Is the original sardonic irony of old school Judge Dredd and WH40K better than the newer and more serious versions of those universes? Why or why not
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>Judge Dredd no longer has sardonic irony
Are you futsie?
It was grim darker and had over the top borderline fetish themes, therefore it was better.
I prefer 40k when it embraces its own absurdity. However, I feel like it's actually been moving back in that direction recently, given how gratuitously stupid a lot of it has been.
In Warhammer's case, it was better before but not directly because of a creative shift. Whenever a work passes from the original creators to someone else it always devolves into fan-fiction.
And what about cases where a superior reinterpretation ends up eclipsing the original?
>newer and more serious Judge Dredd universe
It's still often written by the original creator and actively mines its entirety of canon in new strips. There is no "newer" Judge Dredd universe.
They sure were better back when they were depicting exaggerated satire rather than everyday reality with names changed.
These days a lot of the irony is unintentional.
>sardonic is a fedora word now
When has an athiest ever used the word sardonic
>ha this will show that evil rightist scum
Is this suppoed to be profound in some way?
Example? (serious question)
You mean like Warhammer?
in case of Warhammer 40k, I kinda like both, to be honest
no idea of Judge Dredd tough (didn't read the comics, only a few pages)
That's completely intentional though.
Chief Judge McGruder was literally a Thatcher expy. 2000AD has never not been left-wing.
Irony that is self aware is fun. Accidentally putting dramatic irony in your product is less fun for everyone.
Using 40k as an example, it's best when it is grimdark with gallows humor. If everything is funny the setting loses its aesthetic and becomes goofy. If everything is serious the setting has to be looked at seriously, at which point it falls apart.
>And what about cases where a superior reinterpretation ends up eclipsing the original?
I'm going to need a good example of that. The Witcher game series is the only thing that comes close, in my opinion.
Not really, but even right-wingers have to admit that Farage is a hypocritical self-serving shitstain. That whole horseshoe theory thing looks pretty convincing if you imagine Tony Blair on one end and Nigel on the other.
Him giving up his position and dooming Ukip to the pathetic state that it's in now still boils my blood. Would be like if Trump just up and fucking resigns from office after shaking Obama and Hillary's hands on the way out the door.
This is the comic that had fucking Finn in it. How anyone is triggered by it taking a couple of cheat political shots is beyond me.
>Horseshoe theory
Yup. It's not that the entire left/right thing is a fake oversimplified distraction and the people acting on both sides of it dont blatantly serve the same financial interests and pass the same laws. Nope, everything is a horseshoe and the rational solution is somewhere in the middle of all these gangsters. Hooray!
Sorry. Horseshoe theory pisses me off.
>be me
>Veeky Forumstorian ultra nationalist, people call me an ebil nahdsee shill a lot
Okay, lets not derail the thread ,but here is my 2 cents.
Horsoeshoe theory is ridiculous in almost every way. As far as i know Nigel Farage is just a euroskeptic classical liberal that
more radical egalitarians call racist meanwhile he can barely say "England for the English" without distancing himself from racialist or anti-egalitarian sentiments. Then there is the "nazis" of the EDL who have black and jewish members that liberals site as being far right because they oppose Islam. I think the reason people find horse shoe theory convincing is because they are unaware of the semantical issues behind the term "conservative". There are the classical liberal strain of conservatism then there is the more reactionary side of it, and there has constantly been in group fighting over the term. The fact that Tony Blair (a liberal) and Nigel Farage (a more traditional liberal) have something in common is nothing to talk about similarities between the (actual) far left and far right.
You couldn't find anything of Jonathan Bowden and Jeremy Corbyn (two people who are more legit far left and far right) that is similar. Thats sort of the main issue with horsoeshoe theory, is the way that it defines "far right" and "far left" are usually extremely contemporary. For those unaware of where the left right dichotomy comes from, its a reference to which side members of the National Assembly sat on in France where people on the Right were pro monarchy and the people on the left were anti-monarchy.
From a long term historical perspective, Nigel Farage would just be a soft core classical liberal, not really much of a rightist t b h.
>who have black and jewish members that liberals site as being far right because they oppose Islam
Thats something is really don't understand - i mean rightists like far rightist like Julius Evola and Hitler actually praised Islam and Islamic culture. Hitler called it a warrior's culture ffs
This is the only true answer
>Yup. It's not that the entire left/right thing is a fake oversimplified distraction and the people acting on both sides of it dont blatantly serve the same financial interests and pass the same laws. Nope, everything is a horseshoe and the rational solution is somewhere in the middle of all these gangsters. Hooray!
