They actually managed to make a game that looks worse than MTGO, gotta say i'm impressed
They actually managed to make a game that looks worse than MTGO, gotta say i'm impressed
Honestly my dude, if I can turn the animations off on my end and still play from a tablet, I'll be happy. It looks *fine*.
I was a little skeptical about the 10-degree tilt for tapping before but combined with how they shade tapped cards and put a big ol' symbol on them I'm actually okay with how it turned out.
It's pretty good desu. Not Hearthstone polished but I think I'd choose this over Magic Duels if they had the same card pools, and I'd choose a lobotomy over MTGO.
>lightning strike deals 3 damage to any target
what the fuck is this
Rules manager wanted to axe the "redirect damage from target player to planeswalker they control" rule, and instead explicitly allow those effects to just target creature or player or planeswalker. Since those are the only game objects which are capable of having damage marked on them, this is the new wording for that effect if it is capable of targeting damage to all three object types (creature, player, planeswalker.)
i don't like it. the game that i started playing 15 years ago and stopped playing 10 years ago has moved along. it makes me so angry!
I hope you like standard because they have said that if you want any other format, you'll have to play MTGO.
What about when sets on there rotate out of standard. Have they said anything about what that hypothetical format might be or just said your cards will disappear?
The initial plan is that all cards in standard upon launch will be included, and card sets will be added moving forward, initially focusing on sets in standard rotation. They haven't actually said anything about adding in cards from older sets one way or the other, and they do not plan on removing cards from the program once they rotate from standard.
It's not like "UI for a trading card game" is some untapped ground they have to figure out from scratch. Hearthstone, Eternal, Shadowverse, and the goddamn Yu-Gi-Oh phone game all look cleaner than this, and Hearthstone/Eternal have chunks of screen real estate full of random clicky things for when it's the other guy's turn.
I get that they want to emulate the physical cards, but the warped perspective makes it hard to see shit.
Actually, in fairness, the Yu-Gi-Oh phone game looks awful.
But what's wrong with ripping off Hearthstone's look?
Meanwhile MTGO still works fine
But sure just make some new shit which will die off in a year, instead of oh I don't know, making it so you can change the MTGO cards into any language to open that revenue stream up to other countries.
Fucking morons.
>Works fine
MTGO is a bugged up monstrosity of patched together code, and with an ugly UI. It is *passably functional* but a far damn cry from working fine.
>we want Heartstone audience
I mean, it's reasonable marketing decision.
Eventually M:tG might split into two branches - paper cards and online game that have completely different card pools. (with online version having dice rolls and stuff as common mechanic)
>Lightning bolt is too powerful for standard and/or mtg arena
Last time it was reprinted in a set was 2015 user and it wasnt a standard set. Its done, spells are too dangerous and feel-bad for the kiddies.
Still doubt it's as good as MWS or Shandalar.
i doubt it will be able to beat shandalar. especially with the mod that adds cards from magic 2015 to alpha.
Lightning Bolt does all kinds of shit to Standard when it's legal. Do you not remember the Bolt Test, that brought about Dies To Removal?
While I agree they've gone way too far on nerfing noncreatures, throwing Bolt in just because it's Bolt is not a good idea.
Honestly the look is 80% of what Hearthstone does well.
I don't understand the logic in having a format like standard when a player isn't able to just buy the singles they need to construct a deck.
To come anywhere close to building a typical constructed deck from packs alone, you'd probably have to open at least 2-3 cases, likely 4-5 if you needed certain mythics.
God help someone if they play on arena, assume everyone in 'standard' is playing with random bullshit draftchaff and shows up to an FNM.
>Meanwhile MTGO still works fine
That shit is such a bug-ridden mess. They've never been able to create a new core from the ground up, so it's just thatched-together bullshit going back over a decade. The UI is ghastly and everything about it is unintuitive as fuck. The only reason it's still gimping along is because it's the only online platform that allows you to build decks and play draft/sealed like the paper game.
Arena is just the next Duels of the Planeswalkers and whatever the fuck their other abortive attempt was.
People will get the best decks in this by buying an ungodly amount of digital boosters.
That's the thing: Who is going to buy all the boosters needed to put together a real deck?
Heartstone et all get away with it because (from my understanding, it's been a very long time since I last played it) you have a relatively small deck and the legendaries and shit are one-ofs.
Assuming WotC/Hasbro go full jew and charge something like $1.99 for one 15 card pack (get a box of 30 for only $55.99, goy!), you're looking at an easy thousand dollars for a constructed deck, depending on how hard they jew with the dust - if there is even a dusting system.
I just can't comprehend having a rotating format in a digital card game. It's what made me quit hearthstone, you can buy unlimited boosters and singles from every expansion with no restriction, and if there are broken combos they can point buff or nerf cards instantly, so why do we need a rotating format? Are people really getting stuck up about the "value" of pieces of code they have? And why is a rotating format making older cards unplayable better than nerfing those cards so you can still use them just not as effectively, always?
I mean woo my curse of naxxraamas cards retain their power, too bad they're utterly useless.
You need rotation regardless if it's digital or paper to prevent powercreep. People aren't going to buy a new set if it's not better than the old one, or at least offers new options.