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Hello tg, I am the ascesion fan trying to edit m20 into something playable.
I am currently debating if i should only clean up Brucato shitty writing or try to improve the system in any way or form.
Would you guys think any pros to Ascension system of "anything that manifest of thin air requires prime"? I am reworking the magic system and toying with the idea of borrowing the idea of just needing forces 3 to cast a fireball. And leaving prime as a requirement from conjunctional spells for matter that remains permanently (more than a scene) in the world.
What do you guys think?
Ascension fag, not fan.
Would a Mage in the Cult of Ecstasy ever be a blood doll?
I wish all the Mage 2e art was like that in the OP. While exponentially better than 1e, to say nothing of readable fonts and layout, there's still too much Swole Jawa and Magic Gays-quality art in the book.
Could be, there was a fiction in which they ended up as black spiral dancer breeding stock
Essentially the Magic System of Ascension is very incoherent and contradictory.
Even with Magic in nWoD each dot didnt make sense so just use the 5 practices from Chronicles/2e (pg 123) to get some consistency going.
Hell most people I know just play with the lore of Ascencion in Chronicles anyways.
Thanks for the recomendation, we will check it out. Basically we managed to fit all the merits and flaws from book of secret in the core with the same wordcount. So are thinking of doing a compilation of rotes.
But as this is for everyone, and is a giant fuck you to Brucato we are debating if by changing the core system we are making it “not for everyone”.
Well do check out the Practices. It has nothing to do with the core system but more so "What does each dot represent".
It doesn't quite capture what would happen with some oWoD NPC's who are at Dot 6+ but they were meant to be broken anyways.
also for the fireball thing I've always considered 3 to be "the ability to cause supernatural change" so while you cant make a fireball out of thin air you can turn a zippo lighter into a flamethrower.
Anything out of thin air i'd do 5, but by then you probably don't need to make fireballs.
As a GM I try to avoid requiring spells that have 2 or more sphere pre-requisites. Usually its "You can do it, but a second sphere would make it more effective".
This in no way is reflected in any Mage book.
>also for the fireball thing I've always considered 3 to be "the ability to cause supernatural change" so while you cant make a fireball out of thin air you can turn a zippo lighter into a flamethrower.
The way we are thinking is, you can do the zippo flamethrower with Forces 2 as the flame is there.
Figure out what works for you, honestly.
What does the Fourth dot represent for you, because I find it the trickiest since its "not quite complete expert yet"?
That's the tricky aspect for me so I made it that players could skip the fireball all together and just set other people on fire by will.
Of course that makes it so healing is more around the 4 marker, but that's how I found most coherency.
Basically altering the element in unatural ways, like creating a fire hands that move as hands and dont obey how fire works. Or hitting aggravated with an attack that normally wouldnt.
I basically house-ruled all of Ascension into something more fitting my designs for the game and setting, I could pastebin my rulesheet if you like. Its a bit incoherent, and I'm sure people will just shit all over it but whatever.
My group has fun
Fun isn't allowed at my table
But user I like fun.
I'd like to see it. Not like even the dumbest house rules could be worse than m20.
basically in Ascension, you have two kinds of GM's:
The ones that realize the system is broken so they allow you to do near everything or the ones that either don't understand this or are spiteful for some reason and don't let you do anything.
I've unfortunately mainly only played with the latter, who wouldnt let our party orphan level anything because even though he had the experience he "didn't have a master" to learn from, and didn't believe in self taught magic.
Less house rules and more "I drew up my own version of Ascension's magic system after rereading it six times and thinking I could simplify it." And then amending it as the campaign went on and the players tried new things. Basically asking for not the harshest criticism, its not my magnus opus its something I created over time for my current campaign.
Please don't bully
I'm unapologetically of the "Ascension is game about kung-fu fighting robots in space" school of thought.
>I'm unapologetically of the "Ascension is game about kung-fu fighting robots in space" school of thought.
