Based WOTC supporting our troops.
Why do we hate them again Veeky Forums?
Based WOTC supporting our troops.
Why do we hate them again Veeky Forums?
>Sending an expensive, addictive stress-relieving material to soldiers as a 'gift' to help them unwind
>Knowing that they'll return to purchase disproportionately more at much higher prices when they return
Fuck you OP you should be ashamed.
Imagine being so weak willed that you consider a product sold in booster packs "addictive"
It's a cigarette rations joke, user.
>Gives them trashy sealed product
Fucking kikes
>gift box
>already rotated sets
>not even one box of iconic masters
>more boxes of Kaladesh than anything else
Just shows you how little people cared about that garbage set. They can’t even give that shit away.
ding dong idioto
Yeah I bet those fucking pogue are really having a rough go.
I carried my dice through 2nd fallujah as a grunt. The guys on the sharp end never get Shit cause the REMFs grab it all, it’s always been that way.
One day I went to a field P/X (store) at Camp Blue Diamond in Ramadi and they were completely out of Coca Cola and every other soda. I was ready and lock and load as I watched those fat pogue sucking down cold bottles of soda in the shade. It was nearly 120 degrees F that day.
Another time we came off patrol and hit the FOB Falcon chow hall 15 minutes before closing. After eating nothing but MREs for 2 weeks we were ready for some hot chow. Some fat Army mess Sgt (a E-8 Master Sgt) refused to let us in for being too dirty. My platoon sergeant who was a E-6 Staff Sergeant went beserker and said he would beat his ass if he didn’t let us in the chow hall. We were eating chow within 5 minutes. We had to bring all our heavy weapons inside because they were closing and we couldn’t rotate a gear guard. So that was rediclious but at least we got hot chow.
>Son, when I was your age...
Where is the nearest Chaos Marines recruiting station?
>telling soldiers who are still armed to the teeth that they can't eat in the mess because they're too dirty
Did that guy have a death wish? I thought the Army was supposed to be filtering the sub-85 IQ brainlets out with their recruitment tests...
>sending them leftovers from years ago
yes we should, also screencapped and archived because that's shit, at least send Explorers of Shit
your shilling is terrible WOTC we're still boycotting you faggots.
Every modern war ends up like this. The ragged savage bastards at the front and the comfy faggots in the rear with the gear. When these 2 realities collide it isn’t good for the REMFs.
We had a war and there was an outbreak of garrison in the rear.
Take a left at the ruins of cadia and go into the eye of terror and you're there, just watch out for the rape daemons, they're uppity this time of year.
Sold everything excluding reserve list items, bought a Motorcycle. Goodbye SJW shitgame. If they clean up they're act I might jump in again. Rudy seems to be getting involved now. Releasing Hasbro print runs etc.
>inb4 redditor says i'm /pol/ or accuses this of being a /pol/ raid again
>inb4 that faggot mod sages the thread
grow a spine newfag
>I'm such a vagina that I sold all my cards and bitch about it so often I'm salty people reply to it.
If you don't want people to call you /pol/, you should probably stop acting like a shitposting retard spewing buzzwords.
>start talking about pancakes for no raisin
You sound like you need a hobby, user. Ever tried Warhammer 40k?
>our troops.
Well I I don't give a flying fuck about american troops to start with.
Also four stacks and five people? No wonder WotC has trouble mana costing some things.
>PR is a praiseworthy act
Yeah, nah, no, fuck off.
They do some but the rest they assign to 'non important' roles. Its bullshit and everyone hates it.
I mean, what could go wrong with staffing the support to your soldiers with a bunch of political yesmen.
>That fucking mark up
I can make models from clay for less nigger
I'd consider making clay figures for 40K a respectable hobby.
user is probably american, the general chicanery other armies get up to is fucking retarded.
Specially legions (french, spanish, etc...) go full retard.
>hurrr durr pogues.
Meanwhile I have an education and actual career prospects. Go suck start a shotgun. Your wife and six stepchildren won't miss you.
I'm amazed at the butthurt people feel when others don't get their shitty jokes.