This is actually what I meant to imply, and I fucked it up. apologies.
While I'm a bit of a soft lefty (pro NHS, would like more government-aided egalitarianism, not into identity politics too much, anticommunist), it's not Farage's politics that annoy me. It's that he is fairly obvious a toff racist who stands to gain personally from Brexit and the shift towards the UK being a tax haven. So he cynically infiltrated his way into a political entity he despised, to sabotage it, while collecting huge cheques, and now his party has served his entirely selfish purpose he's abandoned it. The man is quite clearly some kind of thief and vandal and it outrages me that people don't see it.
Because dude he's le based btfo lefty xd.
I mean, every time he goes north of the border he ends up locked in a pub with mad scots chucking Irn Bru at him so there are small mercies in this world.
The lore is now being written by people who never got the point of the original. It's why they think their bolter porn schlock is actually literature and their two-dimensional characters' ridiculous melodrama is anything near deep or poignant.
It's as stupid as it has ever been, only it's not in on the joke now.
Hah! Yes that's very succinct.
GW doesn't get their own joke and have become the punchline.
>Nigel Fargage
>Toff or Racist
He's neither m8, and i can assure you as someone who is a racialist (again ebil nahdsee shill who thinks Phillip Rushton is credible) he is far from it.
I wouldn't know enough about Brit politics but from what i can tell he is essentially just the British Donald Trump, who people call a racist but has never talked about biological determinism or race naturalism even once and has only pushed a classical liberal form of civic nationalism
Yup, natsoc here too. That guy's a loser.
Unrelated, but there's a reason only stupid people are allowed on television to express their opinions. It's ALL controlled opposition. The last thing they want you to think about is that real Nazis love you and care about your long term well being and hate bankers.
I liked Veeky Forums better when we had fun quest threads instead of stale /pol/ bait threads.
The early Judge Dredd comics were bad.
>not a toff
>father was a stockbroker and educated at an independent school
You mean amazing.
>real Nazis love you and care about your long term well being
Only if you fit a narrow definition of western European, northern European, and possibly southern European. Anything else and Nazis aren't terribly good for your long-term well-being.
Going through vol 1 of the complete collection, and you're not wrong.
>natsoc fag
Not a natsoc, I mean its not that I'm against the Germans keeping their country distinctly German but the whole invade Poland for Lebensraum and killing jews (in whatever amount you think happened) thing is kind of a turn off.
I thought Toff meant being rich and being a cunt about it. I've known some decently rich folk who associated themselves with people outside of their class a lot.
Early Dredd is more outright outrageous but the sense of campness never really goes away. Walter is still around even.
I actually like the slimmer Dredd more than the roidhouse he later becomes.
>talking about popular Veeky Forums universes that include a lot of political satire in them
>what why did this turn political
Old 40k > New 40k
Old Dredd > New Dredd
Old Punisher > New Punisher
New things aren't inherently worse but some things start taking themselves too seriously and become insipid.
I prefer the old school aesthetic. Settings like that become obnoxious when they start taking themselves seriously, but without actually exercising any credible writing in the process. The modern grimdark settings are like a NIneteen Eighty Four film directed by Michael Bay.
>over the top borderline fetish themes
Better by default. No contest.
You like gay robot butlers.
They were fucking amazing.
>Old Dredd > New Dredd
It's actually Wagner Dredd > All other Dredd. Like, it's still creatively controlled by the same guy.
>He's neither m8
>Well-off family
>Private school
>Infamous for racist behaviour at Dulwich
>dogwhistle politics all the fucking time about immigrants but not his wife who is from white Europe and therefore fine
>making (yet another) thread to provide a venue for /pol/tards to talk about real-world politics on Veeky Forums
>not /pol/ I sware am real fatguy
How to train your dragon.
There were black people serving in the German military. Nationalist socialism can apply to any race. Your argument is against Hollywood antagonists.
>the whole invade Poland for Lebensraum and killing jews
Jews were killing ethnic Germans in Poland. Look up Amalekites. For that matter read about what Hannucha is "celebrating"
The genocide of the German people has been attempted over and over for hundreds of years, and since no one reads history, the German people must count on nationalist socialists to protect them, because you never will. You'll deny there's a problem until everyone is dead.
