>it's a "we roll for stats" episode
It's a "we roll for stats" episode
>It's an "It's a [thing I don't like] episode" episode
When a group rolls for stats, I bring my loaded dice. I only use them for chargen, but hey, it works.
>want to play x
>"lol no, fuck you, you rolled like shit to play pull off x, learn to adapt ;^)"
an average of 12 in each stat, in exchange for more dispersion, isnt such a bad deal
just put the lower numbers in dump stats and higher numbers in required stats
I do not mind when we roll, but everybody must roll. Your one friend who you claim always does point by rolls too.
>Sorry GM but I will be 15 minutes late that day so to not bog down I will just make my character at home
>Proceed to use the standard stats but have a couple boosted to give the illusion of having rolled
>We roll for character race
>We will also be using home brew races
>roll all 18s
you brought this on yourself, DM
Doesn't happen.
>cue getting ganked by a band of Hobgoblins (or another system appropriate too-strong-for-its-recommended-level enemies)
>Rolls off the table/on a private dice roller
Did that. Made me reroll.
I don't mind rolling for stats if it's a one-shot, or we roll new characters often enough that the rolls will average out over time. If we all roll only once, there isn't any way to make the best of a bad roll, and we have to stick to that roll for a LONG ass time, then I'd be pretty pissed.
Rolled 86 (1d100)
>he doesn't do a session zero where everyone talks about what sort of game to play and everyone rolls characters together as a group
3d6 straight down.
Anything else is just a group writing workshop
Rolled 2, 3, 5 = 10 (3d6)
You can't play anything against an appropriate CR with a 12-16 in your main stat. You just get fucked by the odds. Miss miss miss miss.
>Oops. Should have rolled better at chat gen lul.
>roll 1d100
>This decides your point buy
Rolled 2, 14, 4, 17, 19, 6 = 62 (6d20)
d20 straight down choose class first, like real men.
Check my Dwarf Paladin.
Oh boy.
>as strong as a housefly
>constitution of a wet napkin
>as charismatic as a boot
>has the intelligence and wisdom to know and fully comprehend the hell that he's in
>he's a paladin so he can't even kill himself
Life has funny little ways of coming up with fresh and new versions of suffering.
No problem user, I've got a pre-made character for you since you'll be running late.
>My players have ungodly luck
>not a single player has a stat below 16 and no one has less than 2 17s
>one person has only 1 17 as their lowest
>continue on because I ain't bitch made and I know how to deal with them without being a dick
>Playing a system where ability scores matter so much that random generation actively hampers a character's ability to contribute
>Especially when the DM is the kind to go "You failed the roll, let me narrate your character acting like an utter retard for ten seconds!"
I want to go back to being a forever GM again.
There is no other guaranteed method to ensure that everyone knows what to expect, everyone is likely to have fun because they put their input into what the campaign will be like.
Also ensures that the characters are cohesive and will want to work together, and that they probably have an interesting group dynamic.
>1 17 as their lowest
>ungodly luck
The term is "cooked dice and no honor."
That's ok, I have a stat generation macro on an app for players like that. Get great results, no complaints.
>using machines
You disgust me, proper stat cuckery must be accomplished with GM dice for maximum stat fucking
Rolled 1, 2, 5, 3, 6, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 2, 3, 1, 2, 6, 5, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2 = 68 (21d6)
3d6 straight down.
I would allow it. If someone can roll up a mentally and physically challenged trogolodyte leper, they can roll up a demi-god.
uhh 16 gives you +3 while 18 is +4, that's literally a five percent difference in hitting stuff, not miss miss miss
But seriously though what you want to do is to roll 3d20 and take the middle one for each stat. It gives you good stats with still room for variation.
30 point buy, fite me nerds.
does anybody play anymore, or do you all just watch?
Rolled 11, 9, 13, 13, 7, 1 = 54 (6d20)
Rolling for a Human Ranger, here we fucking go.
>It's a 'mom says you have to let your little brother play' episode.
Rolled 2, 4, 4, 3, 4, 3, 2, 4, 2, 3, 6, 6, 5, 6, 1, 5, 4, 1 = 65 (18d6)
watch this nerds
Str: 10
Dex: 10
Con: 8
Int: 15
Wis: 12
Cha: 10
This is the most awful human being ever put to paper
If you wanted to make it more "fun", you could optionally let them use the 5e advantage/disadvantage thing, so they could pick the highest of the three for one stat in exchange for having to pick the lowest for another one.
Rolled 6, 3, 4, 3, 3, 6, 4, 5, 3, 1, 2, 4, 1, 1, 1, 6, 6, 3 = 62 (18d6)
been lucky lately
Now you are the nerd.
Rolling Dwarf Bard.
I am a retard. Let's try this again.
Rolled 18, 10, 13, 6, 6, 13 = 66 (6d20)
... Last try. Be gentle.
I think you've basically rolled a Dwarven Gaston.
Hi Chad.
Rolled 19, 9, 17, 14, 2, 13 = 74 (6d20)
Rolling stats for cute elf girl
Rolled 16, 18, 1, 9, 17, 15, 7, 20, 16, 11, 10, 6, 18, 16, 7, 17, 4, 7 = 215 (18d20)
Point Buy master race.
STR 16
DEX 15
CON 20
INT 10
WIS 16
I'm a huge fucking barbarian, I don't need to wash my fucking socks, this is the smell of the wild, bitches.
>19 str
>17 con
>2 wis
Rolling for stats is great if only to see who tries to cheat it, and who if having rolled somewhat poorly lose all interest in the game.
