I'm looking for some art to inspire a direction for a medieval, survival horror campaign I'm trying to get going.
I've been playing darkwood and I want to fit dark, low, medieval fantasy into a similar setting.
I'm looking for some art to inspire a direction for a medieval, survival horror campaign I'm trying to get going
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Ill post a little art but I goota go to wrok in a few
You want to know one of the scariest monsters I encountered before in a video game? The shadow babys in silent hill. The radio goes crazy and the first squeak you here puts you on edge. Then you see them and they are harmless then slowly vanish. Just something about a creature that is completely harmless and useless that puts me on edge when everything else trys to kill you.
i'll post a couple
what's that up in the boughs of that tree?
'tis but a harmless crow. nothing to worry about.
and that's all i got.
When I opened this on my phone and zoomed in the black would leave trails whenever I moved the image. Made this easily the creepiest in thread.
When I first saved it, I clicked on it to enlarge and my computer screen went black for a second. So it's definitely haunted. Watch out
Disregard this. It's probably nothing to worry yourself about.
Holy S**T this scares me for some reason
I hate it but love it
Is this one of Solomon's demons?
I have a pinterest board full of horror stuff, some of it applies, I'll post a few
Here's the board if you're interested:
It comes at night to the little farms.
It's that time of year. It's almost time. Prepare.
I saw Mother in the corn last night.
Have you heard it? The breathing of the mountains.
The children fear the crone. They should.
Blessed is he who has not dreamt in this place.
They sing so sweetly... I shall go to them tonight.
We do not talk about the glade. It may hear us.
All things rot. Not all things perish.
We only give what is required, what is necessary.
It's... following us. It never left. We never left.
Count your sins.
Blessings of the Hollow Maiden upon you, child.
Last one for now. Check my Pinterest board for more. Pinterest in general is a great source of art for roleplaying. Deviantart too.
>hey buddy, can you give me a hand over here
The quiet child who smiles at you in the shadows while the adults of the house ignore him and his pet.