Make Pathfinder Great Again Edition What systems other than magic and combat still need major overhauls? How would you fix issues like Stealth ruining team-based aspects of the game?
What are the duration on the rajah's titles? Do they last indefinitely or is there a duration, I can't find anything on the rajah page.
Mason Brooks
Titles last as long as they are within range (which I believe is 100ft + 10ft per Rajah level) of the Rajah.
Cameron Brooks
I was working on a wealth and skill overhaul in the vin of spheres nd exalted 3e's merit system. it hasn't gone too far
Carson Harris
Still not page 8. Keep trying. Youll get it
Juan Peterson
You're still the only retard who cares about your made up rules more than the quality of the actual OP. I'm sure one day you'll figure it out.
Brayden Phillips
Im sure you'll soon figure out this is all imaginary. You need to wake up. Its been 3 years.
Carson Price
>How would you fix issues like Stealth ruining team-based aspects of the game? Convince everyone in the party to train Stealth up to at least a minimal level. Stealth is a lot more effective if everyone can use it.
Ayden Ramirez
>r made up rules Considering that essentially every single other General on Veeky Forums, as well as mostly on all the other boards too, have the decency and courtesy to wait for page 8, I'd say you're full of shit and you just think you;re some special snowflake who must always be exempt from all the rules because you're just that much more superior than literally every other human being on the planet.
Please neck yourself
Brandon Hall
So what's some cool things to do in the starfinder setting?
Andrew Martin
Your butthurt over this is only gonna encourage people to do it more.
Connor Moore
Can one of the players for Intrigue greentext the current happenings?
Alexander Ramirez
Designate a stealth leader. (Typically the member / highest bonus/ranks). All other members roll Aid another stealth, if successful apply stealth leader's roll instead of their own result.
Stealth leader take -1 penalty to stealth results per successful stealth replacement.
Must be within 10 feet of one participating member.
Nicholas Diaz
Just PM one of the players, they'll be happy to share.
Jacob Reyes
anyone got the kobold press cnew paths compendium expanded edition?
Nolan Flores
I generally want to discuss it though, which is why I like the threads for it. Knowing about it is fun, but discussing affairs can be cool.
I really prefer this for games that are either OC or offer the AP rails. It’s cool to see the situations and the characters.
Wyatt Edwards
Sup /pfg/.
I've got a bit of a situation I want some outside input on. Right now I'm running Curse of the Crimson Throne for my playgroup and they're in the middle of chapter 5. Group is an ACG Hunter, enchantment-focused sorc, and a ninja/PoW Stalker multiclass, and a bard (NPC, likely to be phased out during the last chapter when a new player joins).
The problem I'm having at the moment is the ninja/stalker is absolutely wrecking shit left and right. He's got the level 10 ninja talent for greater invisibility at the drop of a hat and is sneak attacking and slapping shit around with maneuvers like nobody's business. This isn't a huge issue in ch5 with the dimensional lock effect on Scarwall preventing him from teleporting around like a madman, but I'm adjusting NPC stat blocks and giving them different levels or abilities in ch6, namely PoW maneuvers or class levels.
The thing is... There's really nothing anyone can do to stop this guy, and I'm not sure how to prevent the ninja from single-handedly steamrolling the rest of the campaign. Between the Hellcat Stealth and Lurker in Darkness feats, the ninja is nearly undetectable in normal light with a stealth bonus of like +40 with a ring of chameleon power, which even in normal light gives him a hide in plain sight bonus of +30. Blindsight, tremorsense, even fucking true seeing can't pierce the ninja's masterful stealth. And that's not even touching the ninja's like... 8/day greater invisibilities.
In combat, the humanoid NPCs with PoW class levels can't even counter the ninja. I'm being literal; the ninja has so many maneuvers that basically just read "the target is flat-footed", which means the NPC can't initiate a counter, and they're probably going to eat anywhere from 60-100 points of sneak damage depending on the maneuver.
At this point in the campaign, Ileosa has a pretty good idea of what everyone in the party is capable of. What tools/abilities would she use to counter the party's abilities? Help, pfg.
Isaac Cooper
>PoW Have you tried asking the player to retire that character? The system is busted.
Gavin Taylor
I'm not looking for a "pow is shit/pow is gr8" shitfest here. We're using the system because it opens some fun opportunities and flavor up, even if it is on the powerful side. That's all.
All I'm asking for is any ideas people might have for how to deal with this build.
Jack Ward
I'm telling you right now that that system is busted. It's your choice to continue dealing with that headache or not.
Ryan Hughes
Have him fight amob of enemies with either blindsense/sight, or have the mob be aided y a caster that can either grant See Invisibility, and/or some spell like Glitterdust or Faerie Fire.
