What's your favorite post-apoc game?

What's your favorite post-apoc game?

Anyone played Mutant Crawl Classics before?

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I really enjoyed Engine Heart desu though MCC seems v interesting

I really dig Gamma World 7e's mechanics but I haven't been able to get a game together. Every time I try, something comes up and the session inevitably gets cancelled. I swear the game is cursed.

Regardless, does anyone have any experience with Barbarians of the Aftermath? It seems pretty neat and I like the apocalypse generator.

Not even shilling. Only apocalyptic setting that ever had any weight or depth for me. No fucking robots or lolgiantbugs like Fallout. I mean, you could add those things in, and it'd be fine, but they aren't the centerpiece of the setting. And since it's the original game, the mechanics are actually geared toward the setting, which is a kinda sandboxy thing where interpersonal drama and weird unknown edgy bad guys are slowly closing in on you from all sides. The kind of game where you can get a ton of plot threads going. You can run AW in other systems, personally I wish the combat system had been a bit meatier but honestly it's not a simulationist game at all, definitely narrativist but even if you don't like the mechanics you gotta appreciate the setting.

>not even shilling
>uses GNS terms
go back to forge

apocalypse world. It takes ten minutes to make a character mechanically, 20-30 if you have no fucking clue, tops.

You can make whatever kind of apocalypse you want, so long as the world got so fucked there's a psychic residue that everyone can tap into now.

I've had games taking place on a broken generation ship, on flying islands, in STALKER zones, in places with meat viruses fighting endless encroachment of killer vines.

I once played a walrus hardholder (warlord that has a permanent settlement to manage) who ran a tea-based drug manufactory in a candy-based apocalypse, where, in addition to brain peeling snake cultists, emo flaming-headed horsemen, a biker gang composed of animal headed degenerates, a radio host that broadcasted his torturing, murdering, and eating of sentient candy people, and a psychotic axe-wielding jester girl who wanted to murder the very real Santa Claus for the approval of "daddy". all that, mixed with tea-junkie uprisings, gingerbread guerillas, amoral vampire rockstars, it was insane and glorious and not one mechanic got in the way of it.

>Only apocalyptic setting that ever had any weight or depth for me

I love apocalypse world but it deesnt have a setting yo make one which is kind of the point. Hell one time my friends and I used it to play waterworld

Well shit that's fucked up...ina good way.
I never had any good AW Gms. Their worlds were boring mad max deserts and that's it. Made me hate the game.

I love the art.


Z-LAND. Got the best "realism" feel to it.

The Forge is dead and GNS is a spectrum and I understand that.

It implies a setting the way D&D does.

That's pretty autistic but hey sounds like fun.

Atomic Highway looks pretty good, and doesn't engage in weird storygame wankery.

I bought that (and the mutant expansion book) recently, love the scavenging and mutation tables.

I'm running the D20 gamma world game, I'm enjoying it, it is obviously not a super serious game.



One of my favorites is Horizon: Redline, a small d20 supplement that packed a lot of flavor into a tiny package.



MCC is pretty sweet and I've ran a few one-shots with it. I helped Kickstart it and everything, but it doesn't scratch my post-apocalyptic itch as much as I thought it would (the Umerican Survival Guide for DCC does that much better). Basically where MCC = Gamma World, USG = Fallout/Wizards (the film).

My other favorite is probably Ruinations, some dudes LotFP hack. It's pretty easy to just pick up and play. Only has 3 classes tho (Wastelanders/Adepts/Sullied. Basically Fighters/Thieves/Mutants) which is kind of a drag, and it looks like he stopped working on it.


My group have been looking into this, and it seems kind of neat. I'm always a fan of collaborative worldbuilding and things that let players have a stake in the setting, and Legacy seems to be all about that. It's an apocalyptic PbtA game, but it differentiates itself by letting the players make and control some of the major regional factions, and in the process collectively sculpt the apocalypse and what came before (i.e. if you pick the BoS/Enclave knockoff faction archetype then you not only are saying that superscience tech exists/existed, but also get a say in how it's distributed across the wastes, if you pick the "kaiju hunters" archetype then obviously giant monsters exists, etc. You also get to place various landmarks and threats on the map as part of chargen, which is cool). We haven't gotten to really play much yet due to the holidays, but I'm pretty pumped for it

i liked lowlife

9/10 would play

We've been playing Mutants and Machineguns,, simple, but it's been serving our group well. The flexibility is certainly a nice change for my end, just whip up a couple freaks for an area and set them loose no fuss.

