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>How to Jumpchain
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>Jumpchain IRC Chat
>How to Jumpchain
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NuBee! I've done it! I've compiled like 100 perks from across the dozen or so Jumps, formatted them and am now feeding them through the Botnik.
Wish me luck, yall! Time for some more weird shit for the Cyber-Xiaxian!
Would taking beast soul (snake) in BTTH make me a snakeman?
Oh boy, DLC for the Botnik jump?
I would love some cyber xianxia. Too bad jumps need a canon of some kind to be jumps.
Good luck dude! I can't believe it could take that many perks without ignoring a huge chunk. I was getting nervous with like half of that.
Whoops, had the name off for a different thread.
I'm 95% sure I saw a stargate atlantis jump somewhere and now I can't find it. Is it unfinished or something?
Not even DLC, I'm just still making shit.
Right? At least it's good for a giggle.
Uh...Now that you mention it...I'm not sure if it DID in fact take everything. Huh...Guess we'll find out won't we?
How did NuBee get so big?
Hrm. Nechronica question: If somebody has the same class and subclass, do they get the reinforcement parts twice for it?
I was planning on having a "Dark Universe" drawback, at least until there's enough material for a Dark Universe Jump. And don't worry senpai; companion creation will let you create mummy waifus. Maybe there'll be an OC option too.
Speaking of OCs; hypothetically, who would be interested in an user Top-Kek companion?
It's come up almost every time I've mentioned The Mummy, so I think I'm pretty much obligated to have one at this point. It's definitely going to be a doozy.
No it looked finished.
By attempting to swallow Valerias massive load of ego.
he failed.
Oooh! Thats my Jump! The answer is yes!
I'm...Not sure how I missed putting that in there but the answer is yes. Taking the class nets you the Parts. Taking it twice nets you them twice.
why is aquaman there?
I really don't think it makes any sense at all to include OCs based on Jumpers and think it is a terrible idea.
I usually don't like your OC companions that much but I think that idea goes past both good taste and good precedent.
He was there before he became aquaman
Because Jason Momoa is every broody vaguely ethnic strong dude.
What is the difference between human and asgardian magic in mcu?
Asgardian magic gives you beautiful hair by default while human magic eventually leads to hair loss. Compare Frigga to the ancient one.
Does it ever get above planet/solar system busting?
Yes. It takes a finite amount of energy to destroy a solar system, so infinity is well above that.
Sarcastic answer aside, I have no idea what you're referring to when you say "infinity". Context, please?
Look it up.
How do I retcon shit without anyone noticing?
Out of the entire drive? No, fuck you, the burden of providing context is on the one asking the question.
With Infinite Colour.
With the amount of time you spent ranting you could have looked it up by now.
Nah, people can notice when Yog-Sothoth does something. They just have to do lots of drugs.
Human magic deals in more Buddhist symbolism, they make magical energy weapons, scry, teleport, transmute, and astral project. They also rely on magical artifacts that are semi-sentient and choose the user.
Asgardians Magic is in two flavors, sorcery & magitech. Asgardians Sorcery can do much the same as human magic, but seems rely more on illusions, mental powers, and probably shapeshifting. Magitech is basically akin to magic artifacts but usually more mass produced. They have flying longships, energy shielding, worm hole technology...etc. When combined you get powerful magic artifacts like Mjolnir & Gungnir.
Oh, sorry. I meant the setting of this Jump.
Not them, but there's a jump called Infinity. Which is probably what their asking about.
There is at least one perk named Infinity and their might be others.
Looking it up really doesn't help if people aren't sure if your referring to the jump (assuming they even know there is a jump with that name) on an option in a jump.
Ah, I see. Sorry, then, I don't know about this Infinity. My apologies for getting you confused with shitboy here, it can be a little hard on anonymous boards sometimes.
You shouldn't have spoonfed the newfag, shitposter.
>No seriously, what's the Judge System?
Because there is just a buttload of crime Fun Fact: butt is an actual unit of measurement, they needed to streamline the criminal justice system.
They did this by making Judges. A Judge acts as a police officer, a court judge, the jury, and if needed your executioner all at once.
If a Judge caught two people in a fight, they would review the case there and issue a punishment. No court room or lawyers. Just an instance fine or prison sentence. This is why Judges can come off as so violent cause they have the right to issue executions and practically no-one can question it. And also because it's post apocalyptic so of course people have to be violent.
No, there aren't any cracked planets in this jump - they're simply not that common since humanity's bumming through fixed position wormholes between star systems. Since there's only 10 or so human habitable worlds (going off memory), it'd be a staggering loss.
