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>How to Jumpchain
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Exar Kun, Aleema and Setal Keto, Ulic-Qel Droma... All were real Sith lords - The first three having been trained by Freedon Nadd and the latter by Exar Kun.
They used to call me Alcatraz. Remember me.
Also hi I'm finally on break so hopefully I'll be able to get Crysis out to you guys in the next month or so.
With the Counter-Strike Buy Menu perk, how much would something like Mjolnir cost? What about something like Ea from Fate?
Merry Christmas you filthy animals.
It doesn't really matter, since you can only buy copies of things which you already posses or have possessed in the past, and by the time you're strong enough to have Ea you don't need to buy copies of it.
>Christmas is almost over
>after New Years I'll have to go back to work
Hello darkness my old friend...
Gives a whole new meaning to a 'white' Christmas.
Pyrrha,aren't you supposed to be dead?
What should my Reality Marble do?
I always did love candi
Awesome, looking forward to it.
Something personal. I don't know you user, how do you expect anyone to tell you what your RM does if you don't say anything about yourself?
It should take the form of a world where any waifus you see are recorded, which can then be endlessly recreated.
Less memey answer: copy Lair of the Beast King. It's nice.
The perk says you have to 'come in contact' with it, not own it.
Ah, forgot to ask as your spoiler reminded me but, will there be anything like what happened at the end of Crysis 3? Possibly an Origin to be a actual Crysis Suit?
Not after I saved her, no. She ended up doing the same thing, only she went by "Amazon".
Doesn't matter nigga, you gotta one to buy one.
>come in contact
>Jumper gets stabbed with a one of a kind legendary weapon
>Promptly opens up their menu and buys two
Hahah! Builds for it!
It really is! Glad you had fun. Really cool work too dude.
The Animated Black Cleric's stuff?
I was surprised how artistic sounding it got int places too.
Unlimited Marble Works. You can "shoot" an infinite number of marbles, but only along the ground in accordance with the rules.
Tell me about a, non-Santa jump, time you saved Christmas.
Is that teaching feeling girl?
What are some jumps you wish we had but will probably never get?
I have no idea!
My Reality Marble is an arcane "manufacturing facility" which operates like a magical version of a fully equipped factory, allowing me to hugely accelerate the rate at which I can apply my Item Construction skill. The speed at which I can create something is equivalent to someone with access to a factory's advanced mechanical equipment compared to someone who has to perform every single task by hand with standard tools. With sufficient magical power I could pump out enough Mystic Codes to equip a small army in a single day. Realistically my manufacturing speed is limited only by the amount of material resources and magical power I have access to.
Abberant and Chronicles of the Cursed Sword.
Reminder that Santa is a omniversal, Jumpchan level entity who exists in all settings simultaneously and can no-sell any perk-based attempts to cheat your way on to the nice list.
I'll post this again for the new thread, this time without the spoiler since I feel those sometimes get glossed over. Especially if they get dropped with a bunch of other Jumps on Christmas Day.
Huh. Cool.
I too was a matched set with Pyrrha. Though, in my case we weren’t partners in either sense of the word. That didn’t stop the shippers though, who quickly started calling us “The Queen of Duels and the King of War.” I blame North Carolina for that one. Filthy little fast battleship.
Anyway, the nickname stuck, so I was King for the next half a dozen jumps, then hit Strike Witches and too on the moniker Gawk and the world kept turning.
Jumping world of darkness, vampire one I forget the name. I came upon a cabal of really fucked up mages, the kind that like to summon abominations from outside reality. Abyssal monsters.
Had to team up with a nosferatu and a gangrel in order to hold them down while I cast my own spell to lock the area down from portals then rain fire down on them.
Vampires got out of the way in time and I gave them a refridgerator of endless blood.
Later next year had to hunt down a ventrue who was dressed as santa to get children. Asshole was going in and killing the parents saving the kids for last because he liked the way they tasted best when they went from happiness of seeing santa down to terror. Said it made the blood sweeter.
Milled that guy and his entire group of friends. Not a typo. I pushed them through a sawmill. Then burned them. Only way to be sure.
Conquest of Elysium
Destroy all Humans.
Shantae Half Genie Hero because while it is a popular game no one seems to want to do it. It also has waifus which makes it especially weird
(I have never played it only watched playthroughs)
Is this real or a joke jump.
How good of a weapon is a silver key?
My jumper has gradually lost touch with the normal logic of humans as they've gotten older and experienced numerous worlds, but at their core, has retained a detachment from his own existence or reality in general from when he was an ordinary human.
He tends to come up with odd opinions or philosophies which he identifies as 'not his own', and to believe things for no reason than because they arose from his thoughts without acting in accordance with them.
Beneath my jumper's strange exterior, he maintains an utterly ruthless pragmatism and a generally contrarian personality, and gets weirdly passionate about minor things he thinks matters while ignoring important things that bother him.
His Reality Marble would be named Illustrious World Disillusionment. What should it do?