Backed MCC in the Kickstarter... was quite disappointed with the final PDF product (we don't get the books until March). The mutations are pretty well done, but the game just doesn't feel unique enough to be a stand alone game. Just feels like a supplement, even though they filled in the initial holes in the rules with copy and paste material from DCC. Umerican Survival Guide, imo, is a much better product. Feels very unique, even though it's actually a supplement that requires the DCC core book.

The previously mentioned Mutant Epoch, Low Life, and Mutants & Machineguns are all really fun games. Mutant Epoch lasted the longest in my home group.

Problem with all the post-apoc games in my group is we run out of familiar, genre-defining tropes. Then it either ends up getting weird (which doesn't work for all post-apoc settings) or boring. Low Life probably has the most potential for us, even though we've only done a few one-offs. It's a very unique far-future post apoc setting that drums up a shit-ton (implied) of unique adventure ideas. Won't work for a lot of groups though, as it has a ton of potty humor and uses Savage Worlds, which rubs a lot of people wrong.

"bought" it? It's been free for several years. Sounds like you got ripped!

Eh. Little too gonzo and wacky for me.

I was blown away that some of the Pure-Strain Human classes had so little to offer. Going RAW:

Sentinels: No Mighty Deed Die? No increased crit range? Da fuq?
Shamans: Max Wetware of 5; book only goes to 3. Kinda weak.
Healers: Just...heal. That's it. I mean, it's needed, but lacks all the flavor Clerics have.
Rovers: Decent, but the way all their skills are lumped into one number is sorta odd to me.

sounds like one of those bizarro novels

Exactly. I remember seeing the creator say something along the lines of pure strain humans catch up once they get artifacts. Except unless you have an intelligent lower than 13, which IIRC is the minimum to be able to use tech level 5 artifacts, which is where the ones in the book BEGIN. Oh, and the manimals, mutants, and plantients with 2 to 5 mutations can use the exact same artifacts.

How did you do the boats? I mean, the Hardholder had a honest to god ship or something?

We're gonna probably play AW: Chtorr, by the way.

>It implies a setting the way D&D does.

Not exactly. It does imply a certain "social focus" tough. You don't do Akira, PROBABLY.

(I usually describe the thing as "old west village on stereoids". The Hocus is the fire and brimstone -or weird as fuck and insular, whatever- preacher; the Battlebabe is the man/woman you need when shit hits the fan; the Maestro'd the madame of the brothel/saloon; and so on)


Anyone like Post-Apocalyptic/Fantasy mashups? It should be huge.

I've been meaning to do one in the vein of Wizards (the Ralph Bakshi film) so there'd be tanks and guns and such of a generally WW2 tech level fighting over blasted wastelands, contrasted by verdant forests and jungles inhabited by magical things. The problem is picking a system that can balance the technology and magic well enough, both from an in character perspective and from a setting perspective.


Oh shit there's someone else on Veeky Forums. It's been one of my favorite settings after picking it up in a small bookstore on a whim. Unfortunately I'll probably never get a game since most people I've shown it to don't really enjoy it as much as I do.

I'm currently creating a campaign like this using the Shadow of the Demon Lord Rules +its Mad Max style expansion Godless. I'm going for something Like a cross between Wizards, Thundarr and He-man with bits of Diablo thrown in. Also planning a gamma world game my group too.

I want to, but imho it's really hard to pull off without it becoming a dilute kitchen sink

Coolio. Got the PDF for USG?

Nobody mentioned RIFTS?!?


To me, Rifts is like 40k. It's a great setting to mine ideas from because it's choc to the brim with crazy shit, but it's not something I'd ever want to run something in out of the box because it's just too much at once at it sort of becomes a clusterfuck. Also the rules are bad.

The rules are indeed bad (mostly), but the setting is pure gold.

|\/| [- (_, /-\



Just picked up the Savage World edition. Is there any tips for writing/running a RIFTS game? I always have trouble when it comes to large open games like this. It's easy with the one we're doing now, we just have to throw whatever in and it fits somewhere; but it seems like there is a pattern to RIFT... at least somewhere in the Chaos of course.

That's crawling under a broken moon, a fanzine.

