Give me one good reason why women can't be space marines that is not "but muh cannon"
Give me one good reason why women can't be space marines that is not "but muh cannon"
Women are bad at fighting.
I don't really care.
Just pump Sisters of battle full of battle juice and flesh implants. Give them a space armor and boltguns. No actual people would give a toss.
give me a reason they should be space marines that isn't 'but muh diversity'
>Give them a space armor and boltguns.
Mmm, where did i already see sisters with noltguns and armour?
Space marines are in full body armor virtually all the time and are supposed to be faceless defenders of the empire. Making female specific space marines is therefore redundant as they derive no identity from their sex. The only way female space marines could be done well would be if they existed in canon but no one mentioned it because it literally doesn't matter. Of course this won't satisfy the whiners who want female representation without any care for how overt female representation would undermine one of the major aspects of space marines: their facelessness.
Small bodies.
Not going to accept new organs easily
Also this
I wonder if the girl in your pic is a communist?
To answer your question: it would just come off strange. Space Marines are the epitome of de-sexualized hypermasculinity. They don't fuck and are hulking brutes who few women would find attractive despite their insane physical fitness.
It's not that obvious what female Space Marines would be like. I can't imagine that the ubertestosterone these dudes are pumped with would keep your tits and ovaries intact. So at that point, what's the difference?
Female Space Marines are an oxymoron because Space Marines are inherently sexless and masculine. It makes sense that females would be selected to become Space Marines, but after the fact, they should be near identical to males
It's not that they can't it's just more efficient to have males. Why waste 10000 females to get one marine when you could spend 1000 males to get that same marine and have those women working and breeding.
It's also the same way as steroids work. Yes women can take steroids and become stronger but why not give them to a man who will become stronger.
Because there's not even female guard models and marines just got a fuckton of new ones. Put some wood elf heads on your marines and call them primaris femalis I don't give a shit. There's already an all girl faction waiting for new models, get in line.
I wish an original shitpost was more frequent than an annual event. You'd think Veeky Forums of all boards would have a bit more originality and/or creativity than the others.
There is something wrong with men who fixate over women being fighters. They probably get off on porn where women humiliate the man.
Male chromosomes are required for geneseed to work. And if you disregard canon as an argument, then you may just as well ask why Mufasa from Lion King is not the Emperor.
>then you may just as well ask why Mufasa from Lion King is not the Emperor.
Because he's the primarch of the I Legion
Give me one good reason they should, other than a buzzword argument.
space marines aren't human and probably have ken doll mounds. a female space marine would be indistinguishable from a male one.
Nobody's forcing you to call your little miniatures a single gender. There could be anyone beneath the helmet and armor; that's the fucking point of armor, full coverage so as to protect the body from the various forms of death being flung their way.
And hey, with such bulky armor, you don't have to worry about the "sexual pandering" you feminists get so hung up over.
Play the damn game instead of worrying about "muh oppression" and "muh representation."
>tfw you know you're being baited but just don't give a fuck
Except by being around 25% weaker
To be fair, we have no reason to believe the insane modifications done to the human body wouldn't get either sex on par.
The bigger thing is that Space Marines are functionally sexless, end essentially masculine with respect to persona (war 24/7 is never going to be femme). So there really isn't a difference
Because it upsets you, and your tears give me nourishment.
I don't know why you'd be excited about adding more to a trite, dead setting that should honestly just be abandoned so we can move on to better things at this point.
Because Space Marines are a parody of masculinity. They're essentially psychologically-warped roidheads. All anger and intolerance, men whose solution for every problem is ultraviolence. Massive muscly dudes whose dicks don't work, impotent in their hyperpotency.
The main reason why women can't be Space Marines isn't canon, it's the meta-reasons for what Space Marines are, and ultimately what 40K is all about - the worst that humanity has to offer is all that's keeping it going.
>muh cannon
That's the only answer that matters, though. The creators didn't want female space marines or they would have made them. If you want some either model them or write some fanfiction featuring them.
>we have no reason to believe the insane modifications done to the human body wouldn't get either sex on par
Gene-seeds are designed to work with the body's natural puberty, which is why they're put into kids. Adults converted into Marines benefit little from the organs. Men and women go through different things in puberty. Pumping a girl full of growth hormones designed for a man is not healthy.
>implying OP even plays 40k
You seem confused about the point of this thread.
>"give me one good reason not in the vast list of reasons established in the lore"
Oh gee, you got me. Femarines are clearly the future.
Nah, OP is only pretending to be retarded to cover up their butthurt
There's a reason the chapters choose only the toughest boys to become marines.
What the point of a Cannon if you change it, not because it is in the interest of the cannon but because some one else said so? That's the point, someone else whats to have a say on what should be written. You can ague about the Cannon all you want and if it makes sense or not. But if someone comes along and tells you there right because “reasons outside of the Hobby” then, the fun is over.
Pretty sure you're just new to the board.
Because women are terrible at teamwork and coordination under stress.
It's not that they can't.
It's just they're doing the Imperium of man far more good shitting out baby boys to make into astartes.
And most men that are total killers with high test are far better being astartes than being criminal scumbags within the imperium.
malchador wanted female primarchs
>Give me one reason why that is not muh canon
Let's ignore that little bit for a second and pretend that everything isn't muh canon in fiction and you're not arguing reductio ad absurdum.
The space marines are one subset of forces of one faction, which makes use of women in a multitude of other subsets of their forces both tabletop and lore.
This is among over a dozen other factions that make use of women in lore/tabletop or do not have traditional dimorphic sex characteristics.
There is plenty of muh diversity so I just don't feel bad about it.
This, desu.
>but muh cannon
A fictional universe's canon is literally the reason why everything is the way it is in said universe. Saying that the canon isn't a valid argument for why something is the way it is invalidates the entire premise of the whole setting.