Short answers are "You don't have enough" and "You don't have enough". Long answers involve calculations involving multiple centuries to millennia of US gross domestic product (aka "how much would it cost to build the tools to build the factories to build the tools to... build Mjolnir / Ea". You might want to try a different currency, perhaps one from a world where Mjolnirs and Eas are fifty two galactic kumquats at the corner 8½11.
Anything designed to be a weapon or which has been used enough as a weapon that it's treated as one. Yes, it's been used to clobber enough villains that it should count.
How does that work when there are settings in which he explicitly does not exist?
It is THE jump.
Come 2018, we will delete the entire drive and replace it with 500 copies of this jump.
It is absolutely a Joke Jump.
He's actually does exist in those settings, he's just very good at hiding.
There are settings that don't even have Christmas, or an analogue to it! How do you explain that?
Ir’s a note in the extremely fine print.
It’s called the Santa clause: there’s always a Santa.
Everlasting Summer - Because how the fuck would you do it?
Rift - It would have to be a huge Jump by a major fan.
The War of Mine Gauntlet - Short, depressing, being forced to make morally questionable choices to survive? Great fodder for writing.
Secret World - A Lovecraft MMO that would make for an amazing Jump, but again, would have to be a huge Jump by a major fan.
Stardew Valley - We need more comfy farming.
There's a ton more. Dungeon of the Endless, the Shadowrun PC Games, Pyre and many others.
Ultra Monster Anthropomorphic Project.
It's been an awesome Christmas!
Merry Christmas /jc/! Even if we have our ugly moments you're all awesome and I love all of you!
Oh god somebody please put me out of my misery I ate way too much.
Worth it
I want Pyre!!!! And The Arcana Jump.
Total symbiosis is supposed to be something that only occurs when the nanites in the suit are unlocked. I'm not too sure how to handle it, though. Current thought is just a 200cp surcharge over the N2's regular capabilities.
But on the flipside I'm debating sort of breaking things into sections so people can fuse a bunch of suits of armor and weird materials into their nanosuit. Because fun.
>Metro 2033 my end jump
>after ~1000 years watching every doomsday scenario play out and multiple civilizations rise and fall
>a faint feeling of joy ive felt only thrice before
>Feymood.exe initalized
> this faint feeling is gouged from my body with my sword and quickly steam cleaned, purified via sunlight and mixed with some radioactive fallout to give it a “glow”
> after diluting the joy with three parts water I load it on a rocket hastily built to dispense it in the upper atmosphere
> wherever the rain dropped there was joy, wherever the snow touched laughter was found, upon fogbanks and lakes serenity took root
> and with a cease of gunfire for but two days and the distribution of wonderous toys and gifts...
> The Little mister looked upon his cult and for once smiled
Neat, I'm home just in time to make a build. I'll be predictable, as usual. Still, it'll take a minute to do this with companion imports.
Next you'll be telling me there's always a lich.
I thought the romance of three kingdoms jump got kicked out for the maker being a douche? Its in uploads.
Yeah he keeps uploading it without saying anything to the thread because he's too much of a pussy to defend himself.
Shantae, .hack, Larklight, Magical Girl Apocalypse, anymore Studio Ghibli jumps...
Fuck, that last one made me sad.
>whole family gets together
>aunt cooks enough chili to feed us like three times over
>eat a bunch of it, laze around and sleep
>watch Christmas movies with my family
>open presents, got some good stuff
>everybody likes what I got them
Merry Christmas! And the rest of this thread too! It's been a really good one.
It wasn't put in uploads back when it was posted, but once something is posted in the thread the maker can get it in the drive no matter how much the thread hates it. Shame, because I really like RotTK.
Nobody's claimed Dynasty Warriors though, right? We could still get a good version of it.
Cool, it sounds good so far then.
Was hoping for a Suit Origin kinda like how Prophet rides around in the suit for most of the series and helps the MC.
I always like the weird options for some reason, even if you don't put it in I understand as it is probably too far out there.
>Magical Girl Apocalypse
The cop guy was great. From what I can remember, at least.
Raymond Feist's Riftwar Cycle (either as a trilogy or decalogy of jumps).
>but once something is posted in the thread the maker can get it in the drive no matter how much the thread hates it.
Nice try, Timmy.
Wait a second, is that the glasses chick from Highschool of the Dead in a Nazi-esque outfit?
Is there a version with the MILF nurse?
What are some jumps in need of Justice?
...well, I could...
I mean it's not like Crysis is a stranger to hard sci-fi horror...
...Yeah. Fuck it, I'll throw it in.
>MILF nurse
Not in this computer, sorry.
My Father In Law is Lu Bu
The Greatest Fusion Fantasy Id
I Shall Seal The Heavens
History’s Strongest Senior Brother
Praise The Orc
Wu Dong Qian Kun
Knights and Magic
Radiant Historia
Fairly certain one of these may get a jump. but pretty sure everything else won't get one.
Generic Isekai. There are so many shitty Isekai series featuring edgy armchair philosophers in desperate need of some JUSTICE.
