> tfw someone talks shit about the girl who friendzoned you so you white knight the fuck out of him and ban him from your game
tfw someone talks shit about the girl who friendzoned you so you white knight the fuck out of him and ban him from...
You okay OP?
You wanna talk about it?
>talk shit
>get hit
>not even really hit, metaphorically hit
>go on Veeky Forums to bitch about it anyway
Like, shit, how far have our people degraded if they don't remember talk shit get hit?
Do you think just because you are talking shit at (insert group here) that you don't get hit?
Reminds me of this woman I saw on the news.
They were making it out as a great tragedy that she got run over by a car, but the clip has her standing in front of the car, while the light is green, being like "what, you won't hit me".
Like, there are consequences to your actions. You aren't anonymous on the internet when you are out on the world. You can't ban evade a car.
It was more or less he said one thing a couple years ago and then the girl kept on complaining about it for years and decided she would "leave the community" because of it.
It was a publicity stuff from her to get more victim bucks.
Dude didn't deserve to get banned from the game though, I'm sure we can agree on that.
I don't know what game you are talking about, and I am firmly of the "if you do a thing, do not complain if the thing comes back and bites your balls off" camp.
Warning labels on objects piss me off.
call some girl a thot.
Instead of people insulting you back and that being the end of it, they ban you like the bootlickers they are.
I'm glad counterfeiting is slowly killing your hobby.
thanks 4 the yous
>Dress like a slut
>Act like a slut
>Encourage others to treat you like a slut by offering them photos and videos of you behaving sluttily for money
>Build your entire career around wearing skimpy outfits and waving your ass in front of prepubescent boys
>Claim you are a victim because a bearded permavirgin make a joke about you online
Am I missing anything? Is this it?
>Veeky Forums users getting upset they can't ban evade in real life
enjoy the you my friend
If I hunt down and claim the scalps of the evil bearded wizard and his kin as bloody trophies of my tolerance, cosplay girls will finally notice me.
Merry Christmas everyone.
>"look at my cherry picked compilation of evidence I put together myself"
>"I did nothing wrong see!!!???!!!!"
Fuck off white knight. He's not going to fuck you.
It sounds like you got into a bitchfight, but were not prepared for the consequences.
Always be prepared to dig up years old beefs. That is how social power works.
He got banned from official Magic the Gathering events and got tons of the things he paid for online taken away from him even though it was technically his property and he bought it.
There's a difference between someone flinging shit at you after you flung something at them a couple years ago and your own property being taken away because of it.
Seems like 1+1=2 to me, user.
Make enemies, enemy gains power, you lose whatever enemy is able to legally take away from you.
If you're going to pick a fight with someone, be prepared for them to be a snivvelling conniving bastard who will hold onto that grudge for years and then screw you with it, like me.
But he didn't pick a fight with the company who makes the cards. He called some camwhore a camwhore and the company that makes the cards decides she's worth their entire reputation for some reason, years after the fact.
He made an observation about a cosplayer. She couldn't handle the crushing realization that he was correct in his observation and had a mental breakdown... Apparently she gave up on MtG and sold all her slutty costumes because of it. Sounds like he was a positive influence on her life. Shame what happened to him though.
That's fair. I just find it kinda bullshit. But not much I can really do about it.
>make an enemy
>haha, the enemy will never be able to harm me
>What? The enemy has influenced someone to harm me?
>Unfair! It's not right! What a shock!
Like I said, this seems like basic cause and effect.
Years old beefs are all the time being used to fuck people over every single day in the real world. If you are not prepared for this because you think you are safe and insulated in your online bubble, then I can't really blame anyone but you.
WotC's staff are also fanning the flames to distract from the shit card art (without which we could excuse the shit cardstock issues) and shit writing and shit design.
And at least a few WotC employees are believing their own bullshit and someone is going out of their way to harass the nerd asshole at home now. It's spiraling pretty quick.
>there is no such thing as injustice.
Why be this big a faggot?
What was taken away from him and how?
>The truth hurts me
>I'll use my influence to take revenge
So what you're saying is be fearful of anything you say because you can have your possessions unjustly taken to appease groupthink retards?
Technically nothing happened to him. His channel is still as popular as ever and he makes more than enough money to cover "the hobby" for rest of his life. He could easily go to unofficial magic tournaments and other underground gatherings. All while shit talking the company. Hell, he could probably sneak into the official tournaments just by pretending to be some one else.
I feel it is strongly important we bring cause and effect back into use in our society.
People have been forgetting that, yes, they are able to be fucked by their actions.
Yes. The world is a mean fucking place. You can't hide from it. If you make enemies, you make enemies. They WILL try to fuck you. This is a constant of life.