But it is user.
And all Vampire games are about is recreating the matrix lobby/chateau fight with Celerity.
I would appreciate that, thank you
How do you diablerize God?
All you gotta do is believe.
Has Mind's Eye Theatre Vampire The Masquerade Storyteller Secrets been cleaned and released Veeky Forums?
You'd need Thaumaturgy 10 and the Path of Spirit Manipulation 4+ [to create Fetishes and summon spirits]. From there you'd need to create a massive blood ritual to summon the Spirit Jehovah into the physical world in the first place, bind him into a physical object [preferably a Vitae-rich vampire-host body] then devour Him.
The result, assuming you have all the other magics in place necessary to avoid His breaking out, is that you become an extremely powerful physically incarnated Celestine. The chances of actually pulling this off, it should be noted, are infinitesimally small. Good luck.
Are Celestines even a thing in vtm?
Has anyone been to a vampire larp?
If so whats it like?
I saw the facebook page of the group in my city and I'm interested in going
Bite him and suck with the force of a thousand desperate whores.
Someone post the picture.
>Has anyone been to a vampire larp?
>If so whats it like?
been to a bunch of them. was mainly alright.
I mean worst case scenario its cringy and horrible, I write it off as a shit night and just don't head to one again
Why was this so expensive? Is there some obviously bombass application for a mentor that can't intervene and doesn't have their own backgrounds?
Cringe as any larp group
It wouldn't have worked. He would have had to diablerize Christ, which he failed to do.
Man, Cappadocius being the one who tempted Christ would make a good hook for a story.
Cappadocius was christian though
Cappadocius believes the power of Christ in the same manner that only people who've been engulfed in flame know the power of fire. He's a Christian in so far as he even regards God as real and involved in the world. The other Antediluvians don't give any regard to religion at best and rumour and superstition at worst. It wouldn't surprise me if even [Venture] thought Cain was mistaken about talking to (the one and only) God. Cappadocius knows that the power of the curse doesn't begin with Cain, but with a real God.
First, you must acquire a taste for freeform jazz.
>thread is about Ascension and vampire larp
Well I'll just come back later, I guess.
>Who's more cuddly than mages?
Friendly reminder to only play good-natured mages. Evil mojo is serious business.
>Prime 5: Awaken Others
user... There is a reason why that is a Spirit 9/Both Path Arcana 8 in the Mage games.
b-but you can't spell magic without hubris
In my games Masters are far more rare [98 world-wide], and you can count the number of Archmages on one hand. And Prime is the rarest Sphere to master. There's probably three or four people in the entire cosmos who can pull off that trick.
I'm just going to assume that all supernaturals in your settings are rare as shit?
Seems like it would be better to just have it not be a trick at all.
Worldwide there are:
700,000 Vampires, including Kuei-Jin.
30,000 Mages [10,000 of which are Technocrats]
90,000 Sorcerers [including Technocrats]
And less then 100 Werewolves, but Apocalypse and Changling aren't canon. Nothing against them, I like what I've seen, I'm just not well read on them or have any interest in integrating them. What Werewolves do exist act more like Forsaken, just running around fighting Spirits.
Most Mages are Adepts.
>I'd like to see it. Not like even the dumbest house rules could be worse than m20.
m20's magic rules arent that bad.
>m20's magic rules arent that bad.
Nice try, Phi.
There is no Phil here, only Satyros.
>Poor, poor goat
>reading pic related
>a gazillion mentions of how sensual and attractive cats are
That got real awkward real fast.
rawr X3
Don't they get bonus appearance dots?
So is it more furry porn than apocalypse?
It IS Apocalypse, user.
Well a part of it for sure. But with cats it can be even worse than with normal woofs
but there's nothing cuter than a catboi/catgurl
I don't really see the issue with most of that advice.
Although in practice i dont think people are going to be able to make good foreign food.
