Can a paladin also be a femme fatal?
Can a paladin also be a femme fatal?
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Like iron maiden?
Depends on her God(dess).
by definition femme fatales are amoral so no
if you're asking whether or not paladins can be seductive in general then sure, if their religion has no issue with sexuality then their high charisma means they're probably pretty good at it
Sure, why not.
A thread died for this.
Can OP stop sucking dick?
THIs is how I like my female Paladins. Other than the retard painter that thinks a helmet plume is her hair.
>Can X be Y?
No, it's X.
>B-but muh magical realm
Then you really want it to be Z.
Wouldn't it make sense to get plume with the same color as her hair ?
A femme fatal seems like more a fit for an inquisitor who isnt worried about using whatever she can he help a good cause than a pally.
There's a hole in her helmet, and she put her hair through it.
Isn't that basically the SoB?
I'm not fond of masturbation, but perhaps having a good session of it before posting can keep these threads from popping up.
But to answer your question? It's just not likely, mostly on the account of being unfaithful to the archtype a Paladin evokes. The class is largely inspired by knights and maybe some of the more militant saints. The kind of people who typically consider both subterfuge as a means of combat and loose sexual morals to be well beneath them. There's no saying that a decent person can't do these things, but a paladin is quite literally a cut above as far as honorable conduct is concerned. The peak of chivalry. A straight shooter par excellence. Chaste and courteous, more often than not.
See any room for murdering slatterns here?
They really want to put the banner of christendom atop the holy grave and they'll pull you along on your dick if that's what it takes?
Yes, sure.
>1 to 1 socials
>Not being an anything fatale
I mean, why wouldn't you abuse the literally BEST feature of your class is beyond me.
Femme Fatals usually betray their employer. A paladin wouldn't do that unless their employer turns out to be evil.
You are retarded as the painter then. Why in the would you put a hole ontop of a helmet? Would be a glaring vulnerability.
Paladins don't use their Charisma to manipulate men into getting what they want through practiced seduction or empty promises. That would be a chaotic act, no matter what the intent behind it is.
A paladin can be anything he/she/xe identifies as, you heteronormative oppressor!
ironic shitposting is still shitposting.
Depends on the edition. Also lying would Evil and not Chaotic, unless you're doing it for shit and giggles and to spread chaos.
The statement is correct thought, unless you're playing older editions that stipulated their alignment.
I guess Deborah (the one who kills Sisera) or maybe Rahab could count?
>Also lying would Evil and not Chaotic
>Would be a glaring vulnerability.
Not really, it's a relatively small hole, so unless you attack it with a thrust directly from above it's not really vulnerable.
>Why in the would you put a hole ontop of a helmet?
I don't know, maybe it's a cultural thing? Or maybe her hair have some magical properties?
Unless she's gonna seduce you through religion, the two archetypes clash too much with each other.
>Not really, it's a relatively small hole, so unless you attack it with a thrust directly from above it's not really vulnerable.
What is a spike? Just about every single pole arm has one. To say nothing of maces, warhammers and axes. There is a reason no real world helmets have holes on the top of the middle of the head. If you are going to throw out magic realm bullshit like "her hair is magically" we are done here. It is a goddamn helmet plume that the painter was too dumb to realize.
Nope. Women don't know true righteousness and thus can't be Paladins to begin with
I don't think a paladin can be a femme fatale because the latter, as said, use their charms and seductiveness to make others do what she wants, which isn't a paladin-ish act.
I do entertain the idea of a paladin who enjoys flirting with or teasing the little cleric boys (or girls)/her apprentice, but when it's time to get shit done she dons her armor and kicks evil right in the dick.
>mfw this is more believable behavior for a ladyknight than the usual stuff you can see on Veeky Forums
Yes, but in this way
The Knights of the Ruby Rose, never heard of them?
>femme fatal
You mean a slut? I want to say "no" but with the direction TTRPGs are going and their drive for inclusivity I guess they could.
Theres no reason why not.
Knights of the Ruby Rose are pretty fucking weird, in any case.
This lady knight is better.
It's more believable behavior for all knights, really.
Knights were fucking assholes.