Christmas is a rough time of year for you, huh buddy?
Here we go, 11 planets.
So beside Kubera, where can i get an afterlife that follows me?
Thank you.
Writting a Chain where the destinations are random, and I wasn't sure what level of Sci-Fi it was.
With what I know now though, it should be a walk in the park.
Yeah just don't get sepsitorized and you'll be fine.
Okay so yeah, my assumptions were right there. Japan in My Hero Academia wouldn't take that well at all.
Oh, I was just going to have it be a reference in their name for the most part. Their personality would be wholly original.
Why don't you usually like my OC companions?
Question! What are some ways a Jumper can avoid going mad with power or becoming extremely arrogant? Is the best solution just to go stealth jumper and sandbag most of the time?
Also, the Archetype-EARTH poster guessed right - Avatar is reincarnating in Mamoru's place. What am I in for?
Age of Ice part 1
Bah. Forgot to mention, the setting in question for the spoiler is Sailor Moon, if it weren't obvious.
Hm....you think that counts as a psionic attack, or is it purely neurochemical?
Getting an empathy perk. It'd help keep them grounded. Not to mention that if a jumper did go crazy for a bit they might notice how fucking terrified someone is and get some emotional backlash from it.
So, you're waifuing Usagi then?
Glad to see you're at the point of waifuing moons instead of blowing them up.
Star Wars: X-wing Jump
>Origin: Rebel [900]
Rebel Scum For Life!
>Race: Chiss, female [850]
Once you go blue nothing else will do
>Starting Time: 6 ABY
Just in time for Rogue Squadron to reform
>Location: Imperial Flagship
Oh sithspit!
Piloting [free]
Soft Targets [free]
Academy Training [725]
Ace [225]
>Starship: T-65 X-wing [75]
Not even an option
>Starship Parts:
x4 Heavy Laser Cannon [-125]
Mil-Spec Shield Generator [-325]
Large Generator [-425]
Wedge Antilles [-575]
>Drawback: Invongison [25]
Easy way to survive vong invasion, take a long vacation on Naboo.
>A long time ago in a uncanonized galaxy far, far away...
I knew when I rolled Imperial flagship that I wouldn't be getting the four star treatment.
"You alright, user?" Wedge's voice didn't help my headache.
I opened an eye and looked at my compatriot in the cell across from me who looked as battered as I felt.
"If it weren't for these bars I'd give you another bruise for getting us in this mess."
Wedge grinned "That's why I asked our hosts for separate accommodations."
"And have you come up with a plan to get us out of here yet?"
"Not yet." Wedge frowned "This must be a newer destroyer, the security systems have changed. Guards miss anything when they checked you?"
I glared down the corridor "No, they were definitely taking their time 'inspecting' me."
Wedge rubbed his chin.
"Hmm, guess that leaves us with only option, Tatooine Jailbreak."
"We are NOT doing a Tatooine Jailbreak!"
If I didn't have my powers toggled off my glare would have turned him to ash.
"I'd volunteer, user, but I don't think I'm his type."
Still glaring I started unzipping my flightsuit.
"~Oh, guard! Can you do something about the temperature in my cell? I'm sooo hot and sweaty"
>One therapeutic stormtrooper smack down later
"Wedge, if Janson hears about this you're dead."
"Duly noted."
"Good, now let's get off this ship."
I recommend taking time to interact with whatever people you might know from background memories. Ground yourself by interacting with the little people. Of course, that might cause other problems for your sanity as you lose your sense of self from diving into foreign memories, but you won't be going mad from power.
Time travel nonsense, evil cosmic forces, survivors of conflicts that wiped out a civilization spanning the solar system and possibly the galaxy or more, magical girl stuff, having to babysit the resurrection button until their power unlocks, plots to brainwash you, your daughter from the future potentially getting brainwashed to brainwash you, plots to steal life force, more resurrections than Dragon Ball Z, and possibly the implications of a future you frozen/trapped in crystal.
You deliberately go to settings where going mad with power is practically expected and stepping-on-peasants-arrogant is the default state of things, and blow off as much steam as possible while you're there, and what happens in the jump stays in the jump.
Well it only works on units with Cubes, so I guess it's some kind of cyberwar virus that uses the Cube as the interface between the software and the meat brain.
Voodootech is just the name humans give high level EI tech.
Just go mad with power already.
Are there any perks that make it so you can be resurrected normally as long as it's done within the span of the jump instead of instant chain end on death?
Prepare to be Moon Jesus' husband.
In all seriousness, if you end up influencing her like he did, you'll end up with a girl who the following quote rather effectively characterizes the capabilities of.