Rogue Trader = 2nd Edition = 3/4th Edition > Everything that came after
>being this /pol/
jesus christ.
Space 1992: Rise of Chaos Wizards did "good guys beat Chaos back but Chaos still wins" better than Warhammer
Why even reply, seriously. Where do you think this is taking this thread.
I will continue denying there's a problem after every German is dead. Killing bosche is a public service to the world.
>Equivocating over genocide
>Unironically defending the invasion of Poland
>Nobody was standing up for the German people
>Black Nazis Matter
Well, this person is why Nazis exist.
>vice president w. t. snacks
That's an old-ass image.
>Jews were killing ethnic Germans in Poland. Look up Amalekites
All I get is references to a long-defeated Biblical enemy that possibly did not even exist, and a Jewish practice of writing out their name before blotting it out due to a commandment in Deutoronomy. There's some references to ascribing Germany to be Amalek, but that's just contemporary reactionism more along the lines of Christians thinking that Nero was the Antichrist.
>just contemporary reactionism
Did you just look Amalekites up or are you declaring yourself an expert in the subject? Pick only one.
We're why Nazis stopped existing, you filthy Hun.
>Read how it's described as contemporary reactionism
Threatening to kill Germans creates more Nazis. It's a pretty straightforward causal link.
>everyone is a /pol/ shill
Is this the liberal version of /pol/?
You mean the Danzig Massacre that occured AFTER the invasion of Poland occured?
>inb4 Polish invasion of czechoslovakia is proof of Polish Aggression
Warhammer 40k shouldn't take itself seriously because it's a contradictory mess and the authors don't use a common set of assumptions or logic.
Can anyone tell me why companies like GW don't have the same writers making all the material for a given line? What is the point of a freelance model?
You'd need a time machine to find a liberal version of /pol/. The current shitpit is lost forever.
>he is rich
Doesn't make him a toff
>he reads the independent
First of all, even if it were true that was back in college, and people change their views all the time. Second of all, we have anecdotal evidence that a schoolteacher called him a fascist and an old "friend" accused him of singing National Front songs. Not very conclusive
>just said that /pol/tards are running some kind of psyop to turn Veeky Forums into /pol/ by shilling
>you can't find a liberal version of a /pol/
pretty sure i just did. Guess left or right you have tinfoil hats
Aaaaaand we're in literal nazi apologism territory. /pol/, not even once.
Yes, but actually killing Germans brings the number down again, Fritz.
Upper middle class background plus affluent Southeast upbringing make him a toff. He doesn't have to have a seat in the Lords. Plus, just listen to him.
Or I just remember widely-reported news. Like several of his schoolmates alleging similar things about his antics, chanting Gas the Jews on school trips and such.
Plus, I don't know about you, but all the fucking posters of brown people as an existential threat and the party he commanded being full of Midsomer Murders-y bigots too grammarian to say "Pakis Out" were tip offs come to think of it.
>Threatening to kill Germans creating anything but encouraging Facebook comments
Thanks to decades of social engineering by US American hands, the german psyche and culture is practically obliterated. As a direct, german speaking neighbor we have a prime view on everything happening there and towelheads culturally enriching christmas markets and thousands of illegal immigrants going dark is the least of Germany's problems. Even left people around here shake their heads at the open Anti-German propaganda and calls to exterminate the german people from within their own country. The double standards applied are frankly ridiculous.
By far better in every aspect except the financial one, which is the only aspect that actually matters to a business.
not that guy, but you don't really need a tinfoil hat to notice the obvious /pol/ incursion.
they've been doing it since the election, and have intensified since that recent MTG kerfluffle.
You can track their arrival by the cucks-per-month metric, as before the election it was almost universally called NTR, with a very low cuck per month metric.
Similarly, other meme spread from /pol/ and other shitpost boards can be tracked to the election, but none are as clear as the cuck for measuring social drift.
>everyone who is a rich and from a certain area is a toff cunt
Liberalism: not even once
>or i just remember widely reported news
>widely reported is true
>a lot of his school mates
There's just the one actually
>all the poster of brown people as an existential threat
Oh so you're one of those "anyone can be british" types. Okay. Can't wait for my Somalian Scott overlords. I mean what is a nationality except food and an accent?
