So what does Veeky Forums think of this card?
So what does Veeky Forums think of this card?
it lets the opponent chose, automatically shit card
Ascend doesn't look like something likely to be terribly relevant outside of EDH. That does look like a pretty good card for EDH, but for singleplayer formats it seems a bit boring.
Is the city's blessing going to be something that can be taken, like Monarchy? Are there effects that can remove it?
Huh. EDH fodder mostly. Having ten permanents in draft seems a lot less likely. Games that go that long are going to go over time anyway. At first I wondered how it was black but I guess it does sort of represent "greed" in a way.
>if you control ten or more PERMANENTS
Turn 5, you have 4 lands, Oketra's Monument, Legion's Landing out, and have two creatures on board and one in hand.
You then topdeck this.
Yeah I'd say this is pretty alright in a token build. I'd give it a look, maybe 2-of.
Isn't Ascend almost like the Crown from the latest EDH set?
Do you actually play magic? Sacrifice effects are good, this card is bad for other reasons
Im not gonna lie, i like it. Black has been missing a proper 3 instant kill spell. This seems like a okay tool for brisling hydra and pummeler
I'd rather it cost 1B and make one opponent sacrifice a creature or all opponents sacrifice a creature if you have the blessing.
But then again I wouldn't accept a design job for what WotC pays.
>Wants the upgrade of a standard card to do nothing in 1v1
I don't think you need to worry about what Wizards pays
Hey, look! It's Diabolic Edict, only it sucks!
Well gee, it's not like Diabolic Edict is the best card bearing that effect in Magic or anything, and one of the very few that's instant speed. And this does stuff beyond what Diabolic does when you hit lategame.
The real problem is that it's a rare and not an uncommon.
2B is the going cost for an instant speed edict effect with a conditional upside (see Lamb to the Slaughter et al). I'd say this card is fine, but yeah it really doesn't need to be eating a rare slot.
it's just "to the slaughter" even though a lamb is featured in the art. was that card played in standard when it was legal?
Monarch in Conspiracy? No, you permanently gain the City's Blessing.
The city's blessing is pretty much what I thought it was (a spin on the monarch mechanic), though seeing the execution with this card is disappointing. From a design perepective, its a bit wasteful. One of the benefits of the monarch was being able to take a long rules text and put it on an outside game piece, and the city's blessing does not seem to have any significance beyond a marker.
Im pretty sure the city's blessing can be taken. Otherwise it doesnt make any sense flavorwise or eithin thr contrxt of the story. I think they just did that to clarify it doesnt go away. The monarch had an end step trigger and rules to clarify how it fot taken away, so it was maybe not necessary to specify there, or the "permanently" is a new rules lingo (iirc there was a card in Unstable using it as well)
>Sacrifice effects are good
Edicts are good specifically when your opponent has one creature in play which is huge and untargetable. The Ascended mode on Hunger is only really good if they have no more than two creatures in play.
Presumably there's going to be more ascend cards than one, including a likely cycle of cards that do stuff if you have the blessing, but have no way of getting it by themself
And how do you take the City's Blessing, then?
It seems to be more 'If you've hit Lategame Mode, then even if the board gets wiped your Ascend spells still get Lategame Mode bonuses'
Course nobody's going to use them for lategame stuff, if any are good it'll be token rushing and whatnot.
It's an EDH fodder mechanic. I guess they figured it fit in flavor so they'll try to put it in standard, even though they know people will bitch
I love posts like this and I hope to see more come January.
And then what happens in February or so.
Thanks? I'm confused as to what you like about it, but I can't see them thinking this a good idea for a standard mechanic unless they slowed everything the fuck down even more
>Playing EDH
Get out
They could slow down, they could speed up, and we don't know.
We've seen one card with this mechanic, nine cards from the set at all, and you're dismissing the entire mechanic as EDH fodder.
This seems to be the general opinion on most every card or mechanic when they're first revealed - that the entire thing will be bad/Only Good For EDHâ„¢ based on what few examples we've seen and the exact decks currently running about.
It will be run. It may not be run immediately, but I doubt it will be completely ignored. It might not be until the fall set comes out and rotation happens, even. But every set, people decry everything as the worst shit ever and unplayable, and it's amusing to watch. That, and people not understanding the rules.