Knight class + vain lady = bullying, bullying everywhere
Does that mean an Avenger could be a Femme Fatale?
You don't understand, man, it's empowering for a strong woman to wallow in a pit of dicks, just look at every major Forgotten Realms NPC.
Tell me more, I'm guessing they worship Sune from that one image.
Blackguard is best femme fatale.
Are they Paladins, though?
They do.
They worship Sune, they fight for beauty and good against evil and hideous stuff. Which is odd, considering ugly people can be good.
Unless some bullshit about "hidden beauty", meeting an ugly farmer that's good antured would pretty much be the worst challenge a Knight of the Ruby Rose could face.
>femme fatale
ah yes, the classic "greatsword through your intestines" femme fatale
I'd greatsword through her intestines if you know what I mean.
>tfw no femme fatal shrine maiden
>ah yes, the classic "greatsword through your intestines" femme fatale
S-Shut up, you had no problem when femme fatale rogues would stab your guts with arrows or blades.
Well, rogues at least have some sort of conscience and even if they rob you blind when you try to court them, they'll leave a note with a kiss mark on it when they leave you on the morning.
The style of a blackguard girl is more "is this dude actually trying to court me" before they cleave you in twain to look badass
You certainly can, it’s pic related.
You don't even know any blackguard girls, man. You will never know the horrible things she will do to keep you, the nations she will lay to waste, the crowns she will pile at your feet. The problem is, you only meet the shitty "don't need no man" types.
>You don't even know any blackguard girls, man
No, I don't, no one does because they're fucking CUNTS.
The moment her ass is on the line for you, BAM, they drop you like hot iron.
And don't even get me started on what happens if a devil pops up. She'll jump on that red dick before you can even say "redemption".
Miko? Instand femme fatale, just add a taste for mischief and fox ears & tail.
Seems you're missing out on the fact that the blackguard can definitely do both the lady knight and evil temptress things. I mean they even get sneak attack as class feature and require hide ranks to join.
By the Gods, user, you're thinking of barbarians.
This, too.
>blackguard girls are basically yandere murder machines clad in heavy armour
Sounds like you just had a bad experience and tried to get all m'lady with one, all this talk of trying to court her should have given you away. I bet she didn't even carry you off over her shoulder after challenging every other female party member to a death-duel for your hand. I bet you've never even had a lovely picnic in Acheron.
I guess she would essentially just be a femme fatal monster hunter
>you will never be her assistant.
Yeah yeah whatever you say. Seems to me you two got some blackguards that are having Fallen's remorse.
"Oooh they're blackguards and they're evil but they're "nice" to me!" Fuck that shit. They're simply pissy paladins and you can tell them I said that.
>t. a butthurt Rogue girl that lost her husbando to a superior Blackguard
>t. Blackguard that kind of regrets her fall from grace and now has to make up by being a "nice girl" to some dude
user, the cage is small and my ankles hurt!
>meeting an ugly farmer that's good antured would pretty much be the worst challenge a Knight of the Ruby Rose could face.
>Be Knight of the Ruby Rose
>10/10 Body
>Peak physical performance
>Face so heartbreakingly beautiful children hit puberty prematurely, the dead libidos of the eldery come back to life with a vengeance, and every sexually viable adult in a 10 mile radius falls into a rut when I flip my hair sexily in the resplendent light of the sun.
>Be bound to uphold all that is Beautiful and Good against all that is Ugly and Evil
>In my dreams hear the prayers to Sune of peasant farmer who has been wronged in Love and Honor.
>Make my way to the man
>He's fuck ugly.
>Detect Good & Evil on him as he tells me the tale. Some woman left him because she met someone more handsome, or something.
>Pings Good
>So confused.
>He's still talking.
>Detect again.
>No change.
>He's Ugly.
>But he's good.
>But he's ugly.
>But he's good.
>But he's ugly-- Oh hey he stopped talking.
>"Can you help me?" The hopelessly homely fellow asks me.
>I walk around him, study him, trying to wrap my mind around his existence.
>"I think I have an idea." I tell him.
>I punch him in the face with a mailed fist, knocking him over.
