Imperium of Man > The Galactic Empire > First Order
Imperium of Man > The Galactic Empire > First Order
I am proud of you, my son
So how is your sex life?
not bad considering ive been married almost 8 years, and have a 6 year old, so im lucky to get a tender moment once every 3-4 weeks.
Tau Empire > IoM
stay mad Gue'la
I swear the future looks more like wh40k every day
How so?
>WS: 5+
>Stuck on the other side of the galaxy because of the rift
>Foolish enough to think you have killed Slaanesh just because you killed a daemon
Stay mad you space commie.
What happened to the God-Emperor's armor after he was wrekt?
is it like tucked away somewhere to be worshiped as a relic or was it put to some other use?
Ground up to make Crux Terminatus's and/or snorted by grey knights
>Even the women are completely based
are you faggots ready for the return of the nids?
>tfw charging genestealers AND big swarmy from across the table into your puny fleshy meatbags
Fucking heresy everywhere
>we will never get a generation kill style Imperial Guard mini series
i dont know how the dad in the bottom left didnt strangle the life out of that demon when he saw it enter the room.
fucking slaaneshi jews
The only thing thats more ancient than they is their rulebook
They'll job to the tau harder when people job to the undertaker during wrestlemania.
>tfw Disney buys GW
in older lore, every shoulder pad on the terminator armor that has that little skull and bones symbol has a sliver of the emperors armor in it, and thats what gives them an invuln save
I'd like that. GW is not interested in doing anything with the franchise. The only issue would be that Disney might kill the edginess and make it generic PG 13 quip-infested schlock
God I wish.
>no indescribably massive armies of men and women, poorly armed and barely trained, fighting in wars across all the far flung corners of the galaxy
>no earth shaking god machines the size of mountains with cathedrals on their backs, rearranging the landscape each time they fire their guns
>no armies of alien dinosaur bugs running rampant from planet to planet, consuming all life it finds
>no order of red robed transhuman scientists, researchers and inventors that venerate technology for its own sake
>no galaxy spanning church that venerates an immortal corpse spreading its creed to all the worlds of men
>no superhuman demigods forged for war, fighting for the sake of a mankind it stands apart from
>no fallen alien empires that seek to recapture their days of glory, whatever the cost
>no rogue traders that seek nothing but the next adventure and opportunity for profit
>no humble farmer that toils ceaselessly on his agri-world farm, living and dying, ignorant of the wars being waged in his name and for his sake across the length and breadth of his Imperium
>no spaceships
>no lasguns
>no laughter of thirsting gods
kys traitor
>GW is not interested in doing anything with the franchise
Yeah, fuck them for just selling models and rulebooks, right?
Too bad nu-GW is shitting all over the lore
>Primaris marines out of fucking nowhere
>the Imperium is advancing now
>literally whos are now the most important characters
Just lazy writing
Oh, rip WHFB
>emperor is instantly killed for certain and replaced with the unkown Empress that was always there in the shadows but never told anyone
>the 9 betrayers and other sons that are dead are replaced with womyn primarchs
>Russ dies because of toxic masculinity
>Girlyman is retconned into a womyn as well
>worship of slaanesh is deemed okay because slutshaming is bad and they are teaming up to beat the REAL evil in the world, Korne
>Nids? What are those?
>Orks are now symbiotic with flowers instead of fungus
>eldar were actually hermaphrodites all along, I swear
Sexy blue aliens>anything.
Stay mad, pinku cukboi.
>Nids? What are those?
Chicks love Tyranids
lol @ delusional commie xeno
Dude there's no way they'd kill off 'nids, they're the most collected army among the few women who play.
Not enough women, black people and Mexicans. But no worries, goy. I'll fix it for you!
Now bow down before your transgender pansexual Afrinca-American Goddess-Empress of Goykind!
That's not how you spell either Starship Trooper's Federation or Helghast
>While working with Ian Watson on the story for A.I. Artificial Intelligence, Kubrick asked Watson for a pre-print copy of his Warhammer 40,000 tie-in novel Inquisitor. Watson quotes Kubrick as saying, "Who knows, Ian? Maybe this is my next movie?"[32]
Stanley Kubrick almost made a 40K film before he died.
>Not enough women, black people and Mexicans.
The Imperial Guard is unironically probably the most diverse organization ever. It's the right of every man and woman to have the opportunity to be brutally murdered by alien horrors.