Ya need to SUBSTITUTE some shit.

The psion is the wizard. The mystical gun is the sword. The dwarf is the subterrenean mutant with a penchant for antique tech.

You're really not very smart, are you?


Nice quads! And thanks, I was the original requester.

I would say is don't let PCs buy anything they want, that's listed in the books. They will turn into Christmas trees very quickly, festooned with every conceivable magic item, weapon, armor and robot.

It's still supposed to be post-apoc to an extent, so make items rare and high-tech items very rare if not impossible to get.

Regulate salvage very carefully or they'll end up selling all the armor and weapons they find for millions of credits.

OCCs/classes are unbalanced so be careful assigning enemies. If one PC is too powerful everything will be a cakewalk for him and a TPK for everyone else.

Pick one part of the world to play in and just use that worldbook as a supplement. Don't allow players to read and use every book there is, the game will get crazy fast.

lets get together and play

Righto, righto. Thank ya kindly.


to be fair, we went out of our way to put good spins on it so it was never "just" mad max.

It always helps if you get the players to ask "what kind of apocalypse do you want" first, because prep is the ass cancer of the game, and it's simple enough for mc's to wing it for the first session so they have shit to build with on succeeding games.

I mean, the last proper game I had with my group (RIP and fuck you weekend work), we were a group of monks on a road trip to the ocean to put the ashes of one of our friends to rest, then BOOM, Demons and teeth covered eyes and shit start falling out of the sky. the idea of it came from this album cover.

We were fresh out of fucks and quickly speeding away from Fucktown after raw dogging mayor Fuckington's wife and daughters at this point.

it was sad, but all things com to an end.

>Engine Heart

That is a top-tier album cover.

Agree with . It's hard to seriously recommend it anymore because of all the shills and the terrible "hacks" that keep coming out of it like diarrhea, but the original PbtA is the apocalypse at its purest imo.
>Focus on drama and real people dealing with scarcity
>Everything hurts all the time and everything is a threat
>People go into danger out of necessity rather than greed or glory
>Players get huge input into the setting

Fallout and the like are more like post-apocalyptic fantasy, what with all the dungeon crawling and the post apocalyptic races. Now if we're talking about fave post-apoc settings that's a different story.

Glad I'm not the only one who knows about it. I'm loving the youtube series on it.

First tinge i want try is mutant year zero. Any tips?

To be fair the hacks are generally good or at least decent. It does happen more nowdays to find pure shit, but tremulus isn't exactly new.

Which hacks are you thinking of specifically? Monsterhearts and Monster of the week are the only ones that seem like finished, stand alone games. Dungeon World is fairly unfinished and unpolished, and then you have shit like Advanced World of Dungeons, Uncharted Worlds or Blades in the Dark which are just halves of games published as if they were full versions.

>It's still supposed to be post-apoc to an extent, so make items rare and high-tech items very rare if not impossible to get.

I'm going to have to object to this. All them bandit gangs and large mercenary companies buy their items from somewhere. Why shouldn't PCs be able to?

>double reply
God plays PbtA, not surprising

I dunno, how about apocalypse-world.com/pbta/ ?



I dearly hope you don't actually play, especially as the GM, user.

>which hacks do you have in mind specifically, user? Just so we can be on the same page when discussing
>passive aggressive link to the entire list
Are you feeling fighty today? I honestly wanted to know which ones you had in mind because there are so many we could very well be thinking of different ones.

>BITD is a finished product
I'll happily disagree with that.
Mythcreants has a pretty good analysis of the main flaws of the game.


Also BITD is one of those PbtA hacks where the author inserted a lot of 'cool' stuff without really giving much thought to how it should or would be used in actual play. BITD has a nifty setting, but it divides up play in a pretty nontraditional way which ends up hurting the flow of the game that it's going for. It has a lot of interesting parts but when put together they don't move well.

Also, pic related just as icing on the cake. The website is up now though, so this isn't really a point. I just needed an image to go with the post.

Any morrow project fans here?

I linked those because I don't remember anyone being "half finished". Execpt I dunno, The Regiment, I guess.

The fact that you can't point to any "unfinished" quality on BITD is pretty self-explanatory, anyway.

This sounds like a neat idea, though I'm,not big into the pbta system

Anyone try other dust?




mOnKeY cHeEsE wOowwee rAnDoM



Fucking love degenesis