What are the most fun or interesting characters you've played as, Veeky Forums?
Most interesting/fun characters you've played as
A bad bait thread is receiving hundreds of replies while this poor one dies
Thanks for the sympathies
Part of the problem might be that Veeky Forums is full of foreverGMs
I honestly can't think of the last character I played for more than a session, and I usually wind up as the straight man who keeps things moving because I actually want to play a little rather than just shopping in town or whatever.
the characters I've enjoyed playing don't really work for storytimes, it was their general personalities combined with the rest of the party which was entertaining, not a single dramatic moment or weird character quirk, as such it's hard to explain what was so good to someone who wasn't there
A male human bard/rogue transformed, by the curse of a witch who he seduced and left behind, in a female. Now he's trying to find a way to revert back.
She really isn't. She's just crazy and all the memories are just fictitious, false remembrances of a life never lived
Did there happen to be an actual male human bard/rogue who she stalked obsessively?
OP here. A while back I played a disease-eater/plague-spreader Oracle in a now-failed pathfinder game
Your pain is felt, and your troubles echo through me as your fellow Forever GM who wishes they could just play for more than once.
Pretty much in the same boat myself.
The character I thought had the most potential only was able to be officially played like twice (and about as many times unofficially) before the game imploded due to ooc. Haven't had the chance to recycle him.
A huge thing about what was interesting about him had to do with him being a Sidereal and it's really difficult to find a way to recycle that same sort of role into other games, so my only real shot is inserting him into a freeform game or finding another Exalted game.
My character was a servant of Yaogin who arranged for him to Exalt after (gently) removing the major barrier to his going along with things and then (spectacularly) destroying the other tie to the world. (The theatre he worked for was set on fire and my character Exalted in the chaos.) There was a lot of political stuff he'd be getting involved in, being directly connected to Yaogin (and his relationship with Yaogin was one of the things I was excited about playing through as it was definitely going to be tangled) but one of the plotlines I was interested in pursuing was him having an attraction to one of the Solars under his charge. Considering that ultimately Solars are fated to meet with their Lunar soulmate, it was an attraction that would ultimately be doomed.
Plus the GM and his girlfriend expressed multiple times how hot they were for my character (before they expressed that about me, the player), so I imagine they would combined have spiked any attempts for me to pair my character off with anyone they didn't approve of, even if it were temporary.
OP here. About GMs and their significant others. That plague character? Some guy and his boyfriend somehow got of on the pustulent, virulent plague-carrier that was my character.
I... Hmm.
Maybe your character (or you as you were playing him) just had a great charisma.
Or they could have been into some stuff that I'm definitely not.
Either way, my sympathies because even if it doesn't end up extending to you, having people get weirdly attached to your characters can be pretty uncomfortable.
They were getting of on the disease and fluids. For reference, I'm not into that.
It is pretty much one of my top squicks, so I'm with you. That would be the type of character I played if I were joining a group of randos and wanted to make sure they didn't try to make things weird. Which would make it 1000% worse if they did.
That's what happen
The most fun character I had was an OoA Paladin in 5e. Played him as the smiling charismatic leader who always had an answer to everything, was active in helping people see the joy in life and the world around them, always had a song to raise spirits, always had some advice to impart to cheer others up and protected them with everything he had. However it was mostly a lie, he was terrified most of the time under the weight of his oaths and the knowledge that he may never truly find someone due to how he lived. Even worse was knowing that his oaths ment he was destined to be an undying sentinel, living until he either turned his back on them or was killed.
It was fun trying to not make it just be another cheesy "whoa is me" but someone who actually struggled with the knowledge of where his path was leading, but too stubborn and honor bound to turn from it.
None, because the longest I've played of any one campaign was two sessions.
I played as an awakened dire lobster that was piloting an apparatus of Kwalish with an everflowing decanter of water inside. I was on a journey to kill and eat the person who killed my druid master, but I failed in my quest and me and my vehicle were sliced in half anime style, spraying water and blood.
I also never get to play more than one or two sessions. My favorite character is always some combination of redemptive thief turned knight/paladin. Something about the eternal quest for self improvement and forgiveness compels me.
I’m catholic. Sue me.
2E male human bard
He was the longest lived char I've ever played (~5 years). Just oozed Cha and was the witty, fearless to the point of folly, getting-things-done of our party. Sadly, I'm now a foreverGM with few players around.
TI-85, for an Eberron game
A misanthropic, racist, violent, maladjusted warrior. Pulled from the front lines of Breland and reassigned as an Entourage for a lower house courtier. 'He' ended up discovering a lot about the draconic prophecy and warforged, coming to the conclusion they were the reincarnated spirits of the Cyclopen Giants of Xen'drik. Had a real hate on for the Fey, and always colored his interactions with folks through their race, nationality, and skills. In that order.
