>What is best in life?
What is best in life?
To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, hear the lamentations of their women
Even now the evil seed of what you have done germinates within you.
Booze, man.
When it doesn't end.
with close second
To snatch victory from the jaws of defeat.
Cute short haired girls.
go away pedo
All good answers, women and alcohol is all you need in life, any man with a lot of both is a blessed man
Fine, oppai lolis ya sperg
>oppai lolis
Never got this meme, aren’t they just shortstacks? Because loli means young looking girl so it’s pretty dumb to just call them boob lolis
that looks shady as hell
Justified anticipation of good things.
I am satisfied with this response!
Immortality, titties, and ass.
Yup, you can be my nigga.
Alcohol is for niggers, potatoes and slavs though.
Isn't shortstack a western naming convention while oppai loli is a japanese one? Granted oppai lolis are portrayed specifically as being young as to shortstacks, though being of any age range, more commonly portrayed as being of a certain age above teens (both pysically and mentally). The other seperation are bodily features, an oppai loli will still have a thin (read: young) body as to a short stack which typically as large hips (resembling one of breeding age).
To laugh and grow fat.
To grow fat from strength
Tits... Ass is good too 'spose...
You guys forget one thing.
A cat is fine too.
Committing usury.
To grab you players life, see them gather before you and hear lamentations of their gfs.
>Who took the cookies from the giant's cookie jar?
was it you
dude, lolis are the creation of the novel Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov, which itself is about a guy lusting after his 12 year old stepdaughter, the whole thing portrays him as a disgusting fuck, the japanese merely embraced it since they are into being disgusting fucks
Actually, if you read the book the morality of it is rather more grey than "muh filthy pedo". Yes, he lusts after her, but in no small part because she does everything in her power to make him lust after her. Dolores is very much an active and knowing participant in the whole thing. I'm not discounting the wrongness of what he did, far from it. But you can't really blow him off as just a pedophile, either, especially since from his own (possibly unreliable, it must be admitted) narration he was genuinely in love with her.
Shortstack usually means midget/dwarf/hobbit-like/similar, not "underaged"
When something goes exactly how you planned it