How do I feel normal?

How do I feel normal?

I grew up in an abusive household and never had more than 2 outfits and hot pockets or top ramen was the typical meal of the night.

I’m 24 now. I have a job I like. I have a 2017 car. I have good credit and decent financial responsibilities. But I just don’t feel normal. It’s all I wanted growing up to be normal. But when I sit at home in the evening I still feel like I’m standing outside of the circle looking in. I still feel like a loser.


Cool blog post faggot. Try getting some fucking friends instead of caring about your fucking car.

Go to therapy. Alternatively, go volunteer or something.

>imposter's syndrome

Exercise, better diet and therapy. In that order.

I know how you feel. The only thing that drives me forward is having the knowledge to not to do this to my own family in the future. I'm gonna best the best parent there is.

I don't want my kids to grow up like I did.

Here's my some advice:

>Take the following supplements: huge doses of Vitamin D, B12 and them some algae-based Omega 3 supplements (all pretty cheap)
>Go vegetarian or make your diet consists chiefly of fruits and veggies
>Do something you like

>Go vegetarian or make your diet consists chiefly of fruits and veggies
Fuck off soyboy.


spend outside your means

find a non-degenerate girl who will be a good wife and mother and makes you laugh and cooks good food and then get a good pre-nup

>having kids

Make your own life op. What makes you happy? What makes you feel good? What do you want to do? It’s ok to use your imagination and try different things. You can take care of yourself now, and you are safe and secure. Now it’s time for the caterpillar to become the butterfly.

>having to take supplements
eat some fucking meat and go outside and get some sunshine you soyboy faggot. If you have a diet that requires supplementation then that diet is suboptimal.

just imagine how the gal in your pic feels

If you're actually serious about this I can give you advice. But you have to want to have a better life. You have to be disciplined and not be a little bitch.

If you do these things I can GUARANTEE that your life will improve. Your life might not be perfect, but I can without a doubt say that your life will be better if you do these things consistently. So, do you want your life to be better or not? Also, you don't have to do all of these, but all of them help.

Meditate daily
Start with 10 minute guided meditation.

Consistent cardio (2-3 times a week)

Weight training (2-3 times a week)

Eat healthy
I'm not sure where you live, but if you live in america this might be hard. I'm not sure really. Just look at what you're about to eat and consider whether or not is shit. Starting right now. Eat simple, whole foods.

Read every day. Before bed is a good option.

Do yoga consistently.

Have a consistent sleep cycle.

Ok, I've typed enough. Choose 2-3 of these things and do them and your life is guaranteed to improve. If you don't want your life to improve, don't do these things. It's simple. All the best.

>he thinks meat has enough B12, vitamins and minerals to help him operate at peak efficiency

No wonder you're still a carnie cuck. The fact is that no matter your diet, you're guaranteed to be deficient in something.

this is gonna sound silly, but in addition to diet and exercise and all that, you might want to try LSD or psilocybin, it will really allow you to reflect and gain insight into your life you never thought possible

but only if you're willing to face your problems and really look inside yourself and do some serious thinking

You can buy 1P-LSD or 4-ACO-DMT on Lysergi with LTC

I can't be bothered to go into more detail but I feel there may be others that agree

how does norman feels. How do you know your not normie?

kill yourself

gotta find peace with the past

after all, there is nothing you can do to change it

This. Common normie malady.

What coin are you shilling bro ?

OP, everyone has their own subjective truth.

Everyone is looking in from the outside.


It will add a lot of perspective to your life.

Bonus points if she is same race as you

> believing in the "normal" meme

You're never gonna make it

look in the mirror and tell yourself, I am normal, then pull the trigger

> 2017 car

It's 2018.

Get a load of this pleb.

try posting personal life questions on Veeky Forums more, that should help

im in the same boat though OP, I don't know what to do with all this free time I have

No one cares cry baby faggot just kys

ramen is healt food, you are lucky. most westerner are ready to jump into angioplasty surgery by the time they hit 50yo due to clogged arteries by stuffing up daily dairy and meat 40 something years.

whenever you come to west from asia (where majority are thin and eat mostly rice and noodles) it looks like people are walking dead, mostly due to bad diet

>he doesn't eat a diet of raw onions for 300% test gainz
Who's the soyboy now fgt?