Bladerunner 2049
Shame. Oh well, still saving the one you posted before, so thanks Ricrod.
YES! No idea how you are going to go about it, but all the same I am looking forward to it. Good luck.
Star Citizen
Wait. Fuck. Now I’m sad
Yuki Yuna is a Hero
>tfw no Astro Boy and can't trust myself to make it
godspeed, user.
Hahah, have fun dude.
Merry Christmas user!
1 - New Dark Tamers & Georama Hunters My Cuphead Don’t Strike, NOT! - 1000 CP
Forbidden Husk [7]
11 Years Old [Rolled 1, 2]
Animated Black Cleric [Free]
Based Magic [200]
Bayonetta Stand [200]
Dark Will [Free]
Digimon Soul [300]
Festering Growth [100]
Soul Drugs [Free]
Companion Gun - Jacobson [100]
Big Fluff - Hellsdestroyer [100]
So like. Does taking Bayonetta Stand as an Animated Black Cleric turn my digimon partner into a Bayonetta or what? Do I just have 1000 Bayonettas being sassy inside my head? I can't possibly foil Dio's plans without knowing this.
Starting an actual Chain with any of these predictive text jumps would be a goddamn trip, I'll tell ya hwat.
New Dark Tamers & Georama Hunters My Cuphead Don’t Strike, NOT!
Location: 8. His Mouldering Bones
Origin: Book of Homo Sex, Age: 14
Perks: Bayonetta Stand, Opposition of Motherfuckers, Sin Flex, White Sex Bomb, Succubus Sex Storm
Items: Rib Whip, You Can Do It!
Companions: Group Import
Drawbacks: Dreaming Flowers, Time Vigilante!
Frenchie - Frog Prince
Chester - Frog Prince
Delilah - Merchant of Laser Death
Ben - Funny Demon Kin
Lady - Frog Prince
Cammie - Merchant of Laser Death
Vincent - Book of Homo Sex
Hyokomon - Merchant of Laser Death
The builds all ended up being their discounted perks plus the freebie items. I think maybe the perks are too interconnected to be of use to other origins, barring Bayonetta Stand
This jump was a pretty odd one. The drawbacks combined so that every time I successfully vigilanted time using the succubus (male) magic the present I returned to made less sense, not more. My time in the other Digital Worlds was helpful here, as they made about as much sense as the first time around. After that I just tracked the drifts I caused every time I went back. In the end, no matter what I did the gloom flowers dreams would not cheer up. Maybe they were rooting for the criminals, but being a Time Vigilante! from the drawback stopped me from questioning things. I was just a ball of vigilante and fuck.
A lesson in futility when a world refuses to change.
Oh you went just full on fuckin minion build. Well I can definitely dig that. Since it's a Joke Jump, whatever interpretation is most fun is my answer to basically any clarification question. So yes, 1000 Bayonettas, though your core one is best one.
There's two really simple possibilities.
The first is that Santa seems like they don't exist because nobody is on the nice list. So they stopped visiting those worlds
The second is that Santa seems like they don't exist in that setting, because the people of that setting call them something else.
Although as the Santa jump proves Santa doesn't need to exist in a setting to access them.
Now I cannot help but wonder what would happen if Santa ended up in 40K.
>1000 Bayonettas
Agh, I can see it a bit when you say that. This summary of your time was magical though.
Hey NikaMoth, does the Power of Shazam only work for elemental powers like the given examples?
Oh shit. There's no way I can stop Dio's plans. I've completed them! My soul already is [Heaven].
>implying Santa isn't a real physical force in 40k in 12 different flavours
I think the examples are things that occur when you transform, not the powers themselves.
This is what happens when you eat the candy of awakening, SMT, you fuckin fool.
Santa is clearly a Tzeentch plot.
Christmas Crusade when?
>The twist was that I was SMT's [Stand] the entire time
Wait, I'm confused. What's my special power? A bad luck field that bypasses perks?
Tell me about your lightsaber.
I did get a whip made of ribs. Now I just need Genesis user to finish their titular jump and all will be well.
Kinda wish I had the spare CP to pick up the Incubus chick, too. Ah well, maybe another chain.
They only occur when you transform. Like Billy shouting "SHAZAM" to summon a lightning bolt, for example, but he still was able to access The Wisdom Of Solomon and his other powers.
Speaking of Kingdom Come, final update. Companion Imports are lowered to 50 CP. That's all that's changed from the last update.
My what?
Obviously it's an automatic effect that causes everyone to accuse you and/or your user of destroying the Moon. Even if the Moon is clearly not destroyed.
How completely absurd is it for Shazam's apprentice to be a Kryptonian?
Best jumps for making cash? Whether it's killing enemies, trading artifacts, gifting souls...
What jumps allow me to generate endless amounts of DOSH?
Why did you make the Green Lantern option what it is instead of making it just work like Jade? Or for that matter, why not just hike up the price and have it make you like Alan himself?