It was online property from Magic the Gathering from their online game. It was hundreds of dollars worth of cards. It was virtual stuff, yeah. But it was still work hundreds of dollars.
Also it's still shitty how he was banned from that and all MtG official events. Tournaments and all that.
his MTGO account
Well within the rights of the business to do each of these things. Business rights are kind of crazy right now, but that's how the world works.
Be a proper data ghost and isolate all bants to entirely anonymous channels. Be polite if it can be linked to your real world or financially-invested personas.
And for god's sake, if you are talking in real life, don't fuck up.
>I feel it is strongly important we bring cause and effect back into use in our society.
You sound like a moron. Cause and effect is not a moral framework.
>RPing a bard
>writing poems for love interest
>she barely notice
>laughing with a chad knight instead
No, it is not a moral framework.
It is however something more people need to be exposed to.
Sheltering them from it just makes dumb problems.
This is a clear case of someone being exposed to it. This has caused this person to fight back, an effect if you will.
See how dumb you sound when you actually think about the words you use and the philosophy you mangle to try and sound stoic?
We do have cause and effect. We also have weighted measure and punishment.
Acting like a slut and being called a slut is the "cause and effect" you so vehemently tote. The reprisal was extreme in this situation.
The response was extreme when it shouldn't have been. A normal reaction would have been to tell the cosplayer to stop being such a pussy, and understand she's paid to flaunt her sexuality for a card game. Then shut up and get back to work.
Well shit, guess we should be cowards forever then and be silent about everything and never make any actual comments or try to piss anyone off.
There's a difference between being careful and being a little bitchy coward. At least the guy had the balls to call out a dumb thot.
I'd rather keep my own self respect than be a little bitchy coward about what I think. Fuck it. I'm gonna die in about 70-80 years anyway at the most. Might as well.
His face weirds me out. Its like someone took the most obnoxious parts of 3 different obnoxious people. He has the big neckbeard, the hair of a some frat bro, and the glasses of a barista. Looks so strange.
I'm seeing more whining than fighting back.
Yes. It is cause and effect for her to be called a slut. It was proper for her to be called a slut. This is how people act.
Yes, it is cause and effect for the slut to get angry and try to get disproportionate revenge on you. It was proper for her to try to do this. This is how people act.
Honestly, I don't see why it's relevant.
aren't you too much precautious?
life is fun
Yes, you should probably try to consider the ramifications your words have on yourself before you say them.
Revenge is best served cold and the wheel of justice grinds slow, so regardless of if you are right or wrong, you'll be fucked over in the end anyway.
Has he reinvented himself as a boring frogposter yet?
What the fuck is your point? Why are you even posting?
Yes, it's obvious that actions bring consequences but it doesn't mean we should just bow your head and accept it.
don't cut yourself user.
What's the point of this thread?
Some guy is whining about how bad things happened to him because of his actions, which has caused the effect of me coming in here and telling him he's a retard who shouldn't have worn that skimpy dress in the ghetto.
>I'm seeing more whining than fighting back.
I'm seeing the same moron who thinks "cause and effect" aren't constants in everyday life and is still insisting the basis of a social framework for morality is a priori, positivist cause and effect.
Because you're a fucking idiot. And whining is the cause and effect of the situation you are even now defending.
Well, this is what he's doing for Christmas. Trying to get a personal army on Veeky Forums.
Guy got into trouble for his shit before, got warned, promised not to do it again, did it again, and got banned.
I have zero sympathy, he's just an IRL version of the chodes who get banned in online games.
>muh virtual cards!
You buy virtual stuff, you can't expect it to last. Especially when it's held on servers you can get banned form.
What's more, they warned him a week beforehand that they were going to take action, he could have sold his stuff or something, but I guess he figured he'd get a slap on the wrist again.
>try to get disproportionate revenge on you.
Yes try. Should not have succeeded though. Hence weighted measure.
I really hope you're building to something more substantial than: "if you do stuff, stuff happens bro"
>My principles dictate I should be able to wear slutwear anywhere and not get raped!
>my principles dictate I should be as much of an asshole as I want to be and not get raped!
Nah, the end result of this is "That seems like exactly what one would expect to happen. Why would you expect anything other than that to happen?"
Who is this faggot and why should I care?
>Oh no, don't call me bad names on the internet because of the things I did! That makes me upset!
He did that over a year ago.
Ah, I see. So this is another goobergate kind of thing? Boring asshole talks shit, gets hit (albeit a bit harder than necessary but thankful for a victim narrative) and then makes a bigger name for himself by riding the aforementioned victim narrative?