My issue isn't that you want female space marines, but that you are a supreme philistine.
To absolutely butcher what sargon said; something something why would you use the 60% physically weaker gender in war
underrated response
>Space marines should be faceless
>Space marine characters take every fucking opportunity to show their face
I never really understood this argument.
and look where that got him
What else do you expect from a bunch of people who love to deconstruct everything, rather than build something?
We shouldn't give GW an excuse to make more fucking space marine minis.
Get them to make more female guard, eldar and tau instead.
This. All we truly need is an expansion of Sisters of Battle. I want my Valkyries Repentia fighting alongside Space Wolves dammit!
>implying GW hasn't raped the lore multiple times already and will probably do it again
Because GW cannot produce or paint female models that are at least passable. Have you seen old models of Dark Eldar slaves? They were horrifying. And SoB models... don't even get me started.
Give me one good reason why en can't be sisters of battle that is not "but muh cannon".
Not op, but fuck off with that shit. You can debate whether something is or isn't a good idea without talking about whether the writers and editors will allow it.
Canonfags are cancer.
>Not able to see someone the Titan for the lamp posts.
>I explicitly requested the opposite
Your request was stupid, and denied.
counterpoint - Lelith Hesperax's new model, Yvraine, Witch Aelves
how about 'muh dick'
In a galaxy where everything is trying to kill humanity why would you automatically discount 50% of your potential super soldier candidates
A Thread died for this.
>Implying there never was a particularly psychotic person the Adaptus Astarties inducted for their bloodlust alone.
Have you see a womans scorn annon? It doesn't need power armor to ruin everything.
Probably some gay quest thread about anime feet
Her bulge dont let her fit in armour designed for girls (female).
Marines aren't limited by the lack of potential recruits. Even if you could double the pool, the total number of Marines would not double, making it pointless.
Which is why she can wear armour designed for girls (male).
Your response is stupid though.
>give me one reason one of the most fluid and in flux canons couldn't be altered to do x.
>the Canon currently says no x.
Well no shit retard, that's assumed by the question. Imagine if I asked you why newspapers couldn't have color pictures way back in the day and you responded with "well they were black and white then".
How stupid do you feel right now?
Give me one good reason why Sonic can't be a space marine that is not "but muh cannon"
Copyright law
>This whole thread acts like GW has kept Canon straight.
Dude, who cares they change stuff all the time, is not like they haven't messed up half of it already.
Remember when Genestealers were their own thing completely unrelated to Tyranids? Or when the Iron Warriors almost destroyed the Imperial Fists? Or when Necrons were mindless genocide machines?
Yeah, remember when it was the Kingdom of Terra, led by a council of 12 presidents? The loyalist paladins commanding the super sentai regiments against the evil heck regiments and their 7 muted colour deities.
Women drool.
>give me one reason one of the most fluid and in flux canons couldn't be altered to do x.
And do you think it's a good idea changing things for no reason?
>Or when Necrons were mindless
Nothing really changed, now they just retarded.
Remember Obiwan Sherlock Clousseau?
Give me one good reason why Coldsteel can't be a space marine that is not "but muh cannon"
>comparing fiction to reality
user, please.
I'd rather GW rape the lore than some kissless virgin going on about how deconstructions are the epitome of story telling.
Without the canon to provide context, the entire argument becomes moot because literally anything can do anything and there's no longer a valid reason for why shit can and cannot work the way that it does.
Plus it's pretty fucking stupid to argue about why something can and cannot work in the setting while preemtively throwing out every valid argument why something is or isn't possible in the first place.
Female space Marines has more reason behind it than giving necrons personality.
Because Space Marines gain memories by eating brains.
But there are woman space marines, just not astartes.
>I'd rather GW rape the lore than some kissless virgin
No female space marines are a great meta context of the hyperviolent patriarchy in our society. It frames white men as the problem and works wonderfully in a setting that is literally a parody of every bad idea the human race has ever had.
Complaining about that comes off as stupid as the idiots who cry over depictions of domestic violence/rape in movies because they lack any ability to process context and think that depiction = support.
>How stupid do you feel right now?
The only think I feel is pity for anyone who has to deal with your retardation IRL.
Give me one good reason why Jesus can't be in 40k that is not "but muh cannon"
Don't worry, generalfags spam at least 2-3 threads whenever they get too close to the bottom so it'll be back in an hour.
>implying Matt Ward doesn't pull tons of grrl gamer pussy with his cetified geek cred
You do realize oldcrons had members with personalities as well, right?
>hyperviolent patriarchy in our society.
user your starbucks is getting cold
>50% of potential super soldiers
yeah dude canada lets women in and their armies are perfect gender diverse 50/50 split with all those really stronk womyn.
Jesus is in 40K, he was one of the Emprah's many incarnations/one of the psykers that were mashed together to become Emps.
Please be unironic.
Becausethat might result in them breeding and thus rendering he species they were made to serve seeming obsolete, they were made male only by design to ensure their dependancy on humankind as tools, not a species to outgrow us
Jesus is canon though, the Emperor either was him or one of the disciples.
I thought that he was one of the disciples
But they were still enslaved.
Because having an army where every member is around the same level of physical strength is better than one where the bar is lowered to allow for more soldiers who are, on average, weaker than their male counterparts.
This isn't sexism, this is just biology.
>this ignorant about the highest lore
nu/tg/ hurts my heart and soul.
>Implying he isn't
Only a powerful psyker like the Emperor could be able to resurrect Lazarus
No, that's the Emperor pretending to be Jesus. I'm talking about actual Biblical Jesus the Redeemer.
I could be misrecalling, but that seems weird given how Jesus was the miracle man of the bunch.
what don't you get about 'potential' you mongoloid.