I think would be pretty good for a UB control deck in standard, but that being said, black isn't in the best spot as a color right now, and control is a mediocre archetype in standard currently. However, it's really nice that it's only 2B as opposed to 1BB. The effect will be good against Temur, since you can more safely let cards like Bristling Hydra resolve (assuming you countered or killed previous creatures, leaving the board empty). Seems pretty mediocre against Red.
All in all a solid black removal for standard, probably isn't worth running when you can just play Vraska's Contempt, though.
Well, this card does give black a kill spell curve, if that matters.
You take it by playing another Ascend spell. I kinda thought that was obvious, considering monarch worked that way too when playing a creature thst made you the monarch. This just wouldnt have the alternate means.
It's okay. Not the best but fine.
How does 'you have the city's blessing permanently' mean 'if someone else plays ascend you lose the city's blessing' instead of 'you both get have the city's blessing'?
Nowhere does it say that you lose it. Nowhere does it suggest it. It states the complete opposite with the word PERMANENTLY. Permanently does not mean 'until someone else takes it'
Hate the art, hate nu-magic, hate the cereal box paper, hate cards that are so specific.
Hate Ixalan, Kaladesh, Amonkhet in aesthetics and theme.
So I couldt give less of a fuck
>Ascending does absolutely nothing but put certain card modes online
>It only works with cards in that set
Oh look it's energy all over again except most likely a lot weaker.
If only energy decks had a way to pump out tokens at the cost of some non-mana resource.
>Haha hey guys what if we just made a bunch of strong commanders that you don't even need to cast
It says "for the rest of the game". All this means is it doesnt go away, which it wouldn't if it can be taken. Because the city's blessing itself has no rules, they had to clarify in the rules for ascend that it stays around, as it isnt any kind of card type and it has to be explained that it lingers or you wouldn't know. It doesnt make any sense at all to have a story about factions vying for control of a golden city only to have the mechanic representing that be something both people can have at the same time, meaning you arent fighting for control over it.
This is what bugs me. Im not even sure what design space this opens up or what benefits there are. I guess well see what they do. Its a lot simpler an execution I guess which is a pro. Its shockingly parasitic considering how much even Mark feels they got buned by Energy (I actually liked energy's execution). Its okay to have parasitic stuff sometimes but its awful close to a parasitic mechanic Mark wasnt even sure hed bring back to a world that was defined flavorfully by the mechanic.
Was Oxalan and Rovals of Ixalan designed for EDH?
All the Ixalan vampire cards are perfect for the 2017 Vamp commander deck
So does this also spoil the Rivals of Ixalan story?
Are based Vamp Conquistadors confirmed for winning?
The RIX geocaching event and subsequent voting determines who wins. For real this time, not like Mirrodin Beseiged. This is probably part of an Faction Leader's Y Ascend cycle.
>playing the most fun and varied format
No, he can stay. You go and stay go. The only worthwhile formats are casual, EDH, Legacy, and Pauper.
>hate cards that are so specific
What the fuck does that even mean?
With treasure tokens plus the fact that it also counts lands, Ascend doesn't look too hard to achieve.
The one we've seen so far isn't parasitic at all, it's just 'do a thing, if you have ten or more permanents, do the thing better'.
The only thing making it an actual mechanic is that once you've cast an Ascend spell with ten, you can keep getting the enhanced mode with other versions if you drop below ten for whatever reason.
But that just means it encourages you to play more of them, not that it requires you too. And 'having permanents' is something that's been around since the beginning.
he means niche
is exeggutor-a playable?
what should it go with?
is 3 drampa-gx too many in drampa/garbodor?
Also, does anyone have format staples they could trade me for a reasonable price? I am just getting back in after a several year hiatus, the last decks I was playing was night march and tastytoad
>night march and tastytoad
what the fuck
As long as we don't get any Ascend cards that don't benefit from having the city's blessing or any cards that benefit from having the city's blessing without having Ascend, it's not a parasitic mechanic.
If all cards benefit from the mechanic also support the mechanic, it's not parasitic.