And outraged people do the heavy lifting for him? And then Breitbart turns these people with shitty attitudes towards all women onto far-right politics.
It's a fucking card game issue with a random slut
Never underestimate the power of a slut, user.
Sluts have been causing wars and soothing wild men since the first stories written.
>albeit a bit harder than necessary but thankful for a victim narrative
If you acknowledge he is a victim, then is the victim narrative actually a narrative?
Are you the dudebro spouting the "cause and effect" nonsense?
>Being an asshole=getting raped
I don't care if people treat me like I'm an asshat because of my opinions or because I insult them. It's different if they try to unlawfully take my property or get me fired from my job because of it.
If you're trying to defend this kind of this just because "it's how the world is" then why don't you do what you always do and keep your opinion to yourself
Naw. I can just see easily people make names for themselves by doing this shit.
Who's is more retard, he for complaining for a perceived injustice, or you for spending your time telling people to act like cowards and never complain?
>Why would you expect anything other than that to happen?"
Because it's an extreme response to an observation made on a public forum towards a person who places their appearance on a public forum. I wouldn't expect it to happen, which is why it's surprising.
>It's different if they try to unlawfully take my property or get me fired from my job because of it.
But the actions they have taken are entirely lawful and condoned by both their contracts and freedom of speech.
Freedom of speech goes both ways, and people can use it to fuck you.
Be smart about shittalking, dumbass.
People have been making extreme responses to things said in public forums since ancient rome, if not earlier.
This is -exactly- the shit people do when left to their own devices.
Yes. He literally has transformed overnight into the victim complex virtue signaling patreon hustling faggot that he previously railed against because he got banned from MTGO and beleives that he somehow has a legal right to any of his digital cardboard despite this not ever having been the case since digital gaming has existed, let alone MTGO. His "followers" are trying to spin the narrative that it's only because of some slut named Pamela Sprinkles, but in reality the mother fucker had been warned about being a massive troll and shitstain multiple times and took it too far. It's honestly like watching a spoiled bratt get their ass beat in public, the ridiculous "personal army" posturing he's trying to do just makes it funnier.
so, he's done this multiple times, with warnings, and somehow it's a shocker when it comes back to bite him?
I'm confused, why is this even a thing?
That’s bullshit, they should have just banned him from all events and tournaments for a year like asscrack man.
I wonder if you see the hypocrisy of these kinds of moral crusades against scantily clad ladies.
If a lady is scantily clad she has no right to complain if someone is literally sexually harassing her. That or she's lying for attention.
Yet if dudebro is telling women on social media that "he wouldn't even rape" them or some other stupid shit, then the community has to grin and bear his presence and not take any steps to distance themselves from this toxic individual.
Because it just happened to be that the last straw was a woman, so obviously his multiple problems with other content creators don't matter and the entire decision was based on this one woman. But don't worry, all of the butthurt /pol/ fags totally aren't doing it just because a woman was involved, honest.
>Freedom of speech means you can unlawfully censor other people's opinions. Thus negating the point of freedom of speech entirely.
How fucking autistic are you?
Maybe he should shut his fucking mouth about stupid shit like cosplayers and focus on the game then. If he had kept his dumb shit to himself he wouldn't be in this mess in the first fucking place, there was no imperative or greater purpose served by him complaining about cosplayers and cosplayer fans.
Magic the Gathering banned him from official tournaments and stole some of his property for calling one of their cosplaying cunts a whore. This hardly affects him channel or income, but he's acting like it's a big deal because he wants to get revenge.
It seems like a complete nonissue that is bog standard in modern corporate america.
Like, this happens all the time.
Steam autobans you if you violate VAC.
user, just because the government lets you say what you want doesn't mean that the people around you are obliged to listen, let you into their house, play their game, or do anything with you.
The point of freedom of speech is you won't get shot and then gangraped for talking. That's literally it.
>People have been making extreme responses to things said in public forums since ancient rome
And most of those were ignored, as is the rational response. I was wrong. You aren't toting "cause and effect", you're branding fear and overzealous behavior a deserved "effect", which they aren't.
Is the world you live in dominated by people with the emotional maturity of an eight year old? I'm curious where your worldview comes from.
>Any of this
So are you just retarded, illiterate, or not from the US?
Factually incorrect, the company had the legal right to remove his goods at any time.
I have to assume you are arguing in bad faith, as you are intentionally lying.
>People have been making extreme responses to things said in public forums since ancient rome, if not earlier.
But it's not about some relevant or even respectable person, it's about a slut. That's why it's surprising, it's uncommon for humans to care about the bottom of society
user, the world is run by eight year olds with money.
The most powerful people in the world require teams of child care professionals to keep them from choking on pretzels and staring into the sun.
