The absolute madman did it, he created enough panic to double the price of Bazaar of Baghdad.
Alpha investments
They should just make cards available for direct purchase online via some sort of print-on-demand service to kill the secondary market speculators that pox the game.
I hate investors as much as you do, but that would probably be terrible in the long run. Just agressively reprint all the expensive non-Reserved cards to make Modern and Legacy more open to new players, and maybe gradually take cards away from the List
Why would be horrible?
It wouldn't, it would make the game playable.
That already exists. Just not by WotC.
The Challenger decks they announced today are close to that. They're competitive Standard decks complete with sideboard that they're going to start shipping out in April.
I didn't see them but I'm gonna assume they will be barely t3 garbage like the even decks.
And on top of that
meant to say event* decks
At a $30 MSRP, they're not going to be remotely competitive or even playable. They can talk all they want, but it's just more shitty planeswalker and intro decks under a different name.
A monored deck without any Hazorets or Chandras is still going to be $100.
GW Aggro decks, where the most expensive cards are $2, are still $100.
Unless they print the fuck out of them to give the secondary market the finger, the decks are either going to be shit or snapped up by store owners and investors to be cracked and have the juicy singles sold.
Remember Event decks? Remember when two of those gave you a decent standard deck? Remember how long that held?
Oh you sweet summer child
Full of optimism and hope
Never give up that naivety.
a month ago he released a warning to buy bazaar and library of alexandria NOW
i bought a bazaar and i am not dissapoint
The problem is the moment WOTC starts to sell singles and assign value to their product their booster packs become gambling under US law.
>it's a Rudy episode
god i fucking love this shit. what a hero.
the secondary market in this game is such a fucking joke
Kek. Thank god, I'm a here in Germany and nobody cares. Rudy's little mind games can suck my Bratwurst.
The problem is that opening shitloads of boosters to find things is where the money comes from. If they just sold things PoD, or in set products like Netrunner, the profitability of MtG would nosedive and that'd probably be the end of it.
Ha, do you honestly think this will have playsets?
They said it will have two mythics and some rares. If you look at RIX you can see that these are pretty much the only good cards in the set.
Poorfag tears are loaded with vitamins and minerals.
What about the time where he fucked an investor while his wife watched? People saying he's good for investors are stupid, he has a company and all he says and does is for his own profit.
Hole shit that made me M O I S T
He's not 'good' for anyone, that's the point of rudy. He just does his own fucking shit and graces us with videos about it. You can tell by how amused at himself he is.
Alpha as fuck.
They said the same thing about Modern. AND Clash decks for Standard.
Do you really think they're going to print anything worth a fuck in those things? I know you're new to this whole thing but the one thing about this game that supersedes anything else is that nothing is worth being optimistic about. There is not a damn thing printed in the past five years that fixed any problem; at the very best it was some lotion that soothed the burning temporarily but you're still on fucking fire. The people who are satisfied with whatever stupid marketing PR bullshit Wizards shovels down their mouth haven't been fucked in life enough to know that they're not interested in doing anything long-term and lasting for the game.
Never stop filming, you glorious bastard.
People are retarded.
How many copies need to be sold to do this? 20? 30?
I'm sorry, Rudyfags, but your idol is not really all he claims.
>They should take all jews and put them in gas chambers
This is LITERALLY what you're saying
I'm happy our guy rudy is making mtg a viable financial option.
Too bad he's spending so much on a dying game desu
He's doing what he loves, apparently, which is more than most of us can say.
it's not dying, it's just ran by retards, but if it keeps down this path, yes it will.
part 2
one of the creators just may have killed of another million players.
no, I'm not /pol/
God what a little bitch. That's one of the creators of mtg? Sorry guys but I'm selling out.
reminds me of the reddit mod specifically saying straight white male lol.
I really hope mtg doesn't go bankrupt I enjoy the game to much
Welp, looks like it's time to sell my shit to Rudy now.
woah, my bullshit detector just exploded into a cloud of colored smoke and confetti.
As a poorfag I've begun to really enjoy Rudy's videos, WotC has been fucking up so much recently it's fun to sit with him and watch him do something wild and hilarious to mess with everyone who treats this even slightly seriously from a financial perspective. I'm never gonna afford a Bazaar of Baghdad anyway unless I ask Villa Zheng, so what stake do I hold in this mess. Everyone gets angry and no one wins. Huzzah.
