>Control is too expensive to play.
>Have to play monored instead because cheaper
>Get made fun of by all of the control players when I do well against them
Wtf, is there no way to really win when playing mtg?
>Control is too expensive to play.
>Have to play monored instead because cheaper
>Get made fun of by all of the control players when I do well against them
Wtf, is there no way to really win when playing mtg?
play Pauper fag
>oh no Im too poor for this hobby
>oh no the most autistic players in the hobby sperg at my when they lose
Suck it up buttercup. Control players are fags, dont let them bully you. If the hobby is too expensive to get a good deck either try another card game or slowly upgrade to a t1 deck.
>Beat dumb faggots with much cheaper deck
>Not enjoying their bitterness when they try to make fun of you
>CCGs instead of LCGs
When will the card pricing meme die?
>Beat the shit out of people
>They try to talk shit
>Falling for it
What are you? Retarded or something? A win is a win, doesn't matter how achieved. If you beat them with cheaper deck, then they suck and you don't.
Reminder that the derision towards aggro players stems from that fact that control players are too dumb to calculate combat math.
Fucking dumb aggro players.
>slowly upgrade
yeah and then have your deck become unplayable due to bannings or new sets
competitive magic is fucking stupid jesus christ
Play skred red, 350 dollar deck (with some easy budget options) that's control
Suck their dicks, OP
With the furry OP and MAGA, I have to assume he's a flaming homosexual
>350 dollar deck
you have no right to money
>being this poor
If you can't budget out a week of savings at minimum wage you need to manage your money better
Only winning move is not to play.
>user has a bullying fetish
>makes up things that never happened to satisfy his bullying fetish
>With the furry OP and MAGA, I have to assume he's a flaming homosexual
Even furries mock that combo.
would be interesting to see though
itt jund mouthbreathers
There's being capable of getting the money together and there's being able to justify it against other expenses at a given income level. But look at the OP picture, he's probably a NEET without any disability who doesn't qualify for any form of aid.
Don't pretend that control players don't get massive amounts of shit too. I have a friend who plays U/W approach and after almost every game he wins people get so tilted and take it out on him and his "bullshit deck" that doesn't let them do anything.
The poor fucker is considering switching because he can't take it week after week after week.
It's a 2hu, not a furry.
He's still a fag for the red cap, though
OP's argument against aggro being cheaper, when this deck is cheaper than every competitive deck minus a couple like soul sisters