When in doubt, drown an Initiator in a mob. If its not enough, just mob him more, or have the enemies hire a comparatively built Initiator who surprise attacks him
David Bailey
Have him fight something that is incapable of being flat footed, or something that just doesn’t fight in his terms (like a dragon more interested in breath weapon strafing runs).
Eli Jackson
Paizo's encounters are often very poorly designed, with singular enemies that any competent party will make short work of. A lot of them should be reworked, increase the number of small monsters and give minions to the bigger ones. In a worst case scenario you can cheat by giving monsters damage reduction that only applies to the ninja and that the players won't know about.
Jacob Anderson
>all races in the setting are one of the following >humans >human offshoots (either natural or artificial) >created by humans
Would have a fairly big race list, but they all stem from humanity. Would you play it?
Adam Kelly
Yeah, in huge combats he does tend to blow his load. The party spends a lot of time getting ambushed and he's actually on a similar power level. Good point with the blindsense/blindsight stuff though. Lurker in Darkness reads specifically that those extra sight forms don't automatically beat his stealth score, but if he's invisible and running around in combat, he's not making stealth checks. I guess I was too focused on the combination of his invisibility when combined with the stealth feats, but they don't mesh together all that well unless he's not actively fighting.
Any good magic items or ways to get Faerie Fire at will? I've got Yzahnum statted up with 8 levels of Harbinger instead of his rogue/fighter levels, and I'm planning on giving the Gray Maidens either warder levels instead of some of their fighter levels, or the Martial Training feat line.
I mean, Scarwall has a lot of spooky ghosts, and without a ghost-touch weapon (and unable to use the force damage maneuvers from Veiled Moon) he's somewhat neutered, but only somewhat. Half-damage with magic weapons is still pretty good when you're attacking multiple times with a Holy undead-bane dagger.
Got any ideas for stopping the ninja from blatantly just walking into Castle Korvosa unchallenged and snooping around? As far as I can tell, most detection spells doesn't work on him because of LiD. And anti-magic doesn't stop his ridiculous stealth score and bright-light-hide-in-plain-sight.
Trying not to be overly cheaty with my players. I fudge numbers here or there by 1 if a fight is swinging too hard in one direction, but I mostly play it on the level. I agree though, paizo has shit encounter design. I've had to rework a lot this campaign. Scarwall is probably the only chapter I haven't made changes to, because the Scarwall dungeon is fucking amazing.
Andrew Young
Eh, I don't see why not, as long as the races are actually interesting. You can accomplish quite a bit with only a minimal selection of races. Heck, TES only has technically 3.5 different playable races
Kayden Scott
Sure, in my own setting that all the "like human but..." races are either altered humans or evolved from a common ancestor with them.
Robert Hall
Any thoughts?
Joshua Richardson
Crafting is fucked also. Making a real blacksmith is a lesson futility.
Mason Morgan
Many races can learn Faerie Firte via an ART. Also, Limning Weapons, like Limning Nets, caltrops, and such. Having a caster just spam Glitterdust can also help.
Combine with a character that has high Wis/Perception, like an Inquisitor, who could potentially also get the drop on the Ninja can help.
Really, one of the best ways to beat a sneak/assassin, is to have your own who can stalk your halls and hunt down intruders. Then, just give him a way to take down or otherwise entangle/CC the intruder, and you've got a potent enemy as long as you have him fight smart and take advantage of having guardsand goons at his disposal. There are many monsters and other such creatures that can help fill this role
A pack of these invisible monsters should put the fear of god into your Ninja
Robert Nelson
have him shadow box himself,lleosa hires his clan as mercenaries or they are displeased with his flashy use of their techniques and want to play stealth tag
Michael Lopez
Alright /pfg/ just spitballing a campaign idea here. I'm bored as fuck and need to get back into the GMing game. I'm also pretty bad at explaining this stuff without dumping a wall of text or a half finished setting doc so bear with me.
The TLDR is the game would take place in a city on the inside of a magic dyson sphere. The structure is something like the multiversal version of an oceanic garbage patch and the Sargasso sea. When a world on the Material plane, or an Abyssal layer or a demiplane, or even fragments of an entire timeline break down and fall into the void they'll occasionally end up there. As of yet no one's found a way to get out of this realm, it has it's own equivalent of Ethereal / Shadow planes but beyond that you're stuck there. So this city is this mishmash of a thousand different pieces of different worlds all jammed together. There's semi consistent magitech about but there's also rare bits of really old realms with none or it, or areas that are borderline Sci-Fi. Think some bizarre mix of Not!Sigil / Cynosure and pic related. Tone wise it'd be akin to Kekkai Sensen / the Hellboy and BPRD stuff.