Bit of a shit disturber but the game needed someone with some real passion to drive events.
Current character was a former political assassin, who changed his ways. He started the game diplomatic and gentle, but the course of the game has made him become more desperate, and have to adopt his former ways. Edge aside, it's fun to play a guy who can't walk away from the past.
Also played a witch kid who was frightened of his patron, like a monster under the bed. He obeyed his patron out of genuine fear.
A sea serpent with dwarfism (he was only 10m long) who hatediscovered the ocean and everyone in it. He went to the surface, started a travelling carnival and trade show, and swindled people as he went. In the ultimate battle between good and evil he played both sides, became a war profiteer, and rode out the apocalypse becoming the god of capitalism, swindling, and following contracts to the letter but not the intent
I've never been allowed to play.
I love playing spellcasters but they trigger my DM, so I once played Tordek HammerNipples, and that was fun.
Vampire Dark Ages Malkavian crusader who returned from the holy land to France. He had a habit to talk to the God. GM didn't use any god stuff, I just talked aloud stuff that was addressed to God.
>"Did you sent these bandits to my way so I could sway them back to you or did you sent them to me get some righteous ass-kicking? Well they don't seem to listen so its time to wet my blade with their blood. Yes, yes I know, I will clean the blade afterward with my tongue..."
>"I know I'm praying you a lot, but if you ever love your wayward son give me sign..." (Wolves howling at the distance) "Oh, Lord's dogs are calling me to find them!" (yes, he almost died at the hands of werewolves that time)
>"Talking this kind of thing is heresy at the highest form, I am going to cleanse this unholy place with some righteous swish swash." (looks up to the 'heaven') "Its nice word for killing..." (He was storming a castle ruled by degenerate tzimisce who was capturing peasants and making them a huge war beast that was going to wipe a way all humanity from Romania.)
Played a Human Fighter that used a reinforced small cone lance like a club
Her character points we're being 99 fukkin strong, incredibly direct in her choice to situations (Seeing a trap and activating a trap just to stop it through strength), and being incredibly protective of the party's drow to the point that the others realized the only reason they were still around was because she saw them as a tool to help in her aforementioned goal.
I like this alot.
Dan is a treasure.
Sorry to seem uncultured user, but who?
>It was fun trying to not make it just be another cheesy "whoa is me"
You mean "woe is me"?
Played a Dragonborn bard who was into heavy metal and wielded his electric guitar like a 2-handed greatclub. Wanted to be "hardcore" and take down a dungeon full of nasties.
When the gnome barbarian died to rats, he decided to take his skull along, partly to revive him later, but also because a gory skull was, in his opinion, hardcore awesome.
A shame it was a once-off. I might use him again sometime.
A mentally challenged(think forest gump) paladin of sunlight with a heart of solid gold that wanted to nothing more than to help those in need and absolutely destroy all evil with a rage that would make Doom guy proud. Was the party healer, actually focused on healing and protection magic until he awakened a dwarven goddess of retribution and essentially became her avatar on the mortal plane. Was still the party healer, but fuck me there was that hate boner for anything evil.
my elven druid is my favorite character.
he's full of these odd inconsistencies. he's very weird looking and off-putting in general, but has this smooth, handsome voice. he doesn't like people who think they're better than everyone else, but he thinks he's better than everyone else (though wouldn't admit it). he's very much a believer in "the ends justify the means" which means I get to play him a little deviously. he's a coward fighting in a war. he doesn't keep friends, but can't help growing fond of the reckless paladin - because she's a woman of action rather than position.
also he's a mailman
This hurt for some reason.
I usually enjoy playing NPCs but for once I'd like to roleplay
Thanks m8, I'm good at fixing engines but shit at spelling.
Probably not as original as I think it is, but when my group had a brief DH1e stint, I was the party's Psyker. Venni Vale was the most happycheery motherfucker you'd ever meet. Initially he only ever used his powers out of fear for himself and his !SQUADDY BFFS! and by god was that ever some goofy fun to RP in a game as edgy as DH
>pic related is best I've got of his face while he always reminded his squaddy friendos that there's a bright side to be found
I have a story of not my own character, but of a fellow party member who made a cleric who wielded a holy sword, displayed general chaotic neutral bordering on lawful evil tendencies, and was proficient in Sun domain magic.
His name was "Damon, Champion of the Sun," and one of his greatest achievements was punching a 16 year old wizard apprentice in the face.
Not knowing Dan Kim on 4chins is overwhelming proof that you do not belong here.