Uh-huh. This is the exact same logic /pol/ uses to track the JIDF and reddit shills from /r/socialism.
>the usage of a word and the popularity of certain ideas now means right wingers sre running psy-ops
or... just a though... maybe more of the people you interacted with daily are right winger and you never noticed because we weren't living in very political times?
>Similarly, other meme spread from /pol/ and other shitpost boards can be tracked to the election,
Pepe is from /r9k/ and the only memes /pol/ has that is quintessentially /pol/ is moonman and Doom Paul
>I mean what is a nationality except food and an accent?
The five British Values are:
The rule of law.
Individual liberty.
Mutual respect.
Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs.
pepe is a sign of all the shitpost boards.
What specifies it's the /pol/ shitpost board doing it is the timing of the shitpost frogs arriving.
nah, Veeky Forums's had right wingers since it's inception. And left wingers. The people on Veeky Forums understood that you keep real life politics and religion out out of entertainment activities, as they universally ruin them.
It's only the new /pol/ users that seem to have a problem with this.
and not to derail from your point, but why does that picture exist?
>founded in 1992
>founded in 1535
... really makes you think. Its almost like British Culture was something that existed far before ofsted was even founded
I mean, there's not much from 1535 I'd like back in vogue.
Beard Tax, maybe.
>nah, Veeky Forums's had right wingers since it's inception. And left wingers. The people on Veeky Forums understood that you keep real life politics and religion out out of entertainment activities, as they universally ruin them.
>It's only the new /pol/ users that seem to have a problem with this..
This. It's ridiculously simple to spot newfags these days, because they're the ones who get upset and start frantically shitposting about SJWs ruining Veeky Forums whenever someone tells them to stop posting about real-world social politics on the elfgames board.
I wish they'd just lurk more.
I mean, fuck, I'm probably more right wing than half of them, but they keep calling me a SJW because I tell them to fuck off with the politics.
>Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs.
yeah, tell that to Catholics.
Or maybe we just live in a more political time? No really, even in my day to day life, everything is becoming political. At work there is politics, family members are having large political arguments, I'm seeing insanely devisive ads everywhere that isn't the usual "vote for me i"ll lower/raise taxes" milquetoast stuff.
I mean in the past 2 years there has been some pretty major shifts in the overton window desu
divisive ads have been a thing forever. Politics have been a thing forever. The rule never stops being true. Keep real life politics and religion out of your entertainment times if you want to have fun.
Unless your fun is useless bickering and fistfights, which means you're just sort of a bad person.
>It's only the new /pol/ users that seem to have a problem with this.
Maybe if you didn't say inflammatory things like this, people who identify as /pol/acks wouldn't respond to your bait and defend their opinions. Most of what I see these days is
>Boy I sure love communism and elves don't you Veeky Forums?
>Actually while I enjoy elves I have strong opposition towards communism because
>Reeeee Nazi fuck you gtfo my game
Now, there are some shitheads raiding us to be sure, but I tell you right now they're not /pol/acks. They're argument shills. They're here to bicker and fill up threads to prevent discussion of topics that negatively affect their clients profit margins.
>tfw i know a bit about of history
The Danzig Massacre only had like 5,000 confirmed cases of murder perpetrated by Poles during the invasion. This is also if you believe the numbers collected by the Soviets and Nazis before they were inflated by Goebbels for propaganda purposes.
The main reason for Molotov Ribbentrop had to do with bickering over Danzig via the League of Nation between Poland and germany over who got control over the territory and city and the state of Czechoslovakia
user, I was just being called a tin foil hatter for noticing that /pol/ has literally had posts indicating their desire to raid us.
You're not going to get much traction with that level of conspiracy if the shit I've been tossing is too much.
>divisive ads have been a thing forever.
Except in the past decade or so I've never seen more divisive ads and politics entering my normalfag life? I'm just saying - maybe you are seeing more political stuff on Veeky Forums is because you see it more *everywhere*? I sure do at least
>user, I was just being called a tin foil hatter for noticing that /pol/ has literally had posts indicating their desire to raid us.
Except you didn't say that and you haven't cited any posts... you cited the usage of the word cuck on other boards as being evidence that /pol/ is raiding everyone
>This is also if you believe the numbers collected by the Soviets
As an intelligent man I only believe Soviet numbers when it is convenient to my personal beliefs to do so.