I got some Khorne Daemons for Christmas. What about you /40kg/?
Jace Walker
Ethan Edwards
Why do people really hate IG players?
Jace Howard
Because they're WAAC atm.
Josiah Phillips
as a guard player, I've seen a lot of really shitty attitudes from fellow guard players who consider themselves superior because they don't play marines.
Anthony Robinson
Annoying player base. The Guard players here aren't bad though. Almost all 15-20 of them have a fully painted army with about 3 of them being actually painted well. Steel Legion user, Vostroyan user and I think there's a Cadian custom camo army that's painted well.
Jonathan Ortiz
Because they're completely self-unaware and full of themselves (the online ones at least). They sincerely believe they're God's gift to 40k while shittalking every other faction's players.
Assuming I can only get my hand on 5 proper Incubi for a funvee list with this thing, what else should I put in it? 16 total capacity, 5 incubi, an archon, and a sslyth or two so far, what else?
Luke Rivera
that sudden erection what the fuck
Ayden Turner
grimdark is relatable?
Nicholas Green
This guy.
I started painting in July, so I feel like I've made improvements but I feel so frustrated sometimes, like I can tell I made mistakes on this guy and he's such a fiddly model.
Ehh, I should just sleep on it really.
Kevin Torres
Brody Bailey
whats that?
Ethan Wright
All the Guard players we know are awful, except the tranny and the old man.
Evan Butler
Nathan Mitchell
I would probably be a guardfag is catachans didn't look shit
Dylan Foster
We've got 2 at my my primary store - one is a really cool dude who I know has had the army for about 6 years now. The other literally sold off his grey riptide wing to buy guard, should be fairly obvious why he isn't well liked.
Isaac Bennett
>could have been a well liked person if he'd just applied himself >tragic figure Perty got what he deserved.
Ayden Price
>Local GW has secret santa, you buy something from your person's wishlist and then add a pot of paint for them to use on that model >My present is the biggest
Dylan Smith
I just like the lastline. no primarchs are tragic
Isaiah Sanders
>it's a 5 man cadian guard box in a bigger box
Daniel Murphy
>Glue left leg >All is fine >Glue right leg >"HAAAA!"
Christopher Hill
Magnus kind of its, but even then he brings it on himself.
Blake Powell
one wraithblade. Took thirty minutes
Austin Wilson
those SoS are a real fuck if you don't pay attention.
Brody Lee
>tfw I don't come to mind for well-painted armies
I don't blame you, steel legion user humiliates my army
Connor Davis
Been too sick to do much. Slowly making my way through my Crusaders and Deathmask Bullgryn though. Next will be a 5 man Custodes squad my girl got me. Super excited to have that 5 man squad and the 6 man Bullgryn squad and the 10 man Crusader squad all walking up the field. 3++ saves everywhere. Save me from Smite spam Greyfax and Primaris Psykers.
Jack Sanders
Anthony Young
Your pictures are too blurry, but from what I've seen you're a solid painter. I wouldn't say you stand out in that regard, but I like how your army looks. Your conversions are cute and creative and that definitely stands out.
Daniel Perez
Because we live in Imperium.
Julian Young
Take that back motherfucker ;--;
Owen Hernandez
my hands are a bit too shaky to get good pics most of the time.
Isaiah Allen
Codex when?
Grayson Brooks
I don't know but I hope the wait is worth it.
Jack Stewart
sly looks good, command squad looks good, heavy weapons look good. But the regular infantry box is trash my man. sorry
Julian Sanchez
Me too. Also I hate that terrain. Literally only ever gets in the way and takes 6 inches to get up.
Benjamin Gomez
Do you know how to shoot a gun and hit your mark every shot? It you do then you can take a picture
Liam Bailey
no. my grouping is horrific.
Easton Morris
>7 days of Nurglemas Obviously since the last announcement is on a Sunday. It'll be revealing Codex up for preorder on January 6
Brayden Sanchez
How was your Christmas, /40k/?
My family didn't even know I like 40K at the beginning of the month (which makes sense as I started this month) and I woke up this morning to find a Leman Russ Demolisher, a box of Tempestus Scions, and a $50 GW gift card under the tree.
(Side note, debating what to get with the card. I considered returning the Scions and using the cash and credit to get a Start Collecting box, but I'm not sure yet. Sharing a new project as penance for blogposting.)
Ayden Gomez
Anyone had success with the big guys?
What tactics are you using with them?
William Walker
They think they need their dicks sucked for playing normal humans It's contrarianism + HFY
Asher Edwards
protip: thin your paints, mate. You'll get a more smooth coating, and keep more details visible.
Daniel Cooper
Kurze and Angron never had a chance to be decent people. They were "born" alone into societies that at best were moral cesspools that neglected them (Kurze) or at worst actively wanted them painfully dead (Angron). Both had their heads fucked and reason stolen from them, Kurze through his visions and Angron through the nails. All the other Primarch upbringings we know about, with the exception of maybe Mortarion's, had some aspect of familial guidance or acceptance from their homeworld. I'm not saying at all that this makes Kurze or Angron likeable or heroes in any way, but they are at least mildly tragic and pitiable.
Jayden Russell
t. salty marinefag
Joshua Reed
wasn't the khan also dropped onto a savage planet of monstrous warriors?
Jaxon Wilson
nope and you are proving me right by getting defensive
Hudson Brooks
I'm learning to, but I made too many mistakes, and painting over them caused this. Back side.