*before he got murdered by his own tribe for exposing them too much
he also almost made a LOTR movie with the Beatles as the hobbits
*murdered for filming the fake moon landing
*died of a heart attack because he was a fat fuck
>Not enough women, black people and Mexicans.
Nope. The Imperium has sexual discrimination in very few cases (Spehs Marines and Sisters of Battle) and has no racial discrimination at all.
The Emperor himself is "from" (as much as an accretion of shamanic psychic power can be said to be from somewhere) Anatolia.
(((they))) have had heart attack guns for awhile now
Where can I get one?
Did you just mansplained it to me? This is why you alt-right drumpf anime nazi white males shouldn't be in charge.
Now stop bullying those nice aliens, you bigot.
#NoBoarders #NotAllTyranids #ImWithGorkAndMork
cancer guns would be more fun desu
they have those too
Join cia
>Gork AND Mork
>Not just Mork
Tom Clancy pls leave
Do I get to bring friends?
do i get to bring friends?
this is a good thread
where does it say in the article he was poisoned by a cancer gun, Tom?
God damn, imagine him directing a scene where a geller field collapses during warp travel
>tfw Stanley Kubrick wanted to direct a 40k movie
He could've done it
>A 40k film that had updated 2001 style effects
Why does Warhammer 40k get a lot of threads on off-topic board but Magic: The Gathering is barely ever seen? Magic is way more popular isn't it?
>A KKK member plotted to kill Muslims — with a homemade death ray
It's dead jim
Warhammer has a more interesting and fleshed out setting.
nobody cares about Magic lore not even hardcore players. And if there's one company more inept than GW at managing their IP it's Wizards. They legitimately hate money
Because it's fun to shitpost about, even when you know fuck all about the setting.
>Crawford was sentenced Monday to 30 years in federal prison for plotting to build an industrial X-ray machine that would spew lethal doses of radiation powerful enough to kill people from a distance. His plan, according to a federal complaint, was to place the machine inside a truck or a van, park the vehicle outside Muslim institutions and activate it remotely. The goal was for his targets to be dead long before they realize they’d been exposed to the rays.
>The Galway, N.Y., resident was charged after a 14-month FBI undercover investigation that began in April 2012 when authorities received a tip that Crawford, a self-professed member of the Ku Klux Klan, approached two Jewish organizations to seek financing for his plan. Crawford sought people who might help him acquire a radiation-emitting device for use against those whom he perceived to be enemies of Israel, according to the U.S. attorney’s office.
>Someone from the Jewish institutions then alerted federal authorities, unknown to Crawford, who spent the following year designing, buying parts for, building and testing his device.
jews ratted him out
God I wish I were a fucking radiologist so I would know if this was insane enough to work.
and this is just some random guy. i'm sure the government has something much more sophisticated
>tfw i can't stop thinking about stupid sexy eldar
Emperor preserve me
>Warhammer 40k
>play first Dawn of War
>know everything required to understand the basics of universe
>Magic the Gathering
>Allowing your mind to be poisoned by xenos
>>Magic the Gathering
Find a plane you give a shit about. Refuse to give a shit about anything else.
For me, it's Ravnica.
Why are orks so best?
sure thing faggot lets just keep everything totally the same forever why not lol its just a game like turn off ur brain hahaa
I'm pretty sure this was the line of thinking the eldar had about humans when they were in charge of the universe. Or what Old ones thought about necrontry. Or Necrontyr about eldar. You get the picture. The future is now, old man.
I really like Ravnica too, but the planes are still small universes compared to WH40k
Weak bait
But here's your (you) anyway
>the Imperium is advancing now
>this triggers the loyalist
i think it's funny that the only reason their technology works is because they think it should and believe hard enough
Band of Brothers-style television series, each season following a new Imperial Guard squad through a famous battle in the Universe. At the end of each season, our characters are brutally murdered with the rest of their friends.
All characters but the Guard, enemies and Space Marines alike, are treated with absolute awe, as if they are the greatest and most mysterious beings in the Galaxy.
They released a fuckton of new technologies, vehicles and weapons
wait, got a source for that?
Doesn't exist lol > Papa Nurgle > Khorne > Tzeentch > Slaanesh
Just read the new Rulebook nigga, or visit the webshop
>"Of all the races I have battled throughout the galaxy, the Ork is the hardest to comprehend. They wage war with machines that should not work, care little for strategic gains, and are just as likely to slaughter each other as the enemy. How does one battle an enemy that defies all logic?"
— Rogue Trader Varnael Larik