>I don't really see the issue with most of that advice.
It's dumb, pointless, and literally a waste of space.
This The point isn't that it's bad advice per se (besides some of it like the fucking Wiki nonsense), but when you have a 800+ page long book and are claiming you don't have enough space to fit in a lot of the content that could prove vital to the game there's really no place for this sort of stuff. I don't need to be told about ordering pizza or using Google Maps.
Nope, but what they do get is access to this.
1 dot - you know brestplate is no longer allowed in polite company
2 dots - You do not demand your ghouls to carry your banner around
honestly I'll take vampwhale over a teagarden any day.
Is there a way to import bastet into CofD?
So Vampires can take a shitload of punishment right? Could a Tzimisce produce snuff films with themselves as the star, changing his face from film to film, then upload them online behind a paywall on obscure deepweb porn sites and just rake in the dosh? It's not like being stabbed in the guts and fucked with a cock big enough to come out the hole would kill them and it's pretty easy for someone that doesn't have a heart beat or need to breathe to fake being dead.
>brestplate is no longer allowed in polite company
since when?
>1 dot - you know brestplate is no longer allowed in polite company
>2 dots - You do not demand your ghouls to carry your banner around
If they don't allow you to be present in armor and have your coat of arms carried around, then its hardly civilized or polite company.
That's morbid and disgusting, but clever.
Imagine it as a plot hook, like snuff films are being found and the Prince just knows it's a vampire so he sets the player coterie on a hunt, and it the end there was no victims, just a Tzimisce with a thing for mutilating himself on camera.
I mean, sure. You might need to be a little inventive about it but there's no inherent problem with that plan I guess. And it's not like there aren't more fucked up things you could be doing with Vicissitude.
>Could a Tzimisce produce snuff films with themselves as the star, changing his face from film to film, then upload them online behind a paywall on obscure deepweb porn sites and just rake in the dosh?
Possible, but why would a Tzimisce go through all that instead of just grabbing some random shmuck from a bar or club or wherever?
it just occurred to me for totally nonsexual reasons that it's something a Vampire could do, and that the star never dying would give it away so it'd have to be someone with Vicissitude.
Also it'd be a source of income I guess.
I should have mention - "polite" mortal company. Thou I would say appearing in armor backed by the banner bearer in elysium seems kinda rude unless you are dueling someone.
"Cattle can't look for a dead man that never existed."
Partly to get away from the cops, partly because the beginning of this train of thought was that vampires could do snuff sex without dying and it just snowballed from there.
If I'm showing up to Elysium it's going to be a fucking event.
>My Prince! Margrave Konietzko is bessieging Elysium with trebuche!
>Bah such an attack is meaningless. This fool...
>alram ring sounds as the stone hits the garage in with Prince holds his vinatage cars
you got me, I chuckled
What's the contingency plan that the sabbat have if the masquerade gets broken?
>contingency plan
>contingency plans
no witnesses, duh
There's the Changing Breeds book on 1st edition. Just import it to the 2nd edition rules.
>no witnesses, duh
If everyone knows they exist they will have to kill everyone.
There is one problem with that. They need to feed on humans, so whoever thought up that plan was kind of ....... dense.
Oh god no
Don't feel like shitting on the floor with your furry friends?
Well I do not play woof or anything woof related. I'm just horrified that someone would point another naon to that book. It's one man, one jar of 1ed books
>Possible, but why would a Tzimisce go through all that instead of just grabbing some random shmuck from a bar or club or wherever?
What if they are into that?
Eldest starts sporulating.
What do the vampires generally plan to do in case of this happening?
Start funding sappy stuff like twilight that paints them in a more favorable light?
It's only really a matter of time till the masquerade breaks, due to how widespread the internet is.
A lot of events that could be covered up then, couldn't be covered up now. So they do need to plan ahead.
You say that but the amount of people who furiously fap to cat girls, cat woman and black cat is huge