$50 by March

>$50 by March
>$100 by may

Here’s the thing, tech matters but not as much as having actual real world use, and that’s what VeChain brings to the table

vechain or ICX?

I mean probably both, but I made this thread with VeChain in mind

>$100 by May
You are wrong if they are being integrated with the Peoples Bank of China. The bank is allegedly doing something with QR codes in April of 2018 which is the same time that the mainnet for VeChain is going up.

If that is the case it will literally be the number 1 crypto if you can buy it at ATMs (hint you can).

We are talking $500 in a few months if Sunny is telling us the truth.

doesnt walton do the exact same thing but better? explain why im wrong

100$ by april
500$ eoy
Crypto market being way bigger by then makes this entirely plausible

Walton has narrower applications.

This team seems to deliver more and more frequently in my opinion too. but i also could just be biased cause im deep into ven

I have a hard time believing that anything this good would ever happen to me. I'll be ecstatic if my strength node earns a moderate ROI.

If you have a strength node youre going to be just fine. Dont even worry

disco jD7tXjH

fucking shilliers looking for noobs to buy their bags. sorry retards

There are no bags here you tard, its barely away from its ATH

yes ATH buy shillers to drop their bags on noob holders and move on.

Despite my price bullshitting I really only think it's going to hit $10 in January. But I'm holding almost 80K so it's still good. Going to sell off everything over the thunder node if it hits $20 and then just hold until Mainnet.

So they can make 2 dollars? This isint some massive 20% difference between ATH and now. And they have a shit ton of news coming out in january. What the hell are you even talking about?

Bought at 35 cents fag. How are your waltonwabi bags holding up? Fucking cucks

Hah I ain’t selling this, holding till 1000x gains minimum

can someone give me an unbiased prediction for this? i feel like im either being shilled to death or fudded to death by this coin.

$5 by the end of January. Can't say beyond that.

Thats exactly how I felt but i said fuck it and bought at 60 cents. Now i need to buy more at 3 bucks which sucks.

But overall this coin seems super solid, there a lot of coins out there that seem to do about the same thing. Just Ven happens to just produce. Its just announcement after announcement and partnership after partnership. And with rumors of being partnered with I think its like peoples bank of china could send on a moon mission that has never been seen before in crypto. I feel like the risk is worth it for me even if that partnership doesn't materialize.

January is supposed to be a huge month so im going to go in deep and see what january holds and if momentum keeps up then everything is great.

Hopefully that give you a little more insight to it and not just shill or fud

Probably 4 to 10 dollars by the end January if the trend keeps up and the partnerships are as lucrative as the CEO made them seem. If the other rumors are true like Alibaba and PBOC there really is no telling. I could bullshit you with a huge price estimate like I did earlier but I really have no way of knowing.

The central bank of a country like China actually endorsing a crypto would be unprecedented. But don't hang your hat on that. All I can really guarantee is a 2X by end of January.

alright thanks
i have 4k of them from under $1 just debating now if i should sell off some shit coins to get into strength node

With how much they have hyped up january and you have the means i think why not go strength node. Im trying to accumulate to them but its a big ass chunk of my portfolio so it will take some time

whats the dividend/reward with strenght node compared to below 10k?


im 50-50 ven-icx
should i go all-in in ven?

If u don't have a node yet

Risky as shit, I wouldnt. I think VEN will see bigger gains sooner, but not worth it IMO.

are they really worth it tho? i dont understand how they work, i have 6k VEN atm

How much ICX would you have to sell to get 10k? I think. And you can read the chart as if THOR is 2 dollars then you will get 4,161 per year. If THOR is 25 dollars you will get 52,000 a year. It seems most people are thinking it will be more than 5 but less than 25, but who fucking knows those people are blindly guessing.

Basically they increase how much VP you generate. A Strength node is 38%, Thunder 57%,Mjolnir and Thrudheim 75%.

It's only worth it if you want the passive income for a long period of time.

its 0% for less than strenght node?

Lol I sold this shit before its moon mission.
Fuck of pajeet you dumb streetshitter.

Dude...I tried spoonfeeding you but please read the graphic in It is all laid out for you there.

Yeah. If you don't plan on staking for VP then don't worry about it. If it does some sort of stupid moon to 60B then it doesn't matter if you run a node or not you are still rich.

now that i have 10k ven, do i need to store them somewhere? can i leave them on binance?

Whenever youre dealing with that much money I would hold in your own wallet. And wait til they release more details on how to get the node up and running. They just made that announcement I think a day or two ago.

yea i should move my coins to my ledger but im scared to send req and ven because theres no dedicated wallet, it has to go through MEW

I'm storing my ven on binance until they release a dedicated wallet.

Theyre both erc20 tokens. Totally fine to do, and i mean if youre skeptical send like 5 and make sure it works before you go send over your whole stack.

Once the mainnet releases then youll exchange the tokens for ones that youll store in their own wallet.

But they said theyre ahead of schedule so probably fine to store on binance until then.

What I'm really looking forward to is them pinning down the main net release. I suspect it will be mid-January when the rebranding happens. Wonder if we will get another Apotheosis post before then.