan Gray
Paladin 6/HexTome 5/Sorc 9. Heavy Armor, Cha to everything, Smites and 5th level spells in abundance.
Luis Long
Not explicitly, but it's implied.
In the spellcasting rules, potential targets are listed as "creatures, objects, or points of origin"
There would be no reason to list creatures and objects separately if creatures were objects. Also, it's just kind of common sense. Animate Objects, for example, would be a pretty nonsensical spell if it worked on creatures.
Aaron Bailey
Is that a better Paladin than a Paladin?
Ryder Brown
>Detect Magic >For the duration, you sense the presence of magic within 30 feet o f you. If you sense magic in this way, you can use your action to see a faint aura around any visible creature or object in the area that bears magic, and you learn its school o f magic, if any. >any visible creature or object
I get it, you wanna pull some bullshit but even if it weren't explicitly always differentiated no DM in their right mind would allow animate objects or other spells that work only on objects to work on people or animals too.
Christopher Brooks
Tomb of annihilation spoilers. Mechanics question. How does shagambi's power from actually work. Do players just get one extra weapon attack like from haste or can they cast cantrips with it and such.
Oliver Clark
It's like having Extra Attack that stacks. It just gives you one more attack when you take the Attack action on your turn. It doesn't give you an additional action of any kind, so you can't use it to cast spells or do other things.
Isaiah Bailey
Pathfinder seemed pretty fun when I played it this weekend. It was actually pretty nice having universal pocket sand combat rules
Justin Diaz
so its basically trash for spellcasters,unless maybe if you use that staff of striking you find.
Robert Gutierrez
Yeah, you can always change it though. I don't think allowing spellcasters to cast an extra cantrip per turn is much out of line with the strongest of the buffs.
Aaron Long
>I cast animate object on all the enemies
Liam Parker
So im trying to make a full support/healer character divine sorc x / cleric 1. Any spell suggestions on how to optimize my support capabilities?
Daniel Thompson
>tfw my Bard actually gave birth to a very small silver Dragon baby I should probably have ran long before it got to this point, but I couldn't help myself. So now I have a question, since GM is making ANOTHER time skip, this time 10 years ahead.
How quickly do dragons age? Should I expect 10 years to he enough for a Dragon to be strong, or is that still so young it may as well not be a combatant?
I know nothing about dragons in a "NOT-forgotten realms" setting. Except a tiny detail I learnes from Veeky Forums about silver dragons, which my GM didn't feel like mentioning to me.
Hudson Thomas
>Get some rather powerful artefacts after a level 8 campaign. >My Warlock gets an Orb that gives me 1 additional spell slot 1 higher level than normally allowed, since per day, that can cast any Warlock spell of that level >Also let's me add 1 beam to Eldritch Blast when I am wielding it, stacking with the ordinary scaling on EB. Yeah, another guy got a neat +2d4 Longsword+1 that gives +1 AC, but that will fall off at some point. This orb is an offhand thing, and I feel like this is going to the retarded when we get to the end game. It is already good, but breaking the usual scaling seems stupidly strong.
Also, a free 6th level slot is pretty neat.
Alexander Turner
Yeah my players are an assassin rogue a battlemaster fighter and an illusion wizard, and they also have dragonbait and artus with them. So far the rogue has ijin the fighter has wongo but will likely take kubazan next session. the wizard has papazotl. Artus has nagnag and dragonbait has nothing yet. They have all the spirit items except for shagambi and unkh and I guess the wizard will most likely end up with unkh and dragonbait with shagambi so that's fine I guess
Gavin Harris
Justin Adams
My character lose his foot tonight in a trap. He was a strong melee fighter and I just feel like this is something that would "retire" him from adventuring for a while.
I don't want to be a sook to the party but I feel like with my character he'd just be so down on himself for being handicapped and useless, and wouldn't want to adventure anymore.
Have any of your characters lost any limbs?
Hunter Barnes
Nah, but a character in the game I DM has.
He died shortly after though. 6 seconds to be precise.
Logan Young
It should be getting close to it's full "Young" stage so it'll be as big as a horse and can fly and do all the normal shit. I would ask your GM about it though since it is their world so maybe it works a bit differently.
Easton Roberts
Are the dungeons in Yawning Portal any good?
William Reyes
If the DM is okay with allowing distant cast to give range to self spells, you can do some funny shit with false life and shield
William Carter
Evan Reed
Landon Carter
the one I'm playing right now has a pegleg that also has his crossbow limb attached to it for concealed carry he lost his leg when he was younger, climbing a castle during siege to steal some shit from the nobles, and a catapult hit the keep, he fell down a couple floors and had his left leg smashed from the knee down by a large piece of rubble
Joseph Richardson
PEG LEG PEG LEG -5 speed
Dylan Hall
Had a character lose his whole left leg right as I was retiring him.
Jackson Sullivan
Jaxson Reyes
Had a Warlock who lost her right arm.
It was fine though. Mostly RP stuff, considering how she was played. It didn't matter much for mechanical purposes, as it mostly gave penalties to things the character was already terrible at.
At will disguise self helped disguise when it could be troublesome to be one-armed in a social setting, and the shy nature of the character made it easy enough to pass off avoiding anyone touching the missing arm as just being uncomfortable with people touching in general.
Thomas Bailey
Pretty high level though, but a young Dragon that can fly me around would be pretty great to have at my disposal.
Andrew Cruz
Curious here; How and why do characters lose limbs? The rules doesnt actually allow for that, so how? Just arbitrary "fuck you" penalties from the GM?