I know /pfg/ loves their weird AF races and classes and this would let everyone go completely crazy with this shit and not destroy the tone or immersion of the game, like sure you're a foxgirl maid or whatever but the barkeep looks like a floating mantaray with spider legs so suddenly the foxgirl isn't all that weird.
Lincoln Gray
Veils last until they are unshaped, I hear reading the rules is pretty clutch user. Titles also have a range limitation on top of that.
Joseph Wright
Fuck off Archibee, you don't understand game balance at all. You're basically telling user they're having badwrongfun and completely ignoring their actual question you faggot.
Isaac Reyes
Invisibility Purge is your friend. Give some important enemies a Lantern of Revealing if it's known that an invisible enemy is such a big threat.
Alexander Murphy
Seems better suited for almost anything that ISN'T Pathfinder.
Gavin Flores
Can't you just have the caster drop invisibility on everyone or something?
Connor Ortiz
Yeah, probably. But good luck getting a group for some fringe system.
Austin Reyes
I mean, sure, that setting sounds interesting but it's just that, a setting. You said you're spitballing a campaign idea, but there's no campaign premise there.
Ian Robinson
Would Iron Gods/Games with tech allowed be improved ever so slightly if I gave Technologist some level 10 milestones to make it seem less like a tax and more like a "Hey, you'll get more goodies for actually playing the AP thematically more than normally"? This as well as giving the base form as a free feat at level 10 anyways without the milestones.
Like giving you all tech weapons as martial weapons (if they are exotic) when you have 10 BAB or letting you compile all tech crafting feats into one and craft them anywhere with higher DC if you have 10 ranks in Engineering at that point? What about letting you use the medical stuff extra amount of times without expending a use with enough heal ranks (like being able to use a hypogun twice in a row with just 1 charge)?
Jordan Harris
That sounds fine for Pathfinder. That being said, I can't stand the "this is a multi planar cluster so you can finally play weird stuff that's worth playing". I'd much rather that "weird stuff" be integrated into the setting organically.
Lucas Baker
In Spheres of Might or Power, what's the easiest way to add your Casting Ability Modifier to your to-hit?
Matthew Long
I want to help but I don't know much about tech.
Giving new proficiencies at level 10 sounds bad though because people should already have the weapon they want by then. Also it would probably be better to do smaller milestones every 5 levels, similar to skill unlocks.
Ian Wood
Cool idea but it'd be better for something that can handle both fantasy and scifi, like maybe GURPS
Elijah Perry
Auger of Combat feat, if your Casting ability is intelligence. Hekatonkhieres gets it with her mind-limbs. There might be something in Enhancer or Battlemage's book, but I'm unsure
Eli Green
In hindsight you are right.
What about for the weapon part you get them as martials at level 5 and get both weapon focus and specialization at 10? At 15 both are improved For smaller ones for crafting I think I'll just move the consolidated craft feat to 5 and the "craft anywhere" is kept at 10. At 15 you can supercharge tech items to give them extra effects (Like guns getting bonuses to attack rolls or damage and pharmaceuticals having higher effective CL) Hard to think anything for the heal one outside giving maybe even more extra uses per milestone.
Mainly spitballing it here because I have been thinking of running a tech-oriented campaign at some point in the future.
Kevin Sanders
Fair enough. I was mostly aiming gauge interest to see if it was even worth developing further.
Eli Baker
>Auger of Combat feat, if your Casting ability is intelligence. >As long as you are last in the initiative count Into the trash it goes!
Samuel Moore
Nigger just delay your turn
Luke Cooper
>Volunteering to go last in RocketTag Inc. Wow, you're even softer in the head than I was giving you credit for.
Noah Bennett
Having feats that just give you other feats is kind of weird, but not unheard of. Problem with that is, what if they need weapon focus for a feat chain they want? Then they have to wait until they get free weapon focus or it gets wasted. If you want to do that, it would be better to just give boosts to attack/damage directly instead of giving feats that do it.
How complicated are you willing to make this? Because I could see something like the feat having branching paths of development, like everyone who takes it gets whatever the feat normally does immediately plus one small benefit selected from a list of different options (the "martial option" and the "caster option" and the "crafter option" and the "roguish option" etc) and then those small benefits improve at 5th and every five levels after.
Another random idea is to just make tech items more reliable/cheaper. I mean, isn't there some kind of problem with tech items being "timeworn" or whatever, and that makes them shitty? Or only coming with 10 charges?