'Yeah, fuck this 'My friends are dead shit'; I'mma rewind time a year, retcon punch the bad guys out of history, and bring everyone back to life, and also sleep in that morning!'
Also, if it's the anime, your going to have to deal with everyone and their mother falling for Usagi to some degree, along with the occasional hint/subtext from Usagi that's she attracted to/romantically interested in pretty much everyone *but* Mamoru.
None of it goes anywhere and she ends up with her destined husbando, but if you're actually into her, it'll probably be painful to watch.
There's decent amount of "1-up" perks. Log Horizon has one.
That's not what I asked about though.
So does that mean you're taking Usagi with you?
> Faction descriptions Are a little skimpy,was this intentional?
>ALEPH needs some formatting work
>The perks look good
>you should probably mention which items are Illegal in the item description
>the items section could probably use some gear that isn't weaponry or directly combat related since you have noncombat perks but not anything like Money or property or the actual tool to do the science that you sold us in the perks section.
>Tinbot (-200CP): A small robot that essentially follows the owner around and aids them in their duties. Tinbots can be programmed to aid in a wide variety of tasks, including medical work and soldiering
alike. Tinker with it yourself, and you may teach it some new tricks... Doesn’t count as a companion, no matter how much advanced technology you cram into it’s little frame. Changing it into something completely unlike it’s original form voids this, however
so is this a self-contradictory statement, a " no biotech" rule or a "you may not change aesthetics" Or a " everything has to fit in the same housing"?
So, I have a question for Val, when she comes on. Would 682 tier adaption work for an EX Noble Phantasm, or would that be an EX Grand Noble Phantasm?
>You deliberately go to settings where going mad with power is practically expected and stepping-on-peasants-arrogant is the default state of things, and blow off as much steam as possible while you're there, and what happens in the jump stays in the jump.
So Exalted, every Xinaxia known to man, Warhammer 40K, ASoIaF, Warhammer Fantasy, Vampire Diaries, Forgotten Realms, Drakengard(!!!) and a few others I'm not remembering off-hand.
Uh...it's not my Jump, and I'm not sure.
Have him go mad with power. Not forever. Just long enough to hurt someone he cares about unintentionally. That'll teach him.
Alternatively, yeah, going stealth Jumper and trying to run off of only the powers you gain in a world for a long as possible would probably help. If your Jumper is low on willpower, Powerless Drawbacks.
I agree completely with .
You get a refresher course in being human every ten years, lean into it.
682 doesn't adapt though.
>every Xinaxia known to man
World of Cultivation may be an exemption from this. While a bunch of people do go mad with power everyone in mo cloud sea (the mcs eventual territory that he and a bunch of other guys set up) is basically just the pull your own weight and be a decent person type.
Unless they are burning down an enemies fortress and stealing their stuff.
They just like to make stuff with their fire and work together to be safe.
What is it doing then?
'Not dying' is all 682 does. When you dump it in acid, it doesn't develop a resistance to it, it just stops taking damage beyond a specific threshold. It's like conceptual endbringer durability, the more damage it takes it becomes exponentially more difficult to do any more at all, and killing it is impossible. That said, when it heals back, it isn't any stronger or more resistant to damage.
Thought I'd share what I got so far. Need to take a break. Just have Half Toon and Vampire to go.
Abilities are interesting if a bit oddly worded at times but thats the nature of the generator I guess. Makes it amusing to say the least.
So what would be agood starting point for a jumper that want to become a conqueror? Not one that want to change the worlds or anything, just for the kicks, like pic related.
Bullshit. When they made it fight the statue that only moves when you're not looking at it, 682 grew more eyes until the experiment ended. That's a bit beyond "doesn't take damage beyond a specific threshold."
Forgot pic.
It doesn't have those eyes anymore, so you can eat your own bullshit, retard.
You are a good person. And there is no guard alive who would not deliberately fall into that trap.
>not the longer pasta that includes *smacks lips*
Shame on you user.
Oh, fun. Also yes I am companioning Usagi. Because I am extremely dedicated to running jokes.
All noted, thank you!
Hm...so, does Supernatural's God actually have any feats, other than making the Universe and Archangels?
...also, do we have anything that clarifies how far above planetary-level destruction the Archangels can go?
Overlord (either desu but I was thinking about the games).