That video on Saturday about print run numbers was a beast of a video. I think I came five times to that video.
No man, don't do that, that's how they win. Instead play cards Wizards wants you to forget about like Invoke Prejudice and Earthbind and Elvish Ranger as well as Counterspell, Lightning Bolt, Giant Growth and Balance, Winter Orb and Smokestack. Remind them that no matter how they try and change the future, Magic was ALWAYS initially designed for assholes.
I love bondage faeries.
Whats the issue with him disliking those guys?
should Veeky Forums do a buyout of all "offensive by today's standards" or triggering mtg cards?
He's a company figure. He said they don't belong in the game publicly.
that's to ruin a business user 101.
He can not like them personally but keep it out of business practice because this is going to kill the sales even harder than they are already struggling.
Hasbro will drop them and MTG will be no more if they stop making money buy printing shit quality stock and all of the other shit that's going on right now that's effecting the game.
It's just bad business to bring feelings into it.
Jesus, he's pretty far up his own sjw ass. I'm 90% sure if every jerk, asshole, misogynist, alt-righter, and bully left MtG today, the entire game would collapse within a month.
But what about their supplemental products? You can go buy a From the Vault: Transform for a set price knowing exactly which cards you're getting.
The Masters series should be exactly that - a predetermined list of highly sought after reprints available in one package for a set price.
Well the duel decks where cancelled and re-named Challenger so.....yea.
>WOTC explodes/files for bankruptcy after releasing a product called challenger due to this shit.
calling it now.
Screencap this,
You know, they could have named them, "Challenge Decks" and no one would bat an eye. I seriously can't believe that some WotC staff member didn't say, "Hey, maybe that's not a great name."
>shit quality stock
It's kinda amazing I think, with Yu-Gi-Oh and Pokemon as competitors, are they also marred with card quality issues? I've never seen a Pokemon card miscut before yet here I was last week Charlie Bucketing it up to my Willy Wonka Unstable pack and lo and behold instead of a bar of delicious silver-bordered chocolate goodness I get this shitty miscut. The poor Target Minotaur. I feel sorry for it. It happened to me, it can happen to you, boys. Is this something only us fucking Magic playing losers worry about? Is it only WotC and Hasbro who treat their players like such vermin beneath their ivory fucking towers?
It is. Even fucking Yu-Gi-Oh gets good customer service.
What I'd like to see is an official "gold boarder" marketplace where you can buy any and all cards for your casual needs aka cube, edh and kitchentable. then the tournament spikes can be happy with their legal boarder cards and we
"casuals" can be happy about our cheap decks and having fun
No, all FTV sets go roughly at the same MSRP, it's retailers that then jack it up from there based on secondary market prices. FTVs DO have an MSRP. It's just we'll never buy them at that unless it's FTV Annihilation or Angels or some unwanted garbage.
Crashing this Company
We had those in Theros
>I'm 90% sure if every jerk, asshole, misogynist, alt-righter, and bully left MtG today, the entire game would collapse within a month.
But that's already happening and they're panicking already.
>implying almost all of his customers aren't "pepe people"
my god WOTC staff is delusional no wonder they've lost so much money the last few years.
Is Rudy even going ahead with his plan on cashing out or is he just going to continue pumping and dumping until Wizards steps in?
He runs businesses. He can shit on Wizards and get insider info while doing so. He'll be fine, I want him to keep being the Wikileaks of MTG.
>Turning away millions of potential customers
How the fuck can this madman be stopped?
No user. Then we'd be hoarding copies that aren't gonna see play. Instead just buy just enough to play with. Like one set of all the scantily clad women to form an all women EDH deck. And then when people accuse you of pandering to the male gaze you turn around and say something like "I think these are strong beautiful independent women and you're being misogynistic in attempting to slut shame and censor them. Also in my head user they identify as trans PoC so they're not pandering to male gaze." People who like your idea will then get their own sets to play with and then you have a counter movement.
>Magic isn't for manchildren
Oh come on we both know that's not true.
fun fact, he's swedish.
Probs gonna report him to wizards.
Shoop pepe onto Atog and tweet it a him user.
That language, regardless of the contents, is making me feel unwelcome in the MTG community.
