What are the relationships between your humans and beastfolk like? What about the beastfolk and other races? Is the history towards them mostly amicable or belligerent?
What are the relationships between your humans and beastfolk like? What about the beastfolk and other races...
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All beastfolk are descendants of humanoids shagging animals during the demon-haunted Nightmare Age, when horrors untold were unleashed on mankind and insanity was the norm. But that was long ago, and most histories fail to record the truth, so beastfolk are typically treated as monsters who compete with humans for territory. The most common "relationship" between people and beastfolk is at the edge of a sword
Look, sometimes a fish is born with a human face or a goose with human vocal cords. It's just a result of the fact that there are no more "real" animals. If it's smart enough to know what's going on you should probably take it in, but if it isn't then things like this are better off buried and forgotten. Don't worry about too much
This is my kinda thread
It's very comfy.
You cosplay waifuist ruined monstergirls. The emphasis should always have been on "monster," on hot beings which were just as likely to tear out your throat as to fuck you, and the weirdboners it spawned. Now you can't find anything which doesn't subscribe to Kenkou Cross' "if it's even slightly disquieting I'll retcon it for you" approach. Fucking normalfags and casuals always have to ruin everything for the rest of us.
>cosplay doing cosplay