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First for Tok
Alright time for discussion.
A. text vs pictures/look in general. How much is too much? I can never get into space opera for example. its just annoying the way it's set up.
B. posting cyoa's in general, what determines if its worth reposting?
Totally not just me wondering why my cyoa's are never posted
Anybody got the CYOA where you're the mentor to a team of fledgling heroes?
It all depends. HL gets away with no pictures, while others are heavily based on visuals. I’d actually love to see a waifu cyoa with pictures at all, or maybe had the girls behind a cliche “dating screen” so people aren’t swayed by how pretty the picture is. Then you see if their opinion changes once they see what she looks like. Nothing too out there, like making her ugly or an abomination, but it would be amusing if someone way into flat chests picks a titcow or vice versa
I repost ones from new authors that I enjoy and aren’t getting much traction, to which I’ll throw out a build after a bit to show it’s worth replying to. If it’s early in the thread or the thread is slow, I’ll post a “classic” that hasn’t been seen in awhile with a bit of discussion to see what shakes out
As for your spoiler, it’s much harder to find an opportune time to post really long cyoas, so that may be the case with you. Regardless, don’t be afraid to post your own stuff with a build of your own or questions.
Never forget the anons that climbed the tree only to die from too much semen in their lungs.
A. Tough question. I used to say about 30-70 in favor of text, but since the abnormality that was Traveller, I'm starting to think that so long as the text is good, any combo works.
B. Personally I think it's based on how well-received it is, but luck and timing have a play in it too. A cyoa at the end of a thread is less likely to be reposted over a cyoa that came early, and if you post in the same thread as one where a huge monster likr PPP+ is posted, then the cyoa will likely be ignored.
>if you post in the same thread as one where a huge monster like PPP+ is posted, then the cyoa will likely be ignored
Which is why I will kill myself if once my cyoa is done, all my fuckin (You)s get stolen by something like that.
was there any reason for this not to be 1 page?
Truly it was the greatest of days
Post on a date far away from any major release, holiday or the end of the year (which might mean there's a release shortly after you).
He realsed it in Mystery Box fashion, as you’re not meant to know what you’re picking. Of course this falls apart once you’ve seen it and realize Fantastic is the only route
>posting cyoa's in general, what determines if its worth reposting?
Here's how most people do it (and how it shouldn't be). Sure, some cyoas are simply "play and forget" and there is no reason to repost them, but otherwise it usually goes like this:
Is it yours?
Each time you repost it you it's more and more awkward because you feel like you're shilling something bad, and since that something is yours you feel bad about yourself.
Is it a fat cyoa (in pages or weight)
not worth reposting
Is it popular
"Uhhhh there must be a reason why nobody is posting it, maybe I'll just bump the thread with something safe"
Is it new?
don't post it, all the (You)s belong to the author
Alright let's bumb the thread with something nobody is going to read. I did my part!
The original version was just the three paths, fantasy/sci-fi and slice of life. People kept adding on new routes and ZBG kept responding to them, until eventually the tree semen incident occurred.
You weren't there for the semen incident.... Count yourself lucky.
It’s also worth nothing that if it’s new, the author should be given priority in case they want to update or fix something
This came late last thread, so I’ll repost my build and questions/comments
Common Child (7 MS, 8 IN, 7 SK)
Grey Castle University (8 MS, 9 IN, 7 SK)
>Tulpa Look
Beautiful (5 MS)
>Tulpa Personality
Loyal, Mischievous, Perverse (0 IN)
Superforce, Energy Armor, Cryomancy (0 MS)
Telekinesis- None
Telepathy- Thought Reading (6 SK)
Fleshcraft- Cell Regeneration, Natural Weapons (0 SK)
The Explorers
I know I gimped myself pretty heavily by making my Tulpa attractive, but I’ve got to be honest with myself. That’s exactly what I’d do. I wonder, though, is a Tulpa capable of naturally developing personality traits or are they hardlocked to what we pick upon their manifestation? The same with their appearance, could a mage somewhat alter their Tulpa each time they manifest, such as hair color?
On that note, I quite enjoy how making your Tulpa attractive comes at the cost of it’s power. Not only in-universe, but at a meta level. On the flipside, I feel as though Intellect and Natural Skill are very, very limited point wise without much of a trade off. Is it possible to grow your power by means natural or otherwise post-graduation?