>literal trainwreak
low energy desu
>policy against highering these types of people
this has to be bullshit.
>Magic was ALWAYS initially designed for assholes.
I am curious if Richard Garfield has an opinion on that
He goes fullborne Masochistic Rudy and buyout all the Force of Will sealed produces and then the company folds along with the game
Miscuts has been a thing for years. Some of them can be worth quite a bit. Nothing new here.
They USED to be pretty rare and some vintage set miscut/prints can easily triple the value of a card. now its so fucking common miscuts are worthless.
Does this guy ever actually sell anything? Or does he just hoard and pretend like he's some stock market shark?
Latter. Someone should report him to the IRS desu since he might not be reporting the value of the cards he has, so he's evading taxes :^)
but cards have no value according to wizards
They’re still very rare. The print runs are just bigger.
>implying neckbeard cardboard is next to money
>implying the IRS cares about MTG
nigger are you serious?
>rely on wide customer base to survive
>insult huge swaths of them because they disagree with your politics and are thus EVIL
Leftists, stop hurting yourselves. I know we haven't always been on the best terms in the past but I can't watch you destroy yourselves like this.
Sounds like hate speech to me.
Only very large miscuts. not the ones in OPs pic you damn casual.
do some more damn research.
Rudy is very smart, he's amassing power from his YouTube videos.
Releasing info that fucks with investors but benefits him.
Also he has a fucking patreon that gives him more money
Be nice to brown people and we might be able to meet in the middle
I know its anecdotal evidence, but my drsft group has opened quite a few packs like in the last few years and none in pre Theros sets
How to ruin a game in two Facebook posts.
This. For challenger decks to be viable we need to go back to Onslaught/Zendikar/Theros style design where you could built Tier 1.5/2 decks like Mono Black Control, Vampires and Heroic respectivelly with 30+ un/commons. But MaRo's precious NWO doesn't allow this to happen.
You know he doesn't have anything to do with WotC anymore, right? It's just him ranting
Well he publically called me a Nazi.
Phoned wizards and reported it.
See where this goes.
I'm guessing nowhere.
Buncha fuckin asshurt Jeremy supporters in here
The only people I have ever experienced trying to make other people's IRL worse are SJWs and tumblr hysterics. /pol/ and /b/'s entire contribution to IRL have been catching pedos and kitty killers, and trolling Zoe Quinn.
Tumblr, Twitter and Reddit have doxxed too many people to count and continuously harass those who don't have a job to be fired from.
It is, Sadly Wizards used to treat us great until Return to Ravnica.
Even games that Rudy shills, Force of Will seems like they shower you in gifts for supporting them I mean holy shit I love mtg to death but I've been on the edge of quitting since Almond Cat.
He's a HUGE faggot tho and people like Jeremy will make a vid. I'll kek because honestly Jesper is in a autistic bitchfit over nothing like all of them have been over the last year and a half.
What up Jasper.
Stop treating brown people like children who can't provide for themselves and maybe you'll see that everyone on the right except for a lunatic fringe basically already is.
/r Magictcg right on time kek
don't derail
>event decks 2.0
It's something I guess.
Go whine about muh stolen collection more jeremy you fucking faggot
I've won the past three Modern FNMs with Triumph of Ferocity in my BG Death's Shadow deck.
Nobody has noticed I use the evil rape card, they just see me drawing cards without losing life.
>Be Rudy
>Have a Bazaar for sale
>Make a new account
>Buy your own Bazaar for $2000
>Everyone loses their minds
Wizards basically has a monopoly on "serious" tcgs. They can do whatever the fuck they want and take their sweet time fixing their printing problems. Who's going to budge them out of number 1? That's an honest question, and the answer is no one. No one tcg can get enough of a foothold to even make a dent in MTG. The closest I've ever seen to people changing is playing Force of Will for a few months and then come crawling back to MTG.
There's almost no other game with a serious fantasy feel to it. Jap TCGs are too anime-y for the standard player.
That's what happens when 90% of your staff comes from Portland, Seattle and Hong-Couver community college gender studies majors.
WotC is a shitty company to work at, with mediocre wages and low hiring standards. Everyone worth hiring is working someone else. The only quality staff they have are the artists and they've chased away most of the best like Jason Chan and Karla Ortiz by having a neurotic non-artist as lead art-director.