Item: 60 MT thermonuclear bomb
Tissue Test Record:
Termination Test Record:
Testing denied by O5-█
Notes: One would think that putting SCP-682 in the epicenter of an explosion that can cause third-degree burns at a distance of 300 km is a good idea, but as long as there are odds of survival we simply cannot go through with it. Yes, it's a goddamn nuke, but if 682 survives and adapts we'd be boned beyond belief. O5-█
>but if 682 survives AND ADAPTS we'd be boned beyond belief
Clearly, it does have adaptation abilities. The experiment log also has it developing clear, armored carapaces over its eyes to prevent them from being shot out after it's savaged by 173, and it gets a pacification ray from 061 for two weeks. Furthermore, while the canonicity of things like Foundation Tales are dubious, SCP articles and related pages such as experiment logs are as canon as you can get.
It does seem to lose certain adaptations over time, but saying it doesn't adapt at all is false.
>Oh, fun. Also yes I am companioning Usagi. Because I am extremely dedicated to running jokes.
I also concerning Sailor Moon and not going mad with power. I'd recommend considering taking the Fall of the Silver Millennium Scenario and companioning Princess Serenity instead.
The Moon Kingdom is probably advanced enough that you won't have to worry about the implications of your power (beyond 'can I help stop this war?') a.k.a. you probably won't seem 'too godly' to fit in. Meanwhile for that same reason Serenity will likely have more experience dealing with beings with ridiculous cosmic power than Usagi.
Both of which seem like they would help with the not going mad with power thing.
>lying with alien scum. That are also Rebels
I enjoyed this writefagging. Got any more? How many jumps are you in?
Uh, he...ressurected Castiel and turned him into a vaguely defined, arbitrary better version of the common angel footsolder called a Seraph? Which mostly exists to win knife fights with other angels, and job to the new cosmic entities/abominations/witches on the block when they show up.
Also he cured his sister's zombie mist while playing the guitar. And defeated and sealed her away with the help of the other 4 archangels, the most powerful two clashing were said to risk blowing up half the planet and the least powerful knocked out the eastern seaboard just by showing up. He also sealed the entire Leviathan species, who can nullify the power of regular angels. Neither event happens on screen, of course.
Also he teleported Metatron into the safest place in the universe with a thought.
Gonna be honest: Almost none because he's a hands-off kind of deity. The really stupid part is that ludicrously less force is needed to take down his sister-who explicitly has more raw power than him. Yes, despite being able to create the universe (and possibly the multiverse now confirmed to exist; the jury's still out on that one) it only takes 10,000 suns set to supernova to murder the most powerful beings in Supernatural. Unless they really wank Jack after the mid-season finale.
And...no, barring the alleged fight with Amara at the dawn of time not really. If anything S12 seems to be trying to soft-retcon them because in the alternate universe, Michael apparently killed Lucifer WITHOUT the Earth splitting in half, and also without turning into the prophesised paradise; there's still asshole hunters roaming the Earth.
It has literally been put in a box which can control physics inside it and then reduced to quantum foam and regenerated back to the exact same state it was in beforehand if the experiments are to be taken as canon. There are dozens of other experiment logs which are similar in how badly 682 gets fucked up without adapting at all.
You cannot take experiment logs to be canon because they're all contradictory not just with each other but with the main article as well. It doesn't adapt because that's not a part of its actual SCP entry, in which it is kept contained through the singular use of a bath of acid and nothing else, adaptation is something that was added on afterwards in experiment logs which are not canon.
So, basically, that's noncanon too.
Are there any other ways of enforcing the Manton effect (i.e. preventing people from using pyrokinesis or telekinesis inside your organs) apart from picking the Alexandria Package in Worm?
Don’t have any organs
Dude, please don't join in on the 682 wank.
In nubee's he managed to make the text seem somewhat related to the perk titles
Huh, sounds like going in as a 616 Skyfather somewhere between Zeus and Odin (but closer to Odin) would be hilariously unfair.
...well, it's not like I was ever accused of being fond of Chuck.
Read the actual SCP article if you want to talk about it.
Okay, well in the main article itself it says that "SCP-682's physical body grows and changes very quickly, growing or decreasing in size as it consumes or sheds material."
That its body "changes" doesn't necessarily mean that it adapts, though it does show that it is capable of changing size and shape somehow.
However, in its test with SCP 409 (which is part of SCP 682's main article) it develops an immunity to 409 after it is exposed to it. How is that not an adaptation?
Okay, I'll bow out now.
Any interaction between SCPs is noncanon.
Wait, really? Is there any page where it's stated what exactly is canon and what isn't?
Nothing in SCP is canon unless you want it to be.
Is it fair if I use something like Soothsayer to steal technology from places like Wakanda and give them to the rest of the world? Also, what other neat shit would be invented in Marvel and DC that I can steal with my technological future sight?