I really, really like the lore. In fact, I chose my school based on that alone. All of the factions are A+ too, I would love to be a Hound if I spent more on power
I did not take a Dark Power, as the Insanities are just way too detrimental for me.
Overall, I’m happy with my build, as exploring and researching are things I would truly enjoy. Both my Tulpa and I are versatile and durable, hopefully not having to deal with min-maxed enemy mages. Originally I went with a more combat oriented High Speed +
Blades, but that isn’t necessary as an explorer
>first work was far and away the most discussed and reposted
>each subsequent one has been less and less popular
>no idea how to recapture the original
>doomed to obscurity even within the context of an already niche hobby
It's an abstract kind of feel.
Wow, that sounds hard. I just post random stuff from my cyoa folder.
>why my cyoa's are never posted
Post it and I'll tell you why.
Each author brings their own unique take to cyoas. No matter how common their subject is, they have new perspective to it.
But later people have grown used them and the magic is gone. Rip.
I'll take the gun option please. I refuse to let those trannies pollute the pool of reverse traps
>being this butthurt because there are men who are prettier than you
men aren't supposed to be pretty, you fag
kill every trap
fuck I forgot to spoiler my mystery box
Oh but im fine with men prettier than me but what I dont like is when every fucking manga I read there is always a fucking trap
That sounds like something an uggo would say user.
We need more genie galleries.
>text vs pictures/look in general. How much is too much? I can never get into space opera for example. its just annoying the way it's set up.
Pics are only really needed for stuff like waifus/companions. and even then just a pic with a bio is good enough
Now dont get me wrong thats not to say never use pics in other places they can do a good job building the tone of the CYOA and they force it to be formatted in a way that makes reading it feel much faster even if it is the same amount of text overall
>Kill every last fucking trap
I can get a minigun instead of a revolver?
I don't want to miss after all
I said it'd be done by Christmas and I'm holding to that, damnit.
celt, calm thy tits
Are you volunteering?
If you want to attentionwhore, do it properly. With a WiP, as is customary. Or shitpost with a name.
You cannot contain the calamity that are my mammaries.
Fuuuck making a build for this is going to take me ages
Alright, here you go.
Last one I'll post until it's completely finished. If I had to guess, this is about 30-40% done.
AI Personality, you spelled Leaning instead of Learning
Shit, thank you.
Fuck your rules i'll run off to the grassy fields this decision might have been influenced by the fact that i might have gotten the trap option and i might fucking hate traps
Can i pick everything but the you become a trap option?
Yes but most of those would counteract eatchother
I if you kill all traps you'd be killing astolfo and there would not be any to turn into reverse traps
and if you made them reverse traps 1st you'd have no traps to kill
Yeah, I just post stuff I like.
I'm very, very slowly working on a travel-oriented CYOA, and doing so art-first—collecting a lot of art and looking for connections or overlaps between pieces of art that I think are striking. To make a long story short, I'm in desperate need of a verdant city skyline, or an aerial view. Very, very green, with a lot of plant life. Something that conveys size, unlike a street scene. The technology level can be modern so long as computers aren't prominent. Pic related is the sort of thing I'm trying to match it to.
I've collected a lot of art so far, but I'm quite stuck on this one.
How's this? (MTG art is a good place to go for stylized landscapes, btw)
L and I. Sure it's an un-upgraded wish bought for a trillion, but still if I play my cards right I could effectively be immortal.
imma post this
Why was this page over 8mb
1 Italics
3 Beri
4 Tok
5 Italics
7 Boxwine
8 Scientist
9 Roseanon
10 Thoth
It's definitely the kind of thing I'm looking for, but the highest resolution I can find is 680 x 480, which isn't going to work. The skyline/aerial/generally large-scale images have to be pretty big, because they're the initial way in which a place is represented, and the CYOA is all about going places; it'll probably clock in at one or two locations per page.
...I'm also looking for stuff with a lot of light, saturated colors, and a painterly look, but departures are fine if I can't get hit all those requirements.
you picked italics twice?
id go with tok because lewd, beri because its beri.
Scientist is kinda a one hit wonder but its not bad.
don't know the rest too well. not into those 40 page writing fests.
i remember the cyoa more than the author.