>it's an "all the players are cheating and the GM is oblivious" episode
Another amusing fact is that under 5e they can't even multiclass to wizard to magically solve most of their problems, since they need 13 str and 13 cha to transcend their paladin origins.
Or smart (Int 14), but extremely naïve.
>its a rolling for how many points you can use in point buy episode
Nigger we are playing whfrp. We roll for everything minus names and sometimes appearances.
I literally never met a person that doesn't like rolling stats.
dunno why
>Ignore and play X
>Get everybody killed because turns out you can't play X with shitty stats
...first time I tried to play monk in 3.5 and wanted to fill the secondary martial/stealthy guy role
Roll 18d6 per person rolled at the same time in a giant pool. Then distributed by the group to each character. Everyone ends up with about the same stat average and as a bonus, it's super satisfying to roll 90d6 at the same time.
Closest I've been was three 18s, two 16s and a 12.
GM told me to reroll. Funny thing is that when I rolled between 9 and 12 he didn't told me to reroll. I left.
>turns out he's a that guy of highest degree
The moment something doesn't go his way it throws a tantrum. He plays Clerics and expects be better than any martial (which he can be, but needs to know how to do it and refuses to learn) while being more casty than wizard and still heal himself for inifnity and beyond. Charges for heals and expects to get his share of loot. Plays LG dwarfs but guts you at night if you wrong him somehow. etc etc etc
I'm 23 he's 21. And no, my mom didn't told me to let him play, I made that mistake by myself. But I learned that he's a that guy,
the more you know.
Because actual random rolls don't grant a good character it always need tweaking on the top of forcing players to use a type they don't like, so it basically bowls down to half assed fixes to make something that the player might like.
Point buy will always be the best, point buy with a bit of randomness is a good compromise.
I've always like roll to generate because it effectively crippled the insidious minmaxers and MUH MARYSUE players who are always pushing for the most broken and overpowered characters.
The compromise I've found that works alright is to do a number of rolls equal to the stats and then let them assign the numbers as they like. That way you can be a wizard or a warrior like you want, but you can't minmax point buy as well.
But user, we're playing Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay, a game that's better than d&d where there isn't even a point buy option
>he doesn't roll for his name
I thought that was required, that's what we've been doing.
>Charges for heals and expects to get his share of loot.
Clerics cast spells by the grace of their god alone. If a cleric is charging for miracles, he would get dropped as a diving servant immediately (unless he was serving a twat god like amaunator)
>diving servant
I'm imagining it now.
>Oh Reginald! Be a lamb and fetch me another oxygen tank, would you?
>Could you prepare a steak, the sharks here are getting quite restless.
Rolled 3, 5, 20, 16, 10, 14 = 68 (6d20)
Rolling for NPC Rogue/Spy
>It’s a “Every combat fumble is friendly fire” episode
Rolled 5, 2, 4, 2, 4, 3, 6, 6, 6, 1, 2, 1, 3, 1, 4, 4, 5, 3, 1, 2, 1, 3, 1, 1 = 71 (24d6)
We'll take 4d6 blocks, drop lowest, for Str, Dex, Con, Int, Wis, Cha.
Str 11
Dex 16
Con 9
Int 11
Wis 10
Cha 5
So basically a Rogue. Low Cha and Int limit my options.
thats never happened to me. my little bro asked me to teach him MtG and he's damn good. dont let him near RG Aggro, he's a fucking monster with that shit.
holy fuck that picture i kekd
Trying again...
Rolled 5, 5, 3, 2, 2, 6, 6, 4, 2, 4, 3, 2, 2, 4, 6, 5, 5, 5, 4, 1, 3, 1, 6, 5 = 91 (24d6)
That's not how you do it.
>holy fuck that picture i kekd
Those ads were great.
Str 13
Dex 14
Con 9
Int 15
Wis 14
Cha 14
Whoa... Sorcadin? Monk/Bladesinger multiclass? Hell, Bladesinger / Paladin multiclass? Warlock something something?
I feel like this is screaming for a MC class build that's MAD as hell.
Rolled 6, 2, 1, 3, 6, 4, 3, 5, 4, 2, 5, 1, 1, 1, 5, 6, 5, 4 = 64 (18d6)
>rolling for stats
I'm sorry about what your animal companion did to your face, user. I guess he expected you to dodge?
Rolled 3, 19, 17, 15, 10, 17 = 81 (6d20)
lets see here
DEX 19
CON 17
INT 15
WIS 10
CHA 17
we sorcerers now
>Charges for heals
Holy fuck. Does the fighter charge for damage, or the rogue for picking locks? It's your job, it's expected.
Fuck, I mad.
Strangely fitting. Good job.
I ain't shoveling dung
You'll be busy dying of cholera anyway.
do you also roll for race, class, background, traits, prepared spells and how you play?
>I roll to see if I want to roll to attack
>roll a 1
>"do I roll?"
>DM nods
>rolls a 20
>looks at DM
>"that's a 1 now, isn't it?"
>DM nods
I roll for everything. It is a game isn't it?
So, what I'm getting from this thread is to say you're rolling for stats to weed out the cheaters, whiners, and shitters, then do normal character creation once they leave in a huff.
2 games and I run a third, baby. All point buy.
It's only Veeky Forums that cares about rolling vs. point buy vs. whatever. I've never had a player at GenCon, the lgs or privately that cares actually cares about whatever stat generation method the GM chooses.