FWIW I would say yes it is worth developing, but I don't have enough time to join another game so maybe my opinion isn't worth anything if you're looking to see who would be interested in joining.
Anthony Adams
>My character’s planned final armor >Jousting Advancing Expeditious Hosteling Radiant Defiant Champion Comfort Mind Buttressing +5 Burnished Double-Plated Fullplate So I am trying to come up with what to call the full plate. As you can see most of the stuff it does can be categorized like this: >going fast towards the enemy (advancing/expeditious) >cavalier stuff (jousting/champion/hosteling) >glowing (burnished/radiant) >better defense(double plated/defiant/mind butressing) >misc. (comfort)
I might transfer some of these into my shield to make the theme better, but what do you guys think is appropriate for such a big set of armor?
Dylan Myers
The Unstopable Bulwark
Adam Ross
The mountain that rides
Nathaniel Johnson
>Jousting Advancing Expeditious Hosteling Radiant Defiant Champion Comfort Mind Buttressing +5 Burnished Double-Plated Fullplate bloody heck, how are you keeping that all under +10 effective Enhancement bonus?
As for the name, I'd go with Daybreak's Glory.
Also, nice trips
Jaxon Martin
Designate a stealth leader. (Typically the member / highest bonus/ranks). All other members roll Aid another stealth, if successful apply stealth leader's roll instead of their own result.
**Aid another dc increases by 1 per character attempting**
Must be within 10 feet of one participating member.
Maybe this instead? X
Grayson Brown
Adam Brooks
Fortress of Radiance's Advance Panoply of the Exquisite Knight Ultimate Hyper Galactic Mega Armor of Sweet Justice Sunskin Armor Hope Rides Dawnguard Guardian Light's Aegis Goblin-B-Gone
Flat-cost enhancements don't increase the effective +X of a weapon/armor, you can pile all of them on the same item if you wanted.
Dylan Young
>Dawnguard Y'know, I heard they were reforming that
Juan Garcia
Sol Invictus
Noah Sullivan
Timeworn means that after they have used all of their current charges they are down and out and get you only 10% of the market price for selling. There tends to be a few ways around that (like using spells to charge it or having the Technomancer prestige class) but generally if they are a weapon or armor they are hot garbage while some of the other stuff is still useful, just some free healing or whatever they do. As for complexity I can go as complex as I can, such as one branch after getting the proficiencies getting you the weapon focus and weapon specialization simply as bonus feats while the other let's you gets something akin to deeds. And crafting branching into efficiency of production or quality of items. Healing branching into either getting more uses or getting better or extra effects even from lower level tech items.
Tyler Sullivan
For reference my shield also has radiant and my horse’s armor has radiant light so it grows wings made of sunlight. My sword will have Glorious so when I It is drawn it glows like the daylight spell. So basically I shine with 4x daylight when needed.
Josiah Turner
In that case, name it "Ow, Fuck, My Eyes!"
Robert Rodriguez
Iron Mage Hedgewitch's Imbued Weapon, or the talent of the same name (but slightly different mechanics) from the Mageknight off the top of my head.
John Morgan
All the enemies within 6 feet of him when he goes full shiny mode have to make 3 Will saves against dazzled.
Jayden Lewis
Call the whole set Gandalf the Copyright Infringement.
Jack Gomez
*60 feet
Ian Rogers
Congrats, you are now The Day Man!
Samuel Collins
I'm thinking the member of the group with the highest bonus rolls, everyone else in the group has to roll to assist. If they succeed they give +2 as normal, but if they fail they give -2.
Nolan Thompson
Fighter of the Nightman.
Jeremiah Long
Champion of the Sun!
Adrian Stewart
Bright Boi
Dylan Stewart
Armorist gets something like that too: Imbued Arsenal.
Aaron Hill
So how likely will Paizo actually redo the Shifter? I keep getting angry everytime time I reread the class.
David Torres
Mason Mitchell
You hit him with stinking clouds, and things that limit his mobility so nobody even needs to know more than his general location then they ass-blast the area with AoE. Or any divination/magical marking stuff that would let the enemies know where he is. Or have a witch hit him with the scar hex. Etc.
Christopher Ramirez
They think Shifter is perfectly fine so never. Public playtesting is toxic because there's no guarantee everyone will kiss their ass.
Ryder Gutierrez
Might as well repost these, a pair of polls: the first one, which Spheres of Might class to write a guide for next after I finish the Sentinel guide, the second, which Spheres of Power class to write a guide for when I'm done with Spheres of Might classes.
The Shifter is so bad that even on their messageboards it's understood by a fair number of people the class needs help. I thought Paizo had said a hotfix for the class was inbound?