1 Italics
3 Thoth
5 Tok
I just save my favourite CYOAs and post them whenever the thread's going to shit.
>he doesn't know
Sure, but not until January.
These are my arse-pulled guidelines:
Text is the meat of a good CYOA. Pictures are there to help the text. They do this by giving an idea of the general look and tone of things, and also just by providing some colour. I dislike Traveller, but I absolutely hate Space Opera.
Note: the text should be more focused on 'story' than stats and mechanics. There's nothing wrong with mechanics, I just don't like it taking up too much weight.
>B. posting cyoa's in general, what determines if its worth reposting?
If I like it enough to bother saving it.
What're your CYOAs?
>Not even on the list
Just shoot me right through the heart.
Is that you Celt?
First Explore and see what needs to be changed, fixed, improved. Then Help to turn the world into a perfect one, with peak magic and technology, filled with cute immortal anime girls.
Then I descend and become a cute anime girl myself because just observing is boring.
As for Pele, I'll grant him another reasonable wish, genderswap him, then send back.
>Born Genius
>Standard 4MS
Something with both wings and hands - maybe a raven-harpy with opposable claws or something.
>Friendly 6IN
>Energetic 5
>Clever 3
>Adventurous 0
I'm a lazy person, and someone able to motivate me is better than a mindless assistant.
>Shared Senses 3MS
>High Speed 0
More of a scout-cum-messenger than an actual combatant.
>Basic Telekinesis 11SK
>Shockwave 9
>Teleportation 4
These seem like the most useful ones.
>Mental Barrier 2
Feels kind of necessary for how cheap it is.
>Natural Weapons 1
>Sense Amplification 0
Shrinking would also be useful for riding along in my harpy's bag, but Teleportation is good enough.
>The Explorers
This is about fifty billion times easier for me, as I can make instantaneous runs between my comfy home and whatever unexplored hellhole I found, immediately letting me shuttle interesting artifacts and supplies to and fro, and only being a little bit of research away from letting me teleport to wherever I've seen through my harpy (potentially through enhancing her eyesight) and bring her (and other creatures) back and forth with me.
This is only the beginning, though; I'd also be learning the other spells (and researching more advanced ones, ultimately culminating in some form of magical potential-enhancing procedure and/or non-evil immortality) while using the exploration as an way to fund my projects while remaining neutral (and potentially even learn minor secrets from other factions).
>no Textanon
>no Tunebuggy
>no spadesey
but you have thoth, zbg and italics twice
why do you hate yourself user?
1. Boxwine
2. 3_tankista
3. Bliss
4. Italics/Beri
5. Tok
6. Roseanon
7. ZBG
8. Angel
9. SDA
Of these
I dislike every one of them, though except Scientist, because I do not know who they are.
I don't know the names of my favourite authors, both because I'm really shit at remembering those sorts of things and because they didn't post with their name much, if at all.
Not gonna rank them, but here are some of my favorites in no particular order
Box wine
pervysuperhero user
Honorable mention to Stoned Celt
Tok, this is great and all, but where the hell is the Zynthia mystery box?
Rosanon and Bliss are patrician tier. Beri is also good
1 Tankista
Be my waifu Tankista
I know it's indulgent, but I can't resist posting one other piece I want to use.
I dunno. Beri's work is my favorite, but the rest is all over the place.
1. Beri
2. Lurl thespessrefugeguy
3. DSA
4. ZBG
5. SDA
...A lot of the ones I really like, like Batquest or The BIG World, don't have authors attached.
You have weird taste, user.
she cant compete anyways
penelope best girl
1. Tok
2. Beri
3. Everyone else
4. SDA prick
Pic related
>Where the hell is the Zynthia mystery box?
I hate mystery boxes so I don't make any. If I add more girls to it I will probably add Zynthia as well.
These fucking dragons.
We call them apex sexual predators for a reason.
>You have weird taste, user.
How's that, user?
I guess I could say the same about you given the wildly different styles of CYOA in your list, but lots of people like lots of different things.
Explore! Then start helping people. I suppose people will get hurt while I'm exploring, but I'm God, so I can fix that.
Pele is one weird guy. Who'd waste their one wish meeting with god for no particular reason? There must be more to that story.
Poor Batquest just doesn't get the love it deserves.
Flud ain't bad and Alice is pretty great but Onyx is god-tier