Ethan Barnes
Does anyone have that pic of the coffeelock explanation?
Christopher Williams
Brody Thomas
You're an angel
Jonathan Reyes
They can be dropped into a campaign easily, right?
Isaiah Powell
I am My character was in a pickle, and needed an escape. It was effectively game over, the others had gotten away, but the clumsy Warlock couldnt be saved. If she had died there, it would have been too bad. Nothing short of a 9th level spell had helped at that point.
My patron, a Fey, showed up, and asked what I was willing to give to be saved. GM put a 15 second hourglass on the table, or the threat would have caught up to me. My ritual book was denied as a sacrifice (I wouldnt be giving up something, but rather return the gift I had gotten from the patron), and so I blurted out "My arm!" And he took the right one, and teleported me to safety.
So it didn't really feel "unfair" to me.
Owen Wright
I guess more like >"You didn't *really* die, you just lost a limb" It gives the player a chance to retire or keep playing, rather than outright kill them and force the player to reroll a new character.
Logan Gomez
My group has a critical hit deck originally for Pathfinder, we've had people lose teeth, fingers, arms and legs from that thing.
Adrian Lewis
>conviniently skips the fact you can't have more sorcery points on you than your sorcerer level
Wyatt Kelly
I've never managed to DM a dungeon crawl.
I get bored of it after like 2 rooms.
How do you manage, /5eg/?
Jaxon Rogers
You're not sitting on the points... you're turning them into slots immediately.
Justin Hernandez
but you need to have enough points to create a slot in the first place, and how do you have those points if you can't fucking hold on to them
Carter Phillips
I'm There's an optional table that DM's can use in the DMG that adds lingering injuries.
>It's up to you to decide when to check for a lingering injury. A creature might sustain a lingering injury under the following circumstances: >When it takes a critical hit >When it drops to 0 hit points but isn't killed outright >When it fails a death saving throw by 5 or more
My character lost his leg because he was being tracked by these "heresy" hunters who were scrying him (even though he had protection from scrying) and they caught up to him and tried to kill him. He got away but his leg was cut off. I tried to bring it up that I had protection but my DM was just like "You already rolled so it doesn't matter." So it felt like a "fuck you" to my character.
Jose Collins
>Conveniently forgets that you can hold more sorcery points as you gain levels.
Christian Richardson
but then you have to level sorc, which slows down you getting infinite slots from warlock levels, which defeats the whole purpose
Liam Clark
user, I think you might actually be retarded.
That chart there is what it can do at Warlock 3/Sorcerer 17.
The progression is gonna be slower at the lower levels, but it works by RAW.
Carter Cox
How do I convince my party to stop being autistic and let me use my new summon greater demon spell?
Gavin Thompson
I'm the OP, I was a bit of an idiot. In an attempt to be more bold and risk-taking, my character thought he'd go and attempt to get through this puzzle by himself. There was a small platform to press down on with a foot in front of this stone door, it pushed down to just over ankle length and as it went all the way in and clicked, the stone door thrust forward with great force, pushing my character back and the foot stuck in place.
I'd actually like a peg-leg but i'd need to get more leg chopped off..
Joseph Moore
Just fucken do it
Nathaniel Mitchell
wait fuck I actually am the guide is to level sorc not warlock imma take that L peace
Bentley White
So you're going to ignore the fact that the whole point of Coffeelock is that you keep getting back Warlock spell slots from short resting so much?
Justin Nelson
>party says no >i says go That'll end well. Just do it anyway
Justin Rivera
>Playing a conjuration wizard >have one of those gay ass 'You can't do that it's EVIL and I smite EVIL because its against the law' conquest paladins Level 5 should be fun
Jack Morales
Stop pussying around and just do it.
Caleb Rivera
>even though he had protection from scrying) and they caught up to him and tried to kill him. He got away but his leg was cut off. I tried to bring it up that I had protection but my DM was just like "You already rolled so it doesn't matter." So it felt like a "fuck you" to my character. I detest GMs that does this. >I roll to sneak to hide in the dense forest terrain, to scout a bit ahead. >Alright >I got 24 total, rolled a 20 >Cool. You get ambushed, you dont roll initiative because you are surprised, and didn't think anyone would notice you. If you are a GM and you do this, kill yourself. You are actual cancer on this hobby, and will never be worth playing with.
Juan Perry
You should almost never use spells. Maybe bless and the occasional heal if you can’t lay on hands quickly enough, but you basically have smite slots that you can use for a spell on very rare occasion, not the opposite.
Nolan Bennett
>Conquest Paladin >Smiting evil because it is evil >Conquest Paladins I don't even
If he actually retarded? Or is he playing a turbo hypocrite with no wisdom or intelligence?
Wyatt Kelly
what are you summoning this time?
Jackson Ross
Can somebody explain to me how does the "On initiative count 20" thing of Lair actions work?
Jeremiah Diaz
>I'm in charge and I say no Evil >Evil gets slapped >Repeat until someone slaps you hard enough Seems pretty simple.
Roll for initiative. Put Lair Actions down at 20. Resolve normally, and when you come to 20 you do a lair action.
Aiden Lewis
On initiative count 20, the lair action happens.
What exactly is it you dont understand here?
Michael Reed
Think of each battle as a series of steps. When you roll initiative, you're rolling to see what step you're on. So initiative count 20 occurs after any creatures which a higher initiative step have gone.
Bentley Foster
>Playing a conquest paladin >Not realizing he is the evil I get you can play it kinda differently, but at that point why not just pick a different oath?