>He looks dazed as he looks up at me, attempting to ask why. I set upon him before he can finish his thought and beat his face in.
>Go on like this for ten whole minutes.
>He's a broken heap on the ground.
>Heal his broken face
>Not quite handsome, but certainly not as ugly.
>"I pray this will be enough, but I doubt it. Go to this woman and see if he'll take you back now."
>"What woman?"
>"No need to thank me." I say as I ride off.
> He's calling after me, something about his sister and a kidnapper.
>Not sure what he's talking about, but I've fought for Beauty against Ugliness and have done so in the name of Sune!
>Squire is a grown ass man
>Not a cute shota
>implying evil always has to be one-dimensionally dickish
>implying evil people can't love people or things
>implying that anything but stabbing any man who talks to her means Blackguardette is "nice".
Its fantasy FFS, who cares? Besides it could actually be a plume dyed to match the wearer's hair. I could see vain warriors dyeing their plumes so it looks like they have a long glorious mane even when fighting in battle.
Evil people can love until that love interferes with their evil desires.
When that happens they can either choose love which means they're not evil anymore, or they choose evil which means that in the end their love was pretty much worthless.
>Murder entire nations for the sake of the person/people/race I love
>but I'm not evil because it was for love
Fine, fuck you, touché.
You can have your evil wife.
Even though it could be argued that's more misguided/insane than evil
>I'm not fond of masturbation
What did she mean by this?
>pls have sex with me
>I own you so pls give sexies to me
>just come to bed with me pls
>ur embarrassing me, just come to bed pls
Why did someone feel the need to draw Fantasy Harvey Weinstein? That's not sexy at all.
>Its fantasy FFS, who cares?
Fantasy still needs to follow sense, dumbass.
Prove it.
That requires them to be sexy, and I see no proof that they can be.
>Ironic Shitposting is still Shitposting
Yes surely. All knights were awful people all the time. Everyone on the """"Dark Ages""""" died before 30 of diarrhea from poop pooling on the street and every single priest was a corrupt pedophile.
So, since your time machine worked, how are you finding the 21st age coming here straight from the Age of Enlightenment? Did all those propaganda booklets weight down your machine?
Or are you just a regular present-day citizen who was 'schooled' in the US?
t. does not know anything about true righteousness and smells too bad to be a paladin.
>Be female paladin of a god/goddess of death
Wow, that was incredibly simple now wasnt it?
Yes, those who say no are fucking idiots who have a lame and narrow view of what a paladin is
Maybe if you are a paladin for slanessh or some other pervert God. But if we are talking about christian paladins then no it's impossible.
>Some fantasy has chainmail bikinis
>Some fantasy has boob plate
>Some fantasy has women fighting on the front lines of battle and nobody finds this weird
>But god forbid someone puts a small hole in a place in their helmet that enemies are unlikely to hit so they can thread their hair through
I responded to this non-argument with the only question it begs its audience to ask, albeit implied: "why?"
Sure I do, I don't have a vagina. Women are naturally spiteful, wicked creatures that don't have an intrinsic understanding of morality
Try going outside now and then retard.
Nice deflection
Nice butthurt
Name calling aside, people are generally nice and caring, I don’t know who hurt you so much as to why you call every women on planet Earth something akin to evil but women are great
Can you do anything other than cry and namecall like a child throwing a tantrum? You aren't a female, perchance?
jesus calm your fucking titties you fucking "i just got my first period and my all hurts so i'm bitchy" fagola
sure there probably were some decent knights because probability and statistics say so but if you believe most of them were fairly tale knights you are deluded
>obviously a guy who complains about small holes on a yakutian reindeer herding forum loves boob plate
He seems okay we female knights which is an even shittier idea.
Come back when you are not 12 years old and you found your brain
Scarlet Commander Marjhan fitd pretty well.
>Hurr durr women are able to fight in melee combat just as well as men
That's why MMA and professional boxing regularly has female fighters challenging and defeating men.
drills are great on noble types
Again come back when you are not a stupid 12 year old
Do you have nay actual argument or just shouting "hurr you are 12!"
Do you have any actual argument or are just shouting drep women can't be knights drep drep?