Every object no matter how mundane has to have warning signs on them to keep them from trying to kill themselves with it to get money.
All evidence points towards all people being about eight years old.
>But it's okay, I don't like the other party involved so obviously my vested interest is correct!
Just keep moving the goalposts bud, nobody is watchinf.
Oh look another beard faggot thread.
Glad he got banned. Him, arch, and the "skeptic" community are the other cancerous side of the SJW coin.
>uncommon for humans to care about sluts
Get the fuck out of here lizardman, sluts have been the cause of enormous bullshit since sluts were invented.
The entire point of it is that it can't be unlawfully censored because of it. People can just distance themselves from you or try to do nothing with you.
BUT it crosses that line when they actively attack your livelihood and try to get you fired.
Actually trying to get you fired is lawful, and distancing themselves from you is by default attacking your livelihood if your livelihood is related to them, which is also lawful.
The company was entirely within its rights to deny service to someone for pretty much any reason they wanted, as they are a private business, and not the government.
If he decided to make his livelihood based around a company that could deny him service at literally any time, he has nobody to blame but himself if that occurs.
Pretty much and if you talk about it here a few weeks ago, Veeky Forums will tell you to go back to /pol/
No one would ever support a slut though
Are you fucking kidding the illiad happened because people supported sluts.
There were entire RELIGIOUS SECTS based around ishtar's holy sluts.
>Warning labels on objects piss me off.
I actually sold my M&P because of the big white letters on the side saying WARNING: CAPABLE OF FIRING WITH MAGAZINE REMOVED
The Iliad happened because the gods thought playing with people's lives was funny. Do you think Helen actually had a choice? Do you honestly think Aphrodite was above mind-rape?
She was not.
And what object did they use to toy with humanity?
This is manufactured controversy that Jeremy wants to use to transform himself into the Sargon of Akkad of tabletop gaming. He's been putting out bait for close to a year now and it's finally been taken, so he's going to make himself like as much of a victim as possible. If anything, he's financially benefiting from his banning and will earn back any money lost from his banning over the course of a month or two.
He's a smart guy, he knows what he's doing. In fact, I'm sure he's posted in a lot of these threads, if not made some of them himself. After all, it's not like he's got anything to lose from making more people aware of his plight. He stands to financially benefit from this, so it makes sense to.
None of this is true.
I'll assume you're not being some faux-nihilistic 14 year old, and genuinely mean the things you say. So I'll ask again. What personal experience and/or elements of your life drove you to the grand conclusions you're making about reality?
user, literally all of the things posted are things that are happening in real life currently.
As you cannot help but lie, I can only assume you are arguing in bad faith.
If you're talking about the cosplayer then she shouldn't of brought up the shit that happened years ago if she didn't want it to really affect her livelihood. It didn't effect her in anyway really.
Also you're saying that if a private business sells you.....lets say a car. They are completely legally allowed to take that car away from you from every reason, even though you paid for it in full?
If the private business RENTS you a car, they are allowed to take it back whenever they want.
Which is where digital distribution services are at legally right now.
You have to be some kind of idiot to think you actually own your steam library. You have it under the good graces of steam until such time as steam tells you to fuck off, as per steam's user agreement.
Freedom of speech is only guaranteed by the government. For example, were I the owner of a local game store and someone began shouting racial slurs in my shop, I would be well within my rights as a shop owner to remove this person even though it is "censoring" his freedom of speech to say those slurs because it harms my business. Now if that guy were yelling the same shit on public government-owned property than he is free to do so so long as it doesn't incite violence or what not (although in this case it's a little tricky to yell racial slurs and not start a fight).
Really it's just bizarre that you think this is something that the ACLU would get involved with and not Wizards just dumping a guy because he's a huge asshole and makes them look bad with people who are normal and likeable.
>ishtar's holy sluts
Pretty based honestly. Solved a bunch of problems. Inanna and her sister Erishkegal tie back to the house of life and the ogdoad by other names.
The tradition of holy sluttery really helped the place out.
I mean, that's how enkidu became a human.
>call someone out on scummy behavior
>that person uses influence to fuck you over
>this is just and reasonable
Sure, this is a real thing that happens, but being totally cool with it is retarded. You seem like the kind of guy to DM a game and have that guy I stole a 2 silver from a month ago kill me in my sleep.
Now post Sprankle's Patreon revenue graph after the controversy.
It's always been really funny to me that right-wingers complain about welfare but literally all of the right-wingers on YouTube exist off the teat of patrons who gift them money for basically throwing up 3 hour long unedited videos where they ramble about how Doctor Who is the new Bolshevism or some shit.