Hudson Wood
>tfw I just find marines boring and enjoy the aesthetics of the guard
Jack Wilson
Because fuck everyone else. Nobody loves the emperor more than the guard. Space Marines get all the glory and we shed all the blood. It's us against the universe.
Landon Brooks
Wow you are so original for thinking the marines are just bland and boring
Jonathan Jones
The problem is the faggots that think they are God's gift to mankind for playing a- Oh, case in point
Christopher Jackson
pitiable doesn't mean they were tragic. Perhaps they were products of their environments, but that doesn't mean they were tragic. All of the primarchs were flawed, if only for letting their upbringings control their lives
Sebastian Jones
You sound extra rump roasted.
Nolan Hughes
I feel the exact oposite
Luis Bailey
I mean, I got into the Guard solely because I like tanks.
Brody Morales
once you get a bit more confident with your painting, you can drop models in Simple Green to strip them down.
As for your current problems, you can brace your wrists against your desk, and it'll help you paint straighter lines.
oh, I'm aware they're not entirely, and I do enjoy some of the fluff. But I collected a marine army and tried to play them. Didn't enjoy them.
Hudson Young
don't know, don't care. i'm just making XCOM:TFTD dudes with more equipment. I name all for shits and giggles as well.
Jonathan Collins
I play Guard because I like the Scions because of fluff, aesthetics and what they can do in the field.
Seems natural that people would root for their own kind in a sense, the Imperial Guard being regular humans not much like ourselves.
Easton Harris
>because I like the fluff, aesthetics and capabilities of Scions* >not much unlike*
Seems I need erratas for my own posts.
Aiden White
Guard are just cuter. Ogryns, Sentinels, blobs of humans going "Ahhhh!" as they pew pew into crowds Starship Troopers style is just cute out of cute.
Marines are cute too, like a bunch of grumpy turtles, but I don't care for the models outside of the infantry.
Ryan Gonzalez
He's right, and Guardfags deflecting criticism by blaming Marinefags is another annoying thing they tend to do.
Robert Butler
What`s wrong, are you nervous around Necrons? How did the Wraiths do? I've been thinking about getting some to round out my army.
Carter Cruz
>he isn't an 8 foot tall demonically possessed superhuman LMAO'ing @ your life
Kayden Hernandez
They are jealous of the Emperor's love for the guard and the bravery we show each and every battle. It's literally David and Goliath out there for us every day. We battle the impossible horrors of the grim darkness and pay for it in blood. We are just average human heroes. Space Marines are snow flakes.
Isaiah Green
That's good. You're certainly better off than most painters. I wish my first minis were as well painted.
Isaac Price
>only 8 feet tall laughing exorcist.jpg
Ian Wright
Nice try posing as a Guardfag.
Eli Kelly
I think in this case it comes from that one pic being posted in every general, probably because this is the original.
I don't even mind any faction except maybe T'au, and then really only on style and writing.
Brandon Rodriguez
Normally they shred my shit, but because their weapons couldn't really do much to my armageddon shit(I ignore -1 AP on my tanks), they spent the entire game trying to rip apart the wyvern unsuccessfully.
Landon King
are terminators worth it for bangles, im considering getting a squad or two for my super jump pack dependent army, what loadouts are best
Blake Thomas
>started in july >your models are already looking like that
user, that looks fantastic.
Juan Torres
Steel Legion guy is a pompous ass who waves his wallet around with every picture
Asher Jenkins
Hammernator all day every days.
Sebastian Diaz
Just throwing stuff into the fire and marinefags fall into it like clockwork
Hunter Morris
He's been collecting for like 12 years. And yeah he has some attitude, mostly because people hate him for posting pictures too often.
Landon Wilson
Thanks guys.
You really do learn a lot just by watching the Duncan videos. I'm always surprised at how guys at the LGS literally just plop paint on without much thought, its like the CAACfag of painting.
Josiah Morris
like, full hammers
like i wanted to do this but i was worried i was gonna get wiped
also if i get that orbital intervention force for christmas i dont know if i want to build all 15 with hammers, i'm worried that its too much smash
Bentley Peterson
as one poorfag to another stop being so salty
Connor Anderson
The price for a steel legion infantry army is not much different from a Cadian.
Christian Lopez
So i decided to get some texture paint. I got some Astrogranite Debris and its not that bad. Had to manually stir it though as it clumped too much in the pot if shaken. I dont see why Veeky Forums seems to hate these paints that much.
Jaxson Garcia
What did you guys get for Christmas? >Necromunda
Jack Stewart
It's alright, unless you have a Land Raider. Termies aren't that viable with BAs list. Consider another options.
Brayden Cook
I started September 2016
here's the first model I ever painted.
Mason Reed
Jesus Christ.
Got an update pic?
Zachary Powell
a model I painted in January
Easton Adams
Just a bit to go on my Inquisitor.. Do you think I could get away with running her as Greygax? She has the same wargear.
Tyler Anderson
>When you fail your archon for the last time
Dylan Scott
I mean fuck with the amount of shit they pile on other armies it's hard to be very sympathetic. In my experience Marinefags don't feel the need to call Xenos NPCs and shit, they know they're the favorite child and are secure in it. Guardfags on the other hand seem to have this bizarre inferiority complex they need to overcompensate for by shittalking others.