Im assuming theres going to be other cards that care about having the city's blessing, but doesn't Ascend. Thats presumptuous but the way its designed doesnt make sense otherwise. Its very nearly functionally the same as Ascend - If you control 10 or more permanents, instead do X, which is a simpler execution. I don't think that slight functional improvement is worth the additional fiddliness of tracking the city's blessing if cards that don't ascend you can care about it. Its okay to be parasitic. A lot of sets have a parasitic component. Amonkhet had the trials and cartouches. So dont misinterpet my saying "its parasitic" as a bad thing even though its commonly thrown around as shorthand for "a bad mechanic". I'm just saying it seems unusual to focus on a parasitic mechanic after getting bit by energy. Energy was also mostly self contained in the same way, purposefully so that no card that cared about energy didnt also make its own energy, to mitigate its parasitism, but it wasnt enough according to Maro's state of the game.
>that you don't even need to cast
Eh, Edgar and Ur-Dragon both have attack triggers that make them worth casting.
That you have to have another meme toilet paper ugly ass card
Before shitting on the card remember our memestandard plays Doomfall. I think card has some potential, i think i would like having it in 4c energy, not sure if it's better then soemthing the deck plays tho. You know how river's rebuke became good sideboard for the mirror because it tends to bog down? Well imagine having a half rebuke in your mainboard. I think this card is ok at least. Not sure if it will actually see play.
It all depends on what we don't know, really.
If the majority of cards that care about the city's blessing also have Ascend, then it's not a problem. It's just 'yeah, you get to keep getting the bonus if someone breaks your shit'. They're probably going to have at least a few cards that want the city's blessing without ascending, but they do that with most every mechanic anyways (cycling does it, transform does it, flashback does it, soulbond does it, etc)
If there's a large density of such cards that care about it without being able to grant it, however, then there's a problem.
But we won't know which is which until we've seen more of the set.
Also, you just know they're going to do an Ancestral riff with this shit.
Inalla is the only one you really don't want to cast. Ur Dragon is a monster, Edgar pumps your whole damn team and you pretty much need to do so to beat more than one other player, Abobo is better on the field than the zone.
Inalla really doesn't want to interact with you at all, just say no to everything until you can cast Wanderwine Prophets and win.
People are forgetting it doesn't say nonlands.
Pirates will win because they're the "poor opressed POCs" of the set.
As has been noted for years, "diversity" means blacks and muslims. Hispanics and asians need not apply.
Seems very similar to monarch. But this seems to work well in combination with treasure tokens.
Diabolic Edict was really good back in the day and this costs just one more.
I don't think the city thing is worth anything, but this is still good removal.
Edict effects being rare is disconcerting to me though.
Does it trigger Ascend when you cast the spell or when it resolves?
does it fucking say "as you cast X" in Ascend's reminder text?
It does not happen on cast.
However, you do all parts of a card in order, so if when it resolves you have ten permanents, you get the City's Blessing, then your opponent sacrifices half their shit.
>and this costs just one more.
LMAO are you completely retarded? Counterspell was pretty good and cancel only costs one more right?
No, they're not, only when there's not a cheaper alternative where you choose, which you always have.
>EDHbaby tries to team up with real formats to defend his choices
Your format is a joke(literally until the mext ban list), pauper and legacy aren't.
It also doesn't say you lose it. So it's more like an emblem.
For those of you that do not know, Rix was originally designed with the Monarch mechanic exactly as it is in Conspiracy but with a different name (probably city's blessing) but because the designer behind Conspiracy 2 screwed the pooch they let then use it there and this bastardized version is what we get because "Monarch" as a keyword doesn't fit the flavor of the world.
Why didn't they say it was an emblem?
Because WotC is mind-numbingly retarded.
I thought they've been pretty damn big on the whole "standardize everything" kick.
Can't wait to see sorcery spells with flash.
I'm pretty sure Emblems are now solidly Planeswalker related only with these psuedo emblems being for other signifiers.
Why though? Why wouldn't you also have emblems for other mechanics? Then maybe you could have cards that interact with emblems generically?
Why the fuck would you want cards that interact with emblems?
The point of emblems is for them to be a permanent effect created by a walker, they don't want anything to even reference them as they're supposed to be even more rare than walkers themselves, hence why all but 1 (maybe 2, I feel like I'm forgetting a card) emblem are on walker ults specifically.