I voted but I know literally nothing about SoM so I just picked the class that sounded coolest from the name and little about SoP so I did something similar except slightly more educated because I've used the system once a long time ago and all the classes rubbed me the wrong way.
I like to encourage anyone who actually works to put out guides or homebrew though so good on you. Keep on shining, you wild and crazy star, you!
Gavin Brooks
>I thought Paizo had said a hotfix for the class was inbound? The hotfix was "we fixed (nerfed) shifter's edge, but didn't actually clarify whether it was supposed to apply to all your natural attacks, or just the two"
Logan Morales
introducing a new player from mtg to pathfinder. They love simic, trying to improve upon life make it better. Is there a class/archetype that would let them stitch together monsters, something between alchemist and necromancer.
It fits perfectly with the lore of mad wizards crafting owlbears and such but I've never seen a mechanic to imitate it, beyond the stupidly resource heavy fleshgolems
Is there anything out there that could mimic Dr Moreau meets Dr Jumblemorph? or will they be stuck re-skinning a summoner and elodion?
Isaiah Collins
request "a night in the nightarch" starfinder society #6
A nerf that emphasized how much more viable a wisdom dump Druid is over the Shifter.
Christopher Morgan
I don't have any ideas but please keep us posted if you find anything or homebrew something yourself. The Simic guild is my favorite too.
Leo Hughes
Does this wording read alright/is it pretty unambiguous? The idea is that they never 'null' effects (So like Charm Person will work on them, as will Command Undead) but effects that have multiple effects (Like how Positive/Negative energy can be healing and harm depending on type) will have the positive one..
>Border of life and death: For effects targeting creatures by type, Akh count as both humanoids and undead, allowing them to be targeted by effects that only affect undead or living creatures. If an effect has different effects on both creature types, they are treated as whichever is more beneficial for them.
I'm trying to work out a better wording than the one for the Starfinder Android (Which has a lot of grey about some very basic stuff like healing).
Jacob Cooper
How about: >Border of life and death: Akh count as both humanoids and undead, allowing them to be targeted by effects that affect either type of creature. If an effect is capable of targeting both creature types, they are treated as whichever type is most beneficial.
Wyatt Phillips
1pp Fleshwarping magic item crafting will let you stick random stuff on other stuff but it costs a ton of money. Other than that you're kinda out of luck. 3pp Spheres of Power using alteration sphere with the advanced talent fusion and eventually permanent alteration or whatever it's called can let you permanently fuse stuff together, and stick wings and arms on things for a limited amount of time. Conjuration sphere will let him have companion monsters that he can say he's crafted and sick them on enemies.
William Phillips
Oh, also you can use the death sphere to have undead. So there is that.
Jace Sanchez
If going spheres, experimentalist thaumaturge is worth mentioning.
Gabriel Wright
That might work, yeah. The wording is a bit awkward as I started with the android version and started changing rather than starting with nothing. Though I might work with 'affecting' rather than 'targeting' (So they are affected properly by non-targeting things like auras/wearable items)
Camden Carter
it's in the SF archive
Michael Collins
I guess homebrew is the option. I'm thinking a tiered system as a class feature; starting with small sized animals. from there @ 3 and 5 they can chose 1 size category or to add plant or humanoid. at level 7 tier 2 lets them add another size category, fey, monstrous humanoid or magical beast. with more points at 9 11 and 13. level 15 tier 3 another size category or aberration, construct, dragon, or maybe a third creature of a lower tier. gaining a new creature takes time and money equal to replacing an animal companion and needs an operating theater and academical supplies.
still rough in my mind i'll sleep on it
John Myers
What other good "uncontrollable killing machine" sort of stuff is there besides Brute Vigilante & Master Chymist? Stuff that can turn on outside your control?
Adam Miller
A bad will save
David Bailey
> DM is obviously wrong about evil eyes (he think all hex can't be affect to the same creature after the effect end as a general unwritten rule) > Don't want to be disruptive with the table > But I also don't want our Witch to feels gimp, since the campaign is already full of undead
What do I do?
Cameron Torres
wait until the game is over and talk to them about it
Grayson Gutierrez
So I had a thought. Every time someone complains about PoW chewing through monsters too fast, the response is always "Just give the monsters PoW too". Problem is that PoW is built to be used as a PC tool, not a monster tool, so having an enemy that can counter a single attack doesn't help because they then get wrecked by the other 3-4 maneuvers that get fired at it. So what about a discipline designed to be used by monsters and ONLY monsters, which has a suite of abilities that allows the creature in question to deal with PoW more effectively